Heaven-defying Skills

Chapter 141 Arrival

Fengqi Mountain is still so beautiful, surrounded by clouds and mist. A layer of light mist covers the whole mountain, adding a mysterious color, as if there are immortals living in it.

It is almost the New Year, but the atmosphere in Fengqi Village is unusually dull at this time. Everyone is in a bad mood. The reason is that recently a strange madman came to Fengqi Village. Although he is called a madman, his strength is very strong. In the eyes of ordinary villagers, he is almost like a god. Even Han Lao who came back not long ago can't beat him.

The madman built a shed at the foot of Fengqi Mountain and lived in it casually. He gestured and pointed randomly day and night. But he pointed randomly. Once a villager saw him randomly poking a deep hole in the mountain with a finger, and stone chips flew everywhere.

Originally, if such a master lived here, the reputation of Fengqi Village would not be affected, but the problem was that this madman could only gesture all day long and could not cook or wash clothes, which made the villagers suffer. Not only did he ask the villagers to send him food every day, but he also required that he only eat meat and no vegetables. In addition, he threw the dirtiest clothes to the villagers to wash. One or two days was fine, but this madman stayed here for half a year. The villagers' economy gradually became stretched and they could not afford to support this great god. Now it was the New Year, and they could not even afford to buy things for the New Year. They were eaten out of money by the madman.

On this day, nearly a hundred villagers were outside discussing countermeasures and what to do. If they continued like this for more than ten or twenty days, they would starve.

At this moment, several eagle cries were heard in the distance, and then many black spots appeared in sight, approaching rapidly. The black spots were getting closer and closer, and also flying lower. The villagers saw that the black spots were all black eagles, and in front of the black eagles, there was a beautiful phoenix emitting colorful rays of light. The villagers stared at the approaching air army.

"Ah!" A loud eagle cry shocked people's hearts, and the overwhelming monsters in the sky were actually heading towards Fengqi Village.

"It's Master Fengxue." A young man said excitedly: "It's Master Fengxue. Several years ago, he came back with a colorful phoenix. I was still playing outside the village at that time."

Hearing his words, many villagers also thought of the scene when Han Fengxue came back four years ago, and they were also a little excited. They thought in their hearts: "I wonder if Master Xuefeng's phoenix can beat that madman!"

Han Fengxue and his personal guards finally landed on the ground. Looking at the simple villagers who came to greet him, Han Fengxue smiled and felt comfortable all over.

"Master Fengxue!"

"Master Fengxue!"

The villagers all stepped forward and shouted. They respected Han Tianjun's family very much. Although they didn't understand anything, they knew that Han Tianjun and his family were definitely not ordinary people.

"Brother Aniu, Uncle Tian, ​​Brother Xiaoyu, Aunt Han" Han Fengxue also shouted one by one.



A few excited shouts came from behind the villagers. The crowd parted and Han Fengxue saw familiar figures, Grandpa Han Tianjun, Grandma Liu Xingxiang, and Grandpa Murong Hao.

Looking carefully at the relatives whom he had missed thousands of times, Han Fengxue's heart was burning, his eyes were slightly red, and tears were rolling there.

"Fengxue, what's wrong with you..." Liu Xingxiang staggered over, stroked Han Fengxue's gray hair, and asked with heartache. She didn't know what Han Fengxue had experienced.

"Grandma!" Han Fengxue finally couldn't hold back his tears and hugged Liu Xingxiang tightly. This was the feeling of family affection. He had been so strong outside all these years, but next to his grandparents, he felt like a child again.

"Child, what happened to you all these years?" Liu Xingxiang's eyes were filled with deep worry and regret. Han Tianjun and Muronghao also walked up to Han Fengxue and asked.

Han Fengxue squeezed out a smile from his red eyes: "Grandpa, grandma, grandpa, I'm fine, nothing's wrong!"

Han Tianjun and the other two showed disbelief in their eyes, but didn't say anything. They pulled Han Fengxue to the village. At this moment, Han Tianjun and Muronghao's figures were frozen. They saw behind Han Fengxue, fifty fourth-level monsters Thunder Eagles and fifty men in black standing straight there without making a sound, so that they ignored their existence at first.

