Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 146 Third Master: Wanwan, do you like me? (3 more)

Qiao Xiyan and Duan Linbai were at the breakfast table, staring coldly, indescribably weird.

Song Fengwan on the other side had already knocked on the door of the small study.

"Come in." Fu Chen's voice was hoarse.

When Song Fengwan opened the door and entered, Fu Chen was copying the scriptures at the desk, the copper stove cigarette holder, burning agarwood, the green smoke slowly rose straight up, today he was listening to "The Drunken Concubine", with a mellow voice. hand

"Third Lord."

Fu Chen looked up at her. She was wearing a light blue dress, revealing a section of light-white calf, shoulder-length design, slender collarbone, and a red rope hanging from her. I know that fine workmanship is not ordinary.

Song Fengwan rubbed his pockets, thinking about how to speak, feeling inexplicably embarrassed.

"What's the matter?" Fu Chen put down his pen, picked up the thermos cup on one side and took a sip of water.

"It's just..." The sound of Beijing opera echoed around the beams, and her voice was so small that it was almost swallowed.

"Do you need to be that far away from me?"

Fu Chen raised his eyebrows, could it be that he could still eat her?

Song Fengwan took a few steps forward, walked in front of Fu Chen, took out the box in his pocket, and handed it to him, "I broke your prayer beads last time, and I will give you a birthday present as well."

Fu Chen put down the cup and took it with both hands.

Knowing to prepare a birthday present for him, this girl has a conscience.

"Happy birthday." Song Fengwan said in a low voice, always feeling a little shy and embarrassed.

"Are you so afraid of me?" Fu Chen clutched the box, his palms warm, and bent over to look at her, his whole face naturally moved towards her.

"No." Song Fengwan was just afraid of meeting his eyes.

I had a dream again yesterday, and I feel ashamed when I think about it.

Fu Sanye is arrogant and abstinent. In her heart, she is different from ordinary people, but she...

Has defiled him in dreams time and time again.

Thinking of this, Song Fengwan felt ashamed.

"Look at me." Fu Chen's voice was a little low, a little hoarse because of staying up late.

When Song Fengwan raised his eyes, he found that the distance between the two was extremely close. With a smile on his lips, he looked at him seriously, as if he could drown someone.

"It's my birthday, can I have a wish?" He breathed lightly and shallowly, falling on her face, a little itchy.

"Me?" What can she satisfy him?

Fu Chen nodded.

"Say third brother first." He coaxed her in a low voice.

He yelled last night, and his heart softened.

Song Fengwan was thinking about his birthday, today is the biggest, bit his lower lip, and shouted, "Third Brother——"

She is from the south, her voice is sweet and soft, with the taste of Wu Nong's soft language, and the ending is soft, like a hook, which makes people's heart itch.

"I'm obedient this time." Fu Chen stretched out his hand to rub her hair. His palm was warm and generous, and he rubbed the top of her hair, making it tingly and numb.

Song Fengwan's ears were blood red, and he tilted his head to avoid it a little.

Fu Chen just smiled, "Do you still want to study today?"

"My hand is injured, so I can't hold the pen." Song Fengwan's right hand was injured, the injury was not serious, and it was always difficult to hold things.

"Although the skin is broken and bleeding, you will recover almost a few days before the exam, and it will not affect your performance."

"Yeah." Song Fengwan was also worried about this, and after hearing what he said, he felt a little more at ease in his heart.

"My birthday wish is to go out with me today."

Song Fengwan wanted to ask something more, but Fu Chen had already closed the scriptures with his head tilted, "Let's go, let's go eat."

Could it be that he is taking her to the old house today?

Why did he take her on a blind date?


After breakfast, Duan Linbai didn't have a good rest yesterday and went upstairs to catch up on sleep. Qiao Xiyan wanted to polish the stone he just bought, and didn't eat lunch. Fu Chen said he would take Song Fengwan out, and he immediately nodded .

Qiao Xiyan also knew that it was Fu Chen's birthday today and he might have to go back to the old house. He couldn't take care of Song Fengwan today. With Fu Chen taking care of him, there would be no major problems.

Song Fengwan went back to the house to tidy up, put on a white down jacket and went out with a bag on his back.

Seeing that Fu Chen was wearing a shirt, a dark sweater vest, a dark tie, and a long black trench coat, he was tall and leggy, and he was unparalleled in Jiyue.

