Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 340: The Great God Teamed Up To Abuse The Scum, The Third Master Continued To Make Trouble (

No one expected that when Yan Wangchuan came here, he started directly without saying a few words.

Just as everyone was frightened by the bone cracking, Zhang Suqiu flew out the next second.

Like an arrow from the string, it hit the hospital bed on the back side, and the bed shook violently. Yan Zhihuan's small face was pale with fright, and at this moment, he didn't care about acting on the occasion, he was already terrified.

Zhang Suqiu's back bumped suddenly, as if being torn apart by someone.

Abdominal pain, only felt the blood in the stomach churning, the abdomen was churning, the whole face was distorted in pain, and a trace of thick blood was squeezed out from the corner of the mouth.

There is a fishy and sweet taste of blood in the mouth.

"Ahem—" She clutched her belly and coughed violently, unable to speak a word due to the pain.

Xiao Jing'an stood by the side, and he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. He was locked up in the prison for a while, and after he came out, he was told to marry Yan Zhihuan, and he was naturally unwilling.

On the contrary, he felt lucky that the child was gone. If he and Yan Zhihuan were allowed to live a lifetime, life would definitely be worse than death.

It's just that he didn't expect Yan Wangchuan to kick someone as soon as he came over, and turned his head to look over there, and his eyes happened to collide with Fu Chen.

The man had a benevolent face, but his eyes, which were as quiet as a pool of cold water, looked at him with a kind of ruthlessness.

He hastily looked away.

During the period of detention, he checked Fu Chen carefully.

The top existence in the Beijing circle, not only Duan Linbai has good friends with him, but also the Jing family in northern Sichuan. That person is so famous that it makes people feel terrified.

Damn, the circle of great gods is indeed full of great gods.


Just when he was in a daze, Yan Zhihuan fell off the bed and crawled to Zhang Suqiu's side, "Mom, how are you doing?"

"Hmm——" Zhang Suqiu's wrists were numb with pain, not to mention the severe pain in her abdomen at the moment, she curled up on the ground like an ant.

Qiao Wangbei pulled the information from Yan Wangchuan's hand, walked up to Yan Zhihuan, and knelt down.

She knew Qiao Wangbei. He was the one who handed Qiao Aiyun's hand to Yan Wangchuan at the wedding. This is Qiao Aiyun's brother...

"You, what do you want to do?" Yan Zhihuan couldn't care less about acting at the moment, she was already frightened.

"Do you know this thing?" A fake B-ultrasound of the pregnancy test was included in the information.

Yan Zhihuan took a glance, her pupils dilated, her whole body seemed to be filled with lead, and she couldn't move an inch. She leaned back tightly, trying to find someone to cling to.

"You should be familiar with this thing." Qiao Wangbei took out the B-ultrasound slip, got up and handed it to Mrs. Xiao.

Mrs. Xiao tried to take the B-ultrasound order with trembling hands. Yan Zhihuan knew that this matter would be exposed, so she was so panicked that she suddenly reached out to snatch it and smashed it to pieces.

"It's all fake, it's all fake!" Yan Zhihuan seemed to have gone crazy, clutching the receipt in his hand, covered in cold sweat.

"I just had a miscarriage, and just now I was lying on the bed moaning and moaning, my breath was like a gossamer, but now I'm alive and well." Fu Chen chuckled.

Yan Zhihuan looked at the man not far away, his face was indifferent, as indifferent as a Buddha, but his brows and eyes were cold and stern, he was even more terrifying than a devil.

When did I offend him, this person needs to add fuel to the fire at such a time.

Yan Shaochen sighed helplessly, knowing that today's matter could not be stopped.

Yan Zhihuan probably won't know until his death how he offended Mr. Fu.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Yan Zhihuan's flustered little face, and she was breathing rapidly.

"Are you pregnant? Said that Ai Yun knocked off your child, turned black and white, and told stories. This is the first time I've seen such a brazen person in my life!" Qiao Wangbei picked up the document in his hand and threw it on the her face.

A stack of documents, like snow flakes, scattered one after another.

"You weren't pregnant at all, not at all."

"Knowing that you can't hide the matter, you want to dump the blame on my sister. I'm afraid you are looking for the wrong person!"

Qiao Wangbei's voice sounded like a loud bell, sonorous and powerful, hitting Yan Zhihuan's fragile heart every word. In just a few words, she seemed to have walked out of hell.

Under the incandescent light, her small face looked like a ghost, her chest rose and fell continuously, and between her breaths, it seemed like a fire was burning.

