The mountains are clean, the plain snow is rustling, and the sound of chanting not far away is solemn and holy.

Before Song Fengwan could move, the door opened, accompanied by a gust of cold wind, Huaisheng rushed in, shrinking his neck, "Sister, why don't you go to bed yet, you're going to sleep."

"I'm not sleepy yet." Song Fengwan leaned against the edge of the kang, digging at the quilt with his head down.

"Go to bed if you're not sleepy, the floor is cold." Huaisheng was shivering with cold, "Don't be afraid, we won't watch you undress, I'll turn off the light for you."

The light switch was by the door, far away from the bed, Huai Shengzhu pulled on his shoes and turned off the light before getting into bed.

As the darkness shrouded deeper, Song Fengwan panicked even more.

Huaisheng covered Fu Chen's eyes with his hands, "Sister, I'll cover his eyes for you. I don't look at them, and he doesn't look at them either. We monks don't tell lies, so quickly take off your clothes and come up."

Fu Chen let him cover his eyes...

The night is still long, don't worry.


It seemed like a long time before he heard the rustling of clothes, and then felt her go to bed and get into the bed.

"Okay, then go to bed quickly." Huai Sheng crawled back into his bed.

The kang head was not big at all, when the three of them lay down, it instantly became cramped and cramped, and it was difficult to even turn over.

Song Fengwan even felt that there was a strange and frightening smell surrounding her, making her breathless, and the surrounding was so quiet that she could clearly feel Fu Chen's steady and powerful heartbeat.

A sound, a sound, made her dizzy, she turned over wrapped in the quilt, turned on her phone to check Weibo for a while, but found that there was no internet.

"Third Master, does your mobile phone have a signal?"

"Off, I don't know."

Song Fengwan was stunned, no wonder her mobile phone was not connected to the Internet, it turned out that he had turned it off, so she couldn't play on her mobile phone.

Fu Chen's breathing seemed to be close to the back of her neck, even and deep.

She took two deep breaths to calm herself down a bit.

But I couldn't sleep at all, and checked my phone every now and then until the time moved to eleven o'clock at night...

Fu Chen and Huai Sheng seemed to have fallen asleep a long time ago, so she turned over carefully.

Turn around...

Her face and Fu Chen's face were only a few feet away.

As long as she turned over a little bit earlier, she might have encountered it.

She stared closely at Fu Chen's face, her heart beating uncontrollably and violently...

At this moment, she suddenly felt that someone touched her foot. This is...

Fu Chen's feet.

Why did he get under her bed?

The blood all over her body was about to burn, and her heartbeat was so fast that it wanted to break her slender ribs.

She moved her feet back a little to avoid Fu Chen, perhaps the movement was a little loud, Fu Chen's eyelids moved...

"Don't move around, go to sleep." He casually reached out and touched her face, which was smooth and tender, "Hurry up and go to sleep."

The breathing is even more scorching, the voice is provocative, half asleep and half awake.

Song Fengwan shrunk back into the quilt, feeling his face was hot, like a gust of hot wind.


I don't know how long it took, but she couldn't bear it any longer, so she fell into a deep sleep with her eyelids drooped, and one hand lifted her quilt, and moved her whole body half an inch towards her...

Cling tightly.

"Late at night?"

Song Fengwan stayed on for too long and was extremely sleepy.

Fu Chen smiled, stretched out his hand to brush her face, and leaned over...

He pecked her lips twice.

He always felt that his feelings were still unfinished. When he was about to kiss again, he felt movement behind him. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Huai Sheng staring at him with open eyes. In the darkness, those eyes were big and bright.

"Third Uncle, are you guys snoring? I...uh—" Before he could finish speaking, Fu Chen covered his mouth.


Huai Sheng shook his head vigorously, and Fu Chen let go of his hand.

"Don't worry, my mouth is tight." Huai Sheng said sincerely.

Fu Chen frowned and snorted, this kid doesn't learn any Buddhist principles, where did he hear these words.

"Third Uncle..." He suppressed his voice.


"Go ahead."

Fu Chen remained silent, he was not in the habit of playing hooligans in front of children.

"But you have to restrain yourself."


"This is a temple, a pure place of Buddhism, you can't go too far, it's not good to be seen by the Buddha."

Fu Chen smiled resentfully.

"You said I did bad things for you, did the Buddha know that he would punish me?"

"You can only destroy people's marriages. You are doing good deeds, and the Buddha will love you." Fu Chen didn't understand what was going on in the child's mind, and then he heard Huai Sheng silently recited a sentence...

"You can't watch it, you can't watch it, the master said that monks can't watch these." He turned his back to Fu Chen.

"Amitabha, good and good."

Fu Chen laughed, turned around, and continued to sleep next to Song Fengwan.

After all, the temperature in this room is different from home, it is not so hot, especially in the middle of the night, it is not as warm as before, Song Fengwan naturally wanted to find a place to lean on the heat source, curled up, and put his small face in his arms.

