Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1097 Killing towards the Snow Sea of ​​Tianchi!

The first thousand and ninety-seven chapters kill to Tianchi Xuehai!

An hour later.

Sitting cross-legged, Tan Yun finally refined all 300 strands of the Primordial Divine Liquid, which meant that the skin, flesh, muscles, and bones of his whole body were tempered.

Now Tan Yunhongmeng's fire body has entered the tenth stage of minor success!

Immediately, Tan Yun's magma-like body returned to normal, and he suddenly opened his eyes, revealing an uncontrollable excitement in his star pupils!

"What a powerful force!" Tan Yun clenched his fists and stood up slowly. Feeling the unprecedented power in his body, he was quite excited!

"Hongmeng fire body—— Qi!"

In a moment of Tan Yun's thought, his body size began to skyrocket in the huge tower, and instantly reached a giant of three hundred feet!

And he seems to be cast from magma, not only the body is harder, but also a suffocating heat wave surges out of the body, making the walls of the exquisite exquisite holy tower very hot!

Of course, the primordial fire body, the important thing is not the body temperature, because no matter how high the temperature is, it is not as powerful as the primordial flame.

The profound meaning of the primordial fire body is just to make his physical body stronger and make his body change like fire and water!

"Before I cultivated the Primordial Fire Body, my soul was already as powerful as the eighth level of the Ascension Realm. If I am not mistaken, the strength of my soul has reached the ninth level of the Ascension Realm!"

The corner of Tan Yun's mouth curled into an arc, and suddenly, as Huo Wu's long hair fluttered, an invisible spiritual consciousness shot up from the sky above the Linglong Holy Pagoda, piercing through layers of clouds!

In the end, when Tan Yun's spiritual consciousness reached 90 million miles, it stopped!

A radius of 90 million miles means a radius of 90 million miles. It is unbelievable that Tan Yun, who is in the third level of the Ascension Realm, has been promoted to the tenth level of Xiaocheng with the Hongmeng Fire Body, and now his soul is as powerful as the ninth level of the Ascension Realm!

Tan Yun put away his spiritual consciousness vigorously, and came to the ten-story holy tower, looked at Shen Subing's people, and said thoughtfully: "Now the old ape has the strength to kill the ordinary Ascension Realm Dzogchen, and I have the ability to kill the ordinary Ascension Realm Nine levels of strength."

"In addition, Su Bing and Jinlong Shenshi have the strength to kill the eighth level of ordinary Ascension Realm."

"Therefore, Su Bing, Old Ape, and Big Man will lead the battle next, and the others will not come out without my order."

After everyone nodded their heads, Tang Mengyan snuggled into Tan Yun's arms nervously, "Tan Yun, no matter what, the chief and deputy chiefs of Zhongnan Xianshan are at the ninth level of the Ascension Realm, and I'm afraid they both have the strength to challenge the ordinary Ascension Realm Great Perfection, why don't you Pretend to be an old man, and bring sister Shen, old ape, and big guy to sneak attack?"

Tan Yun lowered his head and kissed Tang Mengyan's forehead lightly, and said proudly: "Fool, don't worry, we will never lose this battle!"

"In this battle, I will kill him openly and completely!"

"Kill him to death!"

Hearing this, Tang Mengyan nodded and adjusted Tan Yunlue's robe before saying, "I believe in you!"

Afterwards, Tan Yun led Shen Subing, flew out of the Linglong Holy Pagoda and stood in the air.

"The old ape is ready to obey my orders!" Tan Yun said in a deep voice.

"It's the master!" The Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape on the eleventh floor responded.

As Tan Yun beckoned, the Linglong Holy Pagoda flew out from the ear hole of the Golden Dragon God Lion, and Tan Yun let the Golden Dragon God Lion enter the twelve-story Linglong Holy Tower.

In Tan Yun's thought, the Linglong Holy Pagoda turned into a beam of light and penetrated into Tan Yun's ears.

Then, Tan Yun and Shen Subing held hands, and flew into the sky above the snowy Tianchi Lake like a couple of gods!

Tan Yun and Shen Subing flew over the Tianchi Snow Sea for ten days, and they saw ninety-nine and eighty-one islands.

