Chapter 1108 Anxious

Looking at Tan Yun, Tang Kong was taken aback for a moment, then as if thinking of something, his face turned pale with fright, turned his head and turned into a beam of light, shooting towards the sky!

"What are you running for? Stop!" When Tan Yun's voice sounded, he took a light step, leaped over 20,000 miles of space, and blocked Tang Kong's way from the snowy sky!

"What a fast speed!" Tang Kong yelled strangely, just as he fled thousands of miles to the left, a palm suddenly grew bigger in his sight!


But after Tan Yun caught up with Tang Kong, he slapped Tang Kong on the right face!


Tang Kong spat out a mouthful of blood, dyed goose-feather-like snowflakes red, and was thrown hundreds of miles away while his body rolled.

Without waiting for Tang Kong to stop, Tan Yun appeared beside Tang Kong and slapped him on the left side of the face without saying a word!


Immediately, the rotting teeth and blood mixed together and popped out. Tang Kong's eyes were filled with gold stars, and his seven orifices were bleeding.

Tan Yun stood in the air, stretched out a finger, pointed at Tang Kong, who was 80,000 feet away, and said flatly, "Get over here."

"Sect Master Tan, please calm down... this old man, get out of here..." Tang Kong paused, and suddenly roared angrily, "You old man, get out of here!"


When the void was vibrating, Tang Kong Qiankun's white light flashed, and immediately, a crystal-clear object with a thousand feet like a spirit boat came out of nowhere in front of him.


Immediately afterwards, Tang Kong flew towards the top at a high speed!

"A real low-grade fairy boat!" Tan Yun's pupils shrank, and his body turned into a thousand-foot flame, piercing through tens of thousands of feet of void, and rushed towards the low-grade fairy boat!

At this moment, Tan Yun was sure that this low-grade fairy boat must have been given to Tang Kong by Shangguan Ya, who was reincarnated from the Six Heavens Immortal Emperor.

At the same time, Tan Yun was quite puzzled, how could the other party recognize him?

And why did the other party run for their lives after seeing him?

"Tan Yun, you wait for the old man, you are dead!" Tang Kong made a threatening voice when he was about to plunder the lower and lower celestial boats.

But the next moment, Tang Kong was completely terrified!

Because just as he was about to plunder into the fairy boat, suddenly, his body was suspended in the air, and a powerful force came from the back of his neck.

It was Tan Yun who appeared behind Tang Kong, stretched out his left hand to pinch the back of his neck, and said coldly, "Call my ancestor? You should try to curse again!"


As Tan Yun said, his right hand tore Tang Kong's right arm forcibly!

"Ah... Sect Master Tan, please forgive me... please forgive me..." Tang Kong screamed, Tan Yun lifted Tang Kong and landed on the fairy boat, raised his right foot and swayed left and right, kicking Tang Kong's knees!

"Crack, click!"

Amid the clear sound of bone cracking, Tang Kong's knees shattered, blood spattered and stumps flew.

"Boom!" With a loud sound, Tan Yun threw Tang Kong on the deck of the fairy boat, his tone still indifferent, "Are you still running? Are you still scolding?"

"No... no, I really don't dare!" Tang Kong shivered as he supported his body with his left hand.

Tan Yun stood with his hands behind his back, and said coldly, "First, how do you know me?"

"Second, why did you run after seeing me?"

"Third, why did you come to Zhongnan Xianshan to find Dongfang Haoyue?"

Hearing this, Tang Kong pleaded: "Sect Master Tan...Grandpa Tan, I told you, please spare my life, please?"

"Moji!" Tan Yun immediately cast his Primordial Eyes, and after controlling Tang Kong, he said coldly, "Tell me the three questions I asked."

"Yes." Tang Kong said with a dull expression: "Thirteen years ago, my palace master not only asked Zhongnan Xianshan to find a person who could perform the Hongmeng Slaughtering God Sword Formation and Hongmeng Killing God Sword Art, but also asked Wuliang Yougong to find someone .”

"Not long ago, the rumored person of Wuliang Yougong was found, and he was Tan Yun, the current patriarch of Huangfu Shengzong."

