Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 380 Is it too late? Don't pretend to be rich if you don't have money (3 more)

Song Feng's birthday was late, and the school's clubs recruited new students. She followed her roommate and signed up for a few. Except for many student departments that needed interviews, most clubs can participate in activities after paying the membership fee.

The best and most powerful club in the Academy of Fine Arts is the Design Department, which holds a school-wide design competition every year, and the award-winning students are likely to be able to sign to big companies without graduation.

So in addition to freshmen from the Academy of Fine Arts, many students from other schools will also join this club.

However, it only admits 30 freshmen each year, and they need to interview with works. Most freshmen do not require good works, but they must have bright spots, and the competition is fierce.

All three people in Song Fengwan's dormitory signed up, and they all wanted to try their luck.

There were a lot of people on the day of the interview. Song Fengwan and the three of them went relatively late, and the seats were relatively far behind. Many people had already come out for the interview, including many students from a class.

"You also come to sign up."

"You were chosen?" Hu Xinyue was a little nervous and excited, "What questions will they ask?"

"Definitely not selected. When answering the question, my voice was trembling. I asked why I came to join the club or something, but you should be careful after entering."

"What's the matter?" Miao Yating was relatively introverted, not used to this kind of occasion, so nervous that her hands were shaking.

"The teacher in charge of the main interview is Gao Xue, who will give us the elective course."

"Isn't that great? That Teacher Gao likes Wanwan very much, she will definitely be able to join." Hu Xinyue is not interested in joining clubs, and if she can come to the interview, she will gain points for activities, so she will come here to mix up points.

"I look at Wu Yuxin who helped her record. It seems that Wu Yuxin asked her about something in private. Anyway, the two of them are very close. I'm afraid she will put shoes on you. Didn't you used to be in the dormitory?"

Song Fengwan was surprised, how could these two people get together?

When it was her turn to go in, she did see Wu Yuxin, sitting beside Gao Xue, holding a notebook, as if she was in charge of recording the interview results.

After the interview ended at 7 o'clock in the evening, Song Fengwan received a message from the club, informing her that she had been admitted.

"Wanwan, you have to treat me. It seems that there are only 5 people in our class, and you are one of them." Hu Xinyue teased.

"Okay, I invite you to drink milk tea." Song Fengwan stared at the text message on his mobile phone, remembering the way Wu Yuxin looked at him during the interview, with a vague premonition in his heart.


teacher's office at the moment

Wu Yuxin helped Gao Xue finish the courseware, staring at her all the time, hesitating to speak...

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Gao Xue has just signed a contract with a company to help her organize a design exhibition, and she is currently reviewing the design draft to be delivered.

"That Song Fengwan..." Wu Yuxin bit her lips, "I know you guys know each other. I don't want to sue, but I want to say that the picture of her interview today looks a bit like one of your pictures..."

"What do you think?"

Wu Yuxin was helping her with chores recently. After reading some of her drawings, she nodded falteringly, "I think it looks familiar, and during the interview, she didn't say it was original, but said it was inspired by other people's creations."


Wu Yuxin considered the words, "Did her inspiration come from you? Didn't you teach her..."

Gao Xue smiled, "Everyone started writing calligraphy and painting, and they all started by copying and imitating. It's not surprising that she refers to others."

"It feels like plagiarism." Wu Yuxin gritted her teeth, "It's really similar."

"She still has her own ideas." Gao Xue explained for her.

"Doing this in front of you, you're too bold. After all this, you still recommend her to join the club with high marks?" Wu Yuxin didn't understand, but felt that the teacher was very kind-hearted.

"She is a malleable talent, so don't talk nonsense."


"Okay, it's getting late, you should go back to the dormitory."

Wu Yuxin walked back resentfully. If plagiarism was really involved, Song Fengwan might be blocked by the industry. Teacher Gao is too good-tempered.

After she left, Gao Xue looked again at the design drawings of the members admitted today, her gaze stayed on Song Fengwan's painting, her fingers tightened, and she tore up the drawing bit by bit.

Song Fengwan is too top-notch, even if she wants to screen her out, it will be difficult, and it will provoke those students to criticize in private, so...

It's better to keep her by your side, anyway, even if these manuscripts are sent to the competition, they will have to go through her hands.

What kind of waves can a student turn out.

Others don't understand, but Gao Xue knows from the bottom of her heart that Song Fengwan has a background, so she can't do anything to her blatantly, so it's better to have a...


directly destroyed her.

Gao Xue threw the torn drawing into the trash can, her eyes darkened.


the other side

As Mr. Fu's birthday is approaching, although he has three sons and one daughter, Fu Chen is the only one living in the capital, so he is naturally busy.

Song Fengwan shuttled between various clubs until she received a message from Yu Manxi asking her about jade jewelry, and she called her back after class.

"You want to buy jade?"

"It's a gift." Yu Manxi heard from Duan Linbai that day that Song Fengwan's family was in this business. Although she didn't mention the details, she also wanted to consult.

