Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1037 Completely Wrathful!

Chapter 1037 Complete rage!

Of course, Xiahouge's avatar is the most powerful!

In the pitch-black void, Xiahouge's avatar's three-thousand-foot blade light was extraordinarily gorgeous, and it violently clashed with Tan Yun's thousand-foot-long masquerade phantom!

At the same time, when thousands of sword lights slashed towards Tan Yun, even though Tan Yun dodged 95% of the sword lights, hundreds of sword lights still landed on his hill-like body!

"Puchi, Puchi—"

Blood splattered, and Tan Yun's arms, legs, chest, back, and head were chopped off with hundreds of wounds with bone deep visible!

Especially the eight wounds on his chest, I couldn't bear to look directly at them!

Thousands of figures of Xiahouge disappeared after the attack!


And at this moment, after the three-thousand-zhang sword light and the thousand-zhang Hongmeng sword shadow were slashed together, they collapsed at the same time under Xia Houge's unbelievable eyes!

That extremely strong residual power exploded like a cloud of nebula, impacting the Hongmeng Tu Shenjian Formation!


The curtain of the sword array, unable to withstand the impact, exploded from the sky above the vast mountains!


A wave of residual power smashed into the void in a radius of 30,000 miles, shattering it into pieces!


"Bang bang bang—"

Within a radius of 30,000 miles below, dust rose from the ground, and thousands of peaks that pierced into the sky collapsed one after another!

What was picturesque one moment, turned into a mound of rubble the next. Innocent low-level monsters and beasts died unexpectedly!

When the void with a radius of 30,000 miles covered with huge space cracks returned to calm, Xiahou Gowa spewed out a mouthful of blood arrows!

He looked horrified, and hurriedly stopped burning the gate of feathering in the spirit pond, and fled to the spirit boat 150,000 miles away to the west in a staggering manner!

He panicked!

He is terrified!

He never expected that Tan Yun, who was at the seventh level of the Embryo Realm, would be so powerful, even stronger than himself at the third level of the Ascension Realm!

At this time, Tan Yun, who was covered with bruises in the sky, also suffered a backlash after the Hongmeng Sword Formation was forcibly destroyed, and blood gushed out of his huge mouth one after another!


Tan Yun shook his head suddenly, let out a beast-like roar, and chased after Xiahouge who had fled thirty thousand miles away, "Old man, I will not let Tan Yun kill you today, I swear!"

In normal times, Xia Houge's speed is comparable to Tan Yun's, but his running speed is much slower than Tan Yun's.

Obviously, the backlash he suffered after burning the Ascension Gate was much more severe than the backlash he suffered to Tan Yun after the Hongmeng Tu Shenjian Formation was destroyed!

"Holy Lord Tang, save this old man... please!" Xia Houge pleaded to Tang Yongsheng who was on the spirit boat of tens of thousands of miles.

On the spirit boat, Ru Yan Wuji hurriedly said: "Holy Master Tang, save my master quickly. And Tan Yun is seriously injured. When you save my master, you can still kill Tan Yun!"

"Okay, no problem, you stay on the spirit boat!" After Tang Yongsheng nodded, it turned into a beam of light, pierced through the void, and shot towards Xia Houge...

"Tang Yongsheng, you came just in time. Today, I, Tan Yun, want to avenge Mu Fengsheng's royal family!"

Seeing Tang Yongsheng coming to kill Tan Yun, he thought of Mu Mengyu's blood feud, and he went completely crazy!

When Tang Yongsheng heard the words, he seemed to think of something, his face suddenly changed wildly, and the anger seemed to be burning in his eyes, "Tan Yun, you damn thing!"

"All the royal family of Mu Fengsheng Dynasty deserve to die! They deserve to die!"

"People in the world say that I, Tang Yongsheng, killed innocent people indiscriminately. That's right! I admit that I massacred the imperial city, and indeed killed many innocent people, but! It's not my fault, it's all forced by the damned Mu Fengsheng Dynasty!"

"Tan Yun, you dare to avenge Mu Feng Shengchao, I, Tang Yongsheng, will tear you apart!"

