Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 382 Wanwan is very strong, the scum girl is expelled (2 more)

Yu Manxi didn't want to argue with her at first, so she just pulled herself, and even touched Song Fengwan, so it was unbearable.

She asked Song Fengwan to come out to ask her for help, how could she be wronged for no reason.

Xia Yunong was already furious after being slapped by her. Her manager and assistants were all there, and there were even outsiders.

I never thought that she would say again, "Send it to your door for a smoke, can I not satisfy you?"

"Yu Nong, calm down, Miss Yu, please restrain yourself..." Sister Ling, the manager, was also the first and the second elder.

"How can I stay calm? She has already bullied me. You are all dead. When you saw me being beaten, you just stood there?" Xia Yunong was furious.

"I paid you to come back, just to stand and pretend to be dead for me?"

"A bunch of trash!"

The assistants were also in a dilemma. They were handymen, not bodyguards. Could it be possible for a group of them to rush up and "beat up" Yu Manxi?

"What are you looking at, find a lawyer for me, call the police, I want an injury test!" Xia Yunong trembled with anger, "Yu Manxi, I warn you, this matter will not pass like this."

Yu Manxi sneered, "Just now I took care of you as Ning Fan's ex-girlfriend, I'll save him and I don't want to argue with you..."

An ex-girlfriend is really worse than stabbing someone with a knife.

"If you want to make things big, try it. There are people outside now, so go out with me now."

"It's not that I'm the mistress. If you feel wronged, let everyone judge and avenge you."

"How did I get to where I am now? You and I know it well. If you break things and rely on a man to be in the position, how clean can you be? I'm just a small anchor. Everyone should be more interested in your gossip. Just go out and say it."

"See how you can get out of your body?"

Yu Manxi is really good at pinpointing people's pain, but Xia Yunong doesn't dare at all.

That would be tantamount to telling others that he is a superior by unspoken rules, without Ning Fan's protection, he would not even be able to maintain his current position.

Just now she was arrogant and domineering, but now she was dumbfounded, holding her breath in her chest, and almost vomited to death.

"There is no proof, it's all based on speculation, and you deliberately find fault. Do you really think that you can act recklessly when you are angry?"

"If you can prove that Ning Fan and I are indeed having an affair, you are welcome to slap me in the face."

Xia Yunong was furious, if she had evidence, it would have been exposed long ago, leaving her "dead without a place to bury", why bother to come here in person.


At this moment, the manager and the clerk who picked up the jade pendant also came in a hurry. Seeing that both sides were at war, and they were both public figures, it was also a dilemma.

"Everyone comes to the store for shopping and consumption. There must be some misunderstandings. Ms. Yu, don't you want to see the jade pendant? Come with me here."

These two groups of people definitely couldn't stay in the same room. The manager saw that there were only two people on Yu Manxi's side, and it was easier to talk, so he wanted to ask them to move elsewhere.

"Yeah." After all, this was in someone else's store, Yu Manxi still didn't want to continue entanglement with her, and gave the manager face.

But Xia Yunong couldn't swallow the anger, she brought a group of people here to find fault, she didn't get half of the benefits, but she slapped her instead?

"Wait a minute, this jade pendant is what I want to buy, what are you giving it to her?"

"This is what Ms. Yu first fell in love with. There is always a first-come-first-served basis." The clerk who had just received Xia Yunong also felt that Xia Yunong was too bullying, so he told the truth, "If she doesn't like it, it's not too late for you to choose."

"You mean, as a VIP customer of your family, I can only choose what others have left?" Xia Yunong sneered, directly distorting the facts.

"Miss Xia, VIP customers do have preferential rights and enjoy our special care, but this jade pendant is indeed Miss Yu's first fancy, and we can't win people's love."

"You mean, after paying so much money, I will be bullied by an ordinary customer in your store?"

The manager tried to explain to her, but he also knew that Xia Yunong was deliberately finding fault today, and it wasn't about the jade pendant at all. "Actually, we still have a lot of jade pendants of the same style. May I recommend which ones are more suitable for you?"

"I just fell in love with that, and she didn't pay, I paid first, can't I take this thing away?"

"You..." The manager had no choice but to act like a rascal.

