Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 316 Wanwan hates people, spicy and sharp, unable to parry

Nanjiang Beach

The sun is warm and the breeze is blowing.

Fu Chen was wearing sunglasses, his black hair was blown wildly by the wind, and he was walking on the beach with a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, looking carefree and unrestrained.

"Fu San, you said you came here, but you didn't say a word. Shouldn't you accompany my sister-in-law? Why don't you come out to play when you have time..." Duan Linbai looked at him flatteringly, "That's right..."

He ran back and handed him his coconut juice, "I haven't drank it yet, try it."

Fu Chen stretched out his hand to take it. He doesn't have so much cleanliness, and Duan Linbai didn't dislike it after drinking it. As soon as he took a sip, someone couldn't wait to ask, "Is it okay?"

"En." Fu Chen nodded.

Duan Linbai smiled, "The sea in Nanjiang is really nice and clean, do you want to go surfing in the afternoon..." He pointed to the blue sea.

Fu Chen walked around behind him at some point, raised his foot, and aimed at his butt...

Shi Fang stood not far away, already laughing out loud.


the other side

Song Fengwan didn't know that something happened at home, so he was not in a hurry, enjoying the sea view, and walked home slowly.

But some members of the Yan family couldn't wait any longer. As soon as Yan Shaochen took out the phone from his pocket, Yan Zhihuan immediately said, "Brother, don't you want to tip her off?"

Yan Shaochen squinted at her.

"I know you have a good relationship, don't you want to tell her so that she can be prepared, or..."

"Just run away and never come back."

Qiao Aiyun was sitting on one side. She didn't know the specific situation at this moment, and it would be useless to argue with her. Hearing what she said, she raised her eyebrows.

"I called the flower seller and asked him to bring a flower pot." Yan Shaochen picked up the phone and turned on the speakerphone. The call took a few seconds to connect, "Hello, this is Xingxing Flowers and Trees Wholesale..."

Yan Zhihuan didn't make a sound.

After a few more minutes, Song Fengwan was still nowhere to be seen. The atmosphere in the living room was dull, and Yan Zhihuan couldn't sit still.

She wished she could be kicked out immediately, she couldn't wait.

"It's been more than ten minutes, and you still haven't come back? Could it be that someone really tipped the news, so she didn't dare to come back."

"It must be a guilty conscience, I'm afraid."

"Grandma and uncle are so kind to her, it's really shameless to be a thief."


After all, this is the Yan family, and Qiao Aiyun kept restraining herself, believing that the Yan family would give Song Fengwan a clean slate.

At this moment, I couldn't help it, and turned my head to look at her, my eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, very cold.

"Auntie, don't look at me like that. Now that the stolen goods are here, what else can I say?"

"This is the company's top secret, and you know how valuable it is."

"Grandma, this is uncle's painstaking effort. This matter must be investigated carefully. Our Yan family can't let a thief sneak in..."

"You..." Qiao Aiyun stood up from the sofa almost at the same time...

"Pa—" the old lady threw the teacup on the table violently, "Yan Zhihuan!"

Yan Zhihuan was speaking with all his heart when he was suddenly interrupted, his heart was pounding, he held his breath, looked at the old lady, and spoke cautiously.


"Is that enough?"

"I'm telling the truth. This thing was found in her daughter's room. It's not a thief or something..."

Before Yan Zhihuan finished speaking, the old lady shot a sharp look over her, which made her silent immediately.

"As a junior, this is how you talk to your elders. There is no conclusion on what happened to this matter. You can't help talking nonsense here!"

"This loot is..." Yan Zhihuan pointed at the manuscript.

"I originally wanted to settle accounts with you when I came back at night. Since you can't wait, let's talk about your affairs first." The old lady reached out and stroked her crutches, but a gleam of light flashed across her slightly cloudy eyes.

Huang Ma stood on one side, stretched out her hand to pull Qiao Aiyun to sit down, "Madam, don't worry."

Qiao Aiyun was so angry that her face turned blue, wishing she could go up and slap her a few times.

Which mother can allow her daughter to be denounced as a thief by the population.

"Grandma, what can I do?" Yan Zhihuan felt guilty at the sight of her.

"I called you to my room last night to let you get along well with Wan Wan. You ignored my words and caused me such a thing the next day."

