Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 158: Wanwan's Love Begins, The Third Master Is Jealous

It seems to be raining in the middle of the night

The cold wind beat against the windows, giving off endless coolness.

Song Fengwan drank too much water last night, if she hadn't been awakened by the urge to urinate, she would probably have slept until midnight. She crawled out of bed, felt the restroom by feeling, and was in a trance all the way...

She didn't open her eyes to look at the person in the mirror until she turned on the faucet to wash her hands. The slightly cold water brought her back to her senses...

what about her mouth...

The half-true dream of last night instantly came to mind.

She reached out and touched the corner of her mouth, which hurt a little.

I had many dreams about Fu Chen, and there were some indescribable images, but when I woke up the next day, it was absolutely impossible for this to happen.

She washed her face with water, and the events of last night flashed intermittently in her mind. Fu Chen had a lot of conversations with her. Although she couldn't remember the complete sentences, there were a few things that left a deep impression on her.

After stumbling out of the room, she took out her phone and started to Baidu Munk's poems.

Dreams are virtual mirrors processed in her mind. She doesn't even know about Munk, so how can she know about his poems? She typed a few words with trembling fingers, and the words of the poem "City" quickly popped up on the webpage. full content...

The poems written by Fu Chen's cell phone screen saver are clearly in sight.

Everything that happened last night...

Not a dream.

Song Fengwan fell down on the edge of the bed, his fingers holding the phone felt a little hot.

Many images flashed in her mind intermittently, which could kill someone.

be terribly upset.

Everything happened with signs. Thinking about how I got along with Fu Chen in the past two months, I was indeed much closer than ordinary people.

Even the basic holding hands and hugs have happened many times between the two of them under different circumstances. He always likes to tease himself, and that level has obviously crossed the line and out of proportion.

Song Fengwan is Fu Yuxiu's uncle. Sometimes when he thinks about it, he thinks it might be some illusion of his own.

Because Fu Chen can always grasp the timing very well, forbearance and restraint.

Can't find anything wrong with it.

But now all of this, Song Fengwan can no longer deceive himself with pure dreams...

Fu Chen likes her?

She repeatedly confirmed this matter in her heart, and she didn't seem to be so resistant and unacceptable as she thought.

She was lying on her back on the bed, her chest was so hot...

At a loss, don't know what to do next?


It wasn't until Qiao Xiyan came to knock on the door that she suddenly jumped up from the bed and licked her lips. She felt guilty for some reason, and it took a long time before she opened the door.

"Why so slow?" Although Qiao Xiyan drank too much wine last night, it didn't affect him in the slightest the next day. He was wearing a three-piece suit with a stern expression.

"Just woke up, get up and tidy up, girls are a bit slow." Song Fengwan turned sideways to let him into the room.

After Josie went in, she glanced at the review materials she had piled up on a table, "Did you still read the books when you came back yesterday?"

"Look at it for a while." Song Fengwan sat down along the edge of the bed, his guilty heart beating violently.

When she came back last night, she did read a book for a while, and then fell asleep when she felt sleepy. In the middle of the night, she was so thirsty that she went downstairs to drink water, and then...

"Pack up your things and we'll go back in the afternoon." Qiao Xiyan said casually.

In fact, he was drunk last night, so he could have slept a little longer.

But at 5 o'clock in the morning, the sound of wooden fish and chanting came from next door.


The noise made his brain hurt.

Wishing he could kick open Huaisheng's room door and beat him up.

In fact, Qiao Xiyan is not a good-tempered person. When he was a teenager, he was young and frivolous, and also behaved perversely. Although he grew up with a carving knife, he was really interested in this craft when he was sixteen or seventeen. Obsessed with carving, it is very annoying.

His temper was also reserved at that time.

If this little monk meets his former self, he must be thrown out of the window.

"Afternoon?" Song Fengwan bit his lips tightly, and his heart skipped a beat, "Cousin, today is Christmas."

"What are the holidays for Westerners to celebrate? Besides, Christmas is not only celebrated in the capital." Qiao's family tradition, except for traditional festivals, foreign festivals are all the same.

"But..." Song Fengwan lowered his head and stared at his slippers, "Leaving in the afternoon, how long will it take to get home?"

"Seven or eight o'clock in the evening, my aunt said that after we eat, we can rest after eating, and there are four days of exams, so you can also review and sprint."

Yuncheng's art examination time is just before the New Year's Day, and it varies from province to province. In some places, the art examination has already come to an end, and Yuncheng is considered late.

"Then you discussed it with the third master?"

Qiao Xiyan raised his eyebrows suddenly, and frowned slightly with his heroic and cold brows. When he looked at Song Fengwan, his eyes were scrutinizing, showing a trace of scrutiny.

"You..." Song Fengwan's back felt cold when he saw him, "Why do you look at me like that?"

"I told him a few days ago that I will go back soon. We can decide on the specific time. What should we discuss with him?"

Qiao Xiyan has always been straightforward, and feels that her cousin seems to be out of order today.


Song Fengwan almost forgot that his cousin has always been a person who does his own thing.