"What's the matter, you Yutangchun is popular now, the store is bullying customers, isn't it?" Yutangchun's popularity can be traced back to Song Fengwan's father, Song Jingren, asking someone to deliberately complain about fraud, and the business has been good since then.

Many celebrities follow the trend and also wear jade bracelets and jade ornaments, bringing goods in disguise.

When the manager heard this, he was dumbfounded, how could he be accused of bullying customers by the shop owner.

Yu Manxi saw that the manager's face turned pale, and she didn't want him to be caught in the middle. Just as she was about to speak, Song Fengwan stopped her.

"Miss Xia, right? You are a public figure anyway, so it's not a good idea to take it by force."

"What are you, it's your turn to speak." Xia Yunong snorted softly, why did the stinky girl who came out of nowhere dare to accuse her now?

"Wanwan..." To Yu Manxi, this matter was a natural disaster, and she didn't want to involve Song Fengwan.

"Since you came in, you have been bossing around, yelling, without any manners."

"Willlessly abuse and slander others, and pour dirty water on people. If you break up and lose love, feel depressed and restless, go to a psychiatrist."

"Don't embarrass yourself here, you're making yourself miserable."

Xia Yunong was furious, "You stinky girl, when is it your turn to teach me a lesson?"

"This is also my storefront. You come here to humiliate my customers. I didn't let someone throw you out directly. It's enough to save face."

your store?

The simple four words stunned everyone present. Yu Manxi heard that her family is in Nanjiang and makes jewelry and jade, but she didn't talk about it, and Song Fengwan never talked with her from the beginning to the end. I mentioned half a sentence.

The manager looked at her in amazement, until his eyes fell on her pair of phoenix eyes, and he suddenly realized it.

Almost all of the Qiao family inherited a pair of phoenix eyes, sharp and charming, very intimidating. If you look closely, her eyes are exactly the same as those of the Young Master's family. If you compare her age, you will naturally understand who she is.

"Your shop, little girl, you..." Xia Yunong was dumbfounded.

It's not so bluffing to talk big.

"Are you the cousin of the Song family?" the manager asked tentatively.

Song Fengwan did not deny it.

"If you want to complain about bullying at Yutangchun store, you can go to the industry and commerce department, or go online and say that you have so many fans, someone will help you complain."

"But there are surveillance images in the room. You rushed in, yelling at us, how arrogant and domineering..."

"The face is so ferocious. I believe that the netizens will give us justice after the surveillance screen is called out."

Seeing that she was still childish, Xia Yunong thought she was a half-grown child, but she didn't expect her to speak in such an aggressive and forceful manner.

"If you don't want to leave, I will ask someone to throw you out. My bodyguard is not a sympathetic person. You are also a public figure. You don't want to make it so ugly." Song Fengwan chuckled.

"If you really come to shop, we will naturally welcome you, but this is not a place where you can do whatever you want."

"My mouth is full of obscene language, and my house is almost dirty."

Song Fengwan held the video in his hand, so he was naturally not afraid of her.

This time Xia Yunong was so angry that his heart ached.

The few shop assistants on the side were relieved to see it.

She really deserved it, she came to bully people and kicked the iron board, but one of them was a cousin. Qiao Aiyun managed many shops in Qiao's house.

"If you don't leave, you want to wait for me to call the police and sue you for hurting you. I was pulled by you just now, and now my arm still hurts. I'm afraid I need to have an inspection." Song Fengwan rubbed his arm twice.

"Yu Nong, hurry up and leave." The manager saw this posture, and there was nothing else to say.

Yutangchun's master is here, and if he bullies his master in someone else's territory, it is already very polite for him to let you go.

When Xia Yunong saw Yu Manxi standing on one side, looking leisurely and contented, she was very annoyed, the slap on her face was painful, no matter how her manager and assistant pulled her, she refused to leave.

Song Fengwan took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Qian Jiang outside.

Ten seconds later, a burly man dressed in black and wearing sunglasses appeared at the door of the VIP room.

"Miss Song, who is missing?" Qian Jiang has been guarding outside the store, keeping a distance from Song Fengwan, not as exaggerated as guarding close to him.

