Entrance of Wanbaohui Shopping Center

After hearing Duan Linbai's order, the manager of the mall took out his mobile phone to call the security captain, still feeling uneasy, wondering whether he should notify the boss.

Hold those people down and beat them to death?

What if something goes wrong?

The little boss was already reckless, but he couldn't be allowed to do something wrong on the spur of the moment.

When he hesitated, he caught a glimpse of a black car galloping from the corner of his eye.

The capital city is dry and windy and sandy. All the way, the wind and sand are blowing up all over the sky. The car is like a black sharp arrow, breaking through the wind and coming head-on.

The car didn't even stop. When he saw the person pushing the door to get out of the car, he shook his fingers and almost dropped the phone on the ground.

Why is Mr. Fu here?

This shopping mall is very close to the capital of Yunjin. His family often comes here to buy items, but most of the time they order by phone, and almost all of them are delivered by him himself. Naturally, he knows Fu Chen.

Duan Linbai called to tell him about the accident, and asked him to check the monitoring. He was almost frightened to have a heart attack.

Such a vicious incident happened in the shopping mall under his jurisdiction, and he knew it from his own small boss, so he might lose his job.

"Where are people?" Fu Chen got out of the car and went straight to the point without any extra words.

Duan Linbai said, "The underground garage, get in the car, and I'll take you there."

The manager stood there in a daze. He thought that the little girl in the garage was his little boss's favorite. How could it involve the third master.

It suddenly occurred to him that the mall was closed two months ago, and Uncle Nian from Yunjin Capital came out to do some shopping and bought a lot of daily necessities for girls from them.

He slapped his head.

Ganqing that girl is the little ancestor who lives in the third master's house.

My God, aren't these people...

How could he offend Third Master Fu? Since this person lives in the Third Master's house, he must be responsible. Even if he has no feelings, if something happens, it will be the Third Master's responsibility. Isn't this deliberately hitting him in the face?


The security guards of the shopping mall came over and quickly subdued several people, but one of the several people who attacked Qian Jiang before ran away and was not caught.

At this moment, the underground garage has been completely sealed off, watertight.

When Fu Chen and Duan Lin Bai appeared, Qian Jiang was talking to the security captain.

"Third Master." Qian Jiang was only wearing a white shirt, his left arm was faintly oozing blood, his face was dull and indifferent as usual.

Shi Fang raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at the blood stains that hadn't been cleaned up on the ground, his heart skipped a beat, why the fuck is there still blood?

"What about the evening?"

"She's in the staff lounge, and someone is guarding her," Qian Jiang explained.


Qian Jiang nodded seriously, "The skin on his right hand is broken, and the tiger's mouth is split."

When Duan Linbai heard him speak, his whole head exploded.

This little bastard, without seeing Fu Chen's eyes, must be able to quench poison and kill people? Are you still provoking him?

Brother, can't you be more tactful?

Qian Jiang seemed to feel that the stimulation was not enough, and added, "There was a lot of blood."

Duan Linbai took some time to think: What the hell? There has to be a limit to how straightforward you are, why can't you appease him first?

Where did Fu Chen find the second-hand men?

"Who did it?" Fu Chen looked at a few people on one side.

The six people have been subdued, squatting on the ground, holding their heads in their hands.

"These two." Qian Jiang stretched out his fingers to identify, "I caught six, and one escaped."

The two looked up in horror, with varying degrees of injuries on their bodies.

They had only heard of the name Fu Sanye before, and when they saw the real person, they were all so frightened that their legs went limp.

The man was wearing the most exquisite three-piece suit, he was like a fairy, looking down at them, like looking down on ants, with a detached indifference.

His eyebrows are delicate, like a jade facing the wind, and he is calm and unrestrained. Just standing there, he is full of elegance.

Just frowning and drooping eyes, the sense of oppression bursting out came oncoming, with a chill...

Face the wind.

I've only heard that this person has a kind face and a cruel heart before, but I didn't expect him to look so abstinent and harmless, but often this kind of person is more ruthless...

"What do they want?" Fu Chen stretched out his hand to untie the cuff buttons, with clear fingers, he casually tugged at the tie.