The eighty-one islands are arranged in a mysterious trajectory. In the middle of the eighty-one islands, a huge fairy island suspended in the air is quite eye-catching.

Tan Yun didn't need to think about it to know that this huge fairy island was the world-famous Peng Chaos fairy island!

Tan Yunang looked at the 1.8 million-foot-tall mountain on Penghun Immortal Island, and smiled slightly: "Su Bing, this mountain should be the famous town mainland and the famous Zhongnan Immortal Mountain. Do you like it?" ?”

Shen Subing smiled, "You should understand my heart for you, I like places with you, and places without you can't be in my eyes."

When Tan Yun was still about to say something, suddenly, a voice of anger and self-prestige resounded from the sky above the Tianchi Snow Sea: "The two of you are only at the third level of the Ascension Realm. According to the rules of Zhongnan Xianshan, those who have not advanced to the fourth level of the Ascension Realm are not allowed to enter. Tianchi Xuehai."

"Both of you leave Tianchi Xuehai quickly, otherwise, you will be punished as trespassers!"

As soon as the words fell, a blue beam of light shot up into the sky from an island, suspended thousands of miles in front of Tan Yun and Shen Subing, and turned into a sixty-year-old man in a blue robe at the fifth level of Ascension Realm.

Tan Yun was still leading Shen Subing, flying unhurriedly in the sky in the vast snowflakes. He looked at the blue-robed old man and said with a sneer: "Tsk tsk, what a big tone, we really trespassed, you old man Come and try to kill it."

Hearing this, the 60-year-old man was stunned for a moment, and then he flew into a rage, "Presumptuous!"

"Don't you open your dog's eyes to see, is this place where you play wild..."

Before the old man finished speaking, Shen Subing, who was wearing a golden floral long dress, let go of Tan Yun, and turned into a golden beam of light, passing through the snowy sky for thousands of miles in an instant, and appeared in front of the old man. It hit the old man's chest, "Whoever scolds my husband will be killed without mercy!"


The old man had no time to react, so he was shot in the chest, "Bang!" His whole body exploded from the snowy sky, turning into a cloud of blood mist!

"Ah!" The old man's five misty fairy fetuses floated out of the shattered corpse, looking at the Puffy Immortal Island, and shouted hoarsely:

"Help! Someone trespassed in the snowy sea of ​​​​Tianchi and wanted to kill the punisher!"

At this time, Tan Yun took a light step and crossed the void of thousands of miles. With a wave of his right arm, a wave of spiritual power imprisoned the five immortal embryos of the old man!

Immediately, the five immortal fetuses were speechless.

The voice of the old man's fairy fetus shattered the void and resounded through the entire Chaos Immortal Island.

at the same time.

Above the peak of the Zhongnan Immortal Mountain, suspended in a heavenly palace as high as ten thousand zhang, Sanction chief Dongfang Haoyue and Sanction deputy chief Dongfang Haochuan brothers are holding a banquet in the Tiangong to celebrate finding the master who will perform the Hongmeng Slaughtering Sword Formation and Hongmeng Killing Sword Formation. The man of the Divine Sword Art!

The two brothers took their seats at the table, and one hundred and eighty-three persons from the fourth to eighth levels of Ascension Realm were seated below.

Originally, there were three hundred and ninety people in Zhongnan Immortal Mountain, together with the two brothers.

Excluding the 68 people who were killed by Huangfu Shengzong and the 185 people present, the remaining 130 or so people went to the distant Demon Realm, Beast Realm and other places, so, I don't know if I have found someone who can use the Hongmeng Slaying God Sword and Hongmeng Slaughtering God Sword Art.

At this moment, Dongfang Haoyue got up from the table, held his wine glass high, and said with a smile: "Deputy Commander Ding, more than a year ago, he informed this chief through secret techniques that Tan Yun is the person Liutianxuan Palace is looking for. "

"Therefore, the Chief has called everyone together today to have a small celebration in advance. After Deputy Commander Ding catches Tan Yun and returns, we will celebrate for three days and three nights..."

Dongfang Haoyue hadn't finished speaking when the blue-robed old man's voice of despair before dying came: "Help me! Someone trespassed in the snowy sea of ​​Tianchi and wanted to kill the sanctioner!"

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