Chapter 1066 All out

"Chief, what's the situation? Where does this person come from?" Elder Zhuang asked with a shocked expression.

He didn't expect that Shangguan Ya would ignore the rules of Zhongnan Xianshan and fly away. You know, even if the Mistress of Wuliangyou Palace came in person and left Zhongnantian Palace, she would definitely not dare to fly into the sky, and could only leave by stepping down the steps step by step!

But Mr. Zhuang never expected that the master of the Six Heavens Profound Palace would dare to ignore the rules of Zhongnan Xianshan in front of the sanctioning chief and deputy sanctioning chief!

Dongfang Haoyue looked at Elder Zhuang solemnly, "The secret must not be revealed."

"Elder Zhuang immediately sent down an order to let all those who have retreated and realized the Tao come to Zhongnan Tiangong immediately. This chief has something important to announce!"

It is said that after Mr. Zhuang took the order, he disappeared out of thin air.

"Chief, this subordinate has something important to report." At this time, Huo Yiming cupped his fists and bowed deeply.

"What's the matter?" Dongfang Haoyue asked.

Huo Yiming pointed to Nangong Qingqian, and said: "Reporting to the chief, he is Nangong Qingqian, the pilgrim master of Nangong Sheng, and his master is Suhe Yusheng."

"Suhe Yusheng was killed by Huangfu Shengzong of the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range!"

Hearing this, Dongfang Haoyue frowned, "Su and Yusheng couldn't stay in Zhongnan Fairy Mountain well, why did they go to Tianpu Mountain?"

"My subordinates don't know about this matter." Huo Yiming said truthfully.

At this time, Dongfang Haochuan said, "Brother, Tan Yun, the current suzerain of Huangfu Shengzong, killed the Holy Mother of Nangong Shengchao, and bloodbathed the Shizu. Su and Yusheng are the masters of Nangong Shengzong, and he wants to avenge his disciples , so I agreed with him to go down the mountain."

"Second brother, mess around!" Dongfang Haoyue said displeased: "Our Zhongnan Xianshan's rule is not to intervene in the disputes between the major powers in the mainland. As the deputy chief sanctioning chief, how can you know how to break the law?"

"Brother, I know I was wrong." After Dongfang Haochuan finished speaking, he said again: "Brother, but I didn't let Su and Yusheng and other forces besiege Huangfu Shengzong, but only allowed him to kill Tan Yun, Demon ape, avenge Nangong Qingqian."

Hearing this, Dongfang Haoyue took a deep breath, "So that's the case, the big brother blamed you."

At this time, Huo Yiming bowed and said: "Sanction chief, Tan Yun knew that Su and Yu Sheng were your people, and he still killed them. This Tan Yun is really daring!"

Su and Yusheng are Huo Yiming's best friends. When his best friend was killed, he wanted revenge, so he started to fan the flames.

"Is there such a thing?" Dongfang Haoyue frowned.

"It's absolutely true." After Huo Yiming spoke with certainty, he looked at Nangong Qingqian, "Hurry up and show the memory image to the sanction chief."

"It's senior." After Nangong Qingqian finished speaking, he looked at Dongfang Haoyue and said respectfully: "Senior, please take a look."

Saying that, Nangong Qingqian condensed a memory image with spiritual power.

In the picture, after the bodies of Su and Yusheng were destroyed, the three immortal fetuses said sharply, "Tan Yun, you can't kill this deity. If you kill this deity, all of you in the Huangfu Shengzong will have to do it for it." Funeral!"

"This deity is from Zhongnan Xianshan. If you kill this deity, the sanctioning power of Zhongnan Xianshan can destroy your Huangfu Sacred Sect with a snap of your fingers!"

In the picture, Tan Yun said without hesitation: "I don't know Zhongnan Xianshan, I only know that you will be annihilated in ashes!"

"Wait a minute, Master." Huangfu Guchong said solemnly, "Master, Zhongnan Xianshan is extremely powerful..."

Tan Yun waved his hand to interrupt, and his tone was extremely domineering: "Who cares what power Zhongnan Xianshan is, let's kill this old thing first!"

Afterwards, Dongfang Haoyue and Dongfang Haochuan saw that with a wave of Tan Yun's right arm, the three immortal fetuses of Su and Yusheng were annihilated immediately!

Dongfang Haochuan said furiously: "Brother, this Tan Yun is really arrogant, send someone to destroy him!"

