Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 347 The third uncle pretends to be tender, and the sound of the third uncle is too heartbrea

Beijing compound, old house of the Fu family

Song Fengwan and Qiao Xiyan were stopped at the gate of the compound when they took a taxi, so they had to walk in.

Before he took two steps, he heard a few barking dogs. Song Fengwan looked around carefully, and found Fu Xinhan playing with the bitch in the grass, and...

More than one bitch.

"Fu Xinhan?" Song Fengwan called out tentatively.

Every time Fu Xinhan returns to the compound, the first thing he does is to greet his old friends from house to house.

"Wang——" Fu Xinhan jumped out of the grass and rushed towards Song Fengwan. He was almost two years old, already a grown dog, and was very fat. He almost knocked her over, and swayed in circles at Song Fengwan Tail.

"Good boy." Song Fengwan lowered his head and stroked its head.

Qiao Xiyan cast a contemptuous glance at Fu Xinhan, and then looked at a few bitches not far away, but couldn't tell that this was still a flirtatious dog.

Fu Chenxinfo, how could he raise such a dog.

When the two arrived at Fu's house, the old lady was still surprised, "Why are you here with Fu Xinhan?" She dragged Song Fengwan inside.

"I met you on the road." Song Fengwan looked around, met Fu Chen's gaze, and smiled politely, "Hello, Grandpa Fu, and Hello, Third Master."

"Yes." Fu Lao put down the hookah and responded lightly.

"Did you report today? How is school?" the old lady asked a lot.


"Go to the dormitory? Are the rooms friendly? Actually, we have a vacant room in our house. If you are really not used to it, you can move to live with me, and you can stay with me. The university courses are not too stressful."

The old lady is being polite, and it is impossible for Song Fengwan to agree, "It's all pretty good, and the dormitory is also good."

"If you can't go home during the holidays, you can come to my place to play. None of our grandchildren are caring. Fu Sinian moved out after graduation as an adult, so he doesn't like to live with us."

"Cough—" Fu Chen coughed.

"The third one is not bad, he often goes to the theater with me." The old lady laughed.

Song Fengwan looked at Fu Chen from the corner of his eye.

He rarely wore a short-sleeved white shirt, light-colored slacks, and sneakers today. It is summer and his hair is trimmed short and refreshing. different.

Qiao Xiyan also looked at Fu Chen.

When I first met Fu Chen, he was dressed in black and long gown, holding a Buddhist bead, condescending, full of coquettish style, what kind of attire is he wearing today?

So old, dressed so freshly?

Qiao Xiyan was inexplicably disgusted.

"The third master is very good." Song Fengwan praised Fu Chen indiscriminately.

Fu Chen suppressed his smile and suppressed the lines of laughter on the corners of his mouth. In the next second, the old lady's words pierced his heart.

"You have lived with the third child for several months, and the two of you have a good relationship. How can you still call him the third master? It's too natural..."

"It's Uncle Three!"

Shi Fang was standing at the door, helping Fu Xinhan wipe his paws, when he heard the old lady's words, he almost burst out laughing.

The white knife goes in, the red knife comes out, it's too ruthless.

"Well, Third Uncle." Song Fengwan suppressed a smile.

Fu Chen clutched the chess record tightly, feeling unspeakable.

"Third brother, don't forget to promise me." The old lady suddenly looked at Fu Chen.

"I know."

"Don't stay at home all day, is it possible that there will be a daughter-in-law for you in the sky? Go out more often, you see that Fu Xinhan knows to go out to play with bitches, don't be tired of being with Duan Linbai every day." The old lady was depressed.

Fu Chen rubbed the chess record but didn't speak. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Song Fengwan who was suppressing a smile, and frowned slightly.

Will he be reprimanded, so funny?

How courageous.

"Third brother, go upstairs and ask Huaisheng to come down for dinner." The little monk was doing his homework in the upstairs study.


Everyone sat around the table, Song Fengwan hadn't seen Huaisheng for a long time, they were next to each other, he was a lot taller than before, wearing a cool black and white school uniform, but the bald head was still radiant.

Fu Chen once suggested letting him grow his hair, but Huai Sheng insisted that he would return to the temple to be the abbot in the future, and not growing his hair was his only insistence.

At the beginning of school, I was laughed at by my classmates because of this. After a long time, everyone got used to it.

