Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 131 The Third Master: The Pretentious and Childish Old Man (2 more)

When Qiao Xiyan heard the name of the third uncle, she raised her eyebrows coldly. How did the two of them get so close overnight.

Fu Chen raised his hand and flicked his trouser legs. No wonder she stressed to herself last night that she was not allowed to threaten her with this matter again. Dare to dig a hole for him.

Young and revengeful.

"Since everyone is down, let's eat quickly." Uncle Nian greeted a few people to the table.

There are several sesame biscuits, sugar and oil cakes, and several bowls of bean curd on the table.

"You came back last time, and the breakfast you went out late at night. These are the special breakfasts in the capital. You can try them." Uncle Nian stood by the side, waiting for Qiao Xiyan to comment.

Morning tea is popular in Wusuna, and the meals are more delicate, which is quite different from the capital. He took a spoon and scooped some tofu brains, which were tender and smooth, as white as jade and as tender as fat.

"It was delicious."

"Then eat more." Uncle Nian wiped his hands and walked aside.

Song Fengwan kept her head down and biting the biscuits, her mood was so high that she wanted to fly, she was too beautiful.

Last night's revenge was finally avenged.

"Third Master, the gas is full." Qianjiang quickly stepped into the house and handed the car key to Fu Chen.

Fu Chen pushed the key to Qiao Xiyan, "When are you leaving? I'll send someone to drive you?"

Yu Guang glanced at Song Fengwan, girl, I'll take care of you when I look back.

"Cousin, where are you going?" Song Fengwan pretended not to know that he was going out.

"Go to the north, buy jade wool, and come back in the evening."

"I'll go with you."

Fu Chen lowered his head and drank tofu brain, his expression unclear.

"Don't study today?"

"Didn't you always let me combine work and rest? I'm not in the mood to study today. I'll paint when I come back in the evening." Song Fengwan pretended to be pitiful.

Qiao Xiyan thought about what happened in the remedial class and knew that she was wronged and uncomfortable.

"And I haven't seen you for a long time. I want to stay with you a little longer. If you don't like it, forget it."

When Qiao Xiyan heard this, she felt relieved and didn't hurt her in vain, "Pack up and leave after dinner."


Fu Chen smiled lowly, if he can run, the monk can't run away from the temple, is it possible that he will not come back?


When the two went out, Fu Chen only sent them to the door, watched the car drive out, and then turned back to the house.

Song Fengwan sat in the co-pilot, lowered her head to swipe Weibo for a while, and then turned her head to look at Qiao Xiyan, "Cousin, do you care about age? For example, if someone calls your uncle, will you be angry?"

"No." Qiao Xiyan was naturally cold-faced, mature and prudent. He was only about seventy-eight in height when he was in junior high school. When he graduated from high school, many people called him uncle.

"Then what kind of man are you talking about who would mind not to call him uncle?"

"A hypocritical, pretentious old man."

Song Fengwan burst out laughing, his cousin summed it up.

Incisive in place.

"What does Third Master Fu like to eat?" Qiao Xiyan glanced at her out of the corner of the eye. What happened to this girl, she didn't say anything, how could she smile like a fool.


"Knowing his preferences, I can book a restaurant in advance and invite him to a meal before leaving."

"When are you leaving?" Song Fengwan lowered her head and swiped the screen of her phone. Two months was too fast.

"In a few days, what's the matter, can't bear it? Are you in a relationship with Fu Chen's residence?"

Song Fengwan was choked, what kind of feelings could that shameless old man have, she hurriedly said, "I can't bear to heat up."

The location of Yuncheng is in the middle, neither south nor north, the winter is cold and humid, and there is no heating. Turning on the air conditioner is terribly dry, how can there be heating to be comfortable.

Qiao Xiyan groaned lightly, what a child.

Song Fengwan was always a little absent-minded on the way. This time she went back, Yuncheng had a lot of troubles. People always seek advantages and avoid disadvantages subconsciously, and she subconsciously does not want to face them.

"Think about Fu Chen's preferences, I'll make arrangements earlier." Qiao Xiyan glanced at her, why she was in a daze.

"Hmm." Song Feng thought about it late, Fu Chen was not a picky eater, and the dishes at home were changeable. She really didn't understand what Fu Chen liked to eat. She couldn't ask him directly, but turned to Duan. Lin Bai.


Duan Linbai was leaning against the radiator at the moment, holding a bag of melon seeds, chasing drama.

Sister Song: [Brother Duan, are you here? 】

Duan Linbai hurriedly spit out the shell of the melon seeds, "I'm here, is there something? 】

[I want to ask you, what does the third master like? 】

Duan Linbai raised his eyebrows: You, you!

[It's what he usually likes to eat! 】

what to eat? Duan Linbai slapped the sunflower seeds, looked at Erlang's legs, wore a pair of pink long johns, and kept shaking, wishing he could reply: You, you, you.

But he didn't dare to cheat on Fu Chen now. If he knew about it, he would sue his father, and his father's temper would definitely take off his clothes in the winter and throw him out to freeze it into a popsicle.

[Fu San is not a picky eater, but the taste is mild. He also eats those with thick oily red sauce, but not too much. 】

Song Fengwan squinted and smiled, and sent him a refill expression, [By the way, why did you leave in such a hurry last time? 】

[I was watching the snow in Kilimanjaro. When your college entrance examination is over, my brother will take you out to play. 】

Song Fengwan only sent him a happy expression and didn't reply.

The ghost knows that Duan Linbai is currently nesting in a farmhouse in the countryside. Outside, chickens, ducks, pigs and dogs are barking non-stop, making a lot of noise.

Originally, I was going to climb the mountain, but recently the snow has been too heavy and the mountain has been closed.


Fu Chen's heart, liver, spleen and lungs throbbed when he was yelled at by Song Fengwan's uncle.

Instead of calling him the third master, he will call him uncle instead, this girl will really poke into his heart.

His phone vibrated, and he received a screenshot from Duan Lin Baifa. Song Fengwan sent him an emoji, a little man who was sending out love...

【Fu San, the little sister-in-law is so cute. 】

Fu Chen raised his eyebrows and lowered his head to edit the information, [My mother wants to introduce you to a blind date and asks if you like tall and powerful men. 】

Duan Linbai choked, man? What a blind date, tall and mighty?

Actually insinuating that he is suffering? This fellow is so shameless.

Damn, I'm a straight man and likes women!

He suddenly remembered the woman in the alley that day. He rubbed his neck. Even if he took off the neck guard, it still hurt to the touch.

Is this a woman? Wearing white clothes, she is a female Rakshasa who is desperate for her life!

She looks so big and three thick, fierce and vicious! Whoever marries her will suffer from blood mold for eight lifetimes!

The third master's heart hurts, it hurts everywhere

The revenge of the night is really heavy, hehe~

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