Sure enough, going on a blind date is different.

Dress so formally.

"Let's go." Fu Chen glanced at her, but she was dressed casually.

The last time we had dinner and watched a movie together, we didn't prepare in advance, and the movie was not well chosen. This time going out this time is the first date in the true sense, so he naturally attaches great importance to it.

Dating, always have a sense of ritual.

Song Fengwan went out with him, only to find that there were only the two of them, Fu Chen was driving, and neither Shifang nor Qianjiang followed.

"Just the two of us?"

"How many people do you want to go out?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows.

When Song Fengwan shook his head, Fu Chen had already opened the car door for her, a gentleman and considerate.

That's right, it's useless to take those two people with you when you go to the old house for a blind date.

Fu Xinhan wagged his tail and followed, as if he was about to climb into the car, but was scared by Fu Chen's look and ran back to the kennel.


The car drove to a fork in the road, Fu Chen turned in a different direction, and the car sped in the opposite direction to Fu's compound.

"Aren't you going to the old house?"

"Who told you that I want to go back?" Fu Chen looked at her with a smile.

"Grandma Fu didn't ask you to go back a few days ago, she asked you..."

"Tell her, if you don't go back, it's just the two of us today." He stared ahead with a lazy expression, but his voice was full of determination.

Song Fengwan's heart was beating wildly. Looking out the window, he seemed to have a fever.

A normal person would think about going out alone with her on her birthday. Duan Linbai is also at home. From his usual tone of voice, Fu Chen also has friends, but he only goes out with her?

"Don't go back for birthday, Grandma Fu isn't angry?"

"The conditions have been negotiated." Fu Chen would naturally not say clearly what the conditions were.

The Fu family's old house at this moment

Because of Fu Chen's birthday, the old lady made some hand-rolled noodles by herself as usual. Kneading the dough is a laborious job. After a few busy times, her arms felt sore.

"The third child really doesn't come back for dinner?" Elder Fu was pacing in the living room wearing reading glasses, "I don't know what I'm busy with since I don't come home for my birthday!"

"Didn't he say he has something to do?" The old lady got the promise, but she was neither arrogant nor impatient.

Although Fu Chen has always been disobedient and had his own opinions since he was a child, he kept his promises and never regretted what he promised.

"Don't you have time to go home and have a meal?" Mr. Fu snorted coldly, "No, I have to call him."

"What are you hitting!" The old lady slapped a piece of dough on the panel, "The third child may be busy, why are you rushing, young people like to get together with friends on their birthdays, you can let him go out so that he can meet girls, give I'm looking for a wife to come back!"

"Heh—" Old Fu snorted coldly, "When that kid promised you, I thought it was tricky."

"What's the trick?"

"He never fights a battle that he is not sure of. He will let you deal with it so hastily in his life. I am afraid that this kid has a goal and plans to take down the little girl within a year!"

Ginger is old and spicy, not fake at all.

"Nonsense, you don't know who he usually contacts with."

"Even if he has a situation, he won't tell you." Old Fu snorted softly.

"It's better if it's a situation. Give him time to spend time with the little girl. It's boring for you to call me all the time."

Old Fu was stunned, he's bored?

Sure enough, his son was more important than him.

He shouldn't have agreed to her. The boy was so old that he almost lost half his life. The first three children were poorly raised. This hurts my heart.


the other side

Fu Chen took Song Fengwan to a large shopping mall. The temperature in the capital was low, and it was not suitable for outdoor activities. As soon as the car stopped, he took a mobile phone from the hidden compartment to her.

"Third Lord?"

"Your mobile phone can't be repaired. I bought you a new one. The mobile phone card is still the same as before, and the information and phone numbers have also been noted."

Song Fengwan was stunned for a moment, it was still the same model she used before, but it was a brand new machine.

Buy yourself a mobile phone, why not the latest model, but a model from three or four years ago?

Sure enough, the richer you are, the more searchable you are.

"I'll give you the money later."

"No, take it and use it, it's not worth much."

Song Fengwan pouted, thinking that he was not short of this little money, so he didn't continue to talk, turned on the phone, it hadn't been used yet, it needed to be set up, she fumbled for a few minutes, Fu Chen just turned his head to look at her.

It's not that I lack that little money.

He just felt that the equipment was neat and consistent, and he felt comfortable.


