Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1063 Tears

Chapter 1063 Tears

Murong Gudao was heartbroken, and looked remorseful, "Daughter, I am really sorry for you as a father."

"Weifu should have listened to your advice at the beginning, Weifu really knew that he was wrong... woo woo..."

Murong Gudao cried so heartbreakingly, "Daughter, my father is about to die, please forgive my father, otherwise, my father will have no face to face your mother who is under the nine springs!"

Hearing this, Murong Shishi pursed her vermilion lips, and said with a choked face, "Do you really know you were wrong?"

"Well, I know my father is wrong, I really know that I am wrong." Murong Gudao cried sincerely.

Murong Shishi burst into tears and said: "Father!"

Afterwards, Murong Shishi asked Zhongwu Shiyao to fly her into the palm of Tianluo Dragon Bear King, and Murong Shishi knelt down, crying with Murong Gudao.

"Daughter, all of this is my father's fault. I really regret it. If I give my father another chance, I will definitely listen to you." Murong Gudao put his arms around Murong Shishi with his right hand, and kept falling Tears and sighs.

Murong Shishi burst into tears, "Daddy..."

"Shishi, you have to live well and live happily." Murong Gudao cried.

"Hmm..." Murong Shi's scorpion kept moving.

Just when Zhong Wu Shiyao thought that Murong Gudao was dying and apologized to Murong Shishi when he knew his mistake, what happened next caught everyone by surprise!


It was Murong Gudao who suddenly exerted force with his right hand, tightly grabbed Murong Shishi's jade neck, and made a creaking sound, as if he would pinch Murong Shishi's neck off at any time!

"Murong Gudao, let go of my master!" Zhong Wu Shiyao was so angry that her body trembled violently, she pointed at Murong Gudao angrily, "Are you still a human being? How could you be so shameless!"

Murong Gudao glared at Zhong Wu Shiyao, "Don't you fucking interrupt me here!"

After the insult, he looked at Tan Yun, pinched Murong Shishi's neck with his right hand, and said coldly: "Let me go! Otherwise, I'll kill her!"

Tan Yun said with a gloomy face: "I have seen many shameless people, but this is the first time I have seen a beast like you."

"You threatened me with your daughter's life?"

Hearing this, Murong Gudao grinned and said: "I don't have a daughter like her, in my eyes she is just Zhong Wu Shiyao's master!"

At this time, Murong Shishi, who was strangled by the neck, was short of breath, her face flushed, and she said intermittently: "Murong Gudao, from now on, you and I will never give up!"

"You are really shameless..."

Before Murong Shishi finished speaking, he uttered a sound of pain, but it was Murong Gudao who pierced Murong Shishi's neck with five fingers, and immediately, blood flowed profusely.

"Tan Yun!" Murong Gudao roared with all his strength: "All of you back off! And let the devil ape give up hunting down my ancestors, otherwise I will kill your fiancée right now!"

The ancestors mentioned by Murong Gu Daokou is Murong Ningkang's Taizu Murong Zheng.

At this moment, Murong Shishi completely gave up on Murong Gudao. It is really sad for her to have such a father.

"Tan Yun, let's back off!" Zhong Wu Shiyao burst into tears.

"Shiyao, don't cry, don't worry, I will save your master." After Tan Yun finished speaking, he looked at Murong Gudao with a compromised look, "Okay, as long as you don't hurt Shishi, I will lead people to retreat immediately!"

"Okay..." Murong Gudao's voice suddenly stopped, and within his line of sight, Tan Yun's pair of giant pupils suddenly shot out a strange red glow.

Murong Gudao suddenly froze.

Now that Murong Gudao was seriously injured, Tan Yun used a soul comparable to the fourth level of Ascension Realm to cast the Primordial Eye, so he was easily controlled.

"Play Shishi for me!" Tan Yun said without doubt.

"Yes." Murong Gudao immediately let go of Murong Shishi.

"Hoo!" Tan Yun flicked his fingers, and a wave of spiritual power absorbed Murong Shishi's eyebrows, releasing the restraint on her spirit pond.

