In Yuncheng in January, there was a little snow a few days ago, the afterglow of the setting sun was shining through, the sky was light ink, and the sky was white and snowy, like ink that could not be melted.

Song Fengwan had just left the airport, and the wind was blowing cold, making her shiver.

"I proposed to your mother last night, and she agreed. What do you think of this? She said she wanted to ask for your opinion."

Yan Wangchuan's words were simple and rude, and she was so scared that she didn't recover for a long time.

I don't even know how to answer him, the world has changed after going out for a few days by myself.

When they got to the car, Huaisheng climbed into the car first, while Shifang and Yan Wangchuan were carrying their luggage. Song Fengwan hurriedly pulled Qiao Aiyun aside, "Mom, what's going on? Are you and Uncle Yan really together?"

"He proposed to you, and you still agreed?"

"You didn't tell me about such a big event, when did it happen?"

Qiao Aiyun's head was about to explode, "Not at all!"

"But Uncle Yan won't lie."

"It's a little complicated."

"Then you put it simply."

"I was tricked by him."

Song Fengwan was suspicious. After these days, she also knew a little about Yan Wangchuan. She wasn't the kind of person who would play tricks on her. She doesn't believe it.

"Ms. Qiao, Ms. Song, get in the car." Shi Fang closed the trunk.

They have two cars, Yan Wangchuan's own, and one of Fu's.

"Wanwan, you take Huaisheng in that car, I have something to say to him." Qiao Aiyun was so angry at the moment, she stared at Yan Wangchuan, wishing she could swallow him alive.

Song Fengwan hurriedly dragged Huaisheng into another car, and Shifang drove, following closely behind Yan Wangchuan.


When Yan Wangchuan drove out of the airport, Qiao Aiyun took a breath and turned her head to look at him.

"Brother, what did you say in front of Wan Wan just now?"

"Didn't you say that you need to ask for her opinion?" Yan Wangchuan stared ahead, speaking still seriously, with no expression on his face.

"But before you say this, shouldn't you discuss it with me. She is still a child, and his father and I just divorced. Do you think she can accept it all at once?"

Yan Wangchuan glanced at her from the corner of his eye, and gave a faint "hmm".

Qiao Aiyun let out a long sigh of relief, huh?


"I'm used to being alone, and I'll change it. I'll discuss everything with you in the future."

Qiao Aiyun gritted her teeth anxiously, "There's nothing about the two of us, I'm in a difficult situation with you now."

"Wan Wan is a good girl, she will understand you."

Qiao Aiyun's jaw almost dropped in shock, she clearly didn't mean this.

"Don't worry, although I don't have children, I will treat her well." Yan Wangchuan's tone was firm, as if he had made a very serious promise.

Qiao Aiyun sighed, "Actually, I was with Song Jingren, and I found out that he cheated a long time ago. He wrote me a letter of guarantee. At that time, my mother-in-law was still alive, and she also cried and begged me, saying that the Song family couldn't afford to lose this person." , and I was also pregnant at the time, so I dismissed the idea of ​​divorce."

"My mother-in-law has always told me that as long as the child is born, Song Jingren will definitely take care of it, but the result is not like this..."

"I always feel that if I persist, I can always live on. I want to give Wan Wan a complete family. I didn't realize how ridiculous I have been struggling all these years until that girl came to the door."

"Every night is very important to me..."

Yan Wangchuan listened carefully, and after a long time, he suddenly pulled over and stopped the car.

Qiao Aiyun turned her head to look at him, and found that he was also staring at her. His eyes were deep, cold and sharp as usual, and seemed to have some inexplicable affection.

"Ai Yun..."

"What's wrong? Don't look at me like that, it's all over..." She lowered her head and smiled wryly.

Yan Wangchuan suddenly stretched out his hand and held her hand. She was startled, and subconsciously wanted to withdraw her hand. His hand was big, thick with calluses, and his palm was scorching, with enough heat to melt people.

Ironing made her heart tremble.

"You..." What's the matter with this person, he suddenly started to move.

"I will not cheat, I will only treat you well." Yan Wangchuan said solemnly.