"It can't be my fault. Could it be that I saw her stealing something and I still pretended not to know anything?" Yan Zhihuan looked innocent.

"If this thing leaks out, the consequences will be disastrous."

"I'm doing this entirely for the sake of the Yan family."

The old lady chuckled, "Then let me ask you, where did this thing come from?"

"Her room..." Yan Zhihuan blurted out.

"What are you doing in her room?" The old lady squinted her eyes. "You say someone is a thief, and you sneak into someone's room to search for things. Is your behavior very fair?"

"Trespassing into other people's rooms, you also said that this manuscript has been hidden. It seems that you have been looking for it in the room for a long time."

"Looking at other people's things wantonly, you are not only a thief..."

The old lady's voice was slow and gentle, but her words were clear. She snorted coldly and beat her crutches heavily on the ground.

"And it's very uneducated, shameful!"

"I'm going to return the book in her room, I..." Yan Zhihuan didn't expect the old lady to break through here suddenly, she was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"You can rummage through other people's things by returning the book. What is the difference between your behavior and being a thief? While talking about others, please take a good look at yourself!"

The old lady was out of breath.

"Grandma, we are talking about manuscripts now..."

"No one can say how the manuscript got into her hands, but it is a fact that you sneak into other people's room as a thief. Even if you return the book, you should leave after putting the things in, or wait for her to come back."

"Go to other people's room to fumble around, how dare you accuse others."

"Our Yan family's face has been completely lost by you."

The old lady spoke so harshly that her face turned pale.

"I wanted to wait until Wanwan to come back and talk about it together. What's wrong with waiting a few minutes longer? You can't wait? She's so aggressive, how did she offend you!"

"I..." It was a fact that Yan Zhihuan sneaked into Song Fengwan's room, and she had no way to refute it.

He closed his mouth resentfully, not daring to say another word.

Yan Shaochen chuckled, you idiot.

She really wanted to drive Song Fengwan out, this food was really ugly.

Even though the old lady was nice to her before, she was not her own granddaughter after all.

Ten thousand steps back, assuming that Song Fengwan really stole things, was reprimanded or kicked out of Yan's house, would Qiao Aiyun still be able to stay? The relationship with the uncle is bound to break, and the Yan family will be the most embarrassing in the end.

If the old lady pursues the responsibility in the end, she will definitely be killed.

Uncle likes Qiao Aiyun so much, can he let her go easily? I'm afraid I didn't execute him if I died.

I really don't understand what benefits she can get by clinging to Song Fengwan.

He didn't even consider the pros and cons of the current situation clearly, he was simply mindless.


Not long after, a servant ran in, Yan Zhihuan was overjoyed, thinking that Song Fengwan had returned.

"Old lady, Master Xiao is here."

"Xiao Jing'an?" The old lady narrowed her eyes, "What is he here for? Just tell him something is going on at home and let him go back."

"It's already come in." This time people can't stop it.

Five or six seconds later, Xiao Jingan entered the room carrying two packages of gifts, "Grandma Yan."

"What's the matter?" The old lady was so angry that the fool around her had a headache, but she didn't seem to be surprised when she spoke.

"I had a little misunderstanding with Ms. Song yesterday, which frightened her, so I came here to apologize to her."

Yan Shaochen squinted his eyes. This kid was very good at putting in needles. He was the one who was beaten and kicked. Instead, he said that he frightened Song Fengwan, and it was nothing more than taking the opportunity to get close.

To show his generosity and generosity, he took the opportunity to approach Song Fengwan.

The usual way of picking up girls, Xiao Jing'an's family background is good, he has long sleeves and is good at dancing, he is very attractive to girls, he is gentle and polite to everyone, everyone says he is a warm man.

From Yan Shaochen's point of view, it is a typical central air conditioner, a scumbag.

"Misunderstanding?" The old lady frowned.


The old lady just wanted to say that Song Fengwan was not here, and asked Yan Shaochen to take him out first, and at this time Song Fengwan came back.


Originally, she wanted to meet Fu Chen before coming back, so she cleaned up before going out.

The soft and docile red dress with suspenders strangles the slender shoulder bones, revealing a beautiful and clean neck and collarbone. It seems that a girl of this age does not need to deliberately dress up, but she also exudes a charming beauty.

