Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1000 A Promise, a Thousand Gold!

Chapter 1000: Promise, promise!

"During this period, all those in the fetal realm should recharge their batteries and prepare for battle!" After Tan Yun ordered, he said, "Okay, let's go!"

After many high-ranking officials left, Tan Yun looked at the women and said, "You are all bored after long-term cultivation. Before attacking the Immortal Soul Palace, you all go to relax."

"Then get busy first." Mu Mengyan took Nangong Yuqin's hand and said with a smile: "Sister Yuqin has not fully appreciated the beauty of Huangfu's secret realm after she arrived at the sect. Shiyao, Xianer, I and I took her around. Have fun, and come to us when you're done."

"Okay." Tan Yun smiled from the bottom of his heart as he watched the scene where the sisters were deeply in love.

After the girls left, Feng Qingcheng pointed to a mountain-like black boulder standing in the Immortal Valley, and said, "Tan Yun, according to your instructions, I have found the Cangling Black Stone that made the gate of the secret realm for you. "

"Thank you." After thanking Tan Yun, he sacrificed the spirit boat, picked up the Cangling Wushi and put it on the spirit boat, and then drove Feng Qingcheng to the exit of the gate of the secret realm in the spirit boat.

Afterwards, Tan Yun polished the Cangling Wushi into the gate of the secret realm, and then manipulated the flying sword to spend a month without haste, carving out tens of millions of patterns on the gate of the secret realm.

Since there was enough time this time, Tan Yun arranged a more defensive formation of twelve dragons and double tripods.

With this array, even if the top powers of the Ascension Realm Dzogchen want to break through, it will take at least ten years!

After Tan Yun made the arrangements, it didn't take long before Feng Tianlun led 300,000 people from his clan to the Huangfu secret realm.

Feng Tianlun was quite satisfied with Tuoba Yingying, the Holy Land of the Feng clan assigned to him.

At this time, the Golden Dragon Divine Lion carried the six elders of the Feng clan, Mo'er, and Tianluo Dragon and Bear King back to Huangfu Shengzong.

The big guy told Tan Yun that the Stone Clan had been wiped out, and he brought back 190 billion top-grade spirit stones.

In addition, if the low-grade, middle-grade, and high-grade spirit stones brought back are converted into top-grade spirit stones, it will cost as much as 210 billion.

After Tan Yun left 50 billion top-quality spirit stones for himself, he handed over the remaining spirit stones to Tuoba Yingying to take care of them.

As the saying goes, you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others. Therefore, Tan Yun did not give the Shenyu Pill, Shenyu Guiling Pill, Yutai Pill, and Yutai Guiling Pill to the Feng family.

The night has fallen, and the moonlight is getting thicker.

Shengmenfang City, Huangfu Shengxing.

At this time, a disciple guarding Shengxing looked at the young man in white robe who suddenly appeared in front of him, and said, "I'm sorry, Shengxing won't be available until the auction at the end of the month..."

When the disciple saw the appearance of the young man in white robe, he stopped abruptly, knelt down immediately, and said respectfully: "The disciple kowtowed to the suzerain!"

"Is Mr. De there?" Tan Yun asked.

"Yes." The disciple kowtowed.

"Take my suzerain to see him." Tan Yun said.

"Student obeys, suzerain, please come with disciple." The disciple got up, and brought Tan Yun respectfully, to the outside of a courtyard on the ninth floor, "Old De, have you rested yet?"

"Well, just fell asleep, what's the matter?" A rather tired voice came from the Accord, accompanied by the sound of coughing.

"Old De, the suzerain is here to look for you." As soon as the disciple finished speaking, the door creaked open.

"The subordinates didn't know that the suzerain came late at night, and they were far away to welcome them. It's no wonder that they still look to the suzerain." When Tantai Zhongde was about to kneel down to Tan Yun, Tan Yun leaned over to help him up, "Mr. De doesn't need to be polite."

At this time, the disciple bowed and closed the door, then left.

Inside the Accord.

Tantai Zhongde asked Tan Yun to sit down, but he didn't dare to sit down, but stood respectfully in front of Tan Yun.

Tantai Zhongde is old, coupled with his ordinary aptitude, he is still in the Soul Realm.