Qian Jiang was born burly and rough, tall and full of hostility, exuding a chill that strangers should not enter, and his voice was deep and cold, extremely frightening.

Condescending, full of momentum.

Xia Yunong was a little dumbfounded for a moment, thinking that Song Fengwan was talking deliberately to scare her, who would have expected that she really had bodyguards.

"You... your shop can bully people like this?"

Song Fengwan smiled and said, "I'll bully you, what's the matter? So what if our store doesn't welcome you? Who wouldn't bully others?"

"It's her?" Qian Jiang pointed at Xia Yunong, almost wanting to do it.

"Hurry up!" Sister Ling put the hat in the manager's hand on her head, and dragged her out in a hurry.

If it is really blasted out, seen by others, and posted on the Internet, it will really be completely embarrassing.

Xia Yunong walked out reluctantly, trembling with anger.

Seeing that the person finally left, the manager felt relieved, "Miss Biao, why didn't you say anything when you came here?"

"It's just to accompany my sister to choose something."

"Is there any specific need? I can recommend..."

Yu Manxi didn't expect Song Fengwan to have a relationship with Yutangchun, maybe it was Xia Yunong who caused trouble just now, the manager felt that the hospitality was not good, and it was because of Song Fengwan that he finally bought two jade ornaments and beat them up discount.

"Wanwan, I'm really sorry about what happened today. I asked you to come out to help, and it frightened you." Yu Manxi felt really sorry, "If you're okay tonight, I'll invite you to dinner at home, and I'll cook for you. Make something delicious, and I will personally send you back to school later."

"Okay." Song Fengwan nodded in response.

The two went to the supermarket and bought a lot of ingredients. Song Fengwan was here, so Yu Manxi naturally called Fu Sinian and asked him to make an appointment with Fu Chen. If he is free, we can have dinner together.


Yunjin Capital and Jingjia were on the same line, Fu Chen went to Jingjia, picked up Fu Sinian before rushing to the software park.

"I have my own car, so I don't need you to pick me up?" Fu Sinian asked.

Fu Chen stroked the Buddhist beads in his hand, "Did you know that something happened to Miss Yu tonight?"


"Someone troubled Ms. Yu, and it will spread to the night. My girlfriend has to be careful." Fu Chen briefly explained what happened, "I don't think that woman is a fuel-efficient lamp, and I'm afraid she will make a comeback. You should be careful. .”

Fu Sinian nodded.

Fu Chen saw that his expression was so cold that he looked like he was going to eat people at any time, so he changed the subject, "I heard that Ms. Yu will be cooking tonight? Is she very good at cooking?"

"It doesn't match her appearance, but I didn't expect him to be a very virtuous person."

Fu Chen's words were slightly teasing.

Fu Sinian turned his head to look at her, "Song..."

Song Fengwan's name almost blurted out, but was swallowed back, "Auntie can't cook?" His tone was cold and he yelled reluctantly.

Fu Chen coughed twice, "She is still a student, and she focuses on her studies."

"I saw a scarf she knitted for you last year. You are like a baby. She studied art, but she didn't expect the craft..."

Shi Fang was driving the car with cold sweat on his palms.

Fu Sinian seldom fought with his family's third master before, but it really is different after having a daughter-in-law.

In order to protect the daughter-in-law, dare to complain about the handicap of the future aunt?

Fu Chen chuckled, good boy, just wait for me.

Song Fengwan is at Yu Manxi's house at the moment, watching her cook, "If you want to learn, you can try it, I will teach you."

"No, I have a disabled hand." Song Fengwan said in a low voice.

"Huh?" Yu Manxi obviously didn't believe it. The two got acquainted, and she also had a deeper understanding of Song Fengwan. She studied art, and most of her families were craftsmen, with handicap?

"Don't tell me." She also felt embarrassed.

Yu Manxi smiled and nodded.

Song Fengwan didn't understand at all. Everyone in Fu Chen's circle of friends knew about his disabled hand.

Nephew, you've been very arrogant recently, it's amazing to be in a relationship.

How dare you yell at your third uncle and complain about your aunt?

Third Master: Take out my little notebook.

Fu Sinian: ...

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