Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 311 Entering Nanjiang for the first time, handsome beach guy in bikini (4 more)


It was past two o'clock in the afternoon when Song Fengwan's plane landed. After picking up his luggage, he took the car to Yan's house. It was past four o'clock in the afternoon when he arrived at his door.

The Yan family's old house is built near the sea, with thousands of square meters. On the edge is the most famous beach. The beach is full of people, with clear water and blue sky, and coconut sand. Song Fengwan was lying by the car window and couldn't help but jump for joy.

The car drove into the gate of Yan's house, and the laughter and laughter outside gradually drifted away, and Song Fengwan couldn't help but feel uneasy.

She glanced at Qiao Aiyun beside her and grabbed her hand.

Qiao Aiyun's palms were cold, and she was obviously very nervous.


"I'm fine." Her throat was hot and hoarse.

Although there is only one old lady in their family, the usual meeting is completely different from officially entering the Yan family.

Yan Wangchuan sat in the co-pilot, looked down at his phone, and looked back, "There are a lot of people in the family, don't be too nervous, I'm here."

Yan Wangchuan didn't know why all the relatives at home suddenly came here.

He is not good at dealing with people, and his relationship with them is not close, but he can't break contact.

The Yan family is a famous family in Nanjiang. Yan Wangchuan's lineage is naturally the most orthodox.

If you are engaged or in a relationship, everyone will not flock to them.

They are truly certified, and everyone is curious.

"Yeah." Qiao Aiyun nodded, feeling even more uneasy in her heart.

The two of them got married more than 20 years ago, and she still knew something about the Yan family. Although the main house was withered and the population was sparse, the supporters were very prosperous.

And this group of people came for themselves completely.


The car stopped, and after a few people got out of the car, someone cared to lead the way.

On both sides are finely trimmed tropical plants, which are quite different from Yuncheng. The fountain stone mountain, the stone steps climbed up, and Song Fengwan raised her head slightly...

The so-called high-stakes family is probably the case.

Nanjiang was traded with foreign countries at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The sea breeze blows, and the moist water vapor blows.

"It's coming. I said I'm going to pick you up at the airport, but Wangchuan still refuses to tell me the flight information." When he heard Mrs. Yan's slightly high-pitched excited voice.

"Wangchuan, you really made me wait all day."

Song Fengwan looked up and saw Madam Yan leaning on a cane and hurriedly greeted him with the help of Huang Ma.

The old lady is a person who loves beauty. Today, she deliberately cleaned up, got her hair, embroidered a pair of clothes, and hung a string of pearl necklaces, which is graceful and generous.


"Hello, Grandma Yan."

"We're all a family now, why are you so out of touch, hurry in." The old lady put the crutches in Yan Wangchuan, and walked in with one person in one hand, "Are you hungry, go get something to eat first, I'll be early in the morning. Let people stew soup for a day..."

As Mrs. Yan came out, a group of people followed.

After entering the house, there were also some people sitting inside, watching them enter the house, all of them stood up.

Everyone's eyes fell on them, Song Fengwan's scalp was a little numb, so many people, she only knew Yan Shaochen.

Yan Shaochen was buried in the crowd and only greeted her lightly.

Since breaking her and Fu Chen's kiss, he has been unable to look directly at Song Fengwan.

Mrs. Yan introduced them with a smile.

What uncles and uncles, aunts and aunts, there are many younger ones, and some are even the same age as Song Fengwan...

Some warmly greeted, and some secretly observed, Song Fengwan couldn't resist this scene, saying that if she wanted to go to the bathroom, she was just hiding.

Apart from Huang Ma, there were only two or three servants in the Yan family, all of them greeted the guests in front and pointed the way to Song Fengwan.

The Yan family is engaged in jewelry design, and the furnishings in the house are also very stylish. After Song Feng came out of the bathroom at night, he overheard a few people chatting...

"...What's so precious? The second marriage also brought a child. I introduced so many people to him, many of them were young and beautiful.

"It's mainly because we were engaged before. We used to look down on our Yan family's divorce, but now we just post the divorce. Maybe it's what the picture is."

"Yeah, I broke off the marriage before, but it made our family so ugly, how can we still have the face."

"I still bring this oil bottle. Is it possible that the girl will come to divide the property in the future? Does she have our family name?"

