Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 400 Third Master and Niannian, Old Men Hurt Each Other (2 more

Fu's old house, on the dining table

Yu Manxi didn't talk much, it was mostly the old lady and Dai Yunqing who were talking.

"Xiao Yu, what are your plans for the afternoon?" The old lady only had one daughter, and she was married far away, so she was always a little more patient with the girl.

"No." Yu Manxi didn't know when the dinner at Fu's house would end, so she took a full-day leave with her work unit.

"If you have nothing to do in the afternoon, go to the theater with me, Yun Qing, will you go with me?" the old lady asked.

"Okay." Dai Yunqing nodded.

Yu Manxi is not a fancier, nor can she understand babbling Beijing opera, but since the old lady opened her mouth, she must agree.

"Later, I'll take you upstairs to have a look. There are many photos of Si Nian when he was a child in the study room. Before he went to college, he lived here." The old lady smiled, "You don't even know, he How fun it was when I was a kid."

Fu Shinan, who had been hanging his head in silence, suddenly looked up at his wife across from him.

His pillows and quilts are all left in the study. If Yu Manxi sees this, how can he, as a father-in-law, establish prestige in front of his daughter-in-law?

Dai Yunqing seemed to have not seen it, and kept eating with his head down.

"Really." Yu Manxi was curious about this.

Dai Yunqing sneered, "Isn't he a few years older than the eldest son? When he was a child, he refused to call him uncle and insisted on calling him younger brother. He was almost beaten to death by his grandfather, and his temper was as stubborn as a cow."

"I was still angry with his grandfather that day, just at the top of the stairs..." Dai Yunqing pointed to the stairs leading to the second floor of the Fu's house, "He hugged the railing tightly when he was a child, and he was awkward somewhere."

"I was crying with snot and tears all over my face, and I was still yelling about Fu Chen's younger brother, but I laughed to death."

Fu Sinian touched his forehead with his hand, coughed twice, "Mom, I was less than three years old at that time."

Don't mention such a long time ago.

"The kid said he was going to run away from home the next day, and then he went to his grandmother's house alone. I was so scared to death that the whole family went out to look for it..." Dai Yunqing shook his head helplessly, "At that time, there were no mobile phones. These are inconvenient to contact.”

"Later his grandfather brought him back. He was still eating candy and smiling at me."

Yu Manxi listened very seriously, "What happened next?"

"He came back and was beaten again. His grandmother was an hour and a half away from our house. I really don't know how he found it. What if something happened?" Dai Yunqing still had lingering fears when he thought of what happened at that time.

Yu Manxi suppressed a smile, and glanced at Fu Sinian beside him, his face was completely darkened.

"However, Si Nian is still worry-free and sensible. When he was a child, he knew how to take care of his uncle and take the third child out to play." The old lady smiled kindly.

"Yeah." Yu Manxi nodded persistently, nephew taking uncle out to play?

This operation is also possible.

"However, once the two of them went to play in the river, there was an accident. Boys were very naughty when they were young." Dai Yunqing said.

In fact, Fu Chen and Fu Sinian were no different from ordinary people in their childhood. They may have been born in a big family, and as they grew up, they must have become more disciplined. When they were young, they were less disciplined, but after entering school, they were stricter than ordinary children. Harsh.

end of lunch

Fu Shinan rushed to the study first on the pretext of making a phone call. The inside had been cleaned neatly, and his pillow and quilt were not here.

"I've put all my things back into the room. I'm in a hurry." Dai Yunqing appeared behind him at some point, "Don't worry, I won't let you down in front of Xiao Yu. Let me save you some face."

"Then I'll sleep in the room tonight?" Fu Shinan's face was calm, but there was a little joy in his heart.

"Xiao Yu won't stay here overnight. After she leaves, you can move to the study. Look at how you scared people that day. I made you smile in a serious way. What did you do? Almost made people cry."

Fu Shinan frowned, he really tried his best.


Yu Manxi followed the old lady to the study to look through the photo album, while Fu Chen and Fu Sinian accompanied Mr. Fu out for a walk.

Mr. Fu is also a good smoker, but he can't smoke at home, and he can only go out to enjoy his mouth.

"Smooth less." Fu Chen reminded.

"I'll just take a couple of sips. Your mother will take care of you a lot. Let's go for a walk later to let off the smell before going back." Mr. Fu took a hookah in his hand and strolled leisurely in the compound, "Third brother, you need to hurry up on your marriage. ah."

After all, the elders of the Fu family are getting old, and it is not uncommon for children in their thirties to get married now, so he was worried that he would leave and he would not see Fu Chen get married and start a family, so he would mention it occasionally.

"I know." Fu Chen reached out to support him.

"You said your mother, when Xiaoyu came to the house, why did she insist on showing her some photos? What's there to see about those things." Old Fu shook his head repeatedly.