With the dim lights of the underground garage, passive indulging.

"I want to do something wrong to Ms. Song." Qian Jiang's voice was calm, with a kind of calmness in front of the mountain collapse, stating the objective facts.

Duan Linbai slapped his head, this girl just doesn't think it's a big deal.

"Really?" Fu Chen loosened the buttons on his collar twice, and loosened his wrists.

"Third Master, we are also doing things for others, it has nothing to do with us..." The man with his palm pierced jumped out.

"They didn't... succeed." Qian Jiang hesitated for a moment for the last word, because Fu Chen who was standing beside him made the move himself.

He moved quickly, pulling the man's collar and lifting him up.

With great force, the neckline of the clothes was deeply embedded in the neck, and he strangled the man's breath desperately, "Who do you help?"

"I..." The man hesitated, as if he had some scruples.

"Who the hell is it!" Duan Lin Bai was so anxious that he got angry.

"If I say so, can you protect me?" His throat was stuck, his voice was hoarse, he spoke tremblingly, and his lips were already blue and white.

The two were very close, and the man was nervous, but Fu Chen seemed to come from hell, and his breath was cold.

It's chilling.

"As long as you promise me, I will tell you."

Duan Linbai almost applauded him.

Brother, dare to talk to Fu Chen like this at this time, you are very brave.

Fu Chen suddenly smiled at him, loosened his other hand, then clenched it tightly, and slapped him in the face...

Duan Linbai was speechless...

It's really awesome.

Fu Chen's eyes seemed to be stained with blood.

Seeing these scenes, a few gangsters nearby were so frightened that they broke out in a cold sweat.

"What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?" Fu Chen looked at him.

The tone is cold, perverse and violent.

"Third Master, I say!" One of them jumped out.

"I don't want to hear it now."

As soon as Fu Chen finished speaking, Qian Jiang quickly walked over and covered the man's mouth.

Duan Linbai was stunned, why did this group of murderers shoot at him, "What should I do if something happens?"

Who in the capital doesn't know that Mr. Fu is cold and ruthless, and people who touch him, don't they want to kill him.

It's just that Fu Chen said quietly afterwards, "Didn't you say that you are responsible for the accident?"

Duan Linbai froze in place?

Damn, you still have to trick him at this time!

"Third Master, I'll take you to Miss Song." Qian Jiang left the matter to others before walking to Fu Chen's side.

Fu Chen glanced at his arm that was still bleeding, and followed him to the staff lounge.

Duan Lin Bai was very puzzled and kicked those people twice.

I go!

It turns out that kicking people is so cool.

Just a few more kicks, these turtle grandsons are actually causing trouble in his territory.


the other side

Fu Chen was striding towards the staff lounge.

"This is my negligence. I didn't finish what you told me. I will explain everything to the police later..." Qian Jiang led the way, half a step away from Fu Chen.

What this means is that he will take care of everything and will never involve Fu Chen.

"I'll let Shifang handle this matter." Fu Chen looked down at the broken knuckles, and the coldness in his eyes did not fade, "Cheng Lan didn't do this?"

Fu Chen has already told Qian Jiang to send someone to keep an eye on Cheng Lan. If she did it, she will not know until something happens.

"It's Cheng Tianyi who hired this group of people with money. He used to hang out outside and knew a lot of gangsters in society."

This group of people were not professional thugs, they were ambiguous and left too many clues. One of them found out their mobile phone, and the latest contact was Cheng Tianyi.

"He was discharged from the hospital?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows.

"The Cheng family spent a lot of money to bring him home to recuperate. It should be Cheng Lan who instigated him, and they still want to borrow a knife to kill people like before." Qian Jiang said his thoughts.

Cheng Tianyi has no brains, if someone hadn't prompted him, how could he suddenly do such a thing.

"En." Fu Chen nodded in response, and when he looked up, he had already reached the door of the staff lounge.

"Shifang, help Qianjiang treat his wound."

"Yeah." The two left with a sense of humor.


Fu Chen was about to raise his hand to knock on the door when his knuckles just touched the door.

"Squeak—" With a sound, the door slowly opened.

