Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1053 Definitely Will Come!

Chapter 1053 Will definitely come!

At this moment, in Tan Yun's mind, the scene of Gongsun Ruoxi bidding farewell to him when he ascended the suzerain back then appeared.

In the picture, Gongsun Ruoxi suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed Tan Yun's lips.

While crying, Gongsun Ruoxi looked at Tan Yun affectionately, "Remember, I, Gongsun Ruoxi, will not marry unless you are in my life!"

"I will love you at any time, if you don't marry me in the future, then I will die alone..."

After the memory picture was interrupted, Tan Yun, who was sitting cross-legged, got up abruptly, with murderous intent in his starry eyes, "The Murong clan dared to threaten me with Ruoxi! I must drive them all to death!"

Tan Yun was completely furious!

In Tan Yun's heart, he did have a crush on Gongsun Ruoxi, but he knew it was not love.

In his heart, Gongsun Ruoxi is his best friend!

Tan Yun will definitely not sit idly by!

What's more, when he was still an inner disciple at that time, Gongsun Ruoxi had been silently falling in love with him. Whether it was in love with her or in a friendship relationship, with Tan Yun's personality of emphasizing affection and righteousness, he had to go!


After the tower door was opened, Tan Yun flew out of the tower with a livid face, looked at Yingying, and said sharply: "Except for the grandfather and uncle who are in the secret realm of the soul, call together the strong people in the fetal realm of the entire sect, and make meritorious deeds within an hour." Dojo assemble!"

"Master, Clan Head Feng and Great Elder Feng Clan are retreating to the Ascension Realm, should you call them here?" Tuoba Yingying asked respectfully.

"Forget it, don't disturb them." Tan Yun said.

"It's the master." After Tuoba Yingying took the order, she flew away in the air...

"Old Ape, Mo'er, Da Kuaitou, the kings of the eight great clans come out to me!" Tan Yun's eyes were cold.

"It's the master!"

"Subordinates obey!"


Following the reverent voices, the eleven beasts flew out of the Linglong Holy Pagoda and appeared in front of Tan Yun.

Now the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape vaguely felt the barrier of the tenth growth stage. Although it has not been promoted to the growth stage, its strength is 30% stronger than before!

Golden Dragon Divine Lion and Mo'er have just been promoted to the tenth-level primary stage!

The Tianluo Dragon and Bear King, the Bloodthirsty Centipede King, and the Soul-destroying Purple Eagle King have just been promoted to the Ninth Tribulation Stage!

Blood Rainbow Cold Lion King, Suzaku Red Bird King, Panlong Tiger Crocodile King, Golden Fire Demon Wolf King are now ninth-level adults!

The Blue Flood Dragon King is now in the ninth stage of growth!

An hour later.

Meritorious Dojo.

There are now a total of 170 people in Yutaijing.

Among them, Shen Suzhen, Tianlao, Wei Quan, Huangfu Guchong, Song Huixin, and Shen Subing all had the highest realm, like Tan Yun, at the eighth stage of the fetal realm.

Tuoba Yingying, Nangong Yuqin, Tantai Xian'er, Mu Mengyu, Zhongwu Shiyao, Xue Ziyan, Nangong Ruxue, are now at the seventh level of the fetal realm!

The rest are people from the first level to the sixth level of the fetal realm.


Tan Yun sacrificed the top-grade Linglong Holy Pagoda, turned it into a hundred feet and floated in front of everyone, "All enter, and I will take you to bloodbath the Murong clan in three days!"

"Subordinates obey!"

"It's the master!"

After the eleven beasts and all the powerful men took their orders, they entered the Linglong Holy Pagoda, only Tan Yun and a few girls did not enter.

"What happened to Tan Yun? Why did he suddenly decide to attack the Murong clan?" Zhong Wu Shiyao asked worriedly.

When mentioning the Murong clan, she thought of her master Murong Shishi.

"Shiyao, the Murong clan threatened me with Ruoxi's life, and let me go to the depths of the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range alone!" Tan Yun said coldly:

"For your sake, I once thought that the Murong clan arranged for my Huangfu Shengzong to be a spy, and I can let the past go!"

"But they absolutely shouldn't have threatened me with the life of my best friend! They are playing with fire and setting themselves on fire!"

Hearing this, Zhong Wushi shook his head violently, "Tan Yun, listen to me, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with my master."

