Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1118 No way to fight back!

Chapter 1118 There is no power to fight back!

Tan Yun pondered for a while and said, "Let's go to the Eternal Secret Realm first!"

Then Tan Yun put away the Linglong Holy Pagoda, and entered the teleportation array leading to the eternal secret realm with all the girls and the Tianluo Dragon and Bear King.

Since the Divine Soul Secret Realm is relatively close to the Eternal Secret Realm, Tan Yun can reach the Eternal Secret Realm in half an hour!

Half an hour later, the Eternal Secret Realm.

Between the majestic mountains on the west side of the inner gate, there is a holy field called the eternal space-time holy field.

In the center of the eternal space-time sanctuary, there is a space-time temple.

At this time, there was a turmoil in the space in the Temple of Time and Space, and Tan Yun, the girls, and the Tianluo Dragon and Bear King came out of thin air.


Tan Yun immediately released his spiritual consciousness, like an invisible tide, rushing towards the secret gate of the eternal secret realm. When he found that the door of the secret realm was still intact amidst the sound of crashes, he was relieved!

Then, Tan Yun's spiritual consciousness covered the eternal secret realm with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and he found more than 20 million disciples in the mountains, forests, and rivers. His face was pale and trembling with fright.

Tan Yun found out that Long Aotian was below the exit of the gate of the secret realm, roaring at the gate of the secret realm:

"Old dogs of Wuliang Yougong, if you have the guts, break open the door of the secret realm, come in and kill this chief!"

"If you can't break it, you are all my grandsons, hahahaha!"

After Long Aotian insulted him, he sternly said: "Listen to my chief! Tan Yun, the lord of my holy sect, will definitely come and destroy you!"

Behind Long Aotian, more than 2,000 high-level officials also shouted and cursed.

After Tan Yun heard this, he waved his right arm, and suddenly, there was a ripple in the void above the door of the secret realm, and a sound-proof barrier was arranged.

"Huh?" Long Aotian, who was scolding vigorously under the gate of the secret realm, was stunned, "Who arranged the sound-proof barrier?"

"It's not us!" All the high-level officials responded one after another.

Just when Long Aotian and all the high-level officials were confused, suddenly, a familiar voice resounded through the entire secret realm, reaching everyone's ears:

"The higher-ups and disciples of the Eternal Secret Realm don't panic, the suzerain is here!"

Tan Yun's sentence, "The suzerain is here!" seemed to be filled with endless magic power, dispelling the panic in the hearts of the disciples hiding in various places in the secret realm, and calming down their messy thoughts!

The sentence "The suzerain is here!" made Long Aotian and even more than 2,000 high-level officials and disciples ecstatic!

"Great, the suzerain is here!"

"The suzerain has come to our eternal secret realm!"


Immediately afterwards, the disciple hiding in the lake flew ashore and knelt down facing the sky.

The disciples hiding in the bushes, as well as the disciples hiding in various places, knelt down and kowtowed excitedly. The sound of the tide swallowed the eternal mystery:

"The disciple pays homage to the suzerain!"

"The disciple pays homage to the suzerain..."

After a while, Tan Yun rang again without a doubt, "Don't be afraid, don't panic, and don't need to hide, everything has my suzerain!"

"You can practice with peace of mind, and do what you have to do. As for the enemies outside the secret realm, the suzerain will capture them all alive!"

After Tan Yun finished speaking, the deafening voice of more than 20 million disciples lingered in the Eternal Secret Realm for a long time, "Disciple obeys!"

When the voice fell, Tan Yun, the girls, and the Tianluo Dragon and Bear King came out out of thin air from under the exit of the gate of the secret realm.

Facing Tan Yun and the girls, more than 2,000 high-level officials including Long Aotian knelt down and shouted: "This subordinate has met the suzerain, the deputy suzerain, and the suzerain's wives!"

"Yes." Tan Yun waved his hand and said, "Excuse me."

"Thank you, Sect Master!" All the high-level officials stood up respectfully.

Tan Yun said: "You all go and perform your duties, this place is handed over to the suzerain."