"This is the fourth-level magic beast Thunder Eagle!" Han Tianjun said in shock. He had traveled for several years and had seen many magic beasts, but he had never seen fifty fourth-level magic beasts together, and there was not a single noise.

The Thunder Eagle Guards saw Han Fengxue and his family reunited, and they were moved and a little surprised. Before they received the order to be Han Fengxue's guards, they heard many rumors about Han Fengxue, and they had a consistent impression of Han Fengxue in their hearts. He was strong, loyal, and decisive, but they did not expect Han Fengxue to have such a weak side.

"Yes, it's the Thunder Eagle." Han Fengxue nodded, turned around and said to the guards, "This is my grandparents and grandpa."

"Meet the two masters and the old lady!" The shocking voices rang out in unison, and the guards collectively bowed and shouted to Han Tianjun and the other two. The loud voice scared the simple villagers on the side.

"What is this?" Han Tianjun looked at Han Fengxue in confusion and asked.

"Grandpa, this is my personal guard."

"Personal guard?" Han Tianjun repeated.

"Well, Grandpa, let's go back and talk!"

Han Fengxue gave Qian Fan another order to build a place to live, while he himself returned to the hut with his grandfather and the other two.

Then, under the interrogation of the three, Han Fengxue briefly recounted his experiences over the years. However, in his narration, everything was so peaceful and calm, but the hearts of Han Tianjun and the other two were still beating. Although Han Fengxue had passed by many dangers, they could feel the thrill. Especially when Han Fengxue talked about the enemy who killed Han Jianfeng, Han Tianjun and his wife stood up, panting and extremely excited.

It took Han Fengxue three hours to briefly recount his experiences over the past four years, and he omitted a lot of things.

From Han Tianjun, I learned that Han Tianjun and the other two had lived a wonderful life over the years. They traveled to eighty or ninety provinces in the Blazing Empire, experienced different people and customs, and saw the prosperity outside. Only then did they realize that they had lived for so many years, but in fact they had always been birds in a cage.

"By the way, grandpa, where are uncle and brother Yu?" Han Fengxue had never seen uncle Murong Xiao and cousin Murong Yu, nor had grandpa and the others mentioned them.

"Your uncle and Yu'er settled in Bingcheng, where your uncle found a good teacher for Yu'er to teach him. I hope he can achieve something in the future." Murong Hao said expectantly. In the Murong family, there were only two descendants, Murong Xiao and Murong Yu, and the Murong family's hopes were all placed on Murong Yu.

"By the way, Fengxue, what is your strength now? With your talent, you should have the cultivation of a two-star skill king!"

Han Fengxue smiled and nodded without comment. He also saw that Han Tianjun had actually reached the level of a two-star skill king, which was obviously because of his open mind over the years. At the same time, Han Fengxue was also a little surprised that the Han family actually had a king-level spiritual practice.

Seeing Han Fengxue nod, Han Tianjun smiled with satisfaction. With Han Fengxue's five-element talent, plus his abnormal talent skills, he can definitely challenge the opponent above his level. In this way, revenge is settled.

"Grandpa, I plan to go to the city tomorrow to find out the situation."

"Well, that's good. Let's find out the strength of the other three major families first." If Han Tianjun knew that Han Fengxue was already invincible at the skill king level, I wonder if he would still say such a thing.

"Fengxue, there is another strange thing." Han Tianjun remembered something and told Han Fengxue about the madman at the foot of Fengqi Mountain. With his strength as a two-star skill king, he was defeated by the other party, which made his confidence that swelled after the breakthrough return to its original form. But the madman was also strange. He didn't hurt anyone even if he won. As long as he was fed meat on time every day, it would be fine.

Hearing Han Tianjun's description, Han Fengxue was a little surprised. The madman in Han Tianjun's mouth was probably a warrior, and a mid-level warrior of Wuzong. However, in the Blazing Empire, there was generally no formal practice, and warriors could only stop at the advanced warrior realm. It was almost impossible to break through Wuzong, not to mention the mid-level Wuzong.

"Grandpa, let's go and see!" Han Fengxue smiled slightly. He wanted to see who this madman was.

