Yan's Group Branch

Seeing that Song Feng had arrived at the office late, everyone thought about the matter on the Internet, and guessed that there would be a solution soon.

The company has always been efficient in this regard.

"You said that big touch on Weibo, do you know whose idea you plagiarized?"

"I'm sure I don't know. Otherwise, why would you make such a big fuss? In recent years, everyone's awareness of copyright has increased. If this kind of thing is picked up, you will die miserably."

"If our company took the public route, no one would dare to be so blatant."

"Don't underestimate how shameless some people are."

"If Mr. Song doesn't pursue it, Second Young Master Jiang's temper will make things worse."


During the conversation, Second Young Master Jiang had already come out of Song Fengwan's office and talked about some work arrangements, but he never mentioned the plagiarism.

It caused everyone to be confused, he jumped anxiously just now, it was clear that he was going to tear those two people apart, why did he die after he came out?

But they can't take care of this kind of thing. They are usually too busy with work, and after a few discussions, they have to pay attention to themselves in the end.

"Second Young Master, I heard that the head office will send people down for inspection in a few days, is it true?"

Second Young Master Jiang raised his eyebrows, "Who did you listen to?"

"A colleague from the head office."

"The news is well-informed. In the past two days, you should cheer up and don't be lazy. If Mr. Yan catches you, this year's bonus will be gone."

When everyone heard that the news was true, they immediately mourned.

Yan's has also set up several branches elsewhere in the past two years, but they are the most unlucky. Yan Wangchuan often visits his relatives to inspect the work.

In recent years, he has become more strict and picky, and every time he hears that he is coming, he makes people panic.

He doesn't deliberately pick on people's faults, or is in a bad mood, and deliberately finds faults, but as long as he can find faults and omissions, it must be well-founded, even if he criticizes you, and you can't refute it in a word. .

Jiang Ershao also had a terrible headache when Yan Wangchuan came over.

Yan Wangchuan has always disliked him.

When he was going to be Song Fengwan's manager, Yan Wangchuan gave him eight words: "Too lively, I don't like it."

Is liveliness the original sin?

Song Fengwan said: "Usually he is very tired at work, but his personality is more lively, and the pressure of working together is not so great."

Yan Wangchuan: "You mean, working with me is stressful?"


However, he still listened to Song Fengwan's suggestion later on. After all, Second Young Master Jiang was helping her with her affairs, but every time Yan Wangchuan saw him, he would inevitably slap him.

It made Second Young Master Jiang feel trembling every time he saw him. It was only later that he found out that he kept a straight face when he was chasing people. That's why he only got married when he was forty or fifty years old and had a son.

Second Young Master Jiang regained his balance in an instant. It turned out that his dead face was not aimed at him alone.

Facing him now, even though I was shocked, I got used to it.


Jiang Ershao was about to deal with the company's affairs, but when he heard a call from the front desk, saying that Fu Chen had come, he rushed out to greet him.

Why did this grandpa come here suddenly?

Fu Chen heard that Song Fengwan took his children out on a trip, but hurried back to the company. He thought it was something that happened last night, and something changed, so he came directly.

When Second Young Master Jiang went out, Fu Chen had already entered Song Fengwan's office. He poured a few glasses of water and brought them in.

"Third Master, why do you come here when you have time? You drink water."

"Thank you." Fu Chen took the water, and learned from Song Fengwan that the man had hired a law firm and sent a lawyer's letter to sue, "This is quite interesting."

"She's calling a thief, "Stop a thief."

Song Fengwan shrugged, "Yeah, I'm all in a daze."

"Ordinary people are as quiet as chickens when they encounter this kind of thing. As long as she wants to make such a big mess, she is sure that no one will be held accountable? Will she be found out for what she did?" Jiang Ershao was speechless.

"I still think that no one in this circle visits Weibo?"

Fu Chen sneered, "She wants to be popular."

"Huh?" Song Fengwan stared at him, "Want to be popular?"

"There is a poll on Weibo. She was out of the top ten yesterday, and now she is almost catching up to the first place." Fu Chen has also studied this matter.

"In her comment area, many people left messages, encouraging people who eat melons to vote."