When the two arrived at the shopping mall, they were stuck at lunch time. Fu Chen proposed to go to the movies after a simple meal. It was his birthday, and she came out to eat and drink, and Song Fengwan nodded in agreement.

After one o'clock, there was no one at all.

She thought that the movie selected by Fu Chen would be the same as last time, a blockbuster, but she didn't expect it to be a re-release of "My Neighbor Totoro". She had seen it several times before, but now she rewatches it, and she still feels warm and beautiful.

It's just that halfway through the movie, she suddenly felt her shoulders sink...

Turning her head around, she found that Fu Chen had fallen asleep leaning on her shoulder.

His body is very heavy, half of him is pressed over, Song Fengwan feels that his body is very heavy, "Third Master?"

He seemed to be asleep and didn't move at all.

Song Fengwan tried to reach out to support his head and push him over, but felt unsafe, what if he got angry.

She hung her fingers in the air, looked at Fu Chen, hesitated, and never dared to make a move.

His coat was put on once, and his shirt and vest were thin and proud.

She also took off her coat by accident, a sweater with a collar, a slender neckline, and exposed shoulders. His breath, like warm wind passing through, made her shoulders itchy.

She tilted her head to look at him, she was really good-looking, with slender eyebrows, high nose bridge, facial features not as deep and three-dimensional as foreigners, with soft edges and corners, revealing an indifferent indifference to the world.

The skin looks good too...

Song Fengwan stretched out his hand and touched his face, it felt very good.

She couldn't help poking it twice more.

Let you threaten me last time, let you block me in the door, let me call you brother, shameless, let you scare Fu Xinhan, inhuman...

She poked very hard until she looked down...

Fu Chen's lips were thin and slightly raised.

Inexplicably sexy.

She stretched out her hand and touched it carefully, her heart beating wildly.

Very soft and very hot.

Just as she withdrew her hand, Fu Chen suddenly opened her eyes, making her stiffen in fright.

"Third...Third Lord."

"You..." Fu Chen straightened up slightly, turning his head to look at her.

One's hands and feet were stiff, and the other smiled deliberately.

But the shoulders were still close together, as if a flame was rushing upwards, getting hotter and hotter.

"Watching a Totoro movie, why does your heart beat so fast?"

Song Fengwan was frightened by him. He just did something bad and felt guilty.

"Do I have it?"

"Well, it's still hot."

Looking at each other, Song Fengwan's heart trembled, he turned his head away and dared not speak.

"I saw what you gave me. The beads are for compensation. Did you make up the tassels below?"

"Well, for the first time, it was a little rough."

"That hibiscus stone..."

When Fu Chen saw the gift, he realized why Song Fengwan had a carving knife on him.

"That's a birthday present, it's not very expensive, just don't dislike it."

"Wan Wan..." Fu Chen suddenly leaned towards her, and the hot breath from his breath fell on her ears, causing her to tremble.

"What?" She dodged to the side.

Just talk when you talk, why did you come over all of a sudden.

"Do you like me?"

When Song Fengwan heard this, his head felt a little hypoxic and suffocated, and blood spread from behind his ears on his delicate face.

Heartburn started a prairie fire, and the whole body was hot.

Her mouth was trembling, and she watched the person in front of her get closer and closer, her breath was so close...

"The hibiscus stone represents love. You gave me this, is it all a hint?"

Song Fengwan's head exploded instantly.

Hibiscus stone is famous as pink crystal, its color is beautiful and tender, this stone is the best seller in Qiao's jade shop, she also thinks it looks good, thinking that it is always a good gift, she doesn't understand the meaning at all.

"No, how dare I have any unreasonable thoughts about you." Song Fengwan almost cried when he saw his serious face.

His palms were dripping with sweat, and he didn't dare to move rashly.

It was a stone in her heart, but someone had already regarded it as a token of love.

Fu Chen rolled his eyelids:

I do hope you think too much of me.

No wonder the third master is dressed so handsomely, haha, I thought Wan Wan hinted at him...

Wanwan: o(╥﹏╥)o


I will make statistics on the rewards of the launch event later, and some winners should be announced tomorrow, please remember to pay attention to digressions.

The future updates will still be the old time. It is not an accident that there are three updates every day, and each chapter has three or four thousand words.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone for your support for the beginning of the month yesterday, and thank you for every little cutie who subscribed to the beginning of the month and left a message, thank you, refill~

Please support me in the future, and I will continue to work hard, okay?

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