"Besides, I'll take you back. What does it have to do with him? Just go and say goodbye to him in person. Could it be that he won't let us go and you won't go back for the exam?"

"I didn't mean that." Song Fengwan twisted her fingers together, her cousin was too sharp and sensitive.

"Just now, I wanted to ask, what happened to your mouth? Why did it become swollen after a night?" Qiao Xiyan raised his eyebrows.

Song Fengwan's breathing was disordered, and his heart was pounding...

"I got up to drink water last night, and my head was dizzy. I was accidentally scalded by the hot water, and my mouth was almost scalded..." She panicked quickly.

last night……

I just dare not think about it again.

"Be careful in the future, that's all right, pack your things quickly, I won't bother you, and we'll go back after lunch." Qiao Xiyan knew that her cousin was well-behaved, so she never expected that she would lie to herself.

As soon as Qiao Xiyan left, she relaxed and covered her face with her hands.


Why have you been thinking about that?

Song Fengwan, why are you so...

Don't be ashamed.


Song Fengwan simply tidied up his things, packed them into boxes and packed them, and then walked downstairs in a gentle manner, for fear of meeting Fu Chen.

She wasn't ready yet, and she didn't know how to face him.

When she walked downstairs in a distraught manner, Uncle Nian said to her, "The third master took Huaisheng to school to go through the formalities, and he is expected to be back at noon."

"Yeah." Song Fengwan tugged on his clothes, heaved a sigh of relief, but also faintly disappointed.

"Wanwan, are you packed yet?" When Qiao Xiyan went downstairs, he was still wearing the long windbreaker that he had worn that day. He was cold and thin, giving off a chilling feeling.

Song Fengwan nodded. She didn't bring much when she came, so she didn't need to pack anything at all.

"I'm going to visit Mr. Fu and the old lady later. You can go out with me now, buy something, and go directly there." Qiao Xiyan said hello to Uncle Nian and walked out.

Song Fengwan went back to the house and took his bag, and went out with him.

There is always something absent-minded along the way.

In recent years, the festive atmosphere of Christmas has become stronger and stronger, and the streets are very lively, but she can't arouse her interest at all.


Fu's old house

When Qiao Xiyan and Song Feng arrived at the old house late, it was already past ten o'clock in the morning. Uncle Zhong led them in and kept saying, "You don't need to bring gifts, that's too polite."

"It should." Qiao Xiyan still had a cold face.

After the two entered the house, they discovered that the Fu family had guests.

"Yo—Sister Song." Duan Linbai jumped up from the sofa with a smile, "Why are you here?"

"Grandpa Fu, Grandma Fu." Song Fengwan greeted the two old people first, and then called out, "Brother Duan."

Apart from these three people in the living room, there was also a middle-aged man she had never seen before. He was mature and stable, with a nose and mouth somewhat similar to Duan Lin Bai's. They sat together again, it must be his father.

"Hello, Uncle."

"Yeah." The man nodded in response, looking at his son's silly look, he gave Song Fengwan a second look.

Although Duan Linbai is acquainted with each other, he is not very keen on the opposite sex.

"You said it's fine for the two of you to come, why bring so many things." The old lady pulled Song Fengwan to sit beside her, "I just felt that you just came to our house, why are you leaving now, I I really can't bear it."

"I will come to see you when I have time." Song Fengwan smiled.

"You children, you like to say such things to fool me. You say you often go home, and you are so busy..."

Song Fengwan smiled sarcastically.

"You and Xiyan will stay here for dinner later, and I'll ask someone to talk to the third child."

Song Fengwan was still upset when he mentioned Fu Chen at this moment.

The old lady nodded in response to what she said.

Qiao Xiyan sat next to Mr. Fu, and the topic of their chat was nothing more than his father.

Song Fengwan looked at the father and son of the Duan family on the opposite side, lowered his voice and approached the old lady, "Grandma Fu, you still have guests, why don't you greet them first?"

It's always bad manners to make people wait and slight them.

"It doesn't matter, our two families are too familiar, we are like a family, so we don't care about that." The old lady held her hand.

Can't help but sigh, this kid is really sensible, Fu Yuxiu, an unlucky stupid thing, was tricked by a girl in a few words, and he will suffer in the future.

"By the way, Xiyan, it's a coincidence that you came here." The old lady suddenly remembered something and smiled at Qiao Xiyan.

Qiao Xiyan suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Xiaobai is here to discuss a blind date. I have found a lot of good girls for him. You just follow him to have a look. If there are suitable ones, come over when you are free, and I will arrange for you to meet them."

The corners of Qiao Xiyan's mouth froze instantly, "I live in Wusu, so I'm afraid it's inconvenient."

"What's the inconvenience? Now that the traffic is so developed, if you think about it, it can be done in three to five minutes."

"If this happens in the future, people may not want to go back with me?" Qiao Xiyan always tried to find a reason to prevaricate.

"I will definitely say hello to people in advance about this matter. The girl will only meet you if she is willing to marry far away. After that, the two of you will hit it off. Maybe you still want to settle in the capital. You don't even have a word, and you want to do it so far away." Well."

