Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1045 Plan a counterattack!

The first thousand and forty-five chapters plan to counterattack!

"Well, I see." Tan Yun rubbed his frowning brows, and said to himself:

"Leaving aside the Four Great Sacred Dynasties, first, our Huangfu Sacred Sect destroyed the Jin Clan. The father of Jin Xuanzi, the patriarch of the Jin Clan, left the family more than ten thousand years ago. Strength, maybe one day it will attack."

"Secondly, we killed Taotie, the young master of the Beast Realm, and became a deadly enemy with the Beast Realm. The master of the Beast Realm will probably invade the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range within seven or eighty years."

"Third, after we wiped out the Stone Clan, Grandfather Shi Potian will very likely seek revenge from our clan. At that time, it will inevitably involve the huge power of the Infinite Nether Palace."

"Fourth, kill Su and Yusheng, and offend Zhongnan Xianshan."

"Hehehe, my Huangfu Shengzong is really troubled!"

Hearing this, Feng Tianlun swallowed his saliva, and said with a shocked expression: "Sect Master Tan, what did you say? You killed the young master of the Beast Realm?"

"Well, kill me." Tan Yun said lightly: "The master of the beast domain also said hello, this old glutton said that he would go to the Heavenly Punishment Mountains to kill me. ten years."

"For such a long time, it is not certain who will destroy who by then."

After hearing this, Feng Tianlun was completely confused. He never expected that Huangfu Shengzong would almost become the public enemy of all forces in the Heavenly Punishment Continent.

At this moment, Tan Yun seemed to have thought of something, and asked, "Patriarch Feng, do you know how powerful the Six Heavens Profound Palace is today?"

"Six Heavens Profound Palace?" Feng Tianlun shook his head and said, "Sect Master Tan, I have never heard of such a force in the Heaven's Punishment Continent."

"It seems that Liutian Xuangong is just a small sect."

After Feng Tianlun finished speaking, he saw that Tan Yun's expression suddenly became more dignified than ever.

"Sect Master Tan, could I be wrong?" Feng Tianlun asked in confusion.

"Of course." Tan Yun said solemnly: "Patriarch Feng, and everyone, remember, I'm sure that the top forces in the Six Heavens Profound Palace are no weaker than the six great forces."

"Therefore, when you meet people from the Six Heavens Profound Palace in the future, you must be more careful."

When everyone heard the words, they all kept them in their hearts.

In Tan Yun's mind, what a joke, how could the Six Heavens Profound Palace created by the Six Heavens Immortal Emperor reincarnate in the lower world be mediocre?

Tan Yun knew that it was the Six Heavens Immortal Emperor who had no intention of ruling the mainland, and her purpose was to find and kill herself.

Once she kills herself, she will find a way to leave the Heavenly Punishment Continent as soon as possible, and return to her Six Heavens Immortal Realm!

Afterwards, after chatting with everyone, Tan Yun chose to retreat.

From Tan Yun's point of view, the pattern of the Heaven's Punishment Continent has become clear, and his most powerful enemy is no longer the four great dynasties and the three hermit families, but the forces among the six great forces...

at the same time.

Tuoba Lin drove the spirit boat, carrying Tang Yongsheng, Nangong Qingqian, Ruyan Wuji, and an old man with a great consummation in the realm of the Tang Zun Holy Dynasty, escaped from the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range and entered the Tuoba Holy Dynasty territory.

Tang Yongsheng, Tuoba Lin, and Nangong Qingqian, who were seriously injured, were secretly relieved to see Huangfu Shengzong not chasing them.

On the other hand, Ru Yan Wuji was depressed, with tears in her eyes, leaning on the spirit boat like her bones falling apart.

He is desperate!

For the other three, it must be a good thing that Huangfu Shengzong did not catch up, but for him, it was a bolt from the blue.

Even though Ruyan Wuji is only at the first level of the fetal realm, he is not stupid. From this point of view, if he were Tan Yun, he would also attack the Eternal Immortal Sect!

"It's over... It's all over..." Ru Yan Wuji suddenly got up and faced the direction of the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range like a madman, and kowtowed frequently, with blood streaming from her forehead.

His turbid tears broke the line and fell, and he cried out in grief:

"Master Patriarch, Wuji is sorry for you!"