As she walked, the white calf could be seen faintly under the charming red dress, falling into Xiao Jing'an's eyes, inexplicably alluring.

With her natural phoenix eyes, she smiled at Xiao Jing'an, "Master Xiao."

Her smile fell into Yan Zhihuan's eyes, as if deliberately teasing him, her expression collapsed, she jumped up and pointed at Song Fengwan.

"Grandma, she's back!"

Her eyes were full of excitement, this stinky girl has come back.

Song Fengwan was stunned in his heart, seeing her pointing at him made him feel uncomfortable.

The old lady was displeased in her heart, even if there were servants present, they were considered family members, now that Xiao Jing'an was here, who wanted to expose the family affairs to outsiders.

"Jing'an, our family has something to deal with right now, so we may not be able to entertain..."

"Song Fengwan, you thief, you actually stole from uncle!"

Yan Zhihuan wanted to embarrass Song Fengwan, especially in front of Xiao Jing'an.

If she is kicked out now...

See what face she has to seduce men.

So before the old lady finished speaking, she couldn't wait to yell at her.

"Yan Zhihuan!" The old lady was annoyed, this stupid thing.

Xiao Jing'an didn't expect to encounter such a thing. He knew in his heart that he should avoid suspicion and try not to get involved in other people's family affairs. But now that he heard it, he was in a dilemma.

"I stole something?" Song Fengwan laughed, a little confused, "What did I steal?"

"Don't deny it. I found all the stolen goods. You stole uncle's manuscript. You should know how important this thing is. Uncle treats you so well, but you repay her like this. It's just a white-eyed wolf."

Yan Zhihuan pointed at Song Fengwan, his eyes wished he could cut her into pieces.

"Manuscript?" Song Fengwan was stunned, "You said I stole it?"

"Everything is here now, and you still want to argue?" Yan Zhihuan spoke confidently, pointing at the manuscript beside the old lady.

Song Fengwan narrowed his eyes, "You said that? Uncle Yan gave it to me."

Qiao Aiyun breathed a sigh of relief, the old lady just reached out to help her glasses, her expression was normal, but Yan Zhihuan exploded in an instant.

Jumped straight up, "You are talking nonsense, how could uncle give you such an important thing!"

"It's as if you know Uncle Yan very well." Song Fengwan was clear and upright, and he was not afraid of anything.

"He doesn't allow others to touch this manuscript, give it to you? Are you kidding me? You don't even make a draft if you lie!"

Song Fengwan folded his hands on his chest and looked at her leisurely, "How much older are you than me? Logically speaking, you eat more than me..."

She saw Qiao Aiyun's pale face, and knew that before she came back, there must have been some disputes. This matter has not been settled, and she is afraid that her mother will be abused by her, so she will naturally not give her a good face.

"...I didn't expect you to be so stupid!"

"What did you say!" Yan Zhihuan became anxious.

"If I'm lying, there are so many reasons, why do I say that Uncle Yan gave it to me."

"As long as he comes back, or if you call for confirmation, you will know immediately if I'm lying. Do I have to tell such a lie?"

"This kind of low-level lie can be broken as soon as you poke it." Song Fengwan chuckled.

"Uncle likes you mother and daughter so much, you can't keep him..."

Song Fengwan smiled coldly, "You want to say that Uncle Yan cooperated with me in lying? Who do you think Uncle Yan is!"

"He is so upright and serious, impartial and selfless, everyone knows who Uncle Yan is!"

"Could it be that in your eyes, he is a selfish and extremely stupid villain!"

She is forceful and relentless, compared to Yan Zhihuan's accusations, she is the sharpest knife, cutting out the heart.

Sharp and fierce.

Yan Zhihuan was completely dumbfounded, his tongue was tied, and he was too scared to react.

Look down on Yan Wangchuan? No one was stunned to buckle such a big hat.

On the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, everyone remember to leave a message every day~

Don’t forget to vote too, (* ̄3) (ε ̄*)

Many people ask about the update time, usually at ten o'clock, twelve o'clock, or around three o'clock, usually at three o'clock, 10,000 words per day


Third Master, I advise you not to quarrel with your wife in the future, or you will die a miserable death, haha...

Third Master: ...

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