"What does it matter? The old lady likes it. She also prepares a dowry for her. People who are not from our family are planning to marry off from our family."

"You haven't seen your cousin's flattering look, she's flattering and flattering, and I wish you could praise the mother and daughter to the sky."

"Wang Chuan doesn't have anything to do with us whether he gets a wife or not. Even if he doesn't get married and have children in his life, he can still share his money with you? I really don't understand why you are sour?"

"I'm afraid he'll be deceived, he's so straight."

"He's straight, but not stupid."

"How can someone as shrewd as the old lady be deceived? You are really worried about eating radishes."


Song Feng listened for a while late, congratulated him sincerely, and naturally he was wary everywhere.

A group of bulls, ghosts, snakes, and ghosts.

After she went out, the group sat for a while.

"I've seen it too, it's getting late, you guys..." Mrs. Yan coughed twice and immediately issued an eviction order.

"Then we won't bother."

"Yeah, then let's go first. Late night, if you are free, I will ask my son to take you out to play."

"There are many interesting places in Nanjiang, you can go out more."


After finally sending a group of people away, the old lady sighed.

"It's my mouth. Your cousin came to see me in the morning. I just said that you will bring Ai Yun today and come back late. She has such a big mouth and told them."

"A group of people came here with gifts, and they all said they wanted to come to congratulate. I'm not very good at kicking people out."

What are these people thinking, the old lady is like a mirror in her heart, but when she is overjoyed, she doesn't want to be so unlucky.

Scared her daughter-in-law away, she will definitely ask them to settle accounts when she turns back.

"I'm so happy that I can't touch the north. Did I scare you?"

The old lady was worried.

"It's okay." Qiao Aiyun was not stupid, she said congratulations, 80% of them came to find out the details of their mother and daughter, and these relatives always wanted to meet.

"They also come and go more during the New Year and festivals. Usually we don't have so many guests." The old lady smiled, "When the two of you came, I felt that the house was lively, and I was usually lonely by myself."

Song Fengwan looked at the mansion, thinking about the group of people just now.

I heard that the old man of the Yan family passed away very early. She, a woman and her son, faced a group of relatives who were eyeing tigers. If this was not a ruthless role, it would not be able to control the group of bulls, ghosts and snakes.


Old Madam Yan spent the Chinese New Year in Yuncheng earlier, and they had been together for a while, so naturally they didn't feel like they were in touch with each other.

In the evening, the special dishes of Nanjiang were eaten, and the dishes were sweet. Song Fengwan was hungry, but he ate a lot.

"Late night, tomorrow I will ask the young minister to call a few more children and accompany you to the beach to play." The old lady wanted her to integrate into the Yan family faster, and she was almost 18, so it was not appropriate to go out with Yan Shaochen alone.

"Grandma, don't bother him, I'll just go out by myself."

"I've made contact. You can go to the beach tomorrow to play or go snorkeling. You can go shopping if you want. Just tell the young minister directly, you and him are welcome."

The old lady was too enthusiastic, and Song Fengwan couldn't resist, so she could only nod her head in agreement.

As a result, Yan Shaochen brought a few people to the Yan's living room early the next morning.

There are men and women, many of them familiar faces I saw last night...


The next day, Fu Chen was in the old house to accompany the second elder of the Fu family, and by the way, reported the situation of going to Yuncheng for a few days.

At nine o'clock in the morning, his phone vibrated frantically.

Out of the corner of his eye he glanced.

[Mrs. Yan called a group of people to accompany Miss Song out to play. 】

[Two women and four men, the men are basically in their early twenties. 】

[They took Miss Song to buy a swimsuit, and they should go to the beach. 】


Ten minutes later.

[Miss Song came out in a swimsuit, do you want to see it? 】

Fu Chen took a deep breath, little fresh meat, the beach, bikini...

Old Fu was making tea with his head down. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Fu Chen. This kid was gnashing his teeth. Who was he trying to get?

Fourth shift is over~

Don't forget to check in and leave a message, if you have tickets, remember to support the beginning of the month, okay~


Mrs. Yan prepared a carload of fresh meat for Wanwan...

Third Master:  …

This fellow Qianjiang is afraid that he will be beaten, so you can just shoot it, why do you ask the third master, it makes the third master seem very lustful, right, the third master.

Third Master:  …

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