"Nonsense, it's all fake, I'm pregnant, I'm really pregnant!" Yan Zhihuan shouted hoarsely, as if raising his voice, he could turn black into white, so as to embolden himself.

Xiao Nan had already bent down to pick up a few pages of paper on the ground. Although there were only a few scattered pieces of information, since the Yan family came to her door, they were naturally 100% sure that they would not slander her for nothing.

And her behavior at the moment is obviously in a hurry.

Mrs. Xiao's eyes were blank.

I had been stimulated too much this day, my legs went limp, and I fell down on the chair.

"Dad?" Xiao Jing'an never thought that Yan Zhihuan would be so bold as to try to marry into his family with a fake pregnancy.

At that time Xiao Jing'an was still in custody, and the Xiao family was looking for someone to clear up the relationship. When Yan Zhihuan went to his house with the pregnancy test report, although he was shocked, no one thought that it would be fake.

After all, fake pregnancy is too easy to be exposed, no one would expect that she would dare to fool them like this.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as audacious.

"Look for yourself!" Xiao Nan was also furious, and handed a few pages to Xiao Jing'an.

Xiao Jing'an glanced briefly, and there was evidence of Yan Zhihuan's collusion with the doctor, including call records, transfer vouchers, and even some text messages.

"Yan Zhihuan!" No man could stand this kind of deception, Xiao Jingan was furious.

"While watching, don't look at it, it's all fake, it's all fake, they're all fooling you!" Yan Zhihuan rushed over, trying to snatch the information.

Xiao Jing'an threw the paper directly at her face, "The evidence is solid, you still want to argue!"

Yan Zhihuan's heart skipped a beat, and she knelt on the ground to pick up the materials, as if hiding all the materials would cover up the matter.

One of the sheets of paper was stepped on by Qiao Wangbei. Just as she stretched out her hand, she saw a white light flashing in front of her eyes. A carving knife pierced through the paper, pierced into the white porcelain floor tiles, and stood firmly on the ground.

The blade of the carving knife is small and terrifyingly sharp.

Light streamed through the blade, oozing a chill.

The blade brushed against Yan Zhihuan's finger, and slid the inside of her index finger through a cut, because the blade was too small, and the strike was too fast, even the blood gushed out, and only a few seconds later, a few drops of residual blood rolled out.

If Yan Zhihuan had moved faster, the knife would have passed through the back of her hand.

This was the first time she smelled the breath of hope, her body softened and she sat on the ground.

"What else do you want?" Qiao Wangbei sneered, "I heard that you broke into Wanwan's room earlier, stole things, and lied all over the place that she stole."

"You also stole your wedding invitation this time?"

"I will never change my nature!"

Fu Chen smiled lightly, "She also talked about Qiao's family in vain, saying that your family is already in decline, so it's nothing at all?"

Yan Shaochen was stunned, my third master Fu, this f*ck has already started to use the knife.

Can't you stop? I really want to kill someone.

It also added fuel to the fire, and how could you be so clear about the things at that time? It's too magical.

"What?" Qiao Wangbei was originally thin and capable, with a cold face, but at this moment his expression changed, frighteningly fierce.

"It's just that the Qiao family is useless, and it's a century-old craftsmanship. Of course, these people don't look down on them."

"The Qiao family's ancestral craftsmanship is not worth a penny in her eyes. I get angry when I hear such words."

"However, she is young, so maybe she doesn't know the prestige of the Qiao family in the industry. Those who don't know are innocent."

Yan Zhihuan wants to cry but has no tears.

How did I offend him? The situation is already chaotic enough. He wants to force himself to death to be reconciled.

"It's just arrogant!" Qiao Wangbei was angry.

This is an insult to the Qiao family's lintel. These craftsmen value these things the most. They are usually cautious, for fear of doing wrong things and dishonoring the reputation of their ancestors. How can they allow others to slander them.

"How about our Qiao family, is it your turn to comment?"

Qiao Wangbei walked towards Yan Zhihuan, obviously wanting to settle accounts with her.

Yan Shaochen had finally seen how dark Fu Chen was.

A few words to provoke right and wrong, and they are too good at poking people's hearts.

They were all stepping on the minefield. Qiao Wangbei's anger had mostly subsided, but now that he was irritated, his eyes turned red again.


Zhang Suqiu came back to his senses, reached out and hugged Qiao Wangbei's leg, "What are you doing!"

Qiao Wangbei was so angry at the moment, he raised his foot and kicked it, neither light nor heavy.

Zhang Suqiu was kicked to the ground, screamed, and almost passed out.

Also a young age, today has been kicked by the third person.

