Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 878 Sixth Master: Unstoppable Fu Baobao (2 more)

The new year is fleeting, and the rest of the time flies very quickly. Because Song Feng graduated late in June, as soon as the school started, he devoted himself to the preparation of the graduation project. Sometimes he got so busy that he didn't even arrive until nine or ten o'clock in the evening. return.

Duan Linbai often teases Fu Chen:

"In love with a woman who doesn't come home."

But during this period, Fu Baobao will already follow Fu Chen to read his parents, although the pronunciation is not standard.

Fu Chen has taught him many times, and it is also a bad taste unique to adults. If there is any party, the children will "perform". Fu Chen intends to show off when the family in the old house has dinner.

As a result, the first sounds that the little guy uttered were "yei——yei!"

It made Boss Fu laugh so much that he hugged him and kissed him several times.

Fu Chen narrowed his eyes and remained silent.

Wait until you go back to clean him up.

After Fu Baobao went back, Song Fengwan taught him to call his father and mother again, and he followed suit in a decent manner, but Fu Chen sat on one side with a worried expression.

Beijing University of Fine Arts has very high requirements for graduation thesis or graduation design. Song Fengwan has a halo on her head. Many people are waiting to see her graduation design. She is naturally more concerned about this aspect.

The father and son are often left at home, plus a dog.

Soon, Baby Fu went from crawling to walking.

Children always seem to stumble when learning to walk, fall when they stand up for the first time, and cry for a while.

"Third Lord, look at him crying..." Uncle Nian stood beside him, watching him cry and feeling very distressed, but Fu Chen refused to let him hug him.

"Every time he cries, he hugs and coaxes him. Subconsciously, he will feel that as long as he cries, everyone will compromise with him. This is a bad habit." Fu Chen said with reason.

After Fu Baobao fell a few times, he also knew that crying was useless. At the stage of learning to walk, even if he fell, he would not look for Fu Chen anymore.

Finally, when he was able to walk a few steps while holding on to something, he said cheerfully to Fu Chen, "pa——pa."

Fu Chen smiled and reached out to him, "Can you come here?" There was nothing between Fu Chen and him to cling to.

Fu Baobao moved his feet awkwardly, but just after he left something to support, he turned his head and fell headfirst on the carpet...

Fu Xinhan squatted on the side, staring at him with vigour, went over and gave him a few hugs.

Fu Baobao pursed his mouth, feeling extremely wronged, never thought that someone's low laughter suddenly came from above his head.


Fu Baobao: ...

I'm afraid it's not my real father.

Afterwards, Baobao Fu learned to walk, and it seemed to be smoother. Sometimes he could leave the things he was clinging to and walk a few steps unsteadily. Once when Duan Lin Bai came to the house as a guest, Baobao Fu took only two steps.

"Okay, he's learning to walk quite quickly." Duan Linbai smiled.

"It's all fake tricks." Fu Chen was holding a small orange in his hand, and threw it at his son.

The little guy swayed twice, and fell to the ground with a dazed expression.

"Look, I can't even stand still."

Duan Linbai was stunned. Does your sister-in-law know that you "abuse" your son so much at home?

But after Song Fengwan came back, Duan Linbai realized that in front of her, the father and son had always been loving and filial.


When the weather was warmer, Fu Baobao was able to walk alone, but his speech was still slurred and he jumped out a few words.

When the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, Fu Chen likes to take him to play in northern Sichuan.

The beautiful name is: spring outing.

Because he was worried that Fu Baobao would slide down the fish pond, Jing Hanchuan had to ask someone to add a fence on the side.

A lot of flowers bloomed on the fish pond filled in behind Jing's house, but Baobao Fu couldn't get in, so he lay on the side and stared.

However, the road in the backyard of Jing's house is uneven, and when I first came here, I fell down a few times.

Fu Chen felt that it's normal for a boy to grow up through beatings, beatings, beatings, but Xu Yuanfei and Sheng Aiyi looked at him with distress, dragged him to the living room, and served him all kinds of delicious food.

Xu Yuanfei's due date is in late April. At this time, her stomach is already very big. After the year, the dessert shop will be handed over to professional people to manage, and she can raise her baby at home with peace of mind.

She was different from Song Fengwan, she had a lot of nourishment during her pregnancy, and Rao deliberately controlled it, so she gained a lot of weight.