"I believe in my master's character. She is upright and kind. There is no way she would ignore Senior Sister Gongsun's feelings and do such a thing!"

Tan Yun gritted his teeth and said: "Shiyao, I promise you, if this matter has nothing to do with her, I can spare her, if it has anything to do with it, don't plead for her anymore, I will definitely let the Murong clan do nothing!"

Zhong Wu Shiyao nodded after being silent for a while.

"Tan Yun, Ruoxi is a good girl, do you like her?" Shen Subing thoughtfully asked at this time.

"I have been moved, but I can't say I like it." Tan Yun said truthfully: "Even if I don't like it, she and I are close friends when I was a disciple!"

"Furthermore, the Murong clan has already planned to attack my Huangfu Shengzong. No matter what, the Murong clan must be destroyed!"

After Tan Yun finished speaking, he and his daughters entered the Linglong Holy Pagoda.

After Tan Yun cut off a tuft of black hair from the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, he disguised himself as a man with long eyebrows and a big beard.

Then, the handsome facial features began to age, and he turned into an old man in his sixties.

His purpose of doing this was naturally to prevent the Murong clan from recognizing him.

After he rescued Gongsun Ruoxi, he would destroy the Murong clan!

Afterwards, Tan Yun put the top-grade Linglong Holy Pagoda into his cuffs, and went through the space-time tunnel to the Eternal Secret Realm, then opened the door of the secret realm, and flew out of the Eternal Secret Realm as if nothing had happened, heading towards the Baihua Valley, which is 80 million miles away...

The next day, it was getting dusk.

The Hundred Flowers Fairy Valley is three million miles deep, and there are many exotic flowers and plants in the valley, which are fragrant and fragrant. It is a well-known natural wonder in the depths of the Tianfu Mountain Range.

At this moment, on the cliff in the depths of Baihua Fairy Valley, there is a cave with a square meter of hundreds of feet.

The entrance of the cave was arranged by the Murong Ancient Road. If you look down from the sky above the Baihua Fairy Valley, you can't find the entrance of the cave on the cliff.

At this moment, in the depths of the cave, a woman in a green dress with her beautiful eyes closed was lying quietly on the ground.

She has bright eyes and white teeth, skin as snowy as snow, and a waist that can't be grasped. She has an angelic face, and her slim body exudes a charming natural beauty.

This is a pure natural beauty without makeup, the beauty of plain makeup, but any normal man would be overwhelmed by it.

This person is none other than Gongsun Ruoxi.

Two days ago, Murong Ningkang took advantage of Gongsun Ruoxi's unpreparedness and used the forbidden elixir powder on her.

Gongsun Ruoxi, who had already stepped into the third stage of the fetal realm, was caught off guard without warning.

She was conscious, but she couldn't move, and she didn't even have the strength to open her eyes.

In addition to Gongsun Ruoxi, there are one hundred and twenty-three elders from the Murong clan's realm in the cave mansion.

In front of the one hundred and twenty-three elders, four people stopped.

The first person is Murong Ningkang of the seventh layer of fetal realm.

The second person is his father Murong Gudao.

The third person is Murong Ningkang's grandfather Murong Khan!

The third person is Murong Ningkang's great ancestor Murong Zheng!

Murong Gudao, Murong Khan, and Murong Zheng are all at the third level of Ascension Realm.

Murong Zheng is the strongest, possessing a strength comparable to that of ordinary sixth-level Ascension Realm.

The second is Murong Gudao, which has a strength comparable to that of ordinary fifth-layer Ascension Realm.

The weakest is Murong Khan, who has the ability to fight against the four great powers of ordinary Ascension Realm!

From the point of view of the three, even if all the powerful Huangfu Shengzong come out, they may not necessarily lose, and even if they lose, they can retreat completely.

If Tan Yun came alone, he would surely die without a place to bury him!

Gongsun Ruoxi lay quietly on the ground, a drop of crystal broke through the shackles of her eyelids, and streaked across her fragile skin.

In the past two days, he heard the Murong clan's despicable and shameless idea of ​​taking their own lives to blackmail Tan Yun in the cave.

"Tan Yun, please don't come, I'd rather die than put you in danger because of me."

Gongsun Ruoxi prayed silently in her heart...

"Gu Dao, do you think Tan Yun's son will come?" Murong Khan asked frowningly.

"Father, don't worry." Murong Gudao speculatively said: "With Tan Yun's character of emphasizing love and righteousness, he will definitely come!"

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