Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1103 Roaring again and again

Chapter 1103 Roaring again and again

Then, the power of time, space and heaven in Shen Subing's body was like giant dragons swirling around her at a high speed, and she fell headfirst at a high speed, with a pair of soft jade palms that were as soft as bones, pushing back the hilt of the flying sword with all its strength!


When Shen Subing's jade palm pushed the hilt of the sword, the tip of the sword inserted into the head of the golden-winged roc suddenly pierced the bone, piercing the skull to a depth of three feet!

No matter how she pushed, she couldn't let the Baizhang giant sword penetrate the head of the golden-winged roc!

"Madam Shen, let Mo'er come!" At this time, Mo'er came from the snowy sky, and Mo'er's voice was sweet and slightly crying, "Brother Shenshi, hold on, Mo'er will save you and the master!"

"Be careful, Mo'er." Shen Subing ordered, and it turned into an afterimage and appeared outside the vast void!



At this time, Mo'er danced with a two-thousand-foot dragon body, and the magic power in his body was condensed on the dragon's claws!


A dragon's chant containing endless killing intent resounded through the sky, Mo'er volleyed down in the air, smashing through the void at such a high speed, the dragon's claws ruthlessly pressed on the hilt of the sword!

"Crack, click..."

The clear sound of bone cracking continued to sound, but the giant sword inserted into the skull of the Golden-winged Roc quickly pierced through the skull, and came out bloody from the lower neck of the Golden-winged Roc!

Immediately, the body of the golden-winged roc fell into the void!

Blood was overflowing from the corner of Tan Yun's mouth, and when he broke free from the giant claw that pierced his chest, the phantom of the golden-winged roc's beast soul was flying out of the corpse!

"Don't kill..."

Before the beast soul could say "I", it was killed by Tan Yun with a sword!

At this time, Shen Subing volleyed down, put away the flying sword in the head of the Golden Winged Roc, and volleyed into Tan Yun's palm, looking at the huge wound on Tan Yun's chest, choked up and said, "How is the injury? "

Tan Yun looked down at Shen Subing, with endless tenderness in his giant pupils, "It's okay, you don't have to worry about me."

After saying that, Tan Yun hurriedly sacrificed the Linglong Holy Pagoda, allowing the seriously injured Golden Dragon God Lion to enter the twelfth floor to recover from his injuries.

Afterwards, Tan Yun swooped down, grabbed the golden-winged roc's left wing with his left hand, lifted the corpse up in the air, and said, "Su Bing, take out its demon pill, I will use it in the future."

"En." Shen Subing wiped away tears, quickly took out the golden-winged roc's demon pill with a sword, and Tan Yun let go of the golden-winged roc's body.


The golden-winged roc crashed into the icy Tianchi Snow Sea with huge waves.

After Shen Subing handed the Golden Winged Roc Demon Pill to Tan Yun, he said thoughtfully: "This demon pill contains the Golden Winged Roc's untapped source of divine power. Which clan king do you plan to refine?"

Tan Yun said: "Give it to the Tianluo Dragon and Bear King. After this battle is over, I will teach the Eight Great Clan Kings the Art of Swallowing the Gods. When we go to the fairy world in the future, we can hunt more fairy beasts and let the Eight Great Clan Kings devour other fairy beasts and beasts." Dan increases his strength!"

"Then, I have the opportunity to help the kings of the eight great clans reborn, so that they have the potential to become god kings."

Tan Yun's words clearly reached the ears of the kings of the eight major clans in the Linglong Holy Pagoda. Although the kings of the eight major clans did not know what a god king was, they especially remembered the fact that Tan Yun made them reborn!

When the Kings of the Eight Great Clans were extremely excited, Shen Subing'e frowned and said: "Let's go find the old ape!"

"Yeah!" Tan Yun nodded. He cared about the safety of the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, so he didn't enter the holy tower to recover from his injuries!

When Tan Yun and Shen Subing were about to fly to the top of Zhongnan Xianshan Mountain, they suddenly found that the Wanzhang Heavenly Palace suspended in the sky vibrated undetectably.