Murong Shishi, who had regained her strength, raised her right palm high, about to pat Murong Gudao's head.

But she still couldn't do it.

"Master, don't be sad, such a father is not worthy of your sadness!" Zhong Wu Shiyao comforted.

"En." Murong Shishi and Zhongwu Shiyao, holding hands, flew away from the palm of the Tianluo Dragon and Bear King, and stood in the air.

Tan Yun looked at Murong Gudao, and thoughtfully said: "Where is the Murong Secret Realm, and how long will it take to reach it at the fastest speed of a middle-grade fairy weapon spirit?"

Murong Gudao truthfully said: "Murong Secret Realm, from the mountains in the far northeast of Baihua Fairy Valley, Spirit Waterfall is the entrance to the secret realm."

After hearing this, Tan Yun released the control over Murong Gudao. After Murong Gudao came to his senses, he was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that Murong Shishi had escaped from his right hand at some point.

He suddenly realized that it must be Tan Yun, who just cast the pupil technique on himself and rescued Murong Shishi.

"Shishi, father's good daughter, don't get me wrong!" Murong Gudao cried, "I just want to test if Tan Yun will let me go."

"Even if Tan Yun doesn't let you go, my father will definitely not kill you..."

Murong Shishixiang clenched her fists tightly, Miaoman's delicate body trembled violently, and said coldly, "Tan Yun, kill him! I really don't want to see him again!"

Tan Yun took a deep breath and ordered: "Tianluo Dragon and Bear King, let his immortal fetus and spirit be destroyed!"

"No...no!" Murong Gudao shook his head and said, "Tan Yun, didn't you promise to keep my soul and give me a chance to be reincarnated? You can't go back on your word..."

Without waiting for Murong Gudao's words, Tianluo Longxiongwang said angrily: "Male Gobi, I really can't stand it anymore, go to hell!"

Roaring angrily, the Tianluo Dragon Bear King suddenly clenched his right palm, crushing Murong Gudao. Its three misty fairy fetuses, and three souls and seven souls were also annihilated in ashes!

So far, the patriarch of the dignified Murong clan has died.

At this moment, Murong Shishi looked at the sky in bewilderment, she knew that the Murong Clan was over, and from now on, there would be no more Murong Clan in the Heaven's Punishment Continent.


In the next three moments, the Heaven Slaughtering Demon Ape first caught up with Murong Zheng, and then killed him, destroying both the soul and the fetus!

So far, all the powerful members of the Murong clan have been wiped out.

"All come and gather!" Tan Yun's spiritual consciousness enveloped all the strong people of Huangfu Sacred Sect, and said through voice transmission.

After the order, he sacrificed the Linglong Holy Pagoda and entered the twelfth floor to recover from his injuries!

Immediately, under Tan Yun's control, the Linglong Holy Pagoda became half a foot high and flew steadily into Shen Subing's hands.

Two quarters later, all the powerful members of Huangfu Shengzong flew in front of Shen Subing.


Tan Yun flew out of the twelfth-story gate of the Linglong Holy Pagoda unscathed.

After investigation, when Huangfu Shengzong confronted the powerful members of the Murong clan, six people died.

Four of them are assassination organizations and two are Heaven's Punishment organizations.

Tan Yun glanced at the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, Golden Dragon Divine Lion, Mo'er, Kings of the Eight Great Clans, and all the powerhouses, and said loudly, "Follow this suzerain, go to the Murong Secret Realm immediately, and drive the Murong Clan to extinction!"

Without waiting for everyone to open their mouths, Murong Shishi knelt down in front of Tan Yun and begged, "Tan Yun, please, please spare the Murong family!"

"The other 400,000 people of the Murong family are innocent, they are really innocent!"

"I, Murong Shishi, swear to the sky, from now on, the Murong clan will be dominated by you, and you will be subordinate to Huangfu Shengzong, please stop for Shiyao's sake, please, please, really please. "

As Murong Shishi spoke, she burst into tears.

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