"Mom!" Seeing that her mother was kicked again, she was also anxious, and stretched out her hand to pull Qiao Wangbei.

"Which onion are you? You can insult our Qiao family, it's just presumptuous!" Qiao Wangbei waved his hand, his hand that held a knife all year round was extremely strong.

Yan Zhihuan's body was limp, like a ball of cotton wool, he pushed it away easily, and almost hit Xiao Jing'an, he backed away, and Yan Zhihuan fell headfirst into the wall.

"Boom -" sounded, and the blood flowed from the head.

"Huanhuan!" Zhang Suqiu was anxious, "You guys are too bullying! Just relying on a few scraps of paper, you want to slander us for having a fake pregnancy?"

"The child has been tossed about by you, we didn't bother you, and you still want to sue the villain first?"

"If you hurt someone, I'll call the police immediately. Someone here is going to kill someone." She yelled hoarsely.

Yan Wangchuan sneered, "You want to call the police? Okay, Xiaoqian, help her call the police!"

The little assistant stood on one side, watching the show in a dazed state from the beginning to the end. When he heard the order, he immediately took out his mobile phone, "Okay, I'll call the police right away."

"Has the doctor arrived yet?" Yan Wangchuan turned his head to look at the little assistant.

"It should be soon, I'll go downstairs and have a look." The little assistant trotted out.

At this moment, many people had gathered outside the ward, all of them came to watch the show after hearing the news.

"I think you really don't cry without seeing the coffin."

"When she was about to die, she still said that she was pregnant. The doctor in charge of her pregnancy test will arrive soon, and it will be clear immediately what is right and what is wrong."

"Don't you want to call the police? I will help you."

"At my wedding, you maliciously pushed my wife, causing her to have a near miscarriage. You just came back from emergency treatment. Your behavior is considered murder."

Yan Wangchuan's words were sonorous and his voice was sharp. Zhang Suqiu's body went limp and he completely forgot about the pain in his body.

What did she just say?


Could it be...

Yan Zhihuan was also stunned.


This is a felony, and with the influence of the Yan family, if he goes in, can he come out?

"No, how could she be pregnant..." Yan Zhihuan muttered, unable to believe his ears.

"Didn't you say that Aunt Yun bumped into you on purpose and caused you to have a miscarriage? Didn't Pengci find the wrong person?" Fu Chen chuckled lightly, "This kind of lie. You Xiao family also believe it?"

"He also said that Aunt Yun is jealous of her. She is now a serious Mrs. Yan. No matter how she marries in the future, it is impossible for her to be worse than you?"

"I'm jealous of you, you think too much of yourself, you don't even investigate whether you are pregnant or not, your Xiao family is too stupid, to be played around by a yellow-haired girl."

"It's embarrassing to spread this word."

Yan Shaochen's mouth twitched.

Mr. Fu, please don't fan the flames everywhere, provoke Mr. Mao Qiao, and arouse the anger of the Xiao family. You are really capable.

"Jing'an, I'm really pregnant, really!" Yan Zhihuan was still arguing at this moment, holding Xiao Jing'an to try to explain.

Xiao Jingan shook her off.

"Auntie, I'm really pregnant. Didn't you come to the hospital with me at that time? You went to the hospital with me for an examination, you must know." Yan Zhihuan stumbled and ran to Mrs. Xiao, trying to win her over.

If Mrs. Xiao could still be fooled by her at this moment, she would be as stupid as a pig.

All the doctors were called, and the police arrived immediately. No matter how powerful the Yan family was, they interfered in a lot of justice.

And Qiao Aiyun is pregnant...

If she had looked for it impulsively, she might have died an ugly death.

"You bastard, Doctor Lianhe lied to me that I was pregnant, and you still slandered others, you would die if you wanted to, and you even wanted to drag our family into your back, extremely vicious!" Mrs. Xiao slapped her hand and slapped it directly.

Fu Chen's phone vibrated, and he stood aside.

Song Fengwan's WeChat, [Uncle Yan drank a lot of wine, and Uncle is also short-tempered, please hold back, at a time like this, nothing can happen to them. ] She was worried that things would get serious and a group of people would get involved.

Fu Chen squinted and smiled, and replied.

[With me here, don't worry. 】

Song Fengwan let out a long sigh of relief after receiving the message.

How did she know that the worst person was Fu Chen.

In the words of Zhuge Liang scolding Wang Lang: [I have never seen such a brazen person! 】

O(∩_∩)O haha~

By the way, the third master is really bad to the bone, how could you stir up trouble.

Wanwan, you still don't know your third brother very well.

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