Qiao Aiyun's nose was sore, she suddenly pulled her fingers out of his palm, turned her head and looked out the window, without saying a word.

After tens of seconds, he added another sentence.

"I will treat you twice as well."

Qiao Aiyun smiled bitterly, unable to tell what it was like.

Although her feelings for Song Jingren were exhausted, she didn't make up her mind to accept another person immediately. If she only wanted to find someone to rely on, or to find someone to live with, Yan Wangchuan was indeed the best candidate.

But he had waited for her for more than twenty years, and this feeling was too heavy for her to accept him easily.

I am afraid that I can't bear it, and I am afraid that I will let him down.


in another car

Song Fengwan was very happy that his mother took the bus separately from her, just in time to call Fu Chen.

Fu Chen and his party had just got off the plane and were heading to Beijing Medical College by car.

The medical school is located in the university town, adjacent to the suburbs, far away from the airport, and it takes two hours to drive.

However, the Duan family entrusted someone to use a private jet. They had already disembarked before Song Fengwan's plane reached Yuncheng.

"You haven't arrived at the hospital yet?" Song Fengwan rubbed the tip of her nose, the cold wind had just blown her nose dry and cold.

"There are still more than ten minutes." Fu Chen looked at Duan Linbai beside him with disgust.

"Then..." Song Fengwan bit his lips, "I'll stay with you for another ten minutes." It took more than an hour to get home from the airport.

Fu Chen smiled lowly, "Okay."

After he hung up the phone, the car had already driven into the medical school.

The driver was Qian Jiang. According to the location information sent by Duan's family, he searched the school for a long time before finding the medical building where the ophthalmology department is located.

Fu Chen reached out and took off Duan Lin Bai's earphones, "Here we are, get out of the car."

This is the first time I have seen her eyes, and she is still in such a good mood.

In a foreign hospital before, the doctor specifically told him that such patients with snow blindness would suddenly lose their sight, have big mood swings, may be depressed, and may be extremely irritable and out of control, so he must pay attention to the patient's physical and mental health.

And the one next to him, after listening to the hip-hop rap all the way, danced and danced, he didn't look like a patient at all.

It was raining and snowing in the capital, and the ground was slippery. The car door opened, and it was Qian Jiang who carried him upstairs.

Duan Linbai couldn't see it, so he touched Qianjiang's neck twice with his fingers, and after confirming that it was the neck, he stretched out his arms to hug him tightly. His body was soaring into the air and weightless, his heart trembled, and the feeling of not being able to see it was really uncomfortable.

Qian Jiang has good physical fitness and walks steadily, but...

Why is this so-and-so finger touching his chest?

"Yo, Qianjiang, you have a good figure."

"As expected of being a soldier, I usually do fitness."

"These muscles are one by one, not bad."


Qian Jiang glanced at Fu Chen who was beside him, and signaled him with his eyes: Can he throw this person away?

Fu Chen coughed twice, "Be patient."

"What are you enduring?" Duan Linbai snorted softly, "I'm a patient now."

"I have never seen a patient who is happier than you." Everyone went crazy, and he was the only patient who was happy.

"I'm making fun of bitterness. Do you think I'm not sad? Men are crying silently in their hearts."

Fu Chen smiled lightly.

Believe your nonsense.


When Fu Chen and his party arrived at the room, the expert doctor had already been waiting for a long time.

Qian Jiang put him down, and Mrs. Duan hurried over to support him, "Xiaobai, you..."

Knowing that blindness and seeing it with one's own eyes are two different things, Madam Duan's eyes turned red, and tears kept falling down.

"Ms. Lin, don't cry, I'm not really blind." Duan Linbai reached out and touched the air twice, then patted his mother's shoulder tentatively, "You cry so hard, I can't Tears, don't provoke me."

"Don't cry, let the doctor show Xiaobai quickly." Father Duan helped his wife to the side.

Immediately a doctor came over, "Master Duan, don't be afraid, just follow my instructions and move forward."

Duan Linbai subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch it, but in fact he was more disturbed than anyone else.

On the other side, the female medical student who was in charge of pouring tea and water just now was standing by the side with a few classmates.

