Song Fengwan's heart was like a deer bumping into each other.

"You talked back to me just now, why didn't you talk?"

Four eyes facing each other.

"If you are my own, I naturally won't hold you accountable. You can kick as many times as you want." He lowered his head and coaxed her.

She tilted her head and shrank, Fu Chen smiled lowly, "What are you hiding?"

He is usually mild and abstinent. Mr. Fu said that he has never been in love at such an old age, but sometimes...

But so domineering.


Fu Chen laughed, while flirting tenderly, this little girl was actually in a daze?

"What are you thinking?" Fu Chen whispered softly.

"It's alright." Song Fengwan hurriedly stepped back, escaping from Fu Chen's breath, panting as if she had escaped from death.

"How many times are you kicking me?" Fu Chen looked at her, the little girl bit her lip and began to pretend to be pitiful for him again.

"How about... let's keep an account?"

"How to keep accounts? I'll kick you a few more times to get it back?"

Song Feng was speechless in the evening.

"If you don't give me one condition, it's the same as last time."

The last time it was because of Cheng Tianyi's request, she agreed to Fu Chen's request, but he hasn't mentioned it yet.

"Okay, as long as I can do it." She expected that a character like Fu Chen would not cheat on her as a little girl.

"Is this in your arms for me?" Fu Chen pointed to the paper bag she was holding.

"Well, this is what I was going to give you last time, I forgot." Song Fengwan handed him the paper bag.

Fu Chen took it, took out the box inside, and opened it.

The Buddha beads are dark red lobular rosewood with a few azurite turquoise stones embedded in the middle.

"I just helped you to tell a lie, and it counts as helping you. How can you repay me?"

Song Fengwan stared at him blankly.

"When I went to the snow field before, you broke my bead, and you still owe me a bead." Fu Chen held the bead and took a step closer to her.

Song Fengwan hurried to the door, waiting for the opportunity to grab the door and scolded him for shame.

You also took my first kiss, the account is even more unclear.

"Strictly speaking, you owe me a lot, how can you pay me back?" Fu Chen knew that she wanted to go, so he moved faster and pressed closer.

Song Fengwan was dumbfounded, "I'll pay you back this bead."

"This was bought by your cousin. It should have been given to me a long time ago. You deducted it privately. I didn't ask you to settle the account. Are you still going to use it to pay off the debt?"

When he said this, Fu Chen had already approached her to the door.

Song Fengwan leaned back against the door, and went back to touch the door handle with her fingers. Just when she heard the sound of the door lock being twisted, Fu Chen had already reached out to hold the door down, propped it against her head, and drew a circle for her.

Between square inches, the land of size.

"You want to run without paying the debt? Aren't you afraid that I will tell your cousin?"

Song Fengwan gritted his teeth in anger.

According to what he said, he owes him so many things, and he has to repay everything. She is a student. Doesn't this force her to cede the land and pay off the debt with her body?

"Third Master, a person like you won't make small reports in private. Those are all villainy behaviors, only three-year-old children do this." Song Fengwan smiled at him, and there was a dark light in his eyes.

Fu Chen pursed his lips, the little girl dug a hole for him?

Just when Fu Chen wanted to speak, there was a knock on the door.

"Third Master, are you asleep?"

Qiao Xiyan's voice, he has been holding the carving knife all the year round, his fingers are strong, and the knock on the door is also clanging.

Song Fengwan was short of breath, her face turned pale with fright, the knock on the door seemed to be hitting her heart, and her heart was beating loudly. She held her breath and subconsciously grabbed Fu Chen's clothes.

"Third Master?"

Qiao Xiyan's voice was already low, and it was even more depressed and dull across the door. Song Fengwan kept shaking her head at Fu Chen.

"Is something wrong?" Fu Chen replied.

"Can you go in and talk?"

Song Fengwan was in a hurry, pulling on Fu Chen's clothes with his fingers, wringing out a layer of folds.

Song Fengwan kept shaking her head at him. From what she knew about Qiao Xiyan, seeing them alone in the same room, she would think crookedly, and once the matter of the Buddha beads was exposed, she would be finished.

"I just took a shower and I haven't dressed yet. If you have something to say, you can say it directly." Fu Chen couldn't see her panicking, and his fingers gently stroked her hair.

He lowered his head and said softly, "Don't be afraid."

"Tomorrow I have something to do. I'm going north. I want to borrow a car from you."

Qiao Xiyan is from the south. The south is humid and rainy. He chooses cars with more emphasis on stability. The northern latitude is high, snow and ice are piled up, and the vehicle pays more attention to anti-skid.

It was raining and snowing in the capital again, and his car was really uncomfortable.

"Okay, I'll have someone give you the key tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, then I won't disturb you." Qiao Xiyan said and left.

Song Fengwan was startled and stunned, until she heard the door closing, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I helped you again." Seeing her frightened look, Fu Chen thought it was extra cute.

Song Fengwan gritted his teeth, and he was indeed a businessman, and he was careful about everything.

Black belly, darker heart.

I'm so embarrassed to pit her as a poor student.

"Just think that I owe you another request." Song Feng was annoyed, broke away from his embrace, turned around and opened the door to go out.

The door opened a slit, and a pair of hands stretched out from the back...

Press and hold the door panel.

The door slammed shut with a bang.

"I have a request now."


"Actually, I'm about the same age as your cousin. Why do you treat me as an uncle when you call him brother?"

"Not an uncle, what..." Song Fengwan and Fu Yuxiu were married, he was Fu Yuxiu's uncle, and she subconsciously regarded him as an elder.

"Why don't you call me third brother, okay?"

His voice was hoarse, with a smile on his face.

Have a quiz on the weekend

[Will you call the third master and third brother at the party? 】

Those who answer the question will be rewarded with 15xxb, and the time will be updated until tomorrow.

It's too late, let's run, this person is too shameless, haha~

[The event is limited to Xiaoxiang. For Tencent readers, because I don’t have the author’s background, I can’t distribute rewards. I’m really sorry. 】


Only after reading the message did I know that today's CET 4 and 6 is taking the test. There are still people taking the monthly test.

I wish all the students who are taking the exam today, the best of luck~

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