"I guess I want to use this incident to create hype. The Internet celebrity competition is just a small circle. In fact, if the target is Wanwan's trumpet, Wanwan probably won't find out or pay attention to this matter."

"Want to be red..." Song Fengwan rubbed the pen in his hand, "Third brother, I always think she looks like someone I know."

Fu Chen chuckled, "Where can you tell?"

"Painting style."

Song Fengwan has explored his own style, but once some people's style is formed, it is difficult to change, and this person...

She has also studied.

Fu Chen seemed to think of something instantly, "Can't find the information?"

"The data doesn't match, but I always feel that way."

"Let's try it out." Fu Chen raised his hand and twisted the string in his hand, squinting his eyes.

Second Young Master Jiang clearly saw the green light in his eyes.

"This person has received a lot of events on Weibo, and has also helped people draw a lot of pictures. If your company throws an olive branch to her..."

"This is the dream of many designers."

Song Fengwan went on to say, "Usually can't come in at all, we contact her proactively, normal people will not refuse."

This is different from the Internet, which represents a bigger stage and a bigger space to display. Even if you come to study for a few years and don't get paid, many designers are willing to come in.

Jiang Ershao listened to the conversation between the couple, lowered his head and took a sip of water.

Fuck, why do you feel chills on your back, who are these two talking about? Try it out?

Is this unlucky ghost being targeted by two people?

"Jiang Er, you go to contact this person on Weibo, and tell her that your company has seen her paintings and intends to invite her to come over with a high salary. The salary, treatment, and various conditions are up to her."

After Fu Chen finished speaking, Jiang Ershao was stunned.

What are you doing to recruit that copy number one into the company? The treatment is up to her, how much face does this person have.

Could it be that they are going to close the door and beat the dog?

This is also very exciting.

"Why are you standing still, do what he says." Song Fengwan said with a smile.

Jiang Ershao was so excited that he opened Weibo. This person's account had the contact information of the studio. Anyone who was interested in cooperating could be negotiated. He turned on the hands-free phone and called the studio.

Anyway, this kind of person is shameless, even if he slaps her in the face in public, he deserves it.

Someone gets more and more excited.

It was a man who answered the phone, listening to the voice, he was not very old.

"Hello, this is Suchen Drawing Studio, what do you want?"

"I'm from the Beijing branch of Yan's Group. I read it on the Internet..." Jiang Ershao told Fu Chen about hiring her.

The boy was very excited, "Wait a minute, I'll go find the teacher..."

After about a few minutes, the boy came back again, "I'm sorry, our teacher said that he is very busy recently, thank you for your kindness."

Jiang Ershao was thinking that this person was going to come to give the head on his own initiative, but he didn't expect to be rejected!

He is confused!

Is this person crazy if he doesn't want such a good treatment?

With ups and downs in his heart, he still said calmly, "It's okay, let Teacher Suchen think again, our company welcomes her at any time, if you change your mind, please contact me at any time."

Jiang Ershao hung up the phone and sneered, "What's wrong with this guy? If he joins our company, can it be the same as on the Internet? If not, he can become an international designer. Don't you want such a good opportunity?"

Fu Chen and Song Fengwan seemed to have expected something.

"I guessed it." Song Fengwan took a pen and tapped on the table lightly.

"Guess what?"

Second Young Master Jiang was really going to be annoyed to death by this couple. He knew that his IQ was not enough, but he still played charades with him.

"She didn't dare to come, it's not that the treatment platform is not attractive, but..." Fu Chen leisurely collected prayer beads.

"She's afraid of death."

"Let Lin Bai check it later, and we'll talk about it after confirming your identity." Regarding things on the Internet, Duan Lin Bai probably has a solution.

"Let's go, just to pick up my son."

Second Young Master Jiang sent the two of them to the elevator entrance, and watched them discussing in whispers, feeling a gust of wind blowing on the back of their necks.

The whole body is cold.

Thinking of Fu Qinyuan's troublesome brat, because he was often made things difficult for him by Fu Chen, he called him uncle when he met him, and was first-rate when he was in trouble, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Duan Linbai was taking care of a few little ghosts at this time. He was about to faint from the heat in July. He didn't even know that there was a couple of thieves who were playing their own tricks.

The third watch is over~

Ask for a ticket...

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