Snow blindness is not a terminal illness. They didn't come to see experts for consultation. It's just that those who came today were all big names in the field of ophthalmology. Just like many people chasing stars nowadays, these people are their idols, so they naturally have to join in the fun.

Duan Linbai was supported by several doctors and carefully sat on the stool.

He is pale and thin, wearing a bright yellow jacket, his hair may be a little frosty, a few strands of hair sticking to his ears, the tips of his hair are dripping with water, his shoulders are broad and his legs are long, his lips are slightly pursed, obviously he has not yet adapted to the darkness, and he can hardly walk. It is to try first with the tiptoe.

Born with nothing to do with romance, clean and tidy, even if he is blind, he can't see, and there is an arrogance and evil smell on his body.

"Mr. Duan, don't be nervous." The doctor sitting opposite him took off his goggles.

He couldn't see it, his eyes were not focused, his dark brown eyes were squinted sideways, he was helpless, but he was holding on, there was a breath for a moment, which was extremely perverse, and then he stopped breathing for a moment.

"I know." Duan Linbai took a deep breath.

"Then let's check it for you first, don't move around."

Duan Linbai could feel his eyelids being stretched open with fingers, but he had no way of knowing what they did and how many people were in front of them.

"Hey, it's really Duan Linbai. He looks so good-looking. Look at his skin, it's whiter than a woman's. It looks like he's put on powder. I always thought his skin was rubbed in the photos on the Internet." The medical students leaned in the corner, discussing in low voices.

"I've never seen a man who can wear bright yellow so clean and fresh." A girl reached out and touched the person beside her.

"Muzi, those boys from our medical school can't watch this kind of masterpiece."

"The one who came in with him just now is so handsome..."

A few male students on one side tilted their heads and did not speak. This appearance is natural, and there are some looks that cannot be corrected by plastic surgery.

A girl talked to herself for a long time, and suddenly found that her friend hadn't spoken for a long time, and then turned her head to look at her. She was lowering her head, desperately pretending to be a mushroom, trying to minimize her sense of existence.

"Xu Jiamu, are you okay?" She lowered her voice.

Xu Jiamu tilted his head, wishing he could huddle his head in his friend's arms.

"are you uncomfortable?"

"No." Xu Jiamu wanted to die at this moment. She was focused on her studies, and all the eye disease analysis charts were pasted on the walls of the dormitory. She had only heard of Duan Linbai, but had never seen him.

How did she know that she would have such a bad relationship with him.

"You know Mr. Duan?" The friend whispered, "I heard that he has a bad reputation outside, and he is surrounded by Internet celebrities, Muzi, you and him..."

"Did he do something to you?"

Xu Jiamu bit his lip, "I should have done something to him..."

The friend was numb, "You treat him?"

How do you see that these two people are from two worlds? University campuses, supermarket bathrooms have everything. When Xu Jiamu was doing experiments, he hadn't stepped out of school for five months, let alone go out to play. How could he know Duan Linbai? ?

And Xu Jiamu said, what did she do to Duan Linbai?

She had to think about some aspects, Duan Linbai's appearance is recognized as beautiful, and there are thousands of people who want to sleep with him on the Internet, "Xu Jiamu, I can't see it, you are usually quiet, but you are actually a big deal. "

"Huh?" Xu Jiamu was trying to reduce his presence.

"Did you give him to..."

Xu Jiamu was taken aback.

As if innocent and humiliated, his teeth chattered with anger, "I didn't do that to him, your thoughts are really dirty."

"Scared me, I thought you raped him, after all you are so courageous." Few who study medicine are timid.

Xu Jiamu gritted his teeth angrily, "I didn't fuck him!"

When he was angry, his voice was obviously raised. Duan Linbai was blind, but his ears were naturally more sensitive.

Who is speaking, the voice seems to have been heard somewhere.

Fu Chen stood beside Duan Linbai, and turned his head to look at Xu Jiamu. This figure...

Inexplicably familiar.

The origin of Xu Jiamu's name [there is a beautiful tree in the south, and it will become a forest in ten years], it is a forest...

Keke, just understand

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