"Therefore, my palace lord ordered me to come and tell the chief of Zhongnan Xianshan, Zhongnan Xianshan and Wuliangyou Palace, whichever side captures Tan Yun alive first, the Yuhua Pill will be bestowed on that side."

Hearing this, Tan Yun suppressed the anger in his heart, and said again: "Do you know how Wuliang Yougong found out that it was me?"

"It was the mother of the patriarch of the Zhongli clan. After learning that Wuliangyou Palace and Zhongnan Xianshan were looking for you, she took the initiative to tell the two major forces."

"This old woman said that when she went to the Tianpu Mountains to rescue her granddaughter Zhongli Xin'er, she saw the sword array and sword art you used, and it was exactly Zhongnan Xianshan and Wuliangyougong who were looking for."

Hearing this, Tan Yun's anger broke out completely, and he roared: "Old woman, if you hadn't told the sanctioners of Zhongnan Xianshan, Ding Shuya would not have threatened me with my life in Wangyue Town!"

"There will be no death of 30,000 fathers and villagers!"

"I, Tan Yun, will definitely kill you with my own hands!"

After the roar, Tan Yun said angrily: "Say! What is Shangguanya's state now?"

"And you Six Heavens Profound Palace, how many Ascension Realm powerhouses are there!"

It was said that although Tang Kong lost his mind, there was still a look of admiration in his bleeding eyes, "The Mistress of my palace just promoted to the ninth level of the Ascension Realm a year ago, and now she is sprinting towards the Great Consummation of the Ascension Realm."

"In my Six Heavens Profound Palace, there are more than 500 people in the Ascension Realm, and among them the first level of the Ascension Realm..."

Tan Yun interrupted: "Just talk about the eighth level of Ascension Realm and above!"

Tang Kong said truthfully: "There are seventy-two people in the eighth level, and twelve people in the ninth level."

Hearing this, Tan Yun and Tuoba Yingying, who just arrived, looked extremely dignified!

Regarding Liutian Xuangong, Tan Yun was not afraid of anyone else, except Shangguan Ya.

What he was most worried about before still happened now. He didn't expect that Shangguanya was about to enter the Great Consummation of Ascension Realm!

Tan Yun said with a heavy heart: "Shangguanya, since she already knew that I was the person he was looking for, why didn't she lead the strong men from Liutian Xuan Palace to attack Huangfu Shengzong, but let Zhongnan Xianshan and Wuliangyou Palace take action?"

After Tang Kong fell into a short memory, he said: "The palace lord mentioned before that you used to have an extraordinary status, not an ordinary person. For safety's sake, she will not make a move unless she is promoted to the Great Perfection of Ascension Realm. "

Tan Yun took a deep breath and said, "How many Ascension Realm powerhouses are there in Wuliang Yougong, among them is the Ascension Realm Dzogchen?"

"I don't know." After Tang Kong finished speaking, after Tan Yun got what he wanted to know, he slapped Tang Kong's head!

"Master, what should we do now?" Tuoba Yingying's eyebrows were tightly frowned, and solemnity was written all over Kui Yue's embarrassing face.

Just as Tan Yun was about to speak, he frowned, but when he saw the space-time tunnel above the peak of Zhongnanxian Mountain, it suddenly emitted a bright curtain of light.

In the next moment, Su Yu, who was in the perfect state of mind and soul, came out of the giant teleportation array on the peak below the time-space tunnel, with an anxious expression on his face.

On the peak, Su Yu looked like a young man, he shouted: "Yun'er!"

After three breaths, Tan Yun and Tuoba Yingying came out from in front of Su Yu out of thin air.

"Father-in-law Su, what happened?" Tan Yun asked hastily.

"Yun'er, Yingying, something is wrong!" Su Yu said anxiously, "The Immeasurable You Palace dispatched 736 experts from the Ascension Realm to destroy the Huangfu Secret Realm, the Soul Secret Realm, the Eternal Secret Realm, and the Murong Secret Realm. The exits are surrounded!"

"Now we are attacking the gate of the secret realm!"

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