Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1120 Severe Punishment!

Chapter 1120 Severe punishment without mercy!

The reason for returning to the Divine Soul Secret Realm is because there is no teleportation array leading to the Murong Secret Realm in the Eternal Secret Realm!

Tan Yun and others can only return to the Mystic Soul Realm first, and then pass through the space-time tunnel to reach the Murong Mystic Realm...

An hour and a half later.

In the vast, fairyland-like Murong Secret Territory, in a quaint hall suspended from the sky, Murong Shishi, the patriarch of the Murong clan, sits on the patriarch's seat.

Now Murong Shishi has reached the third level of the Ascension Realm!

She closed her beautiful eyes and remained silent.

At this moment, there are more than 500 strong men in the God Realm standing in the main hall, among them 60 are the elders of the Murong clan. The rest is before, the soul secret realm escaped to the upper level of the Murong secret realm!

Outside the main hall, there are more than 600 senior officials of Huangfu Shengzong who are below the realm of God's Realm in the Mystic Soul Realm floating in the air.

At this moment, among the thousands of high-ranking officials in the Divine Soul Secret Realm, those who were selected from the previous disciples of the Divine Soul Immortal Palace and the Eternal Immortal Sect were staring at Murong Shishi intently, with the appearance of forcing the palace:

"Patriarch Murong, since you Murong clan have many teleportation arrays that escaped from the gate of the secret realm, what are you waiting for? Let us escape from the gate of the secret realm!"

"Yeah! Patriarch Murong, please think about it, the gate of the secret realm of your Murong clan is exactly the same as the gate of the secret realm of the Soul Secret Realm. Since the powerhouse of the Infinite Nether Palace can smash the secret realm gate of the Soul Secret Realm, it can also smash the secret realm gate of the Soul Secret Realm. Break through the gate of the secret realm of your Murong clan!"

"That's right! Patriarch Murong, quickly open the teleportation array and let us escape!"


Hearing this, Murong Shishi remained silent. From her standpoint, she is the master of the suzerain's fiancée Shiyao, that's right, but her Murong clan is a subsidiary force of Huangfu Shengzong after all, so she resisted the urge to kill this group of people who are greedy for life and fear of death , And chose silence!

At this time, Murong Ruping, the Great Elder of the Murong Clan who took office later, glared at the high-level officials in the Mystic Soul Realm, and scolded: "A group of shameless people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. The teleportation array outside!"

"Also, you have heard clearly, these teleportation arrays were built in ancient times when our Murong clan was the overlord of the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range. They are extremely hidden. Except for the suzerain's order, no one can know the exact location of these teleportation arrays!"

"Otherwise, if someone with ulterior motives among you finds out about it and uses it, that's fine..."

Without waiting for the words of the elders of the Murong clan, suddenly, a chief of the ancient soul lineage of the Divine Soul Secret Realm and the Divine Realm Realm: Ye Fuchen, with fierce eyes, his figure flashed, and a slap was slapped on Murong Ruping's face, roaring: :

"Presumptuous! To put it bluntly, you Murong clan are just subordinates of my Huangfu Sacred Sect and the dog of my Huangfu Sacred Sect, so you are also my dog!"

"What? You want to bite your master now, don't you?"

At this time, all the high-ranking members of the Divine Soul Secret Realm in the hall also pointed coldly at Qianfu, Murong Ruping!

Murong Ruping was slapped across the face. He and the other fifty-nine elders of the Murong clan were completely enraged. Just as they were burning with anger, Murong Shishi, who was originally silent, suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, Liying disappeared from the position of patriarch in a flash!

Immediately afterwards, blood flashed, and Ye Fuchen slapped Murong Ruping's right hand, and it was cut off!

In the next moment, Murong Shishi's beautiful shadow flashed, and she appeared on the position of patriarch again.

"Ah..." Ye Fuchen screamed, glared at Murong Shishi and roared: "Murong Shishi, even if you are a great power in the Ascension Realm, you can't change the fact that it is my Huangfu Shengzong dog!"