Han Tianjun also nodded. Anyway, it didn't matter if he couldn't win. Besides, he also wanted to know what strength his grandson Han Fengxue had now.

Han Tianjun and Han Fengxue walked out, which immediately attracted the surrounding villagers. They asked, and heard that Han Fengxue was going to find the madman. The people of Fengqi Village came out instantly and followed behind, hoping that Han Fengxue and the beautiful phoenix could drive away the annoying madman.

After a while, everyone came to the foot of the mountain. In their sight, a man with disheveled hair, dusty clothes, and a face covered with dust was punching the air with his fists or palms, and the whistling energy was whistling.

"Sure enough, he is a martial arts master, but he seems to have only the skills, but no martial arts." Han Fengxue's mind suddenly became clear. The other party was obviously not a madman, but a practice maniac. He tried to create martial arts through his own exploration and practice. Looking at his tiger-like and crane-like body movements, it seems that he really found some tricks from wild beasts. No wonder Han Tianjun lost to him. After all, Han Tianjun's king-level skills are also very weak.

Han Fengxue and the others came over, but the madman didn't even bother to look at them, and continued his crazy practice. Han Fengxue smiled slightly, walked forward and said, "When will you be able to figure out martial arts like you are doing now?"

"Puff!" Another burst of energy was shot out. Hearing Han Fengxue's words, the madman's figure was instantly frozen there, and he turned to face Han Fengxue. Although his messy hair covered his face, Han Fengxue could still feel the sharp light from his eyes behind the hair.

"You know I'm trying to find martial arts." The madman said to Han Fengxue. Unexpectedly, from his voice, the madman in front of him was actually a very young man.

"Of course I know that it's not easy to have a technique but no martial arts." Han Fengxue continued to smile.

"Who are you? How do you know?" The madman's voice was a little hurried and a little unexpected. He also knew that the warriors had been lost, but Han Fengxue seemed to know it very well.

"Because I am also a warrior." Han Fengxue's soft voice made the madman's eyes shine.

Han Fengxue stepped forward, activated the Bo Ling Step, and shot towards the madman with a floating figure. His palm, like flying catkins, lightly printed on the madman, erratic, and sharp oppressive energy was released from his palm. There is no point in saying more. The facts proved everything. Han Fengxue used practical actions to tell him that he is also a warrior.

Feeling the sharp breath coming from Han Fengxue's palm, the madman jumped up quickly, his body as light as a monkey, dodging Han Fengxue's palm.

Han Fengxue's movements did not hesitate at all. While his footsteps were shaking, he chased the madman closely. A piece of palm prints emerged, covering the madman's whole body. The powerful energy made a whistling sound. The madman did not dare to hit it hard, but just dodged blindly. At this moment, Han Fengxue's speed increased suddenly, and the speed of his palm was also much faster. The palm prints all over the sky formed a gorgeous scene.

The villagers behind him had never seen such a mighty force before. They were full of respect and admiration for Han Fengxue. They thought Han Fengxue was going to let Phoenix come up, but they didn't expect that he could beat the madman to dodge left and right by himself. They couldn't help but burst into cheers and cheered for Han Fengxue.

Han Tianjun was also a little surprised. The powerful madman in his eyes was only at this level in Han Fengxue's hands. He could only be beaten without fighting back. This was too depressing, but he was happy from the bottom of his heart and whispered, "This kid." Han Fengxue didn't show off his strength. When he asked if there was a two-star skill emperor, he just nodded, but the nine-star skill emperor also had the cultivation of a two-star skill emperor. How could this be compared?

"It's all my fault for not asking clearly. I have to interrogate him later. The boy's warrior level is so powerful." Han Fengxue laughed angrily. Seeing his appearance, Murong Hao and Liu Xingxiang on the side also smiled secretly with their mouths covered. They were also happy from the bottom of their hearts.

"Wait, I won't fight anymore." The madman said speechlessly. He stood there and let Han Fengxue's palm hit him. He knew that even if he resisted, it would be a matter of time before he got beaten. Han Fengxue was just playing with him and didn't try his best.

The palm shadows and whistling energy in the sky disappeared instantly. Han Fengxue didn't hit the madman with his palm, but stopped attacking and looked at him with a smile.

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