Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 302 The college entrance examination, the third master is more nervous than the old father (

On the last evening self-study before the college entrance examination, Song Fengwan did two English readings. Even with the teacher watching from the podium, many people couldn't sit still. Many people were whispering and didn't care about reading.

"Song Fengwan." Someone poked her on the back, she turned her head, and handed over a classmate book, "Can you write one?"

"Okay." She reached out to take it, and casually flipped through two pages.

Many people have written it, and the quotations they left are all about the wind and the waves, and there will be times when the wind and the waves will be sailed straight to the sea.

After she was in her third year of high school, she spent most of her time studying art outside. After she came back, everyone was reviewing, and her relationship with her classmates was average.

It’s okay to say that the relationship is not good, but we spent the difficult and tense senior year of high school together, and there is always an unspeakable revolutionary friendship.

She usually doesn't talk much, studies well, looks pretty, and has a good family background. She looks like an ordinary student, but she seems a little out of place.

Very few boys dared to go up to talk to her. Seeing that she agreed to write the classmate's list without hesitation, everyone became more courageous. After class, many people sent the classmate's list.

There was even a letter of confession in one of them.

[Song Fengwan, I like you! I've noticed you since the first year of high school...]

Eloquently wrote a whole piece of paper.

Song Fengwan picked up his pen and wrote a sentence behind, [Thank you, I have someone I like. 】

When returning to classmate registration, not long after, a group of boys wailing came from the back row, and they were scolded by the head teacher.

Song Fengwan's unified examination results came out at the end of January, and the art examination results of major universities also came out in February and March. Song Fengwan's art examination results can be admitted to many art academies.

She is the number one major in Jingmei, Wusu Academy of Fine Arts and Nanjiang are also on the line, the key depends on the score of the culture class.

Qiao Aiyun originally wanted her to go to Wusu Academy of Fine Arts, but she was with Yan Wangchuan and wanted her to go to Nanjiang Academy of Fine Arts, even if she chose the Academy of Fine Arts, she was very worried.

But she didn't understand at all, Song Fengwan was only thinking about running to the capital.

Because the exam was about to take place, the teacher didn't stay with the students for a long time, so he asked them to go back around nine o'clock, and reminded them of many precautions. Song Fengwan checked the stationery again, and bought an extra 2B when he left the school. After painting the card pen, he got into Yan Wangchuan's car.


The night before the exam, Fu Chen had a brief phone call with her for a few minutes before hanging up.

Huai Sheng was watching a Minions movie in the living room, because of the college entrance examination, the requisition of classrooms, and the transfer of teachers to invigilate the exam, most of the primary and secondary schools in the capital are on vacation.

"Third Uncle, can I go up the mountain these days? I miss Master." As long as Huaisheng was on vacation, he would think about running up the mountain.

He was eating chicken popcorn at the moment, still thinking about how to be a good abbot.

"Okay, I'll see you off tomorrow." Fu Chen also planned to go to the mountain early in the morning to pray for Song Fengwan.

Before dawn the next day, Fu Chen set off with Huai Sheng.

Some traffic policemen are already preparing for the college entrance examination. After 7 o'clock, many roads will be completely blocked, and some intersections have set up no-honking signs, and mobile vehicles set up for candidates can be seen everywhere.

Fu Chen looked down at his watch, and as the time approached, his expression became inexplicably agitated.

Shifang glanced at Fu Chen through the rearview mirror, "Third Master, don't worry too much. Ms. Song's academic performance is very good. As long as she plays steadily, she will definitely be able to go to Jingmei."

"And she has high grades in major courses. Isn't there a professor in Jingmei who admires her very much? As long as her grades are up to the mark, it is not a problem to go to the best major."

"Don't be nervous."

"I look nervous?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows, his face expressionless.

Huai Sheng turned his head to look at him, "Third Uncle, you look very restless and restless."

Shifang suppressed a smile.

In fact, a few days ago, his family's third master began to have this kind of restlessness.

He had never been so nervous before taking an exam.

It is said that students are nervous before the exam and can't eat, and his third father doesn't take the exam, so why is he more nervous than his old father.

He was really restless and didn't want to work, so he gave his employees three days off.

It made the company people look dumbfounded.

Students take the college entrance examination, what kind of leave do they give.


Qiao's House in Yuncheng

Song Fengwan woke up at 5:30 as soon as his biological clock arrived. When he went downstairs, Qiao Aiyun was making dumplings for her. In the minds of the older generation, eating dumplings was auspicious and would bless everything to go smoothly.

Qiao Aiyun didn't sleep much that night, she was afraid that if she overslept, it would delay her exam.

