Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1079: Father and Daughter Recognize

Chapter 1079 Father and Daughter Recognition

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on Tang Yongsheng. This sudden scene caught everyone off guard!

Isn't Mu Mengyao the lost princess of the Mu Feng Dynasty?

Didn't Tang Yongsheng kill Mu Mengyu's father, Lord Mu Feng?

How could it be Tang Yongsheng's daughter?

How could she be the eldest daughter of the Tang clan, and how could she be the princess of the current Tang Zun Dynasty?

Confusion lingered in everyone's mind one by one, lingering.

Everyone knew that if all of this was true, how could Mu Mengyu become the princess of the Mufeng Dynasty?

Just when everyone was confused, Tang Yongsheng fell into a long silence. While weeping, he looked at Mu Mengyu with self-blame, and told the truth that no one knew!

"Daughter, it's a long story, listen to Daddy tell you slowly."

Tang Yongsheng once choked up and said: "Back then, your mother gave birth to you when your father was not the Holy Lord Tang Zun."

"I was very happy for my father and your mother, so I held a big banquet to celebrate your full moon, and invited my father's friends at that time, Holy Master Mu Feng and Our Lady Mu Feng."

"But my father never expected that when the banquet was over and I went to hug you as a baby, I found that the seven-star birthmark on the center of your right foot and the Momei birthmark on the lower neck had disappeared!"

"As your father and your mother know, someone must have cheated and dropped you!"

"Your mother was so angry that she vomited blood on the spot. Since then, your mother has been depressed and bedridden, and her father has been looking for you in secret like crazy!"

After a pause, Tang Yongsheng seemed to think of something, and suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were filled with endless anger, "Until three months after you disappeared, Holy Master Mu Feng sent a letter, for my father. I know, when you were full of moon wine, the Holy Mother of Mu Feng secretly replaced you with a baby girl!"

"And this baby girl is Tang Xinying!"

"Hate for my father! For my father, I wish I could kill Holy Master Mu Feng, but, with you in his hands, I dare not act rashly."

"My father regards Lord Mu Feng as a brother, but he despicably and shamelessly separated our flesh and blood, and took your life to force my father to hand over 80,000 years ago, an ancestor of our Tang clan brought back from the land of eternity. Excalibur!"

"If you don't hand it over for the father, Holy Master Mu Feng will kill you."

Speaking of this, Tang Yongsheng took a deep breath, "What is hateful is that the divine sword brought back by our ancestors 80,000 years ago has already been snatched away by the demon lord of the Demon Realm!"

"After my father told Lord Mu Feng about this, he still didn't return you to my father, and gave me ten years to snatch the Excalibur from the devil's hand!"

"For us to be reunited..." Tang Yongsheng choked up and said, "Your grandfather and great-grandfather died in the Demon Realm!"

"Yan'er, do you know? Too many great powers of the Tang clan died for you!"

"Until one day, that is, the eighth year when you were snatched away by the Holy Lord Mu Feng and the Holy Mother Mu Feng, when you were eight years old, your mother became ill because of missing you. See you for the last time."

"But...but the damn Holy Lord Mu Feng and the Holy Mother Mu Feng, they disagree with life and death!"

"When your mother passed away at the last moment, she grabbed my father's hand tightly, and told my father to bring you back! Don't recognize a thief as your father anymore!"

"After your mother left, I suppressed my father's anger for eight years, but I could no longer contain it. Therefore, my father led all the strong men of the Tang clan to attack Mu Feng's palace that night, killed Holy Lord Mu Feng, and sent Kill all the royal families except the Madonna Mu Feng!"

"I will also slaughter Mu Feng Imperial City!"

"At the age of eight, you were taken away by the three thousand strong men of Mu Fengsheng Dynasty. The strong man sent by your father to save you also died with the three thousand strong men who took you away. So far, my father I lost news of you and thought you were no longer alive."

After saying that, Tang Yongsheng looked at Mu Mengyu, who was crying into tears, and said with mournful eyes: "Daughter, if you don't believe me, just look at your mother, and you will understand."

As he spoke, Tang Yongsheng released a burst of spiritual power with difficulty, condensing a memory image in the void.

But on the couch, a beautiful woman who looked at Mu Mengyao with a pale face, with tears in her eyes, grabbed Tang Yongsheng's hand in front of the couch, and cried:

"Husband, you must save our only daughter from Mu Fengsheng's pilgrimage at all costs..."

"Husband, can you promise me? Otherwise, I will die with regret..."

In the memory image, Tang Yongsheng, a majestic seven-foot man, hugged the beautiful woman and cried loudly: "Don't worry... the husband swears that he will find his daughter..."

"Husband, don't cry." The beautiful woman left Tang Yongsheng's arms tremblingly, reaching out to wipe away Tang Yongsheng's tears.

She told Tang Yongsheng not to cry, but her tears always fell unsatisfactorily, "Husband, if one day you find your daughter, you must tell her so that she will not be sad or sad."

"Tell... tell her... I love her the most in this world. She is my life and my soul..."

Before she finished speaking, the beautiful woman was wiping Tang Yongsheng's tears with her hands, they suddenly dropped her hands, nodded slightly, and then fell on the couch, dying of breath!

Mu Mengyan knelt down on the ground like crazy, and let out an extremely sad wail, "Mother!"

Mu Mengyan was devastated, "Mother, grandfather, and great-grandfather, it's Yan'er who is sorry for you, and it is Yan'er who has hurt you... Woooo... I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

"Daughter, don't cry. If your mother and your grandfather and great-grandfather are alive in heaven, you will be pleased to see our father and daughter recognize each other." After Tang Yongsheng finished speaking weakly, his eyes gradually collapsed.

Mu Mengyan hugged Tang Yongsheng, feeling helpless and mournful, "Father, I'm sorry, my daughter didn't mean to hurt you...I'm sorry..."

Mu Mengyu regretted it so much, she thought of breaking Tang Yongsheng's tendons and cutting off her father's feet with her own hands, she was in agony!

"Daughter... daughter..." While Tang Yongsheng was speaking intermittently, Tan Yun, whose eyes were already wet, bowed deeply to Tang Yongsheng, and said loudly, "Father-in-law, son-in-law, I'm sorry!"

"My son-in-law will heal your injuries first, and after you are healed, my son-in-law will make amends to you!"

After saying that, Tan Yun hurriedly leaned over and picked up Tang Yongsheng, turned around and flew into the twelfth floor of the Linglong Holy Pagoda.

Mu Mengyan's beautiful eyes were swollen from crying, "Tan Yun, we must save Daddy!"

"Don't worry, I will!" As soon as the words fell, the tower door on the twelfth floor was closed.

A moment later, the tower door opened again, and Tan Yun volleyed in front of the crying Mu Mengyao, holding her in his arms, and comforted her: "Don't worry, father-in-law will be fine, the outside time is at most five hours, father-in-law will be safe."

"Yeah." Mu Mengyan nodded her head heavily, her throat was already crying.

From the perspective of others, his father is an executioner, stained with the blood of countless people in the Mu Fengsheng dynasty!

But from her standpoint, she realized what a father's love is like a mountain. For herself and her mother, she almost killed the royal family of Mu Fengsheng Dynasty in a fit of anger!

She hates it!

She hated that mother who kept saying she loved her was actually a poisonous woman who separated her from her biological mother!

She hated that when she recognized the thief as her father, her biological mother and father paid too much and a heavy price for her!

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