After all, in the current market, the quality of jade is uneven, and she is not proficient in this aspect.

"Who are you sending it to? A man or a woman? About what age..." Jade stones all have meanings, and should not be given indiscriminately according to relatives.

"The elders, a couple, in their fifties."

"What price do you want?"


The two chatted for a while, and Yu Manxi really didn't know anything about this.

"Why don't I accompany you to choose on Saturday afternoon, do you have time?" It was not clear on the phone.

"Well, I just want to trouble you."

"It's okay, third brother is very busy recently, and he doesn't have time to accompany me."

"Then I'll pick you up at your school at two o'clock."

The two made an appointment and went to the mall on Saturday.


Yu Manxi chooses gifts to give away, so she naturally hopes to buy some branded ones with packaging, but even if they are sold in regular stores, the quality and quality of jade are mixed.

I went to several shops and couldn't find anything I liked.

"I see that many netizens recommend Yutangchun's jade, but the store is not in the urban area, and it's a bit far to drive. If you don't want to go, I can take you back to school first." Yu Manxi looked at the co-driver.

Song Fengwan has already accompanied her to three shopping malls, and she is not too embarrassed.

"It's okay, let's go."

In fact, she wanted to ask whether she wanted to go to Yutangchun before, and thought that this was her own shop, as if she was deliberately taking her to slaughter, so she never mentioned it.

Yu Manxi also did some homework, and Song Fengwan was only responsible for checking the quality of the jade for her, and giving some advice by the way.

Because it was the weekend, the business in the store was good. Considering that Yu Manxi was also considered a public figure, being recognized in the store would cause commotion, the clerk deliberately led her to the VIP room at the back.

"We have albums, you can choose them first, and if you like them, I'll bring you jade stones." The clerk warmly greeted them.

"Thank you." Yu Manxi smiled and took the album.

Yutangchun has stores in many provinces, and they are all managed by professional managers. Some people have only seen Qiao Aiyun or Qiao Xiyan, and they probably don't even know Qiao Wangbei, let alone Song Fengwan.

Just treat it as an ordinary customer.

"Drink some water and watch slowly." The clerk greeted them and went out.

"I think it's not bad, and the price is okay." Song Fengwan pointed to a white jade Buddha pendant, "Sister Yu..."

"Yeah." Yu Manxi carefully looked at the description of jade in the album.

"Are you going to meet your parents?"

Yu Manxi blushed, "What nonsense."

Fu Sinian's parents are indeed going back to Beijing, and he mentioned that he wants to have a meal together in a few days, so she must express it.

"Isn't this anchor Yu? What a coincidence." A sharp female voice suddenly sounded.

Song Fengwan followed the sound, isn't this the star who often appears on TV?

Yu Manxi knew who it was just by hearing the voice, it was really a narrow road to Encounter, and he could meet here too.

How did she know that this wasn't a chance encounter at all, she came to find her on purpose, and when she heard the discussion about meeting her parents at the door, she exploded...

"Miss Xia, please come inside." The clerk didn't expect this person to choke as soon as he came in, so he could only bite the bullet and greet him.

"Your family can still get credit now?" Her tone was joking.

"No." The clerk smiled.

"I'm afraid some people's wages can't afford to spend here. They don't have much money, so they go to the VIP room to pretend to be rich?"

Song Fengwan glanced at Yu Manxi, inexplicably worried, this woman was obviously not a good person.


And at this moment, Fu Sinian happened to be going to Jing's house to deliver invitations.

The Jing family may not necessarily attend Mr. Fu's birthday banquet, but invitations are always sent.

"You don't seem to be in a good mood today." Jing Hanchuan sat on the chair, guarding the fishing rod, with a plate of strawberries in hand, "Didn't you go out on a date during the big weekend?"

After hearing this, Fu Sinian was even more silent.

"Shouldn't you be released as a pigeon?"

"That's right."

He and Yu Manxi both have weekends and weekends. They had made an appointment to have dinner and watch a movie together, but she broke the appointment temporarily because of the following reasons:

I want to go shopping with your aunt.


Hearing this address, Fu Sinian frowned, but could only nod in agreement.

Jing Hanchuan was eating strawberries, and glanced at Fu Sinian, "So there's nothing to talk about in love, it's better to guard my fish pond."

"Don't want to fall in love?" Fu Sinian asked in a muffled voice.

"Give me a reason for wanting to fall in love, for example, what do you think about your fish?"

Fu Sinian stared at the strawberry in his hand, "She..."

"Sweeter than a strawberry in your hand."

"You've always liked sweets and don't want to try something sweeter?"

Jing Hanchuan suddenly felt that today's strawberries tasted like lemons.

Sour toothache.

The third watch is over~

Ask for a message and ask for a ticket every day...


Today, Niannian is lemon-flavored and sour.

Today's Liu Ye is strawberry flavored, sweet.

Today's third master...

Brother Duan: He is a durian with thorns!

Third Master: ...

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