"Don't forget your identity, you are just a subordinate of my Huangfu Sacred Sect, and I am the chief of the ancient soul lineage in the Mystic Soul Realm, how dare you hurt me!"

Hearing this, Murong Shishi's beautiful eyes exuded a cold murderous intent, her vermilion lips parted slightly, and said coldly: "You curse again, believe it or not, the patriarch will kill you now!"

"Kill this chief?" Ye Fuchen roared angrily: "You subordinate patriarch, do you want to rebel? You have the guts to kill me!"

At this time, more than 400 high-ranking officials of the Mystical Soul Realm in the palace shouted angrily: "Murong Shishi, Chief Ye is right, all of you Murong clan are dogs of my Huangfu Shengzong!"

"You have the ability to kill us all!"

"That's right, you only have two choices now, either kill us, or listen to our orders and open the teleportation array leading to Murong's secret border!"

As for the more than 600 high-level officials in the Mystic Soul Realm outside the hall, they remained silent.

After hearing this, Murong Shishi was so angry that her tender body trembled violently. Although she knew that most of the high-ranking members of Huangfu Shengzong in the secret realm of the soul, most of them showed fear of death when Huangfu Shengzong was in danger, she had to admit that although she You are the patriarch of a clan, but according to the rules of the Heavenly Punishment Continent since ancient times, his status is much lower than these high-level officials of the Huangfu Sect!

She knew that these people could not be killed, otherwise, if Tan Yun was angered, what would the members of her Murong clan do?


Murong Shishi, who was extremely upright and obeyed the rules, spat out a mouthful of blood in anger!

Seeing this scene, Ye Fuchen and the high-level people in the Mystic Soul Realm became more and more unscrupulous!

"Murong Shishi, you cut me off, now you have to kill yourself, and then..." Before Ye Fuchen finished speaking, a male voice full of endless murderous intent sounded from outside the hall: "Then what?"

"Then kneel down to the chief!" After Ye Fuchen blurted out, he found that the voice was familiar. He seemed to know who the owner of the voice was, and suddenly, he trembled with fright!

The same is true for other high-ranking members of the Divine Soul Secret Realm!

"Master!" The next moment, Zhong Wu Shiyao flew into the ancient hall first, and supported Murong Shishi who was trembling violently with anger.

"Shiyao, don't worry that I'm fine." Murong Shishi looked aggrieved.

But at this moment, the high-level officials who had called Murong Shishi a dog, suddenly turned pale with fright, and most of them sat down on the ground!

They naturally know that Zhong Wu Shiyao is Tan Yun's fiancée, but they don't know that her master is Murong Shishi!

Immediately, when the space in the hall was like water ripples, Tan Yun, dressed in a purple robe, came out of nowhere in front of Ye Fuchen.

"The subordinates kowtow to the suzerain!" Ye Fuchen kowtowed to Tan Yun.

Tan Yun didn't even look at Ye Fuchen. He scanned the hall in great disappointment. There were more than 400 senior officials in the God Realm, and said in a deep voice, "What is the first rule that the suzerain made when he ruled the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range?" ?”

"Who will tell you about this rule?"

Hearing this, more than 400 high-level officials were so frightened that they seemed to think of something, and their faces suddenly turned from white to gray!

Face ashen!

When more than 400 high-level people were trembling, Tan Yun looked at the 600-odd high-level people standing in the air outside the hall, and said coldly: "Which one of you will tell me!"

At this time, a high-ranking woman from Xiaojiabiyu knelt down in the air and said truthfully: "Reporting to the suzerain, the first rule is that our Huangfu Sacred Sect must treat each other with respect, regardless of whether it is affiliated or other forces that have been conquered and included in the Huangfu Sacred Sect. Otherwise... you will be punished severely."

"Well, someone still remembers." After Tan Yun finished speaking, he glared at the four hundred high-level people in the hall, and said sharply, "And you? How dare you treat the Murong clan as dogs!"

"Now, the suzerain tells you that the so-called severe punishment is to execute everyone!"

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