Chapter 1017: Heartbroken

Hearing this, Feng Tianlun hurriedly nodded and flew into the void.

Soon an hour has passed.

All the high-ranking officials and disciples will keep in mind the attributes of their own practice.

At this moment, with these exercises alone, eighty percent of the disciples' hearts were completely surrendered to Huangfu Shengzong!

Tan Yun looked down at the crowd and said loudly, "Remember! You and the disciples of Huangfu Shengzong in Huangfu's secret territory will be a family from now on, understand?"

"Subordinates and disciples understand!" Everyone shouted in unison, and the sound shook the sky!

After Tan Yun nodded in satisfaction, he continued: "The third thing is that the suzerain will open up a space-time tunnel leading to the secret territory of Huangfu in the central area of ​​Tianfu Mountain Range."

"From now on, the Meteor God Canyon and the Battlefield of the Gods will be your future trials."

"As for the Eternal Immortal Sect who wants to destroy our sect, it will become the place of my holy sect in at most five years. At that time, the three major gods' battlefields will be open for a long time, allowing you to enter the experience and obtain heaven, material, earth treasures, Cultivation resources!"

"By that time, the three great secret realms of the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range will all be your home!"

Hearing this, the senior officials and disciples were very excited and shouted excitedly.

Tan Yunfei landed on the platform, looked back at Tantai Yu and said, "Grandfather, take charge of the sect affairs for now, I have something to do with Yingying, Xian'er and the others, so we will go to the Battlefield of the Gods."

"Okay, you can go at ease." Tantai Yu stroked his beard kindly and said with a smile: "Tell the old man how long you are going, and then I will open the space-time tunnel back to the sect for you."

Tan Yun said: "Seven days later, we will return."

After talking, when Tan Yun, Mu Mengyan, Zhongwu Shiyao, Tantai Xianer, Xue Ziyan, Tuoba Yingying were about to leave, they found Shen Subing looking at him.

"Su Bing, you have nothing to do, just go with us." Tan Yun said with a smile.

"Okay!" Shen Subing smiled, and after reaching the side of the six Tan Yun, the seven jumped off the platform, turned into seven beams of light, shot vertically into the space-time tunnel and disappeared.

In the space-time tunnel, the lacquer wind howled, and Tan Yun and the others were dizzy for half a day. Suddenly, the whistling sound stopped in their ears, and then, there was a thick feeling from both feet.

Seven people have arrived at the battlefield of the gods.

When Shen Subing was a disciple of Danmai, she also entered the vast battlefield of the gods, but she had never been to the ancient glacier.

Tan Yun glanced around, and saw the incomplete Xiongfeng, which was full of traces of the battle of the gods everywhere. Finally, he found the direction and flew towards the ancient glacier...

On the way, the corners of Shen Subing's skirt fluttered, and a beautiful voice sounded in Tan Yun's mind, "Tan Yun, why are we going to the ancient glacier?"

While flying, Tan Yun said in a sad tone: "Su Bing, I told you before that the body of my former wife Fang Luxuan is under the ancient glacier."

"Well, I see." Shen Subing said via voice transmission: "Tan Yun, don't be too sad, the deceased is gone, I think if Sister Fang is still alive, she is not willing to see you feel sorry for her."

Among the few girls, it can be said that only Shen Subing knows how deeply Tan Yun's feelings for Luxuan are in his heart.

Because Shen Subing thought that Tan Yun used her as Fang Luxuan's substitute, and she almost broke with Tan Yun...

Tan Yun sacrificed the mid-grade sub-immortal artifact spirit boat, and after carrying the six girls for two hours, they flew across canyons and appeared on the edge of the glacier with a radius of 15 million miles.

It took another three hours to shuttle between the ice peaks that obscured the sky and the sun, and finally arrived at the sky above an extremely huge iceberg.

This iceberg covers an area of ​​900 miles, reaches a height of 3.1 million feet, and is still growing slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Tan Yun called out the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape from the Linglong Holy Pagoda, and said, "We came here more than forty years ago, do you still remember?"

"Master, I remember." The Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape respectfully said, "At that time, Master and I discovered Mrs. Fang's Nine Phoenix Ice Coffin eight million miles below this iceberg."

"En." After Tan Yun nodded, he said, "I'll open the way ahead, and you, the old ape, will be at the back. You'll follow me in your sleep, and I'll take you into the glacier."

After a warning, Tan Yun manipulated the Primordial Flame, turned it into a five-hundred-foot fireball, and burrowed into the peak.

After the primordial flame penetrated into the peak, in an instant, the ice melted into a huge hole with a diameter of thousands of feet!

Then, Tan Yun took Mu Mengyan's six daughters and flew down vertically, followed by the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape.

With the current state of the crowd and the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, they can only feel a little bit of cold.

Half an hour later, Tan Yun and the others had penetrated deep into the bottom of the glacier and began to fly vertically into the ice layer.

As the crowd continued to go deeper, they found that on the ice wall of the tunnel, the primordial flames were burning, and the speed of the ice cones was getting faster and faster.

Everyone looked up, and found that the tunnel that had been burned by the primordial flames had been frozen at this moment.

Four hours later, Tan Yun led the crowd with familiarity, and stopped when they went deep into the depths of eight million miles of ice.

Then, Tan Yun controlled the Primordial Flame and began to burn the surrounding ice layer. After a while, a hole with a diameter of three thousand feet was burned out. hole, but in the hole. A hockey ball with a diameter of a thousand feet suddenly appeared in the center of the hole!

Tan Yun clearly remembered that when he and the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape were weak, they couldn't break the ice puck no matter what!

"Luxuan, I'm here, I'm here to take you home!" Tan Yun clenched his fists tightly, tears glistening in his starry eyes.

And at this moment, Shen Subing, who was behind everyone, suddenly felt a little restless, and then, an inexplicable sadness rose from the depths of her heart, eroding her heart.


An unstoppable sound of pain passed into the ears of Mu Mengyu, Shiyao, Xian'er, Yingying, and Ziyan.

And Tan Yun, who was in grief, stared at the Qianzhang ice puck, but didn't hear it.

Mu Mengyan's five daughters looked back, but saw Shen Subing's delicate body trembling, beads of sweat dripping from her pale face.

"Hmm—" Shen Subing looked painful, clutching her heart tightly with her left hand, and curled up on the ground with her trembling body.

Shen Subing suddenly felt like a knife was twisting her heart, and inexplicable sadness ravaged her every nerve.

"Tan Yun!" Mu Mengyu shouted anxiously, "Look at what happened to the meritorious chief!"

Mu Mengyu's voice interrupted Tan Yun's thoughts, he turned his head suddenly, and appeared next to Shen Subing with a stride, squatted down, hugged her in his arms, and said anxiously: "Subing, what's wrong with you?"

"Tan Yun...I..." Shen Subing's distressed lips turned white, and she cried in a low voice: "I don't know...I suddenly feel so sad, really so sad..."

Shen Subing suddenly put her head in her hands and felt a splitting headache. She broke free from Tan Yun's arms and kept rolling in the ice cave, "Tan Yun, my head hurts so badly! It's going to burst from pain, I can't bear it... "

Before the words fell, Shen Subing fell into a coma!

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