Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1094 Play first and then kill!

Chapter 1094 Play first and then kill!

With Tan Yun's current strength, coming to Huangfu Imperial City is naturally like entering and leaving no one's land!

As Tan Yun stepped into the hall, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became thicker!

"Bold and lunatic, how dare you trespass into Huangfu's palace!"

At this time, hundreds of guards in the Holy Soul Realm guarding the main hall held spears and surrounded the exit of Huangfu Luan Hall.

"Get out!" Tan Yun roared without turning his head, and suddenly, an incomparably powerful aura swirled from his back like a river, swallowing hundreds of guards!

"Bang bang bang—"

The blood mist filled the air, the broken bones splashed, and hundreds of guards were completely wiped out, leaving no bones left!

A gust of wind blew past, causing a strong smell of blood to blow into Huangfu Luan Hall!




Immediately, the three old men and two old women in the banquet looked at the dying Ding Shuya who lost an ear on the ground, and suddenly got up, feeling great grief.

"Bold thief..." As soon as the head eunuch opened his mouth, Holy Master Huangfu yelled in horror, "Shut up, Holy Master!"

After the roar, Holy Master Huangfu looked at Tan Yun, and suddenly, he smiled uglier than crying, "It turns out that Sect Master Tan is here, please sit down, please sit down."

After the Holy Master Huangfu finished speaking, he hurriedly sent a sound transmission to Ding Shuya's five children: "Five seniors, since Tan Yun can catch your mother, then he is not afraid of you at all, seniors, don't be rash!"

"This Tan Yun is not a good person!"

After the Holy Master Huangfu sent the voice transmission to the five people, he immediately sent a voice transmission to Tan Yun: "Sect Master Tan, I also wanted to help the townspeople of Wangyue Town, but do you know? I am weak and forced to do so!"

"Sect Master Tan, think about it, the patriarch of Huangfu Shengzong is also a member of my ancestors, and my Huangfu Shengzong and Huangfu Shengzong are also half relatives. If I hadn't been forced to help, I would not have watched it with my own eyes. With 30,000 townspeople killed, say the words to expel you from Huangfu's court!"

Hearing this, a sneer appeared on the corner of Tan Yun's mouth. He glanced at the hundreds of trembling generals in the main hall, and said calmly, "Who will make room for the suzerain?"

The generals who were so frightened by Tan Yun that they hadn't recovered their senses immediately got up with trembling legs, swallowed their saliva, and said in unison: "Sect Master Tan, please sit down!"

Afraid! These generals are not fools. They had heard that Ding Shuya was the deputy commander of the eighth level of Ascension Realm in Zhongnan Xianshan. Now that they saw Tan Yun throwing her into the hall, they could guess that Huangfu Shengzong should have Challenge the strength of Zhongnan Xianshan!

So, they got up immediately!

"The suzerain, thank you all." Tan Yun said lightly, and sat on a seat at will.

"Don't dare dare." All the generals wiped the bean-sized beads of sweat on their foreheads.

At this time, the three old men and two old women also obeyed the reminder of Holy Master Huangfu, suppressed their grief and anger, and stared at Tan Yun firmly!

The five brothers and sisters really wanted to immediately besiege Tan Yun and tear him into pieces, but they didn't dare!

In the hearts of the five people, they were not afraid of Tan Yun. They were worried that Tan Yun would bring other strong men with him. As long as they did something themselves, Tan Yun's subordinates would suddenly appear!

At this time, Holy Master Huangfu said loudly to the Chief Eunuch, "Hurry up and pour wine for Sect Master Tan!"

"Yes, yes, yes." The head eunuch trembling, poured a glass of spiritual wine for Tan Yun.


With a smile on Tan Yun's face, he drank the spirit wine unhurriedly, then looked at Holy Master Huangfu and the five brothers and sisters, his light tone made the six of them tremble, "The suzerain also drank the wine. Now it's time for us to talk about business."

"You, you say." Holy Master Huangfu looked at Tan Yun, his teeth chattering uncontrollably.

Tan Yun played with the wine glass in his hand, teasingly said: "Holy Master Huangfu, how did you humiliate this suzerain a month and a half ago, you can repeat the original words now."

Hearing this, Holy Master Huangfu staggered in fright, sweat poured down from his forehead, and his whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

"My suzerain asked you to speak!" Tan Yun said with a wave of his right hand, and the wine glass hit Holy Master Huangfu's nose hard.

The wine glass was broken, and the bridge of the nose was cut and bleeding profusely.

Huangfu Shengzong trembled in fright, and begged: "Tan Zongzhu, please look at Huangfu Shengzong Patriarch..."

"Don't mention my patriarch!" Tan Yun shouted softly, and immediately, Holy Master Huangfu stopped talking.

A demonic smile appeared on the corner of Tan Yun's mouth, "Okay, since you don't want to say it, then the suzerain will say it for you."

"One and a half months ago, in Wangyue Town, you puffed out your chest, spit on my suzerain, and then called me an evil animal viciously!"

"You said that I, as a member of the Huangfu Holy Dynasty, did not stay well in the Huangfu Holy Dynasty, but ran to the Heavenly Punishment Mountains, thinking that there were no tigers and monkeys to dominate the mountains, and then expelled my suzerain from Huangfu in a coquettish manner. Pilgrimage."

"Is it you who said these humiliating words?"

"This suzerain didn't slander you, did he?"

Holy Master Huangfu was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, kowtowed and said: "Sect Master Tan, for the sake of the patriarch of the noble clan is also my ancestor, please forgive me!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun laughed again, "Okay, that's fine, the Patriarch's face is mainly given by the sect, so let's let this matter go."

Holy Master Huangfu went from hell to heaven in an instant, "Show more kindness to Sect Master Tan not to kill."

But Tan Yun's next words immediately sent Holy Master Huangfu from heaven to hell again!

I saw Tan Yun put away his smile, and his eyes were so indifferent, "You humiliated my suzerain so much, my suzerain let the past go, and it is enough to give the patriarch face."

"Well, even if Ding Shuya killed 30,000 townspeople in Wangyue Town and you were forced to do nothing, these suzerains will trust you."

"However, regarding the matter of you being a spy in Huangfu Shengzong, we have to do a good job of calculation!"

"Back when I punished the spies sent by the major forces to Huangfu Shengzong, the number of spies you sent to the royal family of Huangfu Shengzong reached hundreds of people."

Hearing this, Holy Master Huangfu begged bitterly: "Sect Master Tan, please forgive me..."

"Hahahaha!" Tan Yun said with a smile: "My suzerain really wants to spare you, but when I killed the spies, I said that the suzerain will definitely uproot all the forces behind the spies."

Tan Yun's voice paused, and suddenly, he put away his smile and shouted: "How can I let you go, go to hell!"

Holy Master Huangfu was completely desperate, and stood up abruptly, "You have been messing around for a long time, and you have decided to kill this Holy Master! You are clearly playing me on purpose!"

"That's right! I just play first and then kill!" Tan Yun said, before he could make a move, Holy Master Huangfu waved his right arm, and suddenly, dense poisonous needles came from the cuff like a rainstorm. Tan Yun shot away!


After the poisonous needle exploded on Tan Yun's body, it burst into pieces with a series of crisp sounds!

"Death!" Tan Yun took a sudden step with his left foot, and with his right foot, with the power to shatter the void, he stepped on the face of Holy Master Huangfu!


Huangfu Shengzhu's head was turned into shards, his mind and soul disappeared, and the headless body fell to the center of the hall, and fell on Ding Shuya who was seriously injured and unable to speak!

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