Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1082 A sensation in the mainland

Chapter 1082: A sensation in the mainland

As he said that, Tang Yongsheng's eyes showed deep gratitude, "When I was going to attack Huangfu Shengzong, it was Xinying who tried her best to stop me, so I didn't attack."

"If you attack, if you don't kill Tan Yun before meeting Yan'er, wouldn't Yan'er hate me to death?"

After saying that, Tang Yongsheng sighed: "I know Xinying is not my own flesh and blood. I wanted to kill her when she was young, but I still couldn't do it."

"Later, when Xinying grew up, Bingxue was very intelligent and talented, so I regarded her as a great gift from the heavens after I lost my son."

"So, I cultivated her and regarded her as the apple of my eye, but I never thought that Xinying would fall in love with you, Yun'er."

"At that time, she forced me to give up attacking Huangfu Shengzong with death. In a fit of anger, I abolished her spirit pond and sent her to the prison. Now that I think about it, I really feel sorry for her."

"However, it's strange to say that when I released Xin Ying a few years ago, she actually regained her senses, and her spirit pool also recovered!"

Hearing this, Tang Mengyan took Tang Yongsheng's right arm and said with a smile, "Father, Xinying was able to recover because Tan Yun made three kinds of pills for her and asked someone to bring them to her."

"Really?" Tang Yongsheng looked at Tan Yun in shock, "Yun'er, you can heal even if the Lingchi is destroyed?"

Tan Yun said truthfully: "As long as the physical functions of the disabled people in the spiritual pool can withstand the power of the elixir, they can be cured."

"Father-in-law, where is Xinying now? My son-in-law wants to see her."

"Ah..." Tang Yongsheng sighed, his eyes full of self-blame and longing, "Yun'er, when I let Xinying leave the prison, I was still angry, so I didn't go to see her."

"But when I saw that Xinying didn't come to greet me for seven days in a row, I couldn't help but visit her. Only then did I know that Xinying had left Tang Zun's court alone."

"Even Tang Xi, the sixth prince who loves her the most, doesn't know where she has gone."

"Tang Xi told me that Xin Ying left the sad place of Tang Zun's pilgrimage and would never come back."

After listening, Tan Yun looked at the vast night sky outside the hall, Tang Xinying's frowns and smiles came to the back of his mind.

Tan Yun felt empty in his heart, and said in a sour voice, "Xinying, where did you go? The heavens and the earth are big, when will we meet again..."

Tan Yun thought that he had never been sorry to anyone, but owed too much to Tang Xinying.

Tang Mengyan saw Tan Yun's worry in her eyes, she took a step forward, opened her teeth lightly, and said, "Tan Yun, Xinyingji has her own aura, and we will meet her one day."

"En." Tan Yun nodded.

At this time, Tang Yongsheng looked at Tan Yun, and said sincerely: "Yun'er, Xinying is a fierce girl, I can feel that she has loved you so much that she can't help herself, so she will force you to die for you." I give up attacking Huangfu Shengzong."

"After I return to Tang Zun's holy court this time, I will send strong men to find Xinying, so you don't have to worry about her."

Tan Yun nodded after listening.

Tang Yongsheng looked at Tang Mengyao again, with fierce eyes and said: "After going back for my father, I will definitely make Mu Feng's life worse than death!"

"Father...don't!" Tang Meng shook his head, "Father, although my daughter also hates the Holy Mother of Mu Feng, no matter what reason she was in before, she was not mean to her daughter."

"That's why my daughter hopes that Daddy will stop torturing her. On the day when my daughter returns to Tang Zun's court in a fair manner, my daughter has something to ask her. After the questioning, my daughter will kill her with her own hands to avenge my mother!"

"Okay, my father promises you." Tang Yongsheng looked at Tang Mengyan, reluctantly said: "My father is leaving, you take care of yourself."

As he said that, Tang Yongsheng put Tang Mengyan's hand in Tan Yun's, and said: "My daughter is handed over to you."

Tan Yun held Tang Mengyan's hand tightly, and said loudly, "Don't worry, my son-in-law will take good care of your precious jewel."

