Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1114: Fighting with Dongguo Kunlun!

Chapter 1114 Join the battle against Dongguo Kunlun!

"Tan Yun!" The girls cried so hard that their eyes were blurred with tears!

Among the girls, Shen Subing, who was Tan Yun's former wife, knew what kind of person Tan Yun was best!

In her memory, when Tan Yun was the Supreme Master of Hongmeng, his personality was exactly the same as in this life, and he was still so affectionate!

So caring for your subordinates!

For the sake of his subordinates, he can be desperate, even in danger!

That's why Shen Subing thought that when Tan Yun was cursed to enter the reincarnation of all ages in the past, there were so many subordinates who would rather be killed by Shiyuan Supreme and Chaos Supreme than surrender!

She knew that Tan Yun had always had a heart of integrity and kindness, and a heart of jealousy and hatred!

She knows her man, one day in the future, not only will his strength surpass the past when he conquered the heavens and worlds, but his personality and charm will also be able to capture all living beings!

"Master..." The Tianluo Dragon and Bear King, who was kicked flying, looked blankly at the human who saved him, and cried out like a child.

Only now does it realize that this human being, its master, is really protecting itself with his life!

At the same time, Tan Yun's right ear was touched by the kings of the seven great clans in the Linglong Holy Pagoda.

They know that in this life, following Tan Yun will be their greatest happiness and fortune!

Without the master's cultivation, I would still be trapped in the secret realm of Huangfu, where the sun is dark all day long!

They also know that if they are in danger, their master will also save themselves...

When all the girls were in grief, Tan Yun used all his strength to kick the feet of the real inferior, and collided fiercely with the phantom of the Qianzhang Immortal Palace!

"Bang—crack, click!"

Without any suspense, Tan Yun's right foot was hit and exploded by the phantom of the Immortal Palace, and then, the bones and flesh of his calf exploded and spread towards his lower abdomen!


Tan Yun, who had lost his arms, his facial features were extremely distorted due to the pain. He let out a roar, and his left foot suddenly kicked towards the ghost of the fairy palace, and kicked out again!

Because he knows that if he doesn't stop the phantom from the Immortal Palace from coming, he will die without a whole body!

"Jin Ni, Mu Xin, Qing Ying, Huo Wu, Xian Chen, Feng Xiang, Ji Mie, give it to me!"

At the same time, Tan Yun shouted loudly, and suddenly, the seven Hongmeng swords suspended in his mind rushed out from the center of Tan Yun's eyebrows at the same time, and violently stabbed at the phantom of the fairy palace!


As sparks splashed in all directions, the phantom of the Immortal Palace knocked away the seven divine swords in an instant, and hit Tan Yun's left foot!

"Crack, click!"

Blood splashed, flesh and blood flew across, and when Tan Yun's left foot shattered, Tan Yun shouted: "Tian Luo Long Xiong Wang, come here with the hammer!"

Almost at the same time, Shen Subing sternly said: "Sisters, get on Feijian!"

Ever since, the Tianluo Dragon and Bear King swung two black sledgehammers, pierced through the void of thousands of feet, and bombarded the phantom of the Qianzhang Immortal Palace!

"Boom!" The two giant hammers were blown away by the phantom of the Immortal Palace!


After the Seven Girls Flying Sword violently stabbed towards the Immortal Palace phantom, it was also knocked into the air. However, at this moment, the phantom of the fairy palace became more and more illusory, and its power dropped sharply. Therefore, the Seven Girls Flying Sword was not crushed by the phantom of the fairy palace!

Of course, no matter how powerful the Immortal Palace Phantom is, it cannot crush Nangong Yuqin's Great Desolation Sword!

With the assists of Tianluo Longxiongwang and Qinu, when Tan Yun's left leg was smashed as well as his right leg, the Immortal Palace phantom finally collapsed.

And Tan Yun, who lost his arms and legs, sprayed blood from his mouth and fell on the mountains!

The Seven Girls quickly swooped down towards Tan Yun!

At this time, Dongguo Kunlun, who had lost his left arm, stood in the air, his giant pupils revealing the meaning of self-importance, and said sharply:

"Tan Yun, and the little beauties of the Huangfu Sacred Sect! I have to say, your Huangfu Sacred Sect has really opened my eyes!"