Song Fengwan's position was facing the door. She was sitting on a chair, wrapped in a blanket, and a person was helping her with the wound on her hand. She was holding a paper cup in one hand, and the water in it was slowly emitting white smoke.

When she saw Fu Chen, she trembled in fear, let go of her hand, and the paper cup fell to the ground, splashing water all over the floor, and she got up straight away...

ran towards him.

Her legs were a little weak, she was a child after all, she had never hurt anyone, let alone saw blood this time.

When it happened just now, it was like a nightmare ghost, which was still lingering in her mind.

She has no relatives or reasons in the capital, and the only person she can rely on is Fu Chen.

I ran too fast just now, but now my legs are still weak, my muscles are stiff, and I almost fell down.

Fu Chen strode forward...

He reached out and pulled her into his arms.

"Third Master." Song Fengwan put his head on his chest, his hands tightly grasping the clothes on his waist, his eyes were a little hot, and after a while, Fu Chen felt a hot flush in his chest.

his little girl...


"I'm here." Fu Chen took a breath, lowered his head and kissed the top of her hair.

His voice was low and hoarse, revealing a sense of vicissitudes.

Concern is chaotic, he has come all the way, and he has never let go of his heart, like weeds.

"...I hurt someone." Song Fengwan tightened his clothes, looked up at him, his face was helpless, his voice was hoarse and trembling.

"You are acting in self-defense. It's fine. I'll take care of it." Fu Chen looked down at her, and pushed her messy hair to one side. "Scared?"

"En." Song Fengwan nodded vigorously, with tears in his eyes, Fu Chen's heart was twisted into a ball when he saw it.

"Still scared?"

Fu Chen bent down, his eyes were at the same level as hers, and his voice was gentle and extremely gentle.

"kind of."

Fu Chen stretched out his hand to caress her face, wiped away the tears in her eyes, and just now stretched out his hand to put her in his arms, "It will feel better if I hug her."

Song Fengwan suddenly grabbed Fu Chen's clothes tightly, and sobbed in a low voice without any scruples.

There are too many things hidden in her heart. Something happened at home, and she was afraid that her mother would worry, so she could only hide in bed and wipe tears secretly. Some time ago, she was misunderstood by the teacher, blamed by her parents, and too many grievances seemed to be vented in an instant...

Fu Chen gently stroked her hair, just hugged her like this, and let her cry.

I don't know how long it took, but when she felt comfortable crying, she struggled a little, and withdrew from Fu Chen's arms, looking at him, as if a little embarrassed.

After all, he is not young, crying like this in front of him is naturally embarrassing and embarrassing, he sniffs his nose and feels extremely ashamed, this time he is really humiliated.

But thinking of everything that happened just now, she still has lingering fears.

The people who were still in the room just now retreated sensibly, leaving only a medicine box behind.

Fu Chen looked down at her. She lowered her head and her shoulders twitched.

"look up."

Song Fengwan froze and refused, silently resisting.

It seemed that after a long time, she heard Fu Chen Ruoyou's faint sigh, and suddenly felt a pain in her arm, but it was accompanied by a tingling pain.

"It's broken."

Song Fengwan stretched out his hand to look at his arm, maybe it was torn and injured before, but she didn't notice: "Why did you come here so fast?"

"You called me." Fu Chen stretched out his hand to hold her right hand.

Just as Qian Jiang said, he had three or four wounds on his fingertips, and the wound was a bit grim. It was only half treated, and blood was still oozing from the edge.

"Does it hurt?"

His eyes were cold, staring at her closely, there was no wind or waves, but there was a little her.


"Call me later if you need anything."

"Yeah." Song Fengwan nodded vigorously as his eyes were red and swollen from crying.

"Wanwan..." Fu Chen leaned over and moved closer to her.

"Huh?" She asked suspiciously.

"From now on... the third brother will protect you, okay?" His voice was soft, as if coaxing her, but it seemed that he had made a very serious promise.


I really don't want anyone to hurt her, I want to protect her.


Song Fengwan raised his eyes to look at him, and bumped into those dark eyes that were so dark that they couldn't be opened.

Haha, give me a dozen of such a third master~

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