"Wuji is useless, the Eternal Immortal Sect is about to be buried in Wuji's hands... Woohoo... Wuji is the sinner of the Eternal Immortal Sect!"

"Ah... I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..."

Ruyan Wuji burst into tears like a child.

He knows that the Eternal Immortal Sect now has only one Great Patriarch of the Protecting Sect who is at the second level of Ascension Realm sitting in charge.

With the strength of Tan Yun's side, it is easy to destroy the Eternal Immortal Sect!

When Ruyan Wuji was crying, Nangong Qingqian and Tuoba Lin also turned pale.

The two of them knew that with the strength of Huangfu Shengzong, if they killed their own dynasty now, then their own dynasty would definitely be destroyed!

Only Tang Yongsheng was not worried at all that Tan Yun would enter Tang Zun's court except for being furious!

Because the Tang Clan and Tang Zun Shengchao still have the powers of the first, second, and third levels of Ascension Realm.

"Ahem——" Tang Yongsheng coughed out a mouthful of blood, and said angrily, "I, Tang Yongsheng, led the Tang clan to massacre several Ascension Realm experts from the Jin clan more than a hundred years ago, but I never thought that I would lose to the Jin clan today." Huangfu Shengzong!"

After saying that, Tang Yongsheng spat out another mouthful of blood in anger.

Even though Tang Yongsheng was not afraid of Huangfu Shengzong's killing, he definitely did not dare to take the risk of attacking Huangfu Shengzong again!

"The expansion of Huangfu Shengzong's power is too outrageous, and we must use the power of others to destroy it!" Tang Yongsheng thought about this, looked at Ruyan Wuji, and said in a deep voice:

"Sect Master Ruyan, the battle between our four great powers and the Huangfu Sacred Sect has just begun. Even if the Huangfu Sacred Sect destroys the Eternal Immortal Sect, as long as you don't die, your Eternal Immortal Sect may come back!"

"Our top priority is to figure out how to destroy Huangfu Shengzong. At that time, if Huangfu Shengzong really occupies your eternal secret realm, then after Huangfu Shengzong is destroyed, the eternal secret realm will be given to you."

Hearing this, Ru Yan Wuji's dead eyes rekindled hope, and she nodded frequently.

Tuoba Lin looked at Tang Yongsheng and said, "Holy Master Tang Zun, what's your opinion?"

Tang Yongsheng looked at Tuoba Lin, "Holy Master Tuoba is the number one genius since the founding of the Tuoba Dynasty. I believe that you have a countermeasure."

When Tang Yongsheng spoke, he looked at Nangong Qingqian.

Tuoba Lin seemed to have realized what Tang Yongsheng wanted to say.

At this time, Nangong Qingqian took a deep breath, "Both of you are smart people, you should know that we are sworn enemies with Huangfu Sacred Sect now, and our three great sage dynasties are on the same boat."

"This Holy Master is clear. You want this Holy Master to go to Zhongnan Xianshan and tell the sanction chief about my master's death. With the help of the sanction chief, Huangfu Shengzong will be destroyed."

"This Holy Master can agree to this matter, but you must also swear that you will not take the opportunity to attack my Nangong Sacred Dynasty. And after the destruction of the Huangfu Sacred Sect, the Huangfu Secret Realm will belong to my Nangong Sacred Dynasty!"

Hearing this, Tuoba Lin frowned, and said: "The Holy Master can agree to this matter, but let's swear it off."

"That's right." Tang Yongsheng said in a deep voice: "Tang said that he would not attack Nangong Shengchao, so he would not attack you."

"As for swearing, the Holy Master is already in the Ascension Realm, and the way of heaven is about to be within reach. It is really inappropriate to swear to God as a witness."

"Holy Master Nangong, you are right, we are on the same boat, so what is the use of destroying Nangong Shengchao now?"

"We must work together now, and we must not be suspicious of each other!"

After hearing this, Nangong Qingqian said: "Okay, my Holy Master believes in you!"

Nangong Qingqian knew that he had no choice!

Tuoba Lin said at this time: "Holy Master Nangong, after you went, you told the sanctioning chief that Huangfu Shengzong knew that your master was from Zhongnan Xianshan, but Tan Yun still spoke rudely and insulted Zhongnan Xianshan. The sanction chief is a dog!"

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