"Well, this person really deserves to die for ignoring me in Zhongnan Xianshan." After Dongfang Haoyue finished speaking, he looked at Nangong Qingqian and said with a gloomy expression, "How many Ascension Realm experts does Huangfu Shengzong have?"

Nangong Qingqian said truthfully: "Reporting to the sanctioning chief, Huangfu Shengzong did not have the great power of Ascension Realm two years ago, but that demon ape was born at the tenth level. If there was no demon ape, my master could have killed Huangfu with a snap of his fingers." The powerhouses in the fetal realm of the Holy Zongyu."

"Besides, even though Tan Yun is at the seventh level of the Embryo Realm..."

Nangong Qingqian paused for a while, but did not continue. Because he was worried that after he said that Tan Yun was seriously injured and killed Xia Houge, who was at the third level of the Feathering Realm, by virtue of his strength at the seventh level of the Fetal Realm, the sanction chief would not only not kill Tan Yun, but would also offer an olive branch to Tan Yun !

At that time, I will lose more than I gain!

Dongfang Haoyue looked at Nangong Qingqian, raised his white eyebrows, "Although Tan Yun is at the seventh level of the fetal realm, what then? Why don't you say it?"

Nangong Qingqian bowed and said: "But Tan Yun dares not to take Zhongnan Xianshan and you seriously because he is protected by the magic ape. It's really annoying!"

Hearing this, Dongfang Haoyue sneered and said, "This Chief wants to let Tan Yun, an ignorant kid, understand the consequences of provoking this Chief!"

He looked sideways at Dongfang Haochuan, "Second brother, you go and send two strong men at the sixth level of the Ascension Realm to go to the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range with the Holy Master Nangong, and cut off the heads of the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape and Tan Yun. Come down and hang it in front of the gate of Huangfu Shengzong Mountain to show the public!"

"Let everyone know the consequences of offending me at Zhongnan Xianshan!"

Hearing this, Dongfang Haochuan sent two sanctioners at the sixth level of Ascension Realm to leave in Nangong Qingqian's spirit boat.

From everyone's point of view, if two ascension-level six-level sanctioners take action, Demon Ape and Tan Yun will undoubtedly die!

Nangong Qingqian piloted the spirit boat, while flattering the two powerhouses, he said with a grinning voice:

"Tan Yun, you bloody bastard, you killed my wife, destroyed my Nangong Imperial City, and slaughtered my father-in-law's Shi clan. Such a bloody feud, the Holy Master will take revenge soon!"

"After the two sanctioners killed you and the demon ape, this Holy Master, Tuoba Holy Master, and Tang Zun Holy Master will all enter the Huangfu Sect in one fell swoop, and let your Huangfu Sect's blood flow like a river!"


An hour later, in Zhongnan Xianshan, in the main hall on the first floor of Zhongnan Tiangong, more than 300 sanctioners from the fourth to eighth levels of Ascension Realm gathered together.

At this moment, all the sanctioners all looked at Dongfang Haoyue, not knowing why, not knowing what the sanction chief called him for.

After Dongfang Haoyue coughed lightly, his face straightened, and he said, "Today, the chief of Japan summoned everyone to make an important announcement."

"Speak, chief!" All the sanctioners said in unison.

"En." Dongfang Haoyue said solemnly: "Next, the chief wants all of you to search for a person who can perform the Hongmeng Tushen Sword Formation and Hongmeng Tushenjian Jue."

"When you find it, you must capture it alive and hand it over to the chief."

"This person's current age, identity, and strength are unknown, and it is very likely that he is somewhere in the Heaven's Punishment Continent."

"Therefore, all of you will negotiate with each other and go to the Heaven's Punishment Mountains to find this person."

"Because the Heaven's Punishment Continent is vast and vast, it's more troublesome to find it. But in order to prevent someone from finding it while others don't know about it, this chief decided to send a hundred of you to the distant Demon Realm and Beast Realm respectively. "

"As long as the safety of these 100 people is guaranteed, no matter whether they can find this person in the Beast Realm or the Demon Realm, they just need to search once and return immediately."

"Others, return to Zhongnan Xianshan every fifty years to see if anyone has found this person, understand?"

All the sanctioners said in unison, "This subordinate understands!"

"Okay!" Dongfang Haoyue nodded and said: "The chief and the deputy sanction chief are sitting in Zhongnan Xianshan, and everyone else is leaving!"

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