"First of all, if it wasn't for the Palace Master of the Six Heavens Profound Palace, give this deputy Palace Master the Six Heavens Immortal Palace Talisman, otherwise it will be impossible to break through in ten or eight years, the gate of the Mysterious Realm of the Soul Realm!"

"Secondly, the deputy palace lord originally thought that as long as the door of the secret realm was broken, the more than 20 million disciples in the Shenshun secret realm could be exterminated, but the deputy palace lord never imagined that only a mere one million disciples would be killed! "

"Finally, Tan Yun, my deputy palace lord admits that he really underestimated you, but I didn't expect you to use your strength at the fifth level of the Ascension Realm to destroy one of my deputy palace lord's arm!"

After a pause, Dongguo Kunlun laughed wildly: "Although you have abolished more than 130 people in my Wuliang Yougong, so what?"

"Wahhahaha, you guys still lose in the end!"

"Tan Yun, the deputy palace lord will arrest you right now, and then..." Dong Guo Kunlun looked at the seventh daughter of Shen Subing, licked his lips with his tongue, with a lewd expression on his face, "Then, the deputy palace lord, in front of you, Enjoy your women!"

"After the deputy palace lord has had enough fun, I will send you to the Shangguan palace lord to receive the reward!"

After saying that, Dongguo Kunlun volleyed towards Seventh Girl!

Tan Yun, who had lost his limbs at the moment, glared at Dong Guo Kunlun, "Old bastard, we don't know who will win the battle, so don't be too happy!"

After finishing speaking, Tan Yun shouted: "Su Bing, you, Tian Luo Long Xiong Wang, and Yu Qin are the strongest, you three will attack him!"

"Xian'er, you secondary attackers, you must pay attention to safety, and delay as long as you can!"

"It's the master!" The Dragon and Bear King of Tianluo, Shen Subing, and Nangong Yuqin, each showing their magical powers, rushed towards Dongguo Kunlun...

Tan Yun, who was lying in a pool of blood, sacrificed the Linglong Holy Pagoda in a single thought, and sent a sound transmission to the bloodthirsty centipede king on the twelfth floor: "I want to enter to recover from my injuries, you send me to the twelfth floor first, and then go to the Cultivate within the fifth floor!"

"Your subordinates obey!" The bloodthirsty centipede king flew out of the twelfth floor, cruising around with his terrifying body, wrapped around Tan Yun, brought Tan Yun into the twelfth floor, and left.

Tan Yun was lying on the twelfth floor. In his mind, the tower door was closed with a loud bang. Immediately, the spiritual energy in the sky was as thick as fog, pouring into his eyebrows, restoring the lost spiritual power in the spiritual pool.

At the same time, Tan Yun was rapidly recovering from his injuries, taking one day inside the tower as eight months outside the tower.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Tan Yun, who was seriously injured, was breathing weakly and rapidly. His lost arms and legs were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The shattered ribs in his chest are also recovering like mushrooms after rain!

Tan Yun was anxious and thought to himself: "One day in the outside world, two hundred and forty days in the tower."

"One hour outside the tower, twenty days inside the tower. With my injury, I can recover in five days at most!"

"It also means that the outside world can take up to two moments before I can recover!"

Tan Yun immediately sent a voice transmission to the girls and Tianluo Longxiongwang: "You just need to hold on for two moments!"

After the sound transmission, while recovering from his injuries, Tan Yun covered the outside world with his spiritual consciousness to understand the battle situation!

Outside the tower, in the sky.

Dongguo Kunlun, who has lost his left arm, is in a frantic duel with the Tianluo Dragon Bear King and the Seven Girls!

Nangong Yuqin held the Great Desolation Sword in his hand and used the Great Desolation Sword Art. Immediately, thousands of feet of sword light filled with the prehistoric aura tore apart the clouds and shattered the void, and devoured towards Dongguo Kunlun!

"Give it to the Deputy Palace Master!"

Dongguo Kunlun waved his right palm, and immediately, a giant palm with a hundred feet of purple devilish energy slapped Nangong Yuqin fiercely after defeating Honghuang Jianmang!

Where the giant palm passed, the space rumbled and collapsed!

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