His body is becoming more and more stooped, and his white hair has gradually fallen off. He is really too old.

Tan Yun knew that at Tantai Zhongde's age, if he didn't improve his realm, he wouldn't live for fifty years.

"Sect Master, I'll pour you some tea." Tantai Zhongde coughed and walked towards the teapot on the Yage jade table.

Seeing Tantai Zhongde faltering, Tan Yun thought of scenes from the past.

He thought of the scene when, as Master Shen Subing, he asked Tantai Zhongde to help him find the fire again and again.

At that time, De Lao was in good spirits, but now he is very old.

When Tantai Zhongde held the tea tremblingly in front of Tan Yun with his hands full of traces of time, Tan Yun suddenly felt a little sore in the corner of his eyes, and said softly: "Old De, you are old."

"Thank you, suzerain, for your concern." After Tantai Zhongde spoke respectfully, he became hesitant to speak.

"Old De, what's wrong?" Tan Yun asked.

"Sect Master, I have an unfeeling request from my subordinates, and I hope you agree." Because Tantai Zhongde was too old, no matter whether he spoke or not, his body would tremble uncontrollably.

"you say."

"Sovereign, this subordinate knows that your alchemy is unparalleled." Tantai Zhongde said: "My parents have been bedridden all year round, and their physical functions have gradually weakened recently. I wonder if the suzerain can refine a furnace of elixir for my subordinates. If you can If so, I hope it is the ultimate life-sustaining elixir."

"Why this pill?" Tan Yun felt more and more ashamed.

Tantai Zhongde fell into a long memory, and said tremblingly: "Because a senior once said that this pill can make the parents of subordinates live two hundred years longer."

"It's just that senior, my subordinates haven't seen each other for many years, and I don't know if that senior still remembers that he promised to help his subordinates refine this pill."


A long sigh expressed Tantai Zhongde's inner confusion.

"Old De, the senior you mentioned promised a thousand gold, and he has brought you the elixir now." Tan Yun said with a smile.

"Sovereign, where is senior?" Tantai Zhongde's old body trembled, and there was a strong hope in his lonely and dead eyes.

Tan Yun flipped his right hand, and a bottle of elixir appeared in his hand, and he handed it to Tantai Zhongde, "There are three top-grade life-sustaining elixir in it, you and your parents should take it."

"I hope that in the next two hundred years, you can break through the realm as soon as possible and break your own shackles."

Tantai Zhongde's eyes widened, and he looked at Tan Yun in disbelief, as if he had thought of something, he was too excited to say a word.

Tan Yun smiled slightly, and his tone changed into the familiar old voice of Tantai Zhongde, "Old De, we meet again."

Tantai Zhongde stammered: "Zong, Zongzhu...so Shen Subing's master is you!"

"That's right." Tan Yun said with a smile: "When I was a disciple back then, in order to get the fire seed, I deliberately lied to you. I don't think it's too strange."

"Subordinates don't dare, subordinates dare not." Tantai Zhongde burst into tears with excitement, and with trembling hands, he put the medicine bottle containing the top-grade life-sustaining elixir into his bag.

Afterwards, Tan Yun and Tantai Zhongde chatted like old friends until late at night before leaving.

After leaving, Tan Yun personally found Shen Qingfeng, the great elder of the outer sect, and Shen Wende, the meritorious elder of the inner sect, and Shen Qingqiu, and gave the three of them a top-grade life-extending elixir.

When Tan Yun refined the Holy Pill of Renewing Life, Holy Pill of Calming the Soul, and Holy Pill of Reshaping the Spirit Pool for Tang Xinying, he used sixty-four series of alchemy techniques, and refined sixty-four of each!

In addition to giving it to a few people, Tan Yun still has fifty-five top-quality life-extending holy pills, sixty-one holy pills for calming the nerves and nourishing the soul, and sixty-one holy pills for reshaping the spirit pool!

An hour later, under the bright moonlight, Tan Yunfei returned to the No. 1 Immortal Valley of the Meritorious Sacred Realm, called Tuoba Yingying to him, and ordered: "Notify all the people in the realm of the fetal realm to set off at tomorrow's hour to attack the Immortal Soul Palace !"

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