Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1123: Heaven Killing Demon Ape VS Palace Master Xuanyuan!

Chapter 1123: Heaven Killing Demon Ape VS Xuanyuan Palace Master!

"It's the palace lord!" After all the powers of the Ascension Realm respectfully accepted their orders, they slammed into the gate of the secret realm frantically again!

The next moment, a light curtain erupted from the gate of the secret realm, and when all the great powers couldn't help being stunned, the gate of the secret realm opened with a "boom"!

"Get the hell out of here!"

With a roar that shook the sky, the nine-hundred-foot-tall Sky Slaughter Demon Ape, with black magic power surging in his body, and holding a thousand-foot-long black stick, rushed out from the gate of the secret realm!

"Bang bang bang—"

With a random wave of its giant stick, it hit the bodies of twelve Ascension Realm powers. Immediately, the blood mist filled the air, and eight of them fell into the void like dead pigs after their chests exploded and their internal organs were severely injured!


At this moment, Xuanyuan Feixu on the Jade Tower stood up suddenly, with a look of deep shock in his cloudy eyes, and said sharply: "Everyone listens to the order to back off, this demon ape is a tenth-order adult!"

"My lord is here to deal with this evil animal. You quickly bypass it, let me enter Huangfu's secret realm, capture Tan Yun alive, and wash Huangfu's holy sect with blood!"

Before the words fell, Xuanyuan Feixu suddenly surged out of his body, rolling the power of time and heaven, and the power of space and heaven!

Immediately afterwards, the two powers of heaven from around his body turned into the power of time, space and heaven!

"Space-time Immortal Sword—Sacrifice!"

In a single thought, a broad sword with dual attributes of time and space flew out of Xuanyuan Feixu's mouth. With the flying sword in his hand, under the blessing of the power of time, space and heaven, his speed was extremely fast, as if ignoring the distance of time and space , instantly appeared in the sky above the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape, and swung his sword downwards!


Immediately, the moment a crystalline sword light, only a thousand feet in size, cut off the head of the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape from the flying sword, the aura emanating from that sword light caused the void with a radius of 50,000 li to collapse one after another!

After Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape sensed the aura emanating from that ray of sword light, a deep solemn look appeared in its giant pupils.


When there was an ape whistle that contained high fighting spirit, the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape waved a black giant stick, soaring into the sky, and bombarded the thousand-foot sword light that was smashing down with force!


Amidst the deafening bang, Xuanyuan Feixu's pupils shrank, and a look of shock burst out, but seeing his thousand-foot sword glow collapsed under the blow of the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape!

"It's so strong!" Xuanyuan Feixu's heart was shocked, he didn't expect that the sword with 90% of his strength would be broken by the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape.

But then he breathed a sigh of relief again, because he saw that the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, although he had crushed his own sword light with a stick, the giant palm holding the stick tightly was covered in blood and blood was gurgling!

"Master, this old thing is quite powerful, don't come and help me after you come out!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely hit him hard!"

After the sound transmission of the Skykilling Demon Ape, Ling Kong and Xuanyuan Feixu fought fiercely without reservation!

One man and one beast fought from the sky above the mountains, to the mountains and forests, and from the ground to the sky above the vast sea of ​​clouds...

At this moment, among the many remaining Ascension Realm powerhouses, the leader is the Deputy Commander of Wuliang Yougong, with a fierce look in his eyes and said:

"Everyone, the Huangfu Sacred Sect is vulnerable except for that demon ape. Let me follow the deputy commander into Huangfu's secret realm and kill him to turn the world upside down!"


The deputy commander held a big purple sword and was the first to kill the gate of the secret realm!

The remaining great powers sacrificed all kinds of magic weapons one after another, and their bodies shot towards the gate of the secret realm like arrows with whistling sound.

"Just in time!"

Without waiting for everyone to fly into the gate of the secret realm, Tan Yun sneered, holding the Hongmeng Killing God Sword, flew out of the gate of the secret realm, brought a sword light, and instantly chopped off the right hand of the deputy commander holding the knife!

"Ah! The hand of the old man!" As the deputy commander screamed, Tan Yun spun his body like a lion, crushing the deputy commander's chest with his left foot, and then killed other flying enemies!

And the commander's mouth kept gushing blood, and his body fell towards the mountains below!

At this time, all the strong men who had been fighting towards the gate of the secret realm saw that the deputy commander of the ninth level of the Ascension Realm was seriously injured by Tan Yun, and they were terrified!

But what made them even more terrified was that because Tan Yun was as fast as lightning and as fierce as thunder, they couldn't catch Tan Yun's moving trajectory at all!

All the great powers stopped flying immediately, they were all nervous, and their nerves tensed up. They looked around the void carefully, but they still couldn't see Tan Yun!

"Where's that little bastard Tan Yun..." At this moment, an old woman at the eighth level of Ascension Realm opened her mouth, and Tan Yun came out of nowhere beside her with a sword. The tip of the sword pierced his chest with blood.

"Pfft!" The old woman rolled her eyes and fell into the void.

"Palace Master, Tan Yun is too powerful, what should I do!"

"Yes, Palace Master..."

All the great powers shouted to Xuanyuan Feixu, who was fighting the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape in the sky.

Xuanyuan Feixu heard the words, looked down at Tan Yun, and said angrily: "A bunch of useless things, Tan Yun is only at the fifth level of the Ascension Realm, what are you afraid of? Give it to the Palace Master!"

As soon as Xuanyuan Feixu finished speaking, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood at the scene that followed.

Because he found that Tan Yun was holding a flying sword, flickering frequently in the void, and every time it flickered, one of his subordinates fell from the void like a dead pig with missing arms and legs, spouting blood.

In an instant, there were more than 200 subordinates, and only 50 people remained uninjured.

Xuanyuan Feixu roared: "You all run for your lives! As for the devil ape and Tan Yun, my Palace Master will deal with it!"

After the roar, Xuanyuan Feixu wanted to give up entanglement with the Sky Slayer Demon Ape and capture Tan Yun alive.

But under the attack of the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape, he couldn't escape at all.

The more than fifty powerful figures in the void below the sea of ​​clouds dispersed and flew towards the sky in all directions after receiving the palace master's permission to escape and protect themselves.

"Come on, sisters!"

Shen Subing led the girls, their hair fluttering, flew out of the gate of the secret realm, and together with Tan Yun, chased after more than 50 powers...

In the next moment, there were endless sounds in the sky, and the terrified cries of help from Xuanyuan Feixu from the immeasurable Yougong powerhouses.

When the cry for help became silent, more than 50 mighty members of the Immeasurable You Palace were all severely injured.

And Tuoba Yingying has also imprisoned more than 200 seriously injured enemies in the holy tower.

Only Xuanyuan Feixu was still fighting fiercely with the Sky Slaughter Demon Ape!

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The girls, Tan Yun and Shen Subing, climbed up the blue clouds and stood in the sky in the vast sea of ​​clouds. Observing through their spiritual consciousness, they have reached a man and a beast fighting fiercely a million miles away.

Tan Yun said to the girls: "The strength of the old ape is much stronger than ours. It will not be able to defeat this person for a while. Not only will we not be able to help in the past, but it will be dangerous."

"We just watched from a distance, waiting for the opportunity to make a move!"

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