Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 167 Senior Brother Yan: Mensao Pure Love, Still Desperate

"Next time I'll let him go sideways."

Yan Wangchuan's tone was cold and hard, and the coolness permeated people.

His attitude was very tough, and he sat there with his back straight.

There was a brief dead silence in the office of the police station. The policeman in charge of this incident pointed at Yan Wangchuan, and was so angry that he did not speak for a few minutes.

Even those little gangsters who are arrogant and arrogant outside, whoever is not submissive and dare not make a loud noise when they get here, is a good person.

He beat someone up, and he was so cruel.

It's absolutely amazing.

They also investigated the whole story clearly, and they could guess why Yan Wangchuan acted, but after all, there was a mistake in the act, so they can be subdued a little and let them close the case quickly?

Encountered such a hard stubble, the police are also desperate.

Yan Wangchuan just looked at him like this. He was a person with a cold temperament, but now that he stretched out his hand to serve him, his expression was even more gloomy and stern.

The policeman put down his finger angrily, "Yan Wangchuan, you..."

"Bullying women, even my own daughter, is not worthy of being a husband, a father, or even a man." Yan Wangchuan paused for a moment.

"We will deal with this matter, but what you did just now was too extreme."

"I won't apologize."

The policeman was furious, this stubborn temper...

He slapped the table, "If you do this again, I can lock you up for a few days!"

"..." Yan Wangchuan was about to speak when he was interrupted by a sudden voice.

"Shut up!" Qiao Aiyun listened at the door for a long time, then got angry and rushed in, cutting off what he wanted to say.

Yan Wangchuan saw Qiao Aiyun approaching, turned his head slightly, and actually stopped talking.

Song Fengwan lay at the door and looked inside. Uncle Yan was so arrogant just now, but now he is really scared.

"Comrade policeman, it's really wrong for him to beat someone up. Don't listen to his nonsense, he really knows his mistake." Qiao Aiyun smiled apologetically.

Just as Yan Wangchuan was about to speak, he was stared back by Qiao Aiyun.

The corners of his mouth were pursed into a slit, as if he was very dissatisfied, but he dared not speak.

It was a bit aggrieved like that.

"Well, it's fine if you know your mistake. In fact, Song Jingren doesn't intend to pursue it. You just need to pay for the medical expenses." The policeman also knew that Yan Wangchuan would not admit his mistake if he was beaten to death. Kind of stubborn bull entanglement.

It was so difficult.

"He still wants to pursue..." Yan Wangchuan just opened his mouth when Qiao Aiyun gave him a hard look.

"Then when can we leave?" Qiao Aiyun asked in a low voice.

Before Yan Wangchuan beat up Song Jingren, he was also called in by the police for questioning, but at that time Qiao Aiyun went there together, he said very little, and he was not as tough as he is now.

"My colleague will finish the record later, just sign it, don't be so impulsive next time." The policeman sighed, they also had a headache when they met Yan Wangchuan.

"Then let him stay away from their mother and daughter in the future." Yan Wangchuan said coldly.

The policeman stretched out his hand and squeezed the space between his eyebrows.

Song Jingren was also unlucky.

It stands to reason that he could sue Yan Wangchuan for intentionally hurting his injuries, but he insisted on swallowing his grievances. In the end, he was still a bully and dared to trouble his wife and daughter, but he did not dare to sue Yan Wangchuan.

It's nothing more than fear of the Yan family behind him, and he deserves the beating, so let's take it himself.

Since Song Jingren said that he would not pursue it, the police would naturally not insist on letting him go, and asked Yan Wangchuan to sign and leave.


Song Fengwan was sitting outside the corridor of the police station, sending a message to Fu Chen, telling him that the matter had been resolved.

When Qiao Aiyun came out, she still had a straight face.

"Mom." Song Fengwan hurried to catch up, Yan Wangchuan followed closely behind.

After leaving the police station, the north wind was raging, mixed with the unique dampness of the south wind, making it even colder. Qiao Aiyun walked to the gate of the police station, looked around, stopped a taxi, and dragged Song Fengwan into the car.

"Master, drive." Qiao Aiyun closed the car door.

"Mom, Uncle Yan hasn't gotten into the car yet." Song Fengwan was surprised.

Qiao Aiyun didn't speak, the driver had to drive away.

Yan Wangchuan stood at the gate of the police station, watching the taxi leave, adding coolness to the corners of his pursed lips.

