Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1116 Destroy Kunlun!

Chapter 1116: Defeat Kunlun!

"Ah... old legs!"

When the sound of Dongguo Kunlun's screams sounded, the power of the heavenly power in Tan Yun's body frantically rushed behind the ten fingers of his hands without flesh and blood. Tan Yun's hands turned into claws, and he waved his arms to grab Dongguo Kunlun's chest!

"You hurt my woman, I'm going to tear you alive!" Tan Yun's eyes were red, and he forgot the pain of a broken leg!

There was only one thought in his mind, and that was to tear the old man in front of him apart!

"Pu Chi Pu Chi!"

Dongguo Kunlun's chest, which was originally bloody and bloody, was caught in Tan Yun's claws, and blood shot out immediately, and flesh and blood flew down his chest!

"Go to hell!" Dongguo Kunlun endured the huge pain in his chest and soared into the sky. Just as he was about to take a breath, when he was about to clean up Tan Yun and the others, suddenly, the space distance in the Temple of Time and Space between the mountains behind him shook!


The next moment, a beautiful shadow shot up from the Hall of Time and Space, holding a sword and slashing at Dongguo Kunlun's neck!

This woman is none other than Tuoba Yingying who brought the Meteor Crystal of Time and Space in Huangfu's Secret Territory!

When Dongguo Kunlun wanted to dodge, his pupils shrank suddenly, but when he saw that the person who came was only at the fourth level of Ascension Realm, he said with disdain: "Good job! Since you are here, then go die!"


Dongguo Kunlun's figure flashed, and after dodging Tuoba Yingying's sword, he slapped Tuoba Yingying's chest with his palm!

"Bang!" With a sound, Tuoba Yingying's body was instantly torn apart!

"Vulnerable!" After Dong Guo Kunlun sneered, he looked down at Tan Yun below, and said sinisterly: "Old man..."

Suddenly, Dongguo Kunlun's voice stopped abruptly, and a scene that terrified him happened!

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Tuoba Yingying, who had been crushed by his palm, had actually reorganized and became intact, only her face was a little pale!

Dongguo Kunlun was shocked and panicked!

It was really hard for him to understand why the other party would not die after being killed by him!

"Kill!" Tuoba Yingying held the flying sword and slashed at Dongguo Kunlun's neck.


Although Dongguo Kunlun escaped the fatal blow, a deep wound was cut on the left side of his neck, and blood spurted out from the wound.


Immediately afterwards, Tuoba Yingying appeared behind Dongguo Kunlun in a flash, and slashed at the back of Dongguo Kunlun's neck with his sword!

The moment Dongguo Kunlun dodged the sword hastily, a gust of wind and heat waves rushed down from above his head, but it was Tan Yun who used the Primordial Fire Body, and his body soared to a size of three hundred feet, lifting the thirty-foot skeleton of his left foot , Guo Kunlun stomped on Dongdong!

Dongguo Kunlun knew that Tan Yun's bones were extremely hard, he didn't want to resist, but he didn't have time to escape, so he had to fight!

"I'll fight with you!" Dongguo Kunlun, who was twenty feet tall, punched the huge foot bone with his huge right fist!


"Ah... the hand of the old man!"

While Dongguo Kunlun screamed, his right fist was exploded by Tan Yunji!

Then, Tan Yun, who was as tall as a mountain, made a bone move with his right hand, and held Dongguo Kunlun tightly in his hand!


Tan Yun stepped into the air and stood with his right fist clenched tightly. The bones of Dongguo Kunlun's body creaked, as if they would burst at any moment.

As Tan Yun continued to exert strength, Dongguo Kunlun's eyes were bloodshot, his eye sockets bulged, and a drop of blood dripped from his eyes.

Immediately, blood flowed out of his ears, nose, and mouth, and his whole body was horrible!

"No...no..." Dongguo Kunlun panicked and begged, "Sect Master Tan, I'm wrong... Please don't kill me!"

"This old man really can't die... This old man has reached the Great Consummation of Ascension Realm, and is only half a step away from Ascension to Ascension... This old man swears, as long as you don't kill this old man, this old man will recognize you as master..."

Although Dong Guo Kunlun could guess that Tan Yun would not spare him, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

The reason why he begged for mercy was that, as he said, he was in the great consummation of the Ascension Realm, and his ascension seemed to be right in front of his eyes. Hard work will pay off!

Therefore, he begged for mercy!

Without waiting for Dongguo Kunlun to speak, Tan Yun roared: "You led your immeasurable Yougong Ascension Realm powerhouse, not only slaughtered millions of my disciples in the Mystic Soul Secret Realm, but also wanted to get my hands on Lao Tzu's woman!"

"Since I said that you will die badly, then you must die badly!"


Tan Yun's right hand suddenly exerted force, and after breaking Dongguo Kunlun's bones, he threw Dongguo Kunlun into the mountains.

Dongguo Kunlun's limp twenty-foot body quickly returned to its normal size, and also returned to its ninety-year-old appearance.

He lay powerlessly on the ground, kept nodding his head, and begged, "Sect Master Tan, please don't kill me... As long as you don't kill me, I really promise you everything..."

Tan Yun paid no attention to it, and when the volley landed beside Dongguo Kunlun, his three-hundred-foot body also turned into an ordinary height.

"Master, and Suzhen, go on!" At this moment, Tuoba Yingying waved her right arm, and Qiankunjie flew out two drops of life fluid.

Two drops of the liquid of life flew across the void and floated beside Tan Yun and Shen Suzhen respectively.

Tens of years ago, after Tan Yun brought the Tree of Life back from the Divine Soul Secret Realm, he handed it over to Tuoba Yingying to take care of it.

Later, Tuoba Yingying stored the liquid of life condensed on the tree of life.

Tuoba Yingying knew that the liquid of life should not be used on those who have suffered severe injuries. Otherwise, the liquid of life would not only be unable to help the wounded and restore the internal organs, but the internal organs would also be destroyed by the powerful breath of life from the liquid of life.

Therefore, Tuoba Yingying was only given to Tan Yun and Shen Suzhen who lost an arm!

Tan Yun and Shen Suzhen waved their hands at the liquid of life in front of them. Immediately, the liquid of life turned into two mist filled with strong breath of life, covering them.

Immediately, in just three breaths, Tan Yun grew a broken right leg bone, and flesh and blood grew out of his arms and legs, and his whole body became unscathed!

And the same is true for Shen Suzhen!

After Tan Yun recovered from his injuries, he kicked Dongguo Kunlun over with his left foot, raised his right foot and stepped on Dongguo Kunlun's crotch facing the sky!

"No, no..." Dongguo Kunlun, who took pleasure in sex, uttered a heart-piercing panic voice, "No!"

The three "no" characters interpreted his incomparable panic!

"The end of beating my woman, I will not only make you miserable, but also make you die!" At this moment, although Tan Yun is not a devil, he is more terrifying than a devil!

There was a burst of bubbles, but seeing Tan Yun stepping on it, he said coldly, "I'll let you suffer unspeakably!"

As soon as the words fell, Tan Yun turned his right hand and stabbed Dongguo Kunlun's mouth with his sword, smashing his teeth and tongue!

Thinking of the millions of disciples who died, and thinking of Dongguo Kunlun's words to humiliate his woman, Tan Yun said sharply: "It will be difficult for you to see again!"


After Tan Yun finished speaking, he swung his sword with his right hand and smashed Dongguo Kunlun's eyes!

Then, he kicked Dongguo Kunlun away and landed beside the more than 130 strong men in Wuliang Yougong!

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