"Subordinates obey, suzerain, please pay more attention to safety!" After all the high-level leaders took the order and left one after another, Tan Yun waved his right arm, and the sound-proof barrier covering the gate of the secret realm disappeared.

Immediately, voices that could not be refuted came into the secret realm from outside the gate of the secret realm:

"Listen to the high-ranking officials of the Huangfu Sacred Sect, this old man will only say once, whoever opens the door to the secret realm and lets us in, then this old man will not kill anyone!"

"If you are obsessed with obsession and no one opens the door of the secret realm, when you lead us to break through the gate of the secret realm, blood will flow into rivers in the eternal secret realm, and no chicken or dog will be left behind!"

Hearing this, Tan Yun's eyes revealed a monstrous murderous intent. He released his spiritual consciousness and rushed out of the gate of the secret realm, covering the majestic peaks of thousands of miles outside the eternal secret. One hundred and ninety-eight places, powerful in the Ascension Realm!

All of them are old women and elderly people over sixty years old.

Among them, three were from the ninth level of the Ascension Realm, twenty-eight were from the eighth level of the Ascension Realm, and the rest were experts from the fourth to seventh levels of the Ascension Realm.

Tan Yun snorted coldly with disdain, and then sent a voice transmission to the girls and the Tianluo Dragon and Bear King: "Everything is abolished to keep alive!"

Tan Yun's voice transmission fell, and at this time, another old voice came from outside the gate of the secret realm, "The old man counts to three, if the gate of the secret realm has not been opened, you will bear the consequences!"

At this moment, outside the gate of the secret realm, an old man at the ninth level of the Ascension Realm stood in the air, with deep hatred in his cloudy eyes, and said in a deep voice: "One!"

After saying that, seeing that the door of the secret realm hadn't been opened, the old man's expression turned ugly, and his voice became a little colder, "Two!"

After saying that, the door to the secret realm was still not opened, he was burning with anger, and when he was about to shout "three", suddenly, he laughed!

And the strong men behind him couldn't help but smile.


It was the door of the secret realm that I and others could not break through for a long time, and it slowly opened with a roaring sound!

"Hahahaha, that's more or less the same!" The ninth-level Ascension Realm old man gave a long laugh, then suddenly smiled ferociously, and said sharply to the strong men behind him, "Kill everyone in the Eternal Secret Territory!"

"Kill!" The old man took the lead to shuttle through the cloud-shrouded void, and flew towards the gate of the secret realm!

"Let's go together! After entering, slaughter all the ants!" The rest of the powers clamored and were about to leave, and when they rushed to the gate of the secret realm, their expressions suddenly changed!

In the eyes of everyone, I saw the old man who was the first to rush towards the gate of the secret realm. The moment he flew into the huge gate of the secret realm, I saw a handsome young man in purple robes, with his hair dancing, suddenly came from the gate of the secret realm. Fly out of the door!

Immediately afterwards, the purple-robed youth stretched out his left hand and grabbed the old man's neck, causing the old man's feet to hang in the air!

The strong men looked at the young man in purple robe and exclaimed in shock, "It's Tan Yun!"

"He is Tan Yun, the suzerain of Huangfu Shengzong!"

"He is only at the fifth level of the Ascension Realm, and our Commander Liu is at the ninth level of the Ascension Realm! Why, Commander Liu was easily captured alive by him!"

Just when the great powers were panicking, Liu Yi, who was strangled by Tan Yun, was even more blank in his mind!

Why is it that the orthodox leader of his majestic and immeasurable palace has no power to fight back in front of Tan Yun!

"Kacha - thorn!"

"Oh no……"

Tan Yun pinched Liu Yi with his left hand, held his left hand with his right hand, twisted off his left arm, and tore it off bloody!


Tan Yun was expressionless, and after throwing the severed arm into the void with his right hand, he slapped Liu Yi's chest with his palm.

Tan Yun threw the dying Liu Yi back who was spouting blood, and said coldly, "Yingying, seal his spirit pool and lock him up!"

"Others, follow me to destroy all the remaining old things!"

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