And the gate of the Heavenly Palace is not only closed, but also opened and forbidden!

"Tan Yun, it seems that the old ape is inside!" Shen Subing hurriedly said: "You should quickly open the ban, I'm worried that the old ape will be ambushed inside!"

"En!" Tan Yun nodded heavily, and immediately began to check the magnificent and tightly closed palace door.

The gate of the palace is as high as three hundred feet, densely carved with patterns of prohibition formations. Tan Yun closed his eyes, and his spiritual consciousness enveloped the gate. After a while, Tan Yun suddenly opened his eyes. Suddenly, wisps of pale golden spiritual power shot out endlessly from the five fingers, forming a mysterious pattern of hundreds of feet in the void!

After the pattern was formed, Tan Yun was still playing with the five fingers of his right hand, wisps of slender spiritual power shot into the Baizhang pattern at top speed.

At this time, Dongfang Haoyue's weak and sneering voice suddenly came from the Heavenly Palace, "Son Tan Yun, don't waste your efforts, the prohibition on the gate of the Heavenly Palace is from ancient times. Arranged before feathering and ascension!"

"Chairman Zhuang is a master of the holy formation, and the prohibition he issued is the prohibition of the highest grade immortal formation!"

"Even if you and Chief Zhuang are both Saint Rank Immortal Formation Masters, you won't be able to break the prohibition within a year or so!"

"Hahahaha, at most half an hour, this devil ape will definitely die!"

"When the chief exterminates the demon ape, I will ask the master of Liutianxuan Palace to take action and uproot your Huangfu Sacred Sect, leaving nothing behind!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun could tell from Dongfang Haoyue's weak voice that he was seriously injured!

"Really?" Tan Yun said with a sneer: "A mere top-grade fairy array can stop me? I have to say, you are too naive."

"Break it for me!"

After Tan Yun finished speaking, he pushed his right palm towards the Baizhang pattern formed by the condensed spiritual power. Immediately, the traces of spiritual power in the Baizhang pattern turned into nine golden-winged giants with a size of ten feet, as if they had come to life. Peng!

Then, the nine golden-winged rocs with spiritual power rushed out of the pattern and flew into the nine ten-foot-sized forbidden eyes on the gate of the palace.


The next moment, the closed door of the palace opened!

"This, how is this possible!" Dongfang Haoyue exclaimed in disbelief from the Tiangong, "Tan Yun, how did you do it?"

Tan Yun, who was concerned about the safety of the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, ignored it, and said sharply: "Su Bing, Mo'er kill!"

After leaving a sentence, Tan Yun suddenly took a step and stepped into the Tiangong.

Tan Yun looked around and found that the outside of Tiangong seemed to be hundreds of feet in size, but the space inside has now reached tens of thousands of miles, obviously there is a mustard time and space inside.

Suddenly, Tan Yun's pupils shrank suddenly, and he found that in the depths of the Tiangong, the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape and Dongfang Haoyue were fighting fiercely!

Dongfang Haochuan lay dying on the ground, as if he would die at any moment.

At this moment, Sky Slaughter Demon Ape suffered some kind of attack, and his body was covered with sword wounds with deep bone visible.

There was a ten-foot-thick blood hole in the abdomen of the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, and the blood spurted out from the wound, which was quite scary.

In particular, its entire left arm has almost lost its flesh and blood, which is unbearable to look at.

And Dongfang Haoyue was not much better, his left arm was nowhere to be found, his chest collapsed, obviously several ribs were broken!

"Old ape, hold on, I'll help you right away!" Tan Yun roared.

"Master, be careful, this person is very powerful!" Dongfang Haoyue swung his sword and cut a shocking wound on the right shoulder of the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape when he hurriedly reminded him. Roaring again and again:

"Tan Yun, you damn child, you bloodbathed me on Zhongnan Xianshan today, and I will slaughter Heaven's Punishment Mountain in the future!"

"And even if the chief is seriously injured, I will still tear you into pieces!"

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