Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 330 The old lady scolded angrily, get out of your face (2 more)

Song Fengwan tilted his head and glanced at the scattered photos on the ground.

Jaw-dropping, large-scale, high-definition and uncensored, although the light is dim, the faces and naked bodies of the two are still clearly visible.

When she wanted to watch it again, Fu Chen suddenly raised his foot and stepped on the photo.

She frowned slightly and glanced at Fu Chen.

A certain old god is coiling skewers.

There's nothing to see about this kind of dirty stuff.

The Xiao family also received the same photo last night. They thought someone was trying to extort money, but nothing happened. Now that Zhang Suqiu took out the photo, Mrs. Xiao also exploded.

"I asked why Yan Zhihuan seduced my son so actively. It turned out that your mother and daughter set the trap and deliberately took these photos to threaten our family and want to enter our Xiao's house."

"Bloody spitting, I didn't take the photo!" Zhang Suqiu jumped up to argue with him.

"Then where did you say these things came from?" Mrs. Xiao was annoyed, "Someone couldn't have sent them to you, right?"

Zhang Suqiu faltered, "It was originally given by others."

"Heh—" Mrs. Xiao smiled coldly.

"In short, your Xiao family must be responsible for defiled my daughter, don't try to cover it up like this?"

"Defiled?" Mrs. Xiao sneered, "Is this her first time?"

"Auntie?" Yan Zhihuan fell to the ground as if struck by lightning.

"Even if you don't admit our relationship, you can't humiliate me like this. I don't have a boyfriend until now, so I'm just with brother Jingan..."

"You say it's not the first time for me? Mom, I'm dead..." Yan Zhihuan was about to hit the wall as he spoke, "I guess I died, and everyone believed that I was innocent."

Just as Yan Zhile was about to move, Song Fengwan stopped him.

Yan Zhihuan was a little confused when he saw that someone stopped him.

Zhang Suqiu ran over at this moment...

The mother and daughter cried, "Huanhuan, don't be afraid, Mom will definitely give you an explanation, and you won't be humiliated for nothing."

Song Fengwan was speechless.

If this person really wanted to die, he should have committed suicide in shame and indignation when he was caught on the spot last night. How could he wait until now to yell.

"Enough!" The old lady raised her crutches and beat the ground hard, "Have you had enough trouble?"

The mother and daughter trembled in fright.

Zhang Suqiu knelt beside the old lady, "You are the head of our Yan family, you must make the decision for us, you can't just bully us just because we don't have a man in our family."

"Is our Xiao family bullying you, or are you brazen!" Mrs. Xiao was so angry yesterday that she didn't sleep all night. She didn't expect to be raped as soon as she arrived at Yan's house.

"You want to make it public, don't you? Go, let people see how your daughter seduces men."

"I'm afraid that what will be lost is not our Xiao family's face, but your family..."

"The photos are exposed. Except for our Xiao family, I'm afraid she won't be able to marry for the rest of her life! Just go!"

Zhang Suqiu was stunned for a moment, tears hung on her face, "You... are really a bully!"

"It's you who want to explain, and it's you who want to publish the photos. As long as you find the media, our Xiao family will definitely give you an explanation."

"I can't tell from the photos. Even if our family Jing'an took the initiative, I think she enjoys it quite a bit. It's normal for men and women to fall in love and have sex in today's society."

"Talk about being responsible, it's ridiculous!"

Since Mrs. Xiao can sit in this position, even if she is not very powerful, she will not be bullied.

Now it was Zhang Suqiu's mother and daughter who were confused.

Zhang Suqiu gritted her teeth in hatred, "Okay, you forced me to do this."

"I don't know who is the last one to be ashamed? I don't even want my daughter's name. Are you sure you want an explanation?"

When this kind of thing happened, for the sake of the reputation of the children, it is best to solve it in private. She insisted on making things big, and everyone knew what the purpose was.

"I forced you?" Mrs. Xiao sneered, "From the moment I entered the door, who was aggressive and looking for life and death?"

Song Fengwan turned his head to look at Mrs. Xiao, who was usually smiling, but it's not easy to mess with being forced into this.