"Didn't I tell you to sleep longer? I'll call you when the time comes." Qiao Aiyun lowered her head and continued pinching the dumplings.

"Can't sleep." Song Fengwan was also nervous.

After twelve years of hard work, studying at night in the cold window, shouldering the hopes of his elders, Song Fengwan was also worried.

If she doesn't do well in the exam this time and misses Jingmei, she may start a long-distance relationship with Fu Chen. It's really hard to say what will happen in the future.

Fu Chen was also worried about this.

If she didn't get into Jingmei, and she went to a school in other places, this university is full of young fresh meat, playing together all day, how can he rest assured?

Song Fengwan's examination room was at the middle school near his home. After breakfast, Qiao Ai and Yan Wangchuanyun accompanied him there, just as a walk to exercise his body.

When we arrived at the school gate, the school was already open, and the parents couldn't get in, so they had to send her outside.

"There are chocolates in the bag, and bring this water too." Qiao Aiyun was more nervous than her, "Don't be nervous, just perform normally."

"Yeah." Song Fengwan looked at the school gate full of candidates and parents, feeling hard to calm down.

"Take a good exam." Yan Wangchuan was speechless all the way, and finally gave a warning.

Song Fengwan went in with his bag on his back. He had come to see it in advance. He could easily find the location of the examination room. All the students were waiting outside. Everyone came from different schools and did not know each other. Occasionally, some came from other examination rooms. Several people were chatting with their heads tilted.

The rest of the people were looking down at the information and holding their feet temporarily, as if this would make them feel more at ease.

Song Fengwan took out his cell phone and called Fu Chen.

"Hello——" Fu Chen had already arrived in the mountains at this moment, and the signal was not very good, intermittent.

"Third brother." Song Fengwan raised his heart in his throat.

"Take it easy and be confident."

Shi Fang stood beside him, stretched out his hand and rubbed his nose, he had been nervous for days, yet he turned to comfort him.

"I know, don't be nervous..."

The two chatted for a while, and seeing a group of teachers coming with sealed bags, she hung up the phone in a hurry, turned off her mobile phone, and prepared to enter the venue.

After the invigilator entered the examination room, he checked the classroom thoroughly, turned on the signal shielding equipment and metal detectors, and wrote the examination subjects and time on the blackboard.

Song Fengwan was extremely nervous, until he sat in the examination room, his heart slowly sank...

On the back of her admission ticket was Fu Chen's post-it note. She took a deep breath and tried to relax her tense body slowly.


Fu Chen, who was in the temple at the moment, was more nervous than her, praying to gods and Buddha, and asking for a lottery for Song Fengwan.

Sign on.

Even so, he couldn't feel at ease. He played against Master Purdue and lost three games in a row.

"The third master has something on his mind today." Master Pudu put away the chessboard, "Your mind is not here, if you have anything to say to me, I may be able to help you."

Fu Chen laughed, "Maybe you can't help me."

Huai Sheng had already changed into a gray shirt, and poured tea for the two of them on his knees, "Master, you can't help Third Uncle with this matter."

"Since you came to the mountain, you must have something to ask the Buddha, praying to the Buddha to ask for a lottery, both are excellent, I don't know what you are worried about?" Master Pudu picked up the hot tea in hand, blew on the hot air, and took a sip.

Fu Chen smiled wryly.

During the two days of the college entrance examination, he couldn't sit still at all, it was really suffering.

"Because the object of the third uncle's office is taking an exam today, the third uncle must be nervous." Huai Sheng took it for granted.

Master Pudu was stunned for a moment, remembering that last year Fu Chen gave him a birthday horoscope for him to count as marriage. The girl was only 17 at the time, and she really should take the exam according to her age.

These days, there are many parents who come to ask their children to bless the exam.

Some time ago, the old lady of the Fu family went up to the mountain to ask him about Fu Chen's marriage.

He said that something was wrong with him during this time, he was even in a daze while eating, and almost burned his hands. She had never seen Fu Chen lose his mind before. Once, he almost gave grapes to the family dog, and almost poisoned Fu Xinhan. die.

The old lady wanted to ask whether it was a relationship problem or a job failure.

Now it seems that something is wrong with the third master...

I'm afraid it's because I'm worried about my daughter-in-law's pre-exam syndrome.

Song Fengwan had already started the exam at this moment, so he didn't understand Fu Chen's worry and anxiety at the moment.

(*^▽^*) We celebrate the New Year, and the college entrance examination is already in the evening. The third master is really more nervous than the old father~

Some people say that the third master seems to be raising a daughter.

You said their age is raising a daughter, haha

Third Master: ...

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