Fu Sinian's meal was boring, his mother and grandma sang together, almost shaking him out.

Fortunately, in the end, grandpa stopped in time, otherwise this topic might have gone somewhere.

Fu Chen curled his lips into a smile, "There is really nothing to see, but there are many full moon photos in it."

Fu Sinian's body froze, he almost forgot about this, how could such things still be kept.

He immediately turned and walked back.

When he rushed to the study, there was only Yu Manxi in it. She was sitting at the table looking at the photos seriously, holding her mobile phone in her hand, and taking pictures from time to time.

"Does it look good?"

"It's pretty good." Yu Manxi saw the full moon photo of Fu Sinian's buttocks at the beginning, and there was a red spot between her eyebrows. She tried her best to hold back a smile.

When she came to Fu's house today, she specially dressed in a gentle and elegant way, with light-colored and wide knits, which made her whole body softer.

"These were all taken when I was a child. There's nothing to see..." Fu Sinian walked over and explained the stories behind the photos one by one. The room was warm.


Yu Manxi saw that the process of Fu's family was going well, remembering that she had troubled Song Fengwan to go shopping with her on the day of meeting her parents, so she invited her to visit her home on weekends.

Song Fengwan was basking in the sun on the balcony of Yishui Community.

It's been a while since Yan Wangchuan didn't know how to cook, but he learned how to make soup. Qiao Aiyunfei said that Song Fengwan had lost weight, and asked Yan Wangchuan to help her make up, and someone started making soup for her every day.

"Wanwan, I have a dinner party at noon, so I can't accompany you for dinner. Do you stay here or go back to school?" Yan Wangchuan asked her.

"I'm dating a friend."

"Fu Chen?"

"No, a sister, invited me to her house for hot pot."

"The kid is going too?" Yan Wangchuan raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah." Song Fengwan didn't hide it.

Yan Wangchuan couldn't care too much, but with Fu Chen around, at least his personal safety was guaranteed.

When Song Fengwan went downstairs, Fu Chen's car was already waiting downstairs. Yan Wangchuan sent her down and gave Fu Chen a hard look, "Remember to send her back tonight."

Fu Chen smiled, "I will."

But at the moment Fu Sinian is in Yu Manxi's apartment, helping to wash the vegetables, Yu Manxi only invited Song Fengwan, and his third uncle has the cheek to follow him.

Do you think this is a place for cheating and dating?

"Can the third master eat spicy food?" The soup base was made by Yu Manxi himself, so the taste is naturally different from the outside.

"It's okay." Fu Sinian replied casually.

Yu Manxi thought that there was still clear soup at the bottom of the pot anyway, so she simply added a few more red peppers. The soup bottom was adjusted according to her taste, and she is more spicy, so she thinks the level of spiciness is just right.

When Fu Chen came to the table to eat, Xu didn't expect the bottom of the red soup pot to be so spicy. As soon as he took a bite, his throat was burning with smoke.

It made him cough twice.

"Third brother?"

Song Fengwan hastily poured him a glass of water.

"Is it very spicy? Maybe my taste is a bit strong." Yu Manxi helped him get a bowl from the kitchen, poured some warm water for him, "Why don't you rinse it off."

Fu Chenxinfo, originally ate relatively light food, not much chili, and usually a lot of spicy food outside, but Yu Manxi's soup base was too choking and irritating, and he couldn't stand it.

"If I had known earlier, I would have put less pepper." Yu Manxi looked at him nervously.

Holding his chopsticks, Fu Sinian looked at the two women at the dinner table who were nervous about Fu Chen, frowning slightly.

Song Fengwan is his girlfriend, so I won't mention it here. Why does his own girlfriend hang around Fu Chen? Besides, how choking is this chili?

"Why don't you eat some clear soup, I'll move the bottom of the clear soup pot to your side." Fu Chen is a guest, and he helped her when he met her parents, the most important one was Fu Sinian's third uncle, an elder, Yu Manxi must take care of him more.

"No need." Fu Chen waved his hand.

At this moment, Fu Sinian, who had been taciturn all this time, suddenly said something.

"Older people, the stomach will definitely not be able to bear this kind of greasy food."

old age?

Fu Chen rolled his eyelids and looked at him, "Fu Sinian, I'm older, in terms of age, you are older than me."

"So at what age, what clothes should you wear, and what should you do." Fu Sinian looked at his clothes. In order to cater to Song Fengwan, Fu Chen's clothes were mostly casual and fashionable.

Song Fengwan lowered his head and suppressed a smile.

She was mocking, his third brother: Pretend to be tender?

Fu Chen smiled at him, and silently made a note for him in his heart.

Song Fengwan coughed twice. In terms of age, they are all old men. Is it necessary to kill each other?

Third Master: My little notebook, bring it quickly!

Fu Sinian: ...

Wanwan, do you dare to speak your mind, see if the third master will hit you [cover face]

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