It would be of no benefit to anyone if this matter got out, but the Xiao family was a big family after all, and they valued their reputation, and Zhang Suqiu dared to threaten her because of this.

If the Xiao family didn't care, she really couldn't help it.

I don't know what Zhang Suqiu is going to do?

Zhang Suqiu saw that the intimidation was not enough, her heart was overwhelmed, and she slumped on the ground, "Old lady, you must make the decision for me, don't bring such a bully, this Xiao family intends to force our mother and daughter to death. "

"Damn my girl, and still be so confident."

"I can't live through this day. I might as well go to accompany Lao Yan early. I only blame our family for not having a man, so we can only be bullied."


Yan Wangchuan watched coldly, his brows tightened, wishing he could just throw them out.

"I don't think it's embarrassing enough!" The old lady stood up suddenly and yelled, "Keep crying, keep howling, there are so many juniors here, how shameless you are!"

"Old lady..." Zhang Suqiu trembled from fright, stopped crying, and shrank to the ground, pitifully.

"I told her last night that she delivered it to her door on her own initiative, and she should be responsible for whatever happens. I'm too old to meddle in so many other things."

"You are the head of our Yan family, you don't care who cares." Zhang Suqiu was stunned.

"You must force me to tear my face apart, okay, I'll clear things up for you today!" The old lady was leaning on a cane, her eyes dimmed with anger.

"Mom." Qiao Aiyun and Huang Ma immediately supported her, "Calm down, let them deal with this matter privately."

"Don't let me decide what to do. If I don't give her an explanation today, I'm afraid she won't leave!" The old lady patted the back of Qiao Aiyun's hand, "Go and sit aside, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Qiao Aiyun could only stand quietly on the side.

The old lady walked up to Zhang Suqiu, looked at the person kneeling on the ground, "What do you want me to do, let Yan Zhihuan marry into the Xiao family, right?"

"I just want an explanation." Seeing the old lady's face change, Zhang Suqiu was inexplicably guilty and frightened.

"Isn't what you said just marrying her into the Xiao family? But if you think about her, you shouldn't say this in front of so many people. You're not afraid of shame, I'm ashamed for you!"

The old lady yelled at her sharply, which frightened Zhang Suqiu all over.

"I believe you know exactly how what happened last night, did Xiao Jingan ask her to meet?"

"It's this girl who is shameless herself, came to the door on her own initiative, despises herself, and blames others for looking down on her?"

"Didn't you just look for death and life, did you want to commit suicide?" The old lady snorted softly, "After doing such a shameful thing, why are you talking about innocence now?"

Duan Linbai was stunned, "Even if I become a bitch, I still need to set up a memorial archway."

Yan Zhihuan was depressed and wanted to refute, but when he saw that it was Duan Linbai, he held back his breath.

"What do you think he is doing? What he said makes sense. If I had known this before, why would you send it to your door and post it? You are shameless, and now you want a name?" The old lady thought that Yan Zhihuan already knew after the admonition last night. Wrong, will settle down for a while.

Unexpectedly, the Yan family would make a fuss the next day.

"How can I decide for you and let me follow you regardless of right and wrong, so as to threaten the Xiao family to accept you?"

"You are shameless, I want more!"

"I thought you, mother and daughter, would live alone, so I would take care of you more. Lele is married, Yan Zhihuan is going to college, and I owe nothing to your family..."

When Zhang Suqiu heard this, she became anxious immediately.

"Old lady, you can't say that. You have taken care of our family for so long, and Lele and Huanhuan haven't had time to honor you!"

"I welcome Lele to come over. As for your filial piety, I am not blessed to accept it." The old lady snorted softly.

"Old lady, I just came to you for an explanation because I was in a hurry. I'm a woman, I really don't know what to do..." Zhang Suqiu reached out and hugged her leg.

The old lady suddenly raised her foot and kicked her away.

"For so many years, I have noticed many things you have done, and I have been patient with you again and again. Take Yan Zhihuan's apology last time as an example..."

"Are you really here to apologize, or are you deliberately forcing Ai Yun and Wan Wan to forgive you mother and daughter?"

