Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1051 Absolute Overlord

Chapter 1051: Absolute Overlord

After Tan Yun killed Cai Yongchang, while his hair was dancing, his spiritual consciousness shrouded the eternal secret realm thousands of miles away, and he said without a doubt: "Now, all the disciples who surrender, go to the Eternal Time and Space Dojo, the suzerain has something to announce."

After saying that, Tan Yun and all the powerhouses of Huangfu Shengzong came to the Eternal Time and Space Dojo surrounded by mountains first.

As the night darkened, it was not until Chenshi the next day that more than eight million disciples arrived one after another, and stopped neatly in the space-time dojo.

All the disciples looked at Tuoba Yingying standing in the air, they were stunned!

Since Tuoba Yingying was from the Eternal Immortal Sect back then, and ranked first in strength among all the disciples of the Immortal Sect, more than 90% of them knew Tuoba Yingying, and the rest had only heard of her name.

"Yingying, tell me." Tan Yun said.

"It's the suzerain." After taking the order, Tuoba Yingying looked down at more than eight million disciples and said solemnly:

"Many people must know me, so I'll just say a few words."

"I am now the deputy suzerain of Huangfu Shengzong. From now on, I will abolish all the eternal immortal sect's exercises. Then, this deputy suzerain will give you more powerful exercises."

"In addition, from now on, there is no Eternal Immortal Sect in the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range. Whether it is the Huangfu Secret Realm, the Divine Soul Secret Realm, or the Eternal Secret Realm, they are all disciples of the Huangfu Sacred Sect."

"My sect's suzerain, after conquering the Immortal Immortal Palace, opened up a space-time tunnel leading to the Huangfu Secret Realm, allowing the disciples of the two major secret realms to teleport freely, enhance their relationship with each other, and discuss their cultivation experience with each other."

"Next, the Sovereign will open up space-time tunnels from the Eternal Secret Realm leading to the Soul Secret Realm and the Eternal Secret Realm."

"The most important thing is that in a short time, the suzerain will fully open the three major trial sites of Eternal Land, Meteor God Canyon, and Gods' Battlefield, and will also expand the trial areas of the three major trial sites, so that You enter the trial and get more cultivation resources."

"All in all, from now on, the three disciples of the three secret realms will all be disciples of the Huangfu Sacred Sect. They must respect each other as guests, share a common hatred, and kill anyone who dares to violate the sect's rules!"

"Remember, it will be a lifetime honor for you to become disciples of Huangfu Shengzong today."

"Because our sect will become your strongest backing in the future, and our sect will conquer the Heaven's Punishment Continent!"

"Now everyone listens to the order and pays homage to the suzerain!"

When more than eight million disciples heard the words, they all hid their emotions in their hearts, kowtowed three times to Tan Yun, shouted in unison, and the voice shook the sky, "Disciples pay homage to the suzerain!"

"Excuse me." Tan Yun smiled, asked all the disciples to get up, looked at Tuoba Yingying, and said, "You know what to do for the rest, right?"

"It's clear." Tuoba Yingying said: "First, abolish the Eternal Immortal Sect's ancestral rules, and make my ancestral rules into jade slips and distribute them to all disciples."

"Second, select high-level officials from the disciples of the Eternal Secret Realm."

"Third, create new uniforms for the disciples of the Eternal Secret Realm. In order to distinguish the identities of the disciples of the three major secret realms, the subordinates will have the word "Huangfu" marked on the uniforms of the disciples of the Huangfu Secret Realm."

"The disciples of the divine soul secret realm mark the word "spiritual soul", and the disciples of the eternal secret realm mark the word "eternal"."

"Fourth, the disciples of the Eternal Secret Realm, like the disciples in the Shenhun and Huangfu Secret Realm, are divided into five souls and one vein, one wind and thunder vein, one ancient soul vein, one beast soul vein, and one vein of holy soul according to their attributes, plus Dan , Formation, Equipment, and Talisman four veins, and will also establish a meritorious vein, a beast race vein, a total of eleven veins."

