Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 967 Fan 2 10: The sixth master miscalculated the third master, and he will pay it back when

Because of the mobile phone poisoning incident, Fu Huan was depressed for a long time. She couldn't find out the reason, and in the end she could only admit that she was unlucky. She once wondered whether her mobile phone was hacked deliberately. She thought about asking Fu Sinian for help.

Too cowardly, I didn't dare.

After all, there are too many shady things in my mobile phone.

And on the other side...

Fu Qinyuan got a backup of all the photos in someone's cell phone.

There are novels, comics, and photos of all kinds of messy male stars, and he came to a conclusion:

This girl has too little homework.

Fu Qinyuan was not a good student in the past, in order to allow him to do his homework on time, Fu Chen often sent him to Fu Sinian's house, where Fu Yu was with him, saying that he was a niece, but in fact he was similar to his elder sister. Therefore, he had no intention of learning a little from Fu Sinian. black technology.

This is his second practice.

The first practice was when the school was going to hold a parent-teacher meeting, and the teacher would send the information to the parent's mobile phone, because Song Fengwan was sometimes busy with work day and night, and Fu Chen was usually the one who helped him hold the parent-teacher meeting.

He didn't do well in the test that time, so he thought about hacking his dad's phone, so that his dad wouldn't receive messages, and he would definitely not be able to attend the parent-teacher meeting.

Parents' meeting is not mandatory for every student's parents to attend, it's not a big problem for Fu Chen to go or not.

It's just that it was blacked out many times, and finally one night, Fu Chen knocked on his door:

"Dad? What are you doing so late?" He was only a high school student at the time.

"Not everyone can hack my phone. If any little thief can do it, what secrets can I hide in my phone?" Fu Chen looked at him calmly.

"If you put all your energy into hacking my phone into your studies, you won't get this score."

"It's so late, you're not sleepy, I'm tired too."

Fu Qinyuan was embarrassed at that time.

As long as he thinks of what he has done, his father knows it, and he is extremely ashamed and indignant.



Fu Qinyuan put the bait and was waiting for the fish to take the bait, but Jing Xingyao obviously didn't do what he wanted.

Because one day his assistant Xiao Ji received a call from the front desk of the company, saying that there was a package addressed to Fu Qinyuan. In fact, in recent years, people often mailed messy things, and there was no information on the sender. Said directly:

"Check it, if it's not dangerous, put it in the warehouse!"

They said it was a few movie tickets, probably some little fan gave it to them.

In recent years he has dealt with similar things too numerous to mention.

After Xiao Ji finished handling the matter, he knocked on the door of Fu Qinyuan's office with a large stack of documents.

Just about to tell him about today's work arrangement, Fu Qinyuan's cell phone vibrated twice suddenly, and there was a message:

[The ticket has been mailed to your company, remember to check it. 】

Fu Qinyuan put down his work and made a phone call.

"Hello——" Jing Xingyao pondered for a long time, and almost forgot that he could still express it in the same city, "Have you received the movie ticket?" The voice was obviously a little cheerful.


"It should be here, you check the express carefully."

"My assistant checks and collects all my couriers. I'll ask him..." Fu Qinyuan turned on the speakerphone, "Xiao Ji, did I receive any courier packages today?"


"Do you have a movie ticket?" Fu Qinyuan put his hands on the table and stared at him seriously...

The eyes are quite intriguing.

"Yes... right..." Just as Xiao Ji finished speaking, someone raised his eyes and gave him a slash. Xiao Ji frowned, "Or... no?"

Xiao Ji is really confused, what the hell do you want him to say?

"Is there any!"

Xiao Ji shook his head, "No, definitely not!"

"Why not? I received a message showing that I signed for it." Jing Xingyao was a little helpless.

"It's easy to lose express delivery now. Are you busy recently? No time to come over?"

What else can Jing Xingyao say, I can't say that I don't want to see him, "I'm going to perform soon, I'm really busy."

"It's okay, then you are busy."

After hanging up the phone, Jing Xingyao was still a little overwhelmed, did he get over it so easily?

At this time, Xiao Ji has already recognized who the other party is based on the voice. This is the girl who followed the lady to pick up the plane at the airport a few days ago. Very distinctive, he can't get it wrong.

This person is not from the Sixth Master's family...

When Xiao Ji followed Fu Qinyuan, Jing Xingyao had already left the country, so he only heard that the two had a good relationship. Now it seems that the relationship is not only good.

Master Six's daughter?

Xiao Ji has been with Fu Qinyuan for so many years, so he can't understand his mind 100%, but now he is in a good mood and bad mood, he still has some predictions about this, like now...

He is in a great mood!

Xiao Ji swallowed nervously, feeling that he had discovered something important.

"Xiao Ji." Fu Qinyuan said suddenly.

"Ah?" Xiao Ji shook his head, and immediately stood up straight, "Little Third Master."

"Be my assistant, what's the first thing?"

"less talking, more working!"

This was already a blatant warning, Xiao Ji smiled with a chill on his back.


Jing Xingyao couldn't figure it out, and thought about whether to find his uncle another day. Xu Yao and Fu Qinyuan had a lot of cooperation, and they often met, so it would be fine for him to send it to Fu Qinyuan.

Once the plan was made, she was dumbfounded when she came home from get off work.

Someone was sitting in her living room, smiling at her.

"I'm here to find Uncle Liu to go fishing and get a ticket by the way."

Fu Qinyuan is not a fool, Jing Xingyao even thought of using express delivery, I am afraid that the next one will come up with other strategies, it is better to take the initiative than to be passive at that time.

He had told Jing Hanchuan before that he would come to fish, but he never came. The line was buried so that it was almost usable.

Jing Hanchuan thought he was too busy with work, so he never came, which fit his current situation.

But he didn't know at all that Fu Qinyuan didn't come on purpose. The work couldn't be done in a day. If he wanted to, he could always find time to come to Jing's house. He just couldn't be too aggressive, just like Jing Hanchuan's shrewd energy ...

When he proposed that he wanted to go fishing, and then frequented Jing's house, he must have suspected it long ago.

So this line can't be rushed, you have to take your time.

"I'll go to the backyard first." After Fu Qinyuan finished speaking, he took his own fishing gear and rod and walked to the backyard.

Leaving Jing Xingyao standing alone in the living room with a dazed expression...

This person is too...

Actually came directly?

And that night, Jing Hanchuan thought he was working too hard, so he asked him to have dinner.

Jing Hanchuan knew Fu Chen very well, if he wanted to target someone, no one could escape.

And Fu Qinyuan's temperament changed only after the Jing family went abroad, so he didn't know exactly what Fu Qinyuan's temperament was now.

He didn't know very well that a certain person never wanted to fish.

lead to a wrong underestimation of him.

Sixth Master really doesn't understand him...

Master Six: ...


Ask for tickets every day~

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