Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 151 The third master's intentions are revealed? (2 more)

dessert shop

Song Fengwan was a little surprised when he saw Cheng Lan. The last time the two met was in the old house of the Fu family, when she was scolded by the old lady and kicked out of the compound.

"Let's chat." Cheng Lan pointed to an empty table.

"What can we talk about?" Although the two had met, it was the first time they spoke.

Song Fengwan witnessed her various evil deeds and despicable means of helping Jiang Fengya with her own eyes, and she hated her deeply.

Aiding the tyrant to abuse others, she just broke up her family.

"You don't want to know, why am I targeting you?" Cheng Lan stroked the sunglasses in her hand, and walked directly to the table, "Please sit down."

After all, this is a public place, people come and go, Song Fengwan is not afraid, so he sat down opposite her, the waiter came to greet her, Cheng Lan ordered two cups of coffee.

"Just give me a glass of water." Song Fengwan glanced at Huaisheng, who was sitting diagonally opposite, very close, looking at him while eating dessert.

Cheng Lan took off her coat, and she only wore a black bottoming sweater. She was already on the thin side, and after not seeing her for a long time, she already felt like she was out of shape.

Her cheeks were slightly sunken, her eyes were cloudy, and the bruises under her eyes couldn't be hidden even with heavy makeup. Her mouth was dry and chapped. She was a stylishly dressed professional woman when she saw her before. At this moment, her whole body was filled with depression.

The sense of depression emanating from the bones cannot be hidden.

Huai Sheng licked the cream on the spoon, tilted his head and looked at the two people not far away, why did he feel that the atmosphere was weird.


When the waiter brought coffee and warm water, Cheng Lan put a few cubes of sugar into it, stirred the coffee with a spoon, and looked up at Song Fengwan.

Young and beautiful, the fresh green sweater made her look even more lovely.

She was taken away by the police for questioning. She denied all the charges. She instructed Cheng Tianyi to instigate Cheng Tianyi. The police had no evidence. Although the reporter had a recording, if she was prosecuted, the evidence would be weak.

She stayed in the police station all night before being released on bail, and she was scolded all over her face.

The lashes and reprimands on the Internet seemed to hang her from a tree, and anyone could come and whip her. All kinds of harsh words made her almost collapse.

The mobile phone was blown up by the harasser, and even the house was thrown garbage and splashed with dirty water.

This is the first time she has experienced real cyber violence.

Thanks to the heavy snowfall in the capital city last night, the group of talents stopped. She was obsessed with Fu Chen, so she came out aimlessly and walked downstairs to his company. She didn't expect to see him, but she saw Fu Chen's car .

It was Song Fengwan who came down from above.

Just to go to a shopping mall, Fu Chen still stood by the car and told her for a long time.

It was a pampering and gentleness she had never seen before.

"Miss Cheng..." Song Fengwan raised his eyebrows.

"You are really lucky. After looking for so many people, you were slightly injured." Cheng Lan sneered.

Song Fengwan took a breath, "You mean the last time you went back to the garage..."

"Not only last time, but even the parent of the student who troubled you was all instigated by me!"

"Why do you save yourself from danger every time?" Cheng Lan stared at her with eyes like poisonous snakes.

"I don't understand, what kind of virtue and ability do you have to let the third master protect you like this!"

"For me?" Song Fengwan was surprised, "So you helped Jiang Fengya make such a big noise before, and it was all because of me?"

"Jiang Fengya?" Cheng Lan sneered, "What kind of person is she, and she deserves me to help her?"

She never looked at her from the beginning to the end.

I don't know what kind of poison Fu Yuxiu has fallen into. There are countless celebrities in the capital, and there are countless people who want to marry the Fu family, but they actually fell in love with an illegitimate daughter?

Pretentious, unsightly.

Song Fengwan raised his eyebrows, "Cheng Tianyi's matter is his own fault, just because of this, you are trying to get revenge on me?"

Except for the matter of Cheng Tianyi, she couldn't think of any time when she had offended her.

"Heh—" Cheng Lan chuckled, "Cheng Tianyi?"

"Don't mention that idiot to me!" She slapped the table and stood up straight away, causing everyone around to look sideways.

"Things that are not enough to succeed are not enough to fail. With his virtues and wanting to inherit the family business, my father is really old and blind. He thinks that if he is a boy, he must be better than me."

"I just know that I will eat and wait to die. It's just a straw bag."

Song Fengwan frowned, "He's your own brother."

"So what? In my eyes, he's just a pawn. He wanted to rape you before, but I instigated it. As long as he has the guts, I'm afraid that the third master will be terrified. How dare he touch you?"

Song Fengwan clenched the cup in his hand, and the fire in his heart shot up.