The old lady is very talkative, a "clumsy tongue" person like Qiao Xiyan, how can I speak well of her.

"Look, there are a lot of photos, you and Xiaobai should take a look first."

Qiao Xiyan never thought that one day, he would end up in the same situation as a fool like Duan Linbai.

But Duan Linbai began to gloat, it was better for someone to suffer with him than to be alone.


The two people here looked at the photo, while Song Fengwan kept talking to the old lady.

About ten minutes later, there was the sound of a car outside, Zhong Bo smiled and said, "It should be the third master and Huai Sheng."

Song Fengwan's heart skipped a beat.

In just a minute or two, Fu Chen showed up at the door leading Huaisheng, he greeted Duan Linbai's father, and handed Huaisheng a pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet.

"Huaisheng, hurry up and show it to grandma." The old lady liked children, and when she saw Huaisheng, she rushed over to greet her.

Song Fengwan was a little out of order.

She was holding a water glass, drinking the half-cold tea, not daring to look up at Fu Chen.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man opposite said to her, "Old man Qiao's granddaughter, right?" He spoke very artfully, he didn't mention the Song family, and only focused on the Qiao family.

"Yes." Song Fengwan replied politely.

"Are you very familiar with our Lin Bai?"


"Do you have any hobbies?"

"Just read books and draw pictures." She is a third-year student in high school, what else can she do besides these.

"That's a coincidence. Our family, Lin Bai, also likes to read books. He used to study classical music, and you can draw. They are all engaged in art."

Duan Linbai was dumbfounded, what is his father doing?

"Hehe, is that so?" Song Fengwan lowered her head and sipped her tea. She wasn't stupid. This uncle had been staring at her all the time since the beginning. She didn't think much about it at all. Now why...

"Our family, Lin Bai, is 26 this year and has never been in a relationship. He owns an entertainment company and several entertainment media outlets. He has a lot of savings and a lot of cars. He has three houses in the capital and a villa abroad... "

"Dad—what nonsense are you talking about!" Duan Lin Bai was so frightened that he was dumbfounded.

Glancing at Fu Chen from the corner of the eye, he was taking off his coat slowly, with a cold expression on his face...

My dear father, you are pushing me into the pit of fire.

"Uncle, I'm still a student..." At this moment, everyone's eyes were on her. She didn't know if Fu Chen was looking at her, but felt guilty for no reason.

"Students are fine. Our family, Lin Bai, has no plans to get married at the moment. You can get in touch and give it a try."

"Dad!" Duan Linbai was so angry that he hurried over to stop him.

"I saw you being affectionate to a little girl just now, who is both a younger sister and an older brother. I have never seen you being so courteous and flattering to any girl. If you don't take the initiative, I can help you."

"That's not the case at all, you think too much."

Duan Linbai wanted to cry but had no tears. She was Fu Chen's favorite, and Fu Chen had a temperament of vengeance. To please her, hugging her thigh was very important.

Didn't his father deliberately trick him!

This is his future sister-in-law.

"It's uncle. Brother Duan and I are just ordinary friends." Song Fengwan also explained.

"Are you looking down on our Lin Bai?" Duan's father didn't seem to give up.

"No, brother Duan is very good, but I don't have that kind of thought right now."

"Then when did you have such a plan?"

Song Fengwan almost wanted to cry, what logic is there.

"Dad, it's really not, I don't like her at all, you really think too much..."

Qiao Xiyan also didn't expect that the family would suddenly target her cousin, so she came back to her senses and helped to refuse.

"Mr. Duan, I'm really sorry, my sister is still young, besides, a lot of things happened before, she will start again soon, I really don't want to be distracted by other things..."

"I'm really sorry." Qiao Xiyan handled interpersonal relationships in an appropriate manner.

This person is his elder, and if he was of the same generation, Josie would definitely not give him a good look if he wanted to play against his cousin.

"It's really small, but don't worry. If you have a chance to come to the capital in the future, I'll let Lin Bai take you around..." Qiao Xiyan said that for this sake, although he compromised, he obviously didn't give up.

"You're too sudden, you scare people." The old lady smiled and came out to smooth things over.

"That's right, Dad, I really have no idea about her!" Duan Linbai also said this to Fu Chen.

"I just think she's pretty good. She's young, so it's not a problem. She just has time to cultivate relationships..."

He has been observing Song Fengwan. Although he is not very old, he speaks well and handles things well, and he looks upright, gentle and well-behaved, which perfectly complements his family Lin Bai.


Song Fengwan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this...

Suddenly, she felt the sofa beside her collapse, and she smelled a cool sandalwood fragrance.

Fu Chen just came back from the outside, his whole body was chilly, sitting beside her, the breath on his body...

It was wet and cold.

He looked fine, but Song Fengwan clearly felt that he was in a bad mood.

Erlang was about to cry and faint in the toilet.

Everyone's son cheated on his father, he was cheated by his own father, life is impossible...

Wanwan knows that the third master likes her, haha, congratulations, sprinkle flowers


Today is Christmas, Merry Christmas everyone~

Tomorrow is the 26th, everyone must help the beginning of the month to save the monthly pass until tomorrow~

love you guys

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