"Sister, will you live with me when you come back this time?" Huai Sheng looked innocent.

"I want to live in a dormitory." Song Fengwan said with a smile.

"Then I can't see you?"

"No, if I don't have class, I can go to play with you." Song Fengwan stroked his smooth little head.

"But I don't have time to play. My third uncle said that I didn't do well in the final exam last semester, and he wouldn't let me go up the mountain on weekends. I need a teacher to make up for me." Huaisheng lacked preschool education, his foundation was weak, and his grades kept failing. .

"Have you found a good teacher?" the old lady continued.

"Still searching." Fu Chen replied.

"You're not quite free. It won't be a problem if you give birth counseling." Mr. Fu squinted his eyes, savoring the Huadiao wine carefully.

Fu Chen once tutored Huaisheng, and he was almost driven crazy. The child's thinking is completely different from his. If he memorized the nine-nine multiplication table, he can still give him four-nine-twenty-seven now?

Up to now, writing a pinyin letter is still crooked.

Once when doing a connecting question, it almost drove Fu Chen crazy, Huai Sheng smiled and comforted him, "Third Uncle, you should be calm in everything you do, anger hurts you the most."

Fu Chen has never been reprimanded by the teacher since he entered school, just because he...

For the first time in my life, I was reprimanded by the teacher.

Or because the grades can't improve, I can't do the topics I have talked about.

No matter how good my temper is, I can't resist accompanying my child to do homework.

Fu Chen sneered, "I tried it, but I found it couldn't be done."

"Teaching children requires patience, so you should preview in advance. When you have children in the future, you will know what to do." Fu Lao said with a smile.

"Cough—" Song Fengwan coughed for a long time with the fishbone stuck in his throat.

"Be careful when eating fish." Qiao Xiyan sat beside her.

"Sister, are you free to tutor me?" Huai Sheng stared at her with bright eyes.

"Me?" Song Fengwan was stunned, "I just started school, and I will have military training in a while, so I guess I won't have time recently." She didn't even get the schedule, so she didn't know if she was free.

"I'll just make up for the weekend. You don't have weekends off?"

"It's not very clear now, I'll talk about it after I look at the course schedule."

Fu Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at Huai Sheng.

Go back and buy him milk tea.

"Wanwan and Xiyan will stay here tonight, and we will pick up the luggage from the third child tomorrow." The old lady tried her best to persuade them to stay, and the two could only stay.

After dinner, Song Fengwan accompanied Huaisheng to the study to do homework, Qiao Xiyan accompanied the elders of the Fu family in the living room, and Fu Chen went out for a walk with the dog...


study on the second floor

After Huaisheng finished his homework, Song Fengwan took a pencil and helped him correct it.

Because they are all arithmetic problems, although they are not complicated, you have to read them slowly. Song Fengwan was so serious and focused that Fu Chen didn't even notice when he pushed the door open.

Fu Chen handed Huai Sheng a cup of milk tea in his hand, and motioned him to go out.

Holding the milk tea in his arms, Huai Sheng happily stood at the door to help watch the wind.

"Huaisheng, your previous homework was corrected by third uncle? He signed this word?" Song Fengwan unintentionally turned to the front, and Fu Chen's signature was on the bottom of the homework.

With a beautiful thin golden body, restrained and handsome, she couldn't hide her arrogance.

Song Fengwan took a pen, compared his signature, and imitated it, with form but without spirit.

"Want to imitate me?" Fu Chen stood behind her at some point.

Song Fengwan's back was facing the door, and when he turned his head, Fu Chen had already arrived behind her, stretched out his arm, supported the table with one hand, pressed on the notebook, and grabbed her hand holding the pen with the other.

Xuxu surrounds her.

"When did you come in?"

"I'll teach you to write my name."


When Huai Sheng retrieved his homework, he discovered that the names of Fu Chen and Song Fengwan were on the previous homework, and they were circled with hearts.

He frowned slightly, this homework had to be handed in.

He took an eraser and severely erased the names of the two people. Why would he waste his homework when they were in love.

Haha, Huaisheng is so depressed, homework has to be handed in, why are you two drawing hearts on it, it's too much!

The third master is now dressed like this, he is preparing to approach college students, haha

One of the comments said that the third master's old cucumber was painted with green paint-the one who pretended to be tender, be careful that the third master will settle accounts with you.

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