"It's a pity that you are a fool. You were not injured, but he was bitten by a dog and his hand was broken. It's a shame."

The last time Fu Chen broke into her home and called the police, she was so stimulated that she almost went crazy.

During this period of time, he still strongly suppressed his family's company, without any sympathy, clearly trying to uproot his family.

Just for one Song Fengwan?

"If it wasn't because he didn't succeed, how would I have found Jiang Fengya."

"Born to be cheap, I still want to climb up, thinking that I really want to help her."

Cheng Lan spoke insanely, already a little crazy.

"It's a pity that I planned so much, but in the end, you..."

She didn't finish her words, Song Fengwan had already got up, raised his hand and slapped her.

The sound of slapping was clear and loud, and the waiters who had been observing secretly were taken aback, wondering if they should go over to try to persuade them to fight.

Huai Sheng bit the steel spoon and swallowed nervously.

My sister is so fierce.

Cheng Lan's ears were buzzing, her gums appeared, and her mouth smelled bloody. She didn't expect Song Fengwan to dare to hit her.

"Song Fengwan, you are crazy! How dare you hit me?"

Song Fengwan clenched his fingers tightly, and without waiting for her to react, he slapped her hard again.

This time the strike was more ruthless than last time, and her wrist was numb from the shock.

"Why did I hit you?"

"What are you! How dare you touch me!"

Cheng Lan has also been favored by the Fu family since she was a child, and she lives a comfortable life. No one will let her three points, except for being slapped a few times by his father at the Fu family last time, no one dared to hit her.

"You are allowed to plot and murder me again and again, and I am not allowed to ask for some interest!"

Song Fengwan squinted his eyes, his phoenix pupils were sharp, faintly blazing with fire.

Burning and frightening.

After all, she was only 17 years old, and Cheng Lan was actually beaten by a yellow-haired girl. She was so angry that she went around the table and wanted to beat her.

The arm was raised, and just about to fall, it was restrained by Song Fengwan.

It's not that she knows how to punch and has great strength, but that Cheng Lan has been extremely thin these days, and she doesn't eat or drink, so she has no strength at all.

The wrist was grabbed, which made her terrified.

"You stinky girl, let me go!" Cheng Lan was furious.

Song Fengwan felt that she was struggling weakly, so he directly pulled her whole body forward. The distance between the two was approaching. She twisted her wrist twice and raised her arm high.

Everything happened so fast, when the clerk wanted to stop her, she had already slapped her...

There was a crisp sound of "pa--".

Cheng Lan's brain was dizzy, and the side of his face was painful and numb, as if he had lost consciousness.

"In your eyes, I'm really nothing, but I can't tolerate your misconduct like this. I have no grievances or enmities with you. Could it be that just because you don't like me, you design me over and over again?"

Song Fengwan let go of his hand suddenly, and Cheng Lan was caught off guard and fell directly to the ground.

"You are so arrogant and reckless, but you have something to rely on. Apart from your family background, what are you?"

"After leaving the Fu family, what do you think of your life now? Still like a human being?"

"No, but no one is as vicious as you. You simply..."

"Not worthy of being a human being!"

Cheng Lan was hit by this fall, and her tailbone in the back was aching, and her scalp was numb from the pain, and she didn't speak for half a night.

She couldn't trouble Fu Chen. Seeing that Song Fengwan was alone, she wanted to take her anger out on her. She looked cute and harmless to humans and animals, but she didn't expect her to be so ruthless.

"You don't like it?" Cheng Lan couldn't stand up because of the pain, so she just sat on the ground.

"You think you are so lucky to be safe and sound so many times? Is it just that the third master is protecting you?"

"If it wasn't for his secret protection, would you be safe and sound?"

"What kind of ability do you have that deserves the third master's respect for you?"

Cheng Lan yelled at her, her hair was disheveled, and she acted crazy.

"I live in his house, he should take more care of me."

"I've known him since childhood, why doesn't he take care of me?" Cheng Lan was furious.

"Song Fengwan, don't you know that Fu Chen has taken a fancy to you?"

She spoke so loudly that it hurt people's eardrums.

Song Fengwan looked at her condescendingly, was stunned by her, and his heart skipped a beat when she said this.

"Who doesn't know that Mr. Fu has a kind face and a cruel heart, even if he doesn't have any kindness towards his own nephew, if he hadn't taken a fancy to you, he would have lied to you?"

"Song Fengwan, he likes you!"

Third master...

like her?

Huai Sheng licked the cream on the corner of his mouth...

Uncle, what should I do?

You seem to be exposed.

I can't help you this time.

The scum girl is giving away her head, and she came to assist by the way, haha~

Guess what will happen tonight?

Huaisheng: Third Uncle, the little monk is really powerless [Show hands]


The little monk Huaisheng is really cute~

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