The Jing family found a special dietitian for her to match her diet, but she often felt hungry, and Jing Hanchuan also felt sorry for his wife, so she let her eat. During this period, she is addicted to sweet and spicy food, especially during the winter. I ate a lot of hot pot.

Some soup bases were so spicy that Jing Hanchuan couldn't bear it, so she ate it happily.

Originally, it was agreed that she would eat some clear soup, but after she became pregnant, she also became coquettish, so she talked to Jing Hanchuan so coquettishly that she only had two bites.

After two mouthfuls of shabu-shabu in red soup, I couldn't stop.

She has a sensitive constitution, and everyone was very worried about her sensitivity problems during pregnancy. She never thought that after pregnancy, she would eat meat and vegetables, and there was nothing to avoid. Her appetite was much better than usual.

So her weight has risen from more than 90 catties to more than 140, but fortunately she is thin-boned, and there is no flesh on her face.

Fu Baobao was sitting in the living room of Jing's house right now, eating the cake obediently and quietly.

"Is it delicious?" Xu Yuanfei had nothing to do, researched a lot of new desserts at home, and fed most of them into his stomach.

"Hmm." Fu Baobao nodded seriously.

"I'll pack a little later for you to take home. You can eat it, but you can't eat too much, or your teeth will be decayed." Xu Yuanfei urged earnestly, but he obviously didn't listen.

After eating, Fu Baobao leaned next to her, and the two of them watched TV seriously.

Xu Yuanfei has a big belly, and it is always inconvenient to move around. She often pinches her waist, or touches her belly subconsciously. Fu Baobao stares at her belly, as if reaching out to touch her belly, but dare not.

Fu Chen and Song Fengwan kept telling him not to touch Xu Yuanfei's stomach.

The child is reckless and worried about collision.

"Want to touch?" Seeing him cautiously, Xu Yuanfei couldn't help laughing.


"You can touch it lightly." Xu Yuanfei took his hand and placed it lightly on his stomach. It was nothing at first, after all, he couldn't feel anything through a layer of clothes, but after a few minutes, suddenly there was something in his stomach. It's quiet...

Xu Yuanfei was so frightened that her heart skipped a beat. Although the fetus had already started to move, it was the first time that it was so violent.

Fu Baobao was so frightened that he withdrew his hand, his little face turned pale.

"It's all right." Xu Yuanfei rubbed his stomach, and the reaction was a bit overwhelming.

After a while, Fu Baobao was about to reach out to touch it again.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, just be careful."

This child seems to have the same feeling as Fu Baobao. After touching him a few times, there is always a slight fetal movement...

So when Jing Hanchuan came back from the backyard, he saw Fu Baobao poking his wife's belly with his fingers.

"Han Chuan, come quickly, the child is moving again!" Xu Yuanfei called him over happily.

But when Jing Hanchuan put his hand on her stomach, there was no movement for a long time.

"It was clearly moving just now, why is there no movement?" Xu Yuanfei frowned.

Fu Baobao had already staggered to Fu Chen's side, stretched out his hand for him to hug, pointed at Xu Yuanfei's belly, and said a bunch of things he couldn't understand at all.

"When Xiaoqinyuan touched it just now, he was very responsive..." Xu Yuanfei coughed and felt a little embarrassed.

Jing Hanchuan suddenly turned his head to look at Fu Baobao.

Fu Baobao suddenly shrank his body and hugged Fu Chen's neck tightly.

Why is he staring at himself with such eyes?

"Han Chuan, don't tell me, they are destined to each other." Fu Chen smiled casually.

Jing Hanchuan remained silent.

But he always had an idea in his heart, he wanted to stay away from Baobao Fu, especially when the due date was approaching, he didn't want this little guy to come home at all.

It's just that there are thousands of calculations and thousands of precautions, and there are always omissions.


Song Fengwan held Fu Baobao to accompany the old lady to the opera in Liyuan that day. After the end, Fu Baobao was held by Sheng Aiyi, and he didn't let go of her.

"Then come to our house to play. I haven't seen Qin Yuan for a long time." Sheng Aiyi has always thought that Fu Baobao is a lucky star, and loves him very much. During the Chinese New Year, he specially prepared a big red envelope for him, and asked someone to help him He brought back several limited edition toy cars from abroad.

"He's too noisy." Song Fengwan smiled apologetically, "I'd better take him home."

"It's okay, our house is quite deserted, it's better to make some noise."

