Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1140 Infatuated love!

Chapter 1140 Infatuated love!

As soon as these words came out, Tan Yun was taken aback. Could it be that Shiyao is Si Hong Shengtian's daughter?

And Si Hong Sheng Yuan is Shi Yao's uncle!

Si Hongyuan is Shi Yao's grandfather!

At this moment, not only Tan Yun thought this way, Su Bing, Yuqin, Mengyu, Xian'er, including Zhongwu Shiyao also couldn't help thinking this way.

On the other hand, Si Hongyuan stared at Zhong Wu Shiyao, his old body trembled violently, and the way he looked at Zhong Wu Shiyao became more kind than ever.

He is old, but not stupid. He guessed that Shi Yao in front of him was most likely his own granddaughter!

Restraining the excitement in his heart, Si Hongyuan tremblingly said: "Madam Suzerain, where did your jade pendant come from?"

Zhong Wu Shiyao's eyes were full of loneliness, and she said truthfully: "I am an abandoned baby. I was abandoned in the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range. Later, my adoptive parents picked me up from the wolf's den and brought me up."

"My adoptive parents told me that this jade pendant was hung around my neck when they picked me up."

"My adoptive father saw Zhongwu's surname engraved on the jade pendant, so he named me Zhongwu Shiyao."

Hearing this, Si Hongyuan asked: "Madam Suzerain, how old are you this year?"

"My actual age is one hundred and five years old." After Zhong Wu Shiyao finished speaking, before Si Hongyuan could speak, Si Hong Shengyuan was shocked and excited: "According to the time calculation, Madam Suzerain, you may be my niece !"

Zhong Wu Shiyao bit her lower lip with her white teeth, and said softly: "Is this jade pendant really carved by the noble second young master?"

"Yes... yes!" Si Hong Shengyuan rubbed his hands excitedly, and said: "Sovereign, and Madam, my subordinates will take you to meet my second brother and let him confirm the origin of the Blood Phoenix Immortal Jade. okay?"

Zhong Wu Shiyao's head was a little confused at the moment, she looked at Tan Yun and cast a questioning look.

Tan Yun stepped forward and took Zhong Wu Shiyao's hand, looked at Si Hong Shengyuan, and said, "Okay, I'm sorry."

Afterwards, Si Hongyuan, Tan Yun, and the five girls followed Sihong Shengyuan and flew out of Sihong's secret realm...

In the eastern mountains of Sihong's secret realm, there is a mountain lake.

The lake is sparkling, thousands of flowers are blooming on the bank, and willows are drooping in the breeze. The whole scenery is like a paradise.

At the same time, it is also the holy place in Sihong Shengtian's heart, and it is his sustenance.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a brocade robe stopped by the lake with a confused expression, muttering to himself: "The breeze is still there, the flowers are blooming, and the water is clear, but you are not by my side."

"Wan'er, you said a hundred years ago, let me wait for you here, let me wait forever, you... how long will it be before you come?"

A middle-aged man in a brocade robe, with deep love in his eyes.

At the beginning, Zhong Wuwan asked him to wait for her at the place where she first met, and she said that she would definitely come back.

However, a hundred years have passed, and she still hasn't come!

He just waited foolishly like that, never leaving this place for a hundred years, he was deeply afraid that after he left, she would be sad and disappointed if she didn't see him when she came.

He also thought about letting his father lead people to forcibly attack Zhongwu's family and snatch her out.

But he never did this, because he knew that she loved her deeply and loved her family very much.

If I let my family attack Zhongwu's family, it will definitely break her heart.

Of course, he also knows that the Zhongwu family is evenly matched with his own family, and he can't ignore the family's survival for the sake of his children's personal relationship.

He always firmly believed that since she made him wait here forever, then she would definitely come and reunite with him.

The love has deepened into infatuation, and he, who is infatuated, is willing to give up everything for her, and even give up the position of young master that originally belonged to him, and give it to the eldest brother!

In the world, he can give up everything except her.

"Second brother! Someone wants to see you!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came to his ears, which interrupted Sihong Shengtian's thoughts. After feeling a gust of wind behind him, he turned around slowly.

The moment he saw Zhong Wu Shiyao, his originally dead eyes suddenly released vitality, "Wan'er, you are finally here..."

After a pause, Si Hong Shengtian shook his head, "You are not Wan'er, what are you doing here!"

Immediately, Sihong Shengtian looked at Sihong Shengyuan coldly, "Brother, how many times have I told you, don't bring any strangers here again, why do you still bring outsiders here!"

"Tian'er, she shouldn't be an outsider!" Si Hongyuan looked at Si Hongsheng with distress and said, "Son! This is Huangfu Sect Master Tan Yun, and these five are Tan Sect Master's fiancées."

Si Hongyuan looked at Zhongwu Shiyao, and said: "Tian'er, she has a token in her hand, and your elder brother said it was from you, so I came to you to confirm it for my father."

At this time, Tan Yun's pupils shrank slightly, and he found that Shi Yao looked a little like Si Hong Shengtian.

Tan Yun is almost certain that this is his father-in-law, Shi Yao's biological father!

At this time, Zhong Wu Shiyao took off the jade pendant from her neck and came to Si Hongyuan, before she could speak, Si Hong Shengtian's eyes lit up!

He tremblingly took the jade pendant from Zhong Wu Shiyao's hand, his eyes were full of panic, "I gave the Blood Phoenix Jade Pendant to Wan'er, how could it be in your hands!"

"Wan'er said she would wear it all the time... Could it be that she...she is no longer alive..."

Before he finished speaking, Sihong Shengtian spurted three mouthfuls of blood in a row, and then fell down behind him!

"Are you okay?" Zhong Wu Shiyao panicked, and when she stepped forward to support Si Hong Shengtian, she was already unconscious.

Tan