"There must also be a limit to moral kidnapping. The mother and daughter first entered Yan's house, and I will save some face for you. I didn't expose it at the time, but it doesn't mean that this matter has been exposed."

Zhang Suqiu's small thoughts are not enough to look at in front of the old lady.

"I'm not..." Zhang Suqiu's face turned pale, she thought she was very smart, and no one else could see it.

"You often gossip in front of those relatives behind your back, and say that their mother and daughter bully others and bully your daughter? Are you justified or not?"

"Absolutely not!" Zhang Suqiu immediately denied.

"I wanted to settle accounts with you after the two of them got married, but you bumped into each other by yourself, so don't blame me for not giving you face."

The old lady is capable of running the Yan family. She is usually amiable and pleasant, and naturally has her own set of rules when speaking and doing things.

"You married into our Yan family, and our family has never treated you harshly. I, an old lady, can't make up my mind about this matter. You can post photos if you want. If anyone asks, I only have one sentence..."

Her voice paused for a few seconds.

"Anything you do has nothing to do with our Yan family!"

"Old lady..." Zhang Suqiu became anxious.

"Take Yan Zhihuan now and get the hell out of here!" There are still guests at home, who made her lose face and seek life and death at his house, how could the old lady tolerate them.

"Grandma." Yan Zhile also stood up.

"The door of our house is open for you at any time. When your uncle gets married, I will also invite you over. As for your mother and your sister, if you beg for mercy, we will go out with you!"

Yan Zhile's eyes turned red, and he didn't speak any more.

Originally, she had repeatedly obstructed this matter and refused to let them come over, so a dispute arose because of this.

"Grandma—" Yan Zhihuan was about to speak when the old lady shivered with cold eyes.

"You have to talk to Xiao's family, go out and say, our house is not a place for you to play tricks and play tricks."

"I'm getting old, and my eyes are not good. If I get dirty with these things again, don't blame me for not remembering the past."

"Go away if you want to lose face, don't force me to have you thrown out!"

The old lady scolded.

Zhang Suqiu's mother and daughter didn't dare to speak any more, they got up from the ground.

"Take all this rubbish away!" The old lady pointed to the photo on the ground.

Zhang Suqiu had no choice but to bite the bullet and pick up the photos one by one. Just now she was very stubborn in throwing the photos, but now she has to pick them up on her knees, which is really embarrassing.

The two of them walked hand in hand, groping their way out.

"Old lady, I'm taking my leave too. I'm sorry to bother you." Mrs. Xiao couldn't sit still anymore.

She still has to have a good talk with the mother and daughter.

After the three of them left, the old lady breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the embarrassing person standing beside her, "Lele, help me go upstairs to have a rest."

Yan Zhile hurried over and helped her upstairs.


After the play ended, Song Fengwan went out with a group of talents.

Yan Wangchuan decided to go mountain climbing, which would take one and a half hours by car, and there were two cars in total.

Fu Chen was driving, and Song Fengwan was the only person in the car.

Duan Linbai was kicked by Fu Chen into Yan Wangchuan's car, and he sat in the front and rear driver with Yan Shaochen, which made him aggrieved to death, and he had to laugh and act in front of Qiao Aiyun, saying that he admired Yan Wangchuan and wanted to talk to him more Chat, just sit here.

"You admire me?" Yan Wangchuan and Qiao Aiyun sat behind.

"Yeah, I've heard Fu Chen talk about you and I admire you a long time ago."

"What did he say?" Yan Wangchuan raised his eyebrows.

Duan Linbai was stunned, "Fu San said that you are very good, you are great at designing jewelry, you are upright and upright, you are a good man, and you are upright, courageous and responsible..."


Duan Linbai wanted to cry, he didn't know Yan Wangchuan well, how could he flatter him? He was also afraid of being photographed on the horse's hoof, it was so embarrassing, how could he blow this rainbow fart.

Your own future father-in-law, you want me to serve you?

Fu Chen, you are a bastard!

You are going to kill me.

At this moment, Fu Chen and Song Fengwan are sitting in the car behind, enjoying their time comfortably.

Brother Duan, this drama is not for nothing, you have to pay the price.

Brother Duan: ...

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