Sheng Aiyi was too enthusiastic, and Fu Baobao was clung to her arms and refused to come down. There was nothing to do, and finally the old lady told them to go to the Jing's house to play.

The old lady was getting old, and it was too far to go to the north of Sichuan, so she went back to the old house first.

When Jing Hanchuan saw Fu Baobao enter the door, he frowned slightly:

How did this little thing come here?

"Hello Sixth Uncle!" Fu Baobao didn't speak very clearly. These words were still in the car, and Song Fengwan repeatedly taught, "Grandpa is good."

A certain boss was overjoyed, hugged him and kissed him, "Let's stay at home for dinner tonight."

"No, third brother is still waiting at home."

"Just let him come over." The boss is a straightforward person, and he agreed to the matter.

Song Fengwan had no choice but to call Fu Chen and ask him to come to Jing's house.

"Okay, I'll go over right away." Fu Chen smiled, knowing that it must be Fu Qinyuan who refused to leave.

The backyard of the Jing family is very large, and recently, for the child in Xu Yuanfei's womb, the boss specially set up children's facilities such as slides in the back, plus Xu Yuanfei can make desserts and candies, it is simply a child's paradise. The first time I came here, if I hadn't fallen asleep from exhaustion, I wouldn't have left at all.

"Where is Yuanfei?" Sheng Aiyi was busy getting snacks for Fu Baobao.

"Sleeping upstairs, I'll call her." Jing Hanchuan said and walked upstairs.

Not long after, Xu Yuanfei came down, and while eating biscuits, Fu Baobao opened his eyes wide, staring at her huge belly with radiance.

"Go and say hello, just like I taught you." Song Fengwan urged him forward.

"Sixth Aunt." He seemed to be indiscriminate with his flat tongue, and the pronunciation of calling Auntie was very substandard, which made Xu Yuanfei amused.

"You are here again."


Xu Yuanfei stroked his hair and pulled him to the sofa.

"Brother... come out..." Fu Baobao chewed on the biscuit, staring at her stomach for a moment.

"It should be soon, do you like brother?"

Fu Baobao seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't speak clearly, and he didn't know what he wanted to express.

After all, I think boys...

A lot of fun!

When he and Fu Yu went out, Fu Yu often wore a small skirt, and often they couldn't hang out together.

Before eating, Fu Baobao had been sitting next to Xu Yuanfei, children couldn't rest easy, after eating something, his eyes fell on Xu Yuanfei's stomach.

"You still want to touch it?" Xu Yuanfei laughed.

Fu Baobao nodded, rubbed the biscuit crumbs on his clothes, and wiped his hands clean.

Some things happen so suddenly...

After Fu Baobao touched it a few times, Xu Yuanfei felt a sensation in his lower abdomen, "Hanchuan—"

"Huh?" Jing Hanchuan was feeding the fish at this time.

"I might be giving birth."

At this time, there was still some time before the due date, Jing Hanchuan's pupils trembled slightly, and he hurried over to check the situation.

It was found that the amniotic fluid had broken.

"Hurry up and prepare the car!" Shouted Sheng Aiyi.

The entire Jing family suddenly became chaotic. Fu Baobao stood beside him with an innocent and bewildered face, unable to react at all to what happened.

After Xu Yuanfei got into the car, Song Fengwan let Qian Jiang drive, hugged Fu Baobao, and followed Jing's family to the hospital.

On the way, I made a phone call with Fu Chen.

"I'll be right there." Fu Chen frowned, his expression was a little tired because of work.

"Don't go there, go to the hospital first."

Fu Chen paused with his fingers, "Is it going to give birth?"

"Well, the amniotic fluid is broken."

"Which hospital?"

"It should be the nearest Maternity and Children's Hospital to their home."



Because it was the evening rush hour at this time, the car was moving very slowly, and Song Fengwan followed closely behind, all anxious, not to mention Jinghanchuan at this time.

As the contractions became more severe, Xu Yuanfei was already in a cold sweat from the pain.

Fu Baobao was obediently sitting next to his mother. He didn't recover from what happened just now. He just touched her twice. Are you going to the hospital?

In his impression, going to the hospital was just to get an injection and take medicine, and he thought that Xu Yuanfei fell ill after being touched by him, and with the Jing family's anxious attitude, his eyes were red with fright.

At this time, the Xu family in Lingnan also got the news. Their family was having dinner at the time, so they hurried to the hospital without caring too much.

Unstoppable Fu Baobao, haha

Master Six: ...

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