"Fifth, the subordinates will arrange that those who are strong in the Divine Vein Realm and Divine Realm Realm in Huangfu's Secret Territory will first enter the Gods' Battlefield and Meteor God Canyon respectively, and expand the disciple's trial area from tens of thousands of miles to tens of billions of miles! "

"Sixth, suzerain, you have opened it up. After you go to the teleportation arrays of the two secret realms of Huangfu and Shensoul, your subordinates will order people to enter the eternal land, and temporarily expand the trial area of ​​the eternal land to a radius of tens of billions of miles."

"Seventh, after the expansion of the trial area of ​​the three major trial lands is completed, the trial mode can be fully activated, allowing the disciples of the three major secret realms to enter the trial at will to search for heavenly materials and earthly treasures."

"Eighth, my subordinates will call all those who have experience in mining spiritual mines to enter the three secret realms to find spiritual mines to meet the needs of my sect's disciples."

Hearing this, Tan Yun nodded in satisfaction and said, "Okay, let's deploy and do it like this!"

The conversation between Tuoba Yingying and Tan Yun was heard by everyone present, and they were quite excited!

Next, when Tuoba Yingying took out the jade slips of the thirteen attributes of exercises and asked the disciples to release the spirit stones to check, they had the same emotions as the disciples of the Immortal Soul Palace when they saw the exercises for the first time!

Facing such a powerful exercise, some of them were incoherent with excitement, some were mad with excitement, and some wept with joy!

There is no doubt that exercises are the foundation of establishing a sect!

Afterwards, Tuoba Yingying began to get busy...

Tan Yun let a few beasts enter the Linglong Holy Pagoda to hurry up and practice.

Nangong Yuqin, Tantai Xian'er, Shen Subing, and Shen Suzhen helped Tuoba Yingying and handled the affairs together.

After Tan Yun erased the original forbidden formation on the gate of the secret realm, he spent ten days quickly deploying the defensive formation of twelve dragon rings and double tripods.

Only Tan Yun knew that this defensive formation was the most powerful formation used on the gate of the secret realm. It is also the strongest defensive prohibition formation that Tan Yun can arrange in the mortal plane.

Because even a stronger defensive prohibition formation could not be deployed by Tan Yun with his spiritual power. Only after he ascended to the fairy world and absorbed the immortal essence, could he deploy it with the immortal essence.

After arranging the gate of the secret realm to prohibit the defensive formation, Tan Yun asked Su Bing and others to retreat and practice first, while he began to open up the space-time tunnel leading to Huangfu's secret realm.

The distance from the Eternal Secret Realm to the Huangfu Secret Realm is almost the same as the distance from the Soul Secret Realm to the Huangfu Secret Realm. It took Tan Yun a year and a half to get through the two secret realms.

The Eternal Secret Realm is relatively close to the Divine Soul Secret Realm, so at Tan Yun's speed, it took only 20 days to open up a space-time tunnel leading to the Divine Soul Secret Realm.

Since then, the three secret realms have finally been opened!

Now there is no doubt that Huangfu Shengzong is the absolute overlord of the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range!

The number of disciples of Huangfu Shengzong's three secret realm sects has reached 26 million!

At this moment, Tuoba Yingying had already ordered the high-level officials in Huangfu's secret territory to enter Meteor God Canyon, Gods Battlefield, and Eternal Land to expand the trial area for the disciples.

They also arranged for hundreds of thousands of disciples to enter the ruins of the three major gods' battlefields, and began to investigate the source of the spirit mine, hoping to discover the spirit mine as soon as possible, and then mine it!

At this time, Tan Yun did not retreat, but found Nangong Yuqin who was retreating, and the two held hands, passing through the time-space tunnel of the eternal space-time sanctuary like a couple of gods, and arrived at the eternal place.

Then, Tan Yun let the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape go out of the gate, and carried himself and Nangong Yuqin, all the way to the God Burial Abyss at high speed...

Decades ago, it was the Golden Dragon God Lion who carried Tan Yun into the depths of the God Burying Abyss and found the four Hongmeng Divine Swords, and then the Heaven Killing Demon Ape led Tan Yun all the way to leave the God Burying Abyss. Sky Slaughter Demon Ape is extremely familiar with the terrain!

After the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape entered the God Burying Abyss, he flew across the sky with ease!

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