There is no reason to resist when you take the initiative to throw yourself into your arms.

Song Fengwan took off his down jacket, and there was only a thin sweater inside. He stretched out his fingers and gently wrapped his arms around her waist, which was thin and soft...

Throat rolling, blood surging, something indescribable...

Unexpectedly, Song Fengwan didn't know it, and kept rubbing against him, killing him even more.

It was usually difficult for him to raise her head in front of him, but now she was moving happily, her fingers were still scratching at his chest, rubbing against the heat.

It's just terrible.

It is only appropriate to use it on him.


Fu Chen is not feeling well here, and Duan Lin Bai is also feeling uncomfortable.

He didn't want to eat at the same table with Qiao Xiyan, pack up his things, and plan to find some friends and go to the bar for a drink, but he couldn't find anyone.

He lingered outside until after nine o'clock in the evening and went back. Before he reached the door, he heard the harsh sound of "shua shua——" from inside.

After he entered the room, he saw Josie was busy in the kitchen.

Take a closer look.

He was almost scared out of his wits.

Actually sharpening the knife.

He packed his things all night and went home.

This place can't stay anymore, he would rather go home and have his father break his leg than stay with such a crazy person.

It snowed heavily tonight and several roads were blocked. Duan Lin Bai managed to get to the door of his house and found that he left the key with Fu Chen.

But never thought that Duan's family went to bed early tonight and knocked for a long time, but no one answered.

When the servant heard the noise and went to open the door, his father had already come down from upstairs.

"Master, it seems that the young master is back? I'll go and open the door right now."

"The kid still dares to come back?"

"Dad—Dad, it's me, your son!" Duan Linbai shouted when he heard a familiar voice.

"Doesn't he like to hang around outside? Lock him up for a while."

"Dad, I'm my own son, Dad—I'm the only one in our family."

"When you go to someone's Cheng's house to make trouble, don't think I don't know about it. You even said you were on a business trip and almost tore down his house. If someone hadn't told me, I wouldn't have understood how powerful you are."

"Dad, I can explain this to you. Let me in first." Duan Linbai's legs were shivering from the cold. Fortunately, he was wearing a sable, otherwise he would have frozen to death.

"Just explain outside..."

Duan Linbai was stunned, this is his real father.

After he briefly explained the matter, the door opened, and he let out a long sigh of relief as soon as he got in.


"Go to bed early, come with me to Fu's house tomorrow, and I will ask the old lady to arrange a blind date for you."

Duan Lin Bai was dumbfounded.

So simple and rude!

"Dad, let's discuss..."

"Look at what you're wearing, it's a mess."

Duan Linbai opened his mouth wide.

You can question my character, but not my taste.

"Like that." His father raised his finger to the table on one side, and there were mountain sculptures on it.

Duan Linbai was dumbfounded, he must be his own father.


Song Fengwan held on for half the night, and slept deeply in the second half of the night.

The next day, she was awakened by the sound of snow plowing outside. When she opened her eyes, she was alone on the kang. The quilt of Huaisheng was folded and put aside, and the two quilts of her and Fu Chen were pressed on her body. .

Huai Sheng was cleaning the house with a broom, she sat up hastily.

"Sister, are you awake?"

"Yeah." Song Fengwan brushed his hair casually, "Where is the third master?"

"Talking to my master."

"Yeah." Song Fengwan nodded in response, and hurriedly got up and put on his clothes. The children are already up, so it's not suitable for her to stay in bed.

"Sister, you sleep really badly."

"Do I have it?"

"When I got up in the morning, I saw that you were all on the third master's body, holding him tightly with both hands and feet. It was I who tore you off so that he could get away."

Song Fengwan was crawling down the kang, when he heard this, he almost knelt on the ground.

"The third master was suppressed by you all night. He didn't sleep well, and his eyes were dark."

"I move around?" She was famous for her sleeping appearance.

Huai Sheng looked at her, "Monks don't tell lies."

But if lying is a good deed, the Buddha would love him too.

As the master said: a white lie.

The reward book coins for the event on the shelves have basically been distributed. You can check it against the event rewards. Because there are a lot of people, I didn’t get it until 2:30 at night yesterday.

Some readers submitted screenshots of full-text subscriptions, but have not left a message until now, so the rewards cannot be distributed.

Because many rewards can be superimposed, there may be some omissions. If you have any questions, you can leave a message to me.

Readers who got small gifts, Xiaoxiang, because they have basically joined the group, I will post privately later.


Tencent got the winning list of small gifts: the top three for fan value [kklin, Fenfeixue, Haimengyueying], the top three for grabbing buildings [Amor, Love Ruoxiang Attract, Ruochu, Si Bingli], if you have joined the group, remember Add a group to poke me.

Group number 【452568722】


Thank you again for your support at the beginning of the month, thank you~

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