Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 133 The third master was forced to marry, single dog vs poodle

Brocade Capital

Fu Xinhan followed Fu Chen back and forth on the road in front of his house with his hooves scattered. After walking for nearly half an hour, there was still no car coming.

A gust of cold wind howled, Gouzi shivered, his neck shrank twice, and he stared at him pitifully, wanting to go home.

Fu Chen touched his dog's head, "Afraid of the cold? Lack of exercise, I'll take you for a walk."

Fu Xinhan screamed, it's so fucking cold.

"You agree? Let's go then."

Fu Xinhan's dog eyes widened, he was completely inhuman.

About five or six minutes later, a black car came from far to near. It was not Qiao Xiyan, but an old lady.

Seeing that the savior was coming, Fu Xinhan rushed towards the old lady with his hooves scattered, shaking his head and rubbing against her leg.

"It's so cold, what are you taking Fu Xinhan for a stroll outside?" The old lady reached out and stroked the dog's head, leading it inside.

"It insists on coming out, and I can't help it." Fu Chen stretched out his hand to support his mother.

Fu Xinhan groaned and tried to protest, but was suppressed by Fu Chen's cold stare.

Wuyang Wuyang didn't dare to speak out.

"Where are the people from Xiyan, didn't you say that you came here yesterday?" The old lady just listened to the play and sang along, sweating all over her body. At this moment, her body was very hot, and the heating was turned on in the room, but she felt a little hot.

"They said they were going to buy stones, so they should be back soon."

"School is still late?" The old lady naturally didn't know what happened at school.

"No, the exam is coming soon, I am studying at home, and I went out with his cousin."

"Then I'll wait a minute and go to the old house for dinner with me later."

The old lady took out several dog clothes from the bag she brought, and put them on Fu Xinhan's body and gestured, "It's such a cold day, if you take it out, you should also wear some clothes, so as not to freeze."

Fu Chen smiled lightly, watching the old lady fetch a pink plush for Fu Xinhan to wear.

"Third brother, look, how beautiful she is."

Fu Chen glanced at it, but nodded with a smile.

Did his mother forget that Fu Xinhan is a male dog, what's the matter with the bow tie on your top? In ancient times, there were colorful clothes to entertain relatives, but now dogs entertain relatives.

There are heaters everywhere in the room, and the temperature in the room is twenty-five to six degrees. Fu Xinhan is wearing plush clothes, and it is already a little hot.

Fu Chen remembered that when he was in school, his mother wished she could wear all the clothes on him, and forced him to wear long johns as soon as autumn came, and knit a woolen trousers for him once. Throw it away, and finally give it to Duan Linbai.

After Duan Linbai puts it on, it is suitable for both fat and thin, that is...

A bit stuck.

Because it was the love of his elders, he just wore it all winter.


About half an hour, at dusk, Qiao Xiyan came back with Song Fengwan.

"Old lady." "Grandma Fu." The two greeted each other.

"I'm back. Take a break, drink some water, and come with me to the old house for dinner." The old lady pulled Song Fengwan inside, "Is it cold outside?"

"It's okay." Song Fengwan glanced at Fu Chen, and called out in a low voice, "Third Uncle."

It was like a sharp sword piercing into the chest, and it hurt suddenly.

"Master Qiao, I'll help you put the things back in the room." Shi Fang walked over, wanting to take the stone from Qiao Xiyan's hand.

"Stop, don't move." Qiao Xiyan suddenly turned cold and serious.

Shi Fang was stunned, his fingers froze in the air.

"I'll do it myself." He held the stone in his arms, and people who didn't know it thought he was holding some rare tribute in his hand.

Shi Fang watched him pass by with disgust in his eyes.


I don't have poison in my hand, it's just a broken stone, how about such a treasure.

Qiao Xiyan offered the stone back to the house before going downstairs to the old house with the old lady.


As soon as they entered the room, they saw a lot of gifts piled up at the entrance, most of which were packed in red. It was not yet the end of the year, so it was too early to give gifts. Song Fengwan was afraid of being impolite, so he didn't dare to look carefully.

"They were all given to the third child by others. If you can't contact him, they will be sent to me. Third child, you can take them back later." The old lady changed her shoes and walked inside.

Song Fengwan glanced at Fu Chen suspiciously. He was changing shoes at the entrance with an unclear expression.

"Wanwan, when will you take the exam?" The old lady smiled, "The third birthday is a few days away, if you have time, wait until his birthday is over before leaving."

Song Fengwan touched the Buddhist beads and hibiscus stones that were still in his pocket, his palms felt warm and cool.

Compared with other people's gifts, she always felt a bit shabby when she gave a stone.

"Hello, Grandpa Fu." Song Fengwan looked at Mr. Fu, who was wearing reading glasses and flipping through an old book.

"En." The old man nodded.

While waiting for dinner, the old lady pulled Qiao Xiyan to talk, just to ask about the recent situation of Qiao's family. Although Mr. Fu and Fu Chen were sitting together, they didn't have much to say. Song Fengwan used the remote control to switch channels back and forth by himself.

At this point, many stations are broadcasting children's programs, and many children are jumping around in it.

"Third, look at how cute these children are." The old lady suddenly looked at Fu Chen.

"En." Fu Chen responded.

"If you think it's cute, hurry up and have one."

Song Fengwan lowered his head, I'll go, is the third master forced to marry?

"No hurry." Fu Chen looked calm.

"Before the Cold Clothes Festival, I went to visit your grandfather's grave, and your mother told him to bless you to get married and start a business early." Mr. Fu said.

Song Fengwan almost laughed out loud, he really did everything he could to force the marriage.

"Don't be like Xiaobai, that kid is full of words about being single, saying that you two are single nobles, isn't it just a single dog that sounds so nice, at most it's a poodle." The old lady spoke sharply.

Song Fengwan couldn't hold back anymore and laughed out loud.


If it wasn't for his own mother, who would dare to despise the third master so much.

This can't be blamed on the old lady's urging, she has three sons and one daughter, only Fu Chen is young and has no family, and she is too old, so she might leave if she says she wants to leave, so naturally she wants to see him get married.

"For this year's birthday, I'll invite some people home. You should take a good look at it." With one sentence, the old lady confirmed the words to death.

Even Song Fengwan knew what this meant.

It's called a birthday, but it's actually a blind date.

Fu Chen glanced at someone gloating from the corner of his eye.

He wants to get married and have kids.

It's just that someone is too young and underage, he can only wait...

There is nothing wrong with the poodle, Wanwan, don't laugh, be careful that someone gets mad, you will cause trouble.


I have to explain the messy code brother yesterday. That is the son of the boss of the Fu family, the eldest grandson of the Fu family. The one who is a few years older than the third master is not Fu Yuxiu. Fu Yuxiu and the third master have a mediocre relationship. He is in a circle.

As mentioned earlier, the two elders of the Fu family originally wanted him to get engaged to Wanwan, but they thought he was too old. Fu Yuxiu and Wanwan were about the same age, so they chose Fu Yuxiu, so they almost became his wife, but in the end they became Aunt San, hee hee

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