At this moment, Tang Yongsheng and Tan Yun were completely enraged and killed each other...

at the same time. Inside the gate of the secret realm, Mu Mengyu's tears flowed down her cheeks. While she was feeling sorry for Tan Yun's injury, she also thought of the scene where Mu Feng's royal family was bloodbathed by Tang Yongsheng!

She hates it!

I can't wait to smash Tang Yongsheng's muscles and bones, and kill him with chaotic blades!

When Tan Yunchao Tang Yongsheng charged in the air, Huangfu Shengzong's side and the four powerful forces' side had already started to fight in the void with a radius of three million miles!

Ruthless killing!


Tuoba Yingying, who was covered in the enemy's blood, was just as she had said to Tan Yun before, she was invincible below the Ascension Realm, and now she was facing the siege of three experts in the Ninth Layer of the Embryo Realm!

Her beautiful shadow flickered, like an ethereal phantom, moving like a god, narrowly dodging the deadly three swords, suddenly, her head was thrown back, her soft and boneless waist was bent like a bow , Swinging the sword with a stream of blood pierced through the eyebrows of a strong man!

"God Extinguishing Finger!"

Then, Tuoba Yingying's tender body lay on her back, drawing a ten thousand zhang arc in the void like a sharp arrow, and a jade finger from her left hand suddenly hit the chest of another old man of the ninth level of fetal realm !

"What kind of technique are you doing...ah!" The old man screamed, the twenty-four ribs in his entire chest were shattered, but the skin was intact!

"The skill to kill you!" Tuoba Yingying lay on her back, turned over in the air, and chopped off the old man's head with a sword in her right hand!


The old man's body was split into two, and the nine immortal fetuses in the spirit pool collapsed one after another!

"You are only at the sixth level of the fetal realm, and you are so powerful!"

And another old man in the fetal realm screamed strangely in fright, turned around and wanted to run away!

"Death!" Suddenly, a voice without a trace of emotion sounded, and Shen Subing, who was at the seventh level of the fetal realm, passed away from the old man in a flash. Immediately, bunches of sword light suddenly bloomed and devoured the old man!

Amidst the screams of the old man, he turned into shredded corpses, and his soul and nine immortal fetuses were all destroyed!

"Yingying, go help Tianluo Dragon and Bear King, it is being besieged and killed by a strong man in the Ninth Layer Realm and the Dzogchen Realm!"

"I'll help Tan Yun and deal with Tang Yongsheng!"

After Shen Subing left a sentence, Miaoman's delicate body was surrounded by the power of time and space, and she shot towards Tan Yun with a flying sword...

"Mrs. Shen, please pay attention to safety!" Tuoba Yingying shouted, flashing in the void at extreme speed, to rescue the Tianluo Dragon and Bear King...


"Oh, I made a fool of myself. Shall I be shameless? Two against one!"

A huge wound was cut on the body of Tianluo Dragon and Bear King as high as 700 feet, and he was almost disembowelled.

"Damn bear, today I will chop off your bear's paw and drink it with wine!" The old man in the perfect fetal state sneered. Suddenly, his body split into two, two into four, and finally turned into eight figures, facing from all directions. Kill the mountain-like Tianluo Dragon and Bear King!

"I'm a bear! I'm going to die, save me!"

The Tianluo Dragon and Bear King screamed again and again, and Tuoba Yingying Liying suddenly appeared on the left side. With a flip of his left hand, he sent the mountain-like body of the Tianluo Dragon and Bear King flying for several miles!

Immediately, the old man with the great consummation of the fetal realm, the eight swords brought by the eight phantoms strangled towards Tuoba Yingying!

After Tuoba Yingying hastily dodged the Seven Swords, her neck was cut off by the last sword glow!


Tuoba Yingying's head was chopped off.

"Hahahaha, this old man beheaded the deputy suzerain of Huangfu Shengzong!"

The old man was very excited, he smiled and flipped his right hand, and released a burst of fire power from the air, trying to smash Tuoba Yingying's head, what happened next completely horrified him!

"Ah! How did this happen!!"

In the old man's turmoil, he saw Tuoba Yingying's body that lost her head, and suddenly passed by him!

Then, a tingling coldness came from his neck and he lost consciousness, only to see Tuoba Yingying chopping his head off!

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