"I believe you!" After Tang Yongsheng smiled slightly, he left Huangfu Shengzong with Tianlao, Wei Quan, Huangfu Guchong, and Song Huixin...

Afterwards, Tan Yun and the girls chose to retreat and sprint to the realm.

Before retreating, Tuoba Yingying ordered the law enforcement second patriarch Guan Xuankong to guard the exit of the gate of the secret realm, and use spiritual consciousness to cover Liuzhi Mountain, which is 6 million miles away, to prevent enemies from invading!


Time flies, a year has passed.

During this year, a major event that caused a sensation in the Heaven's Punishment Continent occurred.

It was Tang Zun Sacred Dynasty who destroyed Nangong Sacred Dynasty and Tuoba Sacred Dynasty with iron and blood, and annexed the two great Sacred Dynasties!

This incident shocked the Huangfu royal family outside the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range!

Holy Master Huangfu immediately ordered Huangfu Shengchao to enter the stage of preparations to prevent Tang Zun Shengchao from attacking!

Time flies like an arrow, and another seven months have passed.

Huangfu Secret Realm, Holy Gate Meritorious Realm, No. 1 Immortal Valley.

In the twelfth floor of the exquisite exquisite holy tower, Tan Yun, who was sitting cross-legged, exuded the aura of great consummation in the realm of embryonic realm!

That's right!

During this period, the tenth Hongmeng Immortal Embryo was born in Tan Yun's Lingchi, and entered the realm of the Great Consummation!

Just as Tan Yun was about to retreat, a nervous female voice came from outside, "Master, this subordinate has something important to report."

"Huixin?" Tan Yun frowned, and opened the tower door in a flash, "Come in and answer.

After Song Huixin, who was dressed in black, flew into the tower, Tan Yun asked, "What's the matter?"

Song Huixin said respectfully: "Master, dozens of people from Zhongnan Xianshan came to Tang Zun's court, summoned Tang Zun's Holy Master, and ordered Tang Zun's Holy Master in a strong tone to find someone who can use Hongmeng Slaying God Sword Art and Hongmeng Killing God Sword Formation! "

"At that time, my subordinate was at the side, and I saw with my own eyes that those sanctioners in the Ascension Realm of Zhongnan Immortal Mountain condensed a memory image. This subordinate felt that the images of the middle sword array and sword art in the memory image were exactly the same as the ones you performed. !"

"Holy Master Tang Zun told the sanctioners that they had never seen the Hongmeng God Slaughter Sword Art and the Hongmeng God Slaying Sword Formation. However, those sanctioners ordered Tang Zun Holy Master to check all the people of Tang Zun Shengchao."

"If Holy Master Tang Zun knows and does not report, he will kill Holy Master Tang Zun."

Hearing this, Tan Yun, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly got up, with murderous intent in his starry eyes, "I see, you can go on and help my father-in-law."

"Your subordinates obey!" Song Huixin took the order and left.

Tan Yun said viciously: "Only Meng Yao, Su Bing, Yu Qin, Shi Yao, Xian'er, Zi Yan, and Yingying know the names of my sword formula and sword formation, except for them, it is impossible to look at the Heaven's Punishment Continent." Someone knows."

"But now the sanctioners on Zhongnan Xianshan know that if I guessed correctly, it must be the master of Liutianxuan Palace after the reincarnation of Liutian Immortal Emperor, who conquered Zhongnan Xianshan and used my sword art, The appearance of the sword formation, after being condensed through spiritual consciousness, told the sanctioners, let these old things kill me!"

Tan Yun clenched his fists tightly, and said with a sneer, "Now that my father-in-law has ruled the three great dynasties of Nangong, Tuoba, and Tang Zun, naturally he won't betray me."

"And my Huangfu Sacred Sect has not fought against Huangfu Sacred Dynasty so far, so everyone in Huangfu Sacred Dynasty will not know that the person Zhongnan Xianshan is looking for is me."

"Old fellows, if you want to find Lao Tzu, it will not be that easy! Maybe, when you find Lao Tzu, the old bullet can kill a group of you!"

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