Angry again?


Tiansheng District

Qiao Aiyun returned home, took off her coat, sat on the sofa, crossed her arms, and was so angry that she couldn't breathe well.

Song Fengwan poured a glass of water and handed it to her, "Mom, how angry are you?"

"How can you be angry? That Yan Wangchuan..." Qiao Aiyun squeezed the water glass tightly, the words came to her mouth, but were swallowed back, it's better not to say this in front of the children.

"Uncle Yan's temper is a bit straighter, but it's for us, it's okay now, why are you angry?"

"Straight-tempered? He's just short-tempered!"

Qiao Aiyun was furious.

Fortunately, Song Jingren didn't pursue it today. If he did, Yan Wangchuanbao would have to go in and lock him up for a few days.

The two of them almost got married before. At that time, her father and the Yan family even had the same date of birth. She already felt sorry for the Yan family. If it was because of herself that she caused him to be sued, she would feel even more uneasy.

Song Fengwan suppressed a smile, "Well, Uncle Yan is not only short-hearted, but also stubborn, otherwise why would he come from Nanjiang for thousands of miles..."

"You..." Qiao Aiyun was so angry that she stretched out her hand and kept poking her on the head, "After two months away, you are really getting more and more courageous, teasing me? Who is used to you?"

Song Fengwan stuck out his tongue, but didn't speak.

Qiao Aiyun reached out and touched her face, "How is it? Does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

"He's really crazy..."

Song Fengwan pursed his lips and remained silent.

The mother and daughter were silent for a long time, and Song Fengwan didn't get up to change the hot water until the tea was completely cold, "Mom, you left Uncle Yan at the police station just now, has he returned to the hotel now?"

"How would I know." Qiao Aiyun snorted coldly.

"It's not a boy in his teens or early twenties, why is he so careless in doing things?"

"This man has already arrived at the police station, and he still talks so rudely to the police? He thinks the police station is run by his family!"

Seeing that she was so angry, Song Fengwan took out his mobile phone, "Then I'll call Uncle Yan and ask..."

The phone was dialed, but the phone rang from the door.

The mother and daughter looked at each other.

"Mom, Uncle Yan..." Song Fengwan pointed to the closed security door.

"Let him stay outside." Qiao Aiyun got angry, took her clothes and prepared to go back to her room.

"Mom, Yuncheng is minus 5 degrees today." Song Fengwan whispered.


Yuncheng is no better than that in Beijing, as long as it is indoors, even the toilets are warm.

Here, the corridors of the high-rise community are cold and windy. If the air conditioner is not turned on in the house, people will be shivering with cold.

Qiao Aiyun went back to her room and stayed for a few minutes, finally she came out and opened the anti-theft door.

Yan Wangchuan stood at the door. He usually went out, either indoors or in the car, so he didn't wear much, and his lips were already a little blue from the cold.

"Why are you standing still, come in." Qiao Aiyun frowned, and let him enter the room sideways, "Wanwan, pour him a glass of water."

Yan Wangchuan didn't make a sound, and quietly entered the house.

"Uncle Yan, sit down." Song Fengwan pointed to the sofa.

Yan Wangchuan glanced at Qiao Aiyun, as if he was waiting for her instructions.

"Look what I do, sit down."

Seeing his appearance like this, Qiao Aiyun didn't know what to say.

Song Fengwan poured two glasses of water, then quietly retreated, "You guys talk, I'm going back to my room to read."

She got into the room, put her ear against the door, and listened quietly to the movement outside.

After she came back, she knew that the sound insulation here was very poor, and even a little movement outside could be heard clearly inside the house.

After a long silence, Yan Wangchuan finally spoke.

"Are you angry?" He paused every word, as if saying this was too difficult for him.

"Do you know where I went wrong?" Qiao Aiyun looked at him seriously.

"If there is a next time, I will not be soft."

Yan Wangchuan's expression was cold and hard, and he had an unusual attachment to this matter.

Even if Song Fengwan couldn't see it, he could guess that his mother's face was ugly at the moment.

"Are you angry because you think I shouldn't beat him? Distress?" A straight man like Yan Wangchuan has a business mind, but he is emotionally slow and slow. He has never chased anyone, let alone knows what a woman thinks, so he can only guess. The two may be in love.

"Distressed?" Qiao Aiyun sneered, "Then my mind may be squeezed by the door."

Yan Wangchuan's fingers that had been tightly clenched suddenly loosened.

It's fine if you don't have feelings.

"I mean, you made a mistake when you hit someone..."

"I'm right." Yan Wangchuan argued hard.

Qiao Aiyun clenched the water glass in her hand, wishing she could directly splash water on his face.

She suppressed her anger, "Yes, you are right, but since you have arrived at the police station, should you change your attitude?"

"You're still so arrogant in the face of the police? What do you think?"

"Could it be that you really want to go in and stay for a few days? You are too old, so you can't do things properly?"

Normally, Qiao Aiyun would never have dared to talk to Yan Wangchuan like this. That kind of fear was cultivated since she was a child, and she was forced into a hurry today. The ghost knows how nervous she was on the way to the police station, for fear of making things worse.

"Song Jingren is in the divorce lawsuit with you, he wouldn't want to openly turn against me at this time and make an enemy for himself."

If Yan Wangchuan was not sure about this, he would not dare to make a move.

"I have never seen anyone who wants to walk sideways after arriving at the police station."

"I usually do things very properly, so you don't have to worry about that." Yan Wangchuan said in a serious tone.

Qiao Aiyun sneered, "Property? Do you have this thing? Every strike is more ruthless. I don't know. I thought you often fight with others."


"Not yet?" Qiao Aiyun sneered,

"I've fought with someone twice in my life." Yan Wangchuan looked stern and his voice was firm.

Qiao Aiyun was still full of anger at first, but after what he said, she completely lost her temper.

The only thing I have done with anyone in my life is because of myself.

What else can she say.

It's just that the eye sockets are astringent and the tip of the nose is sore. If I could sit down and talk with him like this back then, maybe the relationship between the two of them would be different.

Qiao Aiyun suddenly saw that his knuckles were bruised from the corner of his eye, "Are you injured?"

"I couldn't control my strength just now."

"I'll go get the medicine box for you to deal with." Qiao Aiyun got up and rummaged through the medicine box.

Qiao Aiyun sterilized the wound on his knuckles, applied some ointment, and put on a bandage, "I have to deal with it myself when I go back."

Yan Wangchuan looked down at her carefully treating the wound for himself. His palm was wide and big, and it was held by her two hands. Her fingertips were a little calloused, but the rest of her fingers were very soft. After applying hand cream in winter, there was a smell Light peony scent.

There was heat in his ears, but he still stared at her.

Is she worried about herself?

"Since we arrived at the door just now, why didn't you knock?" Qiao Aiyun lowered her head and packed the medicine box.

"You're angry."

dare not.

Qiao Aiyun paused with her fingers, feeling warm in her heart, she replied lightly, without saying a word.

He was...

I always stare at myself, but rarely talk to myself, is it because I dare not?

How can there be such a boring person in this world.

This is a man in his forties or fifties, and Qiao Aiyun doesn't know how to describe him.


Yan Wangchuan stayed here for dinner, he still didn't talk much, but Qiao Aiyun brought him some food, and Song Fengwan clearly noticed that he seemed a little embarrassed.

There is an inexplicable sense of contrast and cuteness at such an innocent age.

She usually pretends to be so arrogant, and in front of her mother, she is just being strong on the outside and doing nothing on the inside.

Qiao Aiyun handed him the car keys, "Your car is still at the gate of Yuncheng University, you should take the time to drive it."

"Yeah." Yan Wangchuan nodded and took the key, still with a frozen face.

When he left the community, the assistant's car was already waiting.

The bandage smelled strong, and the assistant noticed the strangeness on his hands as soon as he glanced at it.

"Mr. Yan, are you injured? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No need." Yan Wangchuan looked down at his fingers, and suddenly thought of Qiao Aiyun rubbing medicine on him repeatedly.

suddenly laughed...

The assistant almost went crazy with fright.

Damn, he has been with Yan Wangchuan for more than six years, and he has never seen him smile like this.

To hell at night.

Senior Brother Yan is the kind of sullen [old] man who is domineering and powerful, but has a dull and innocent feeling.

Also very stubborn [covering face]

Does anyone else like this brother? Ha ha

Brother Yan: I did the right thing.

Joe's mother: ...


Ask for a monthly ticket every day, all kinds of tickets are needed, hehe~

Recently, everyone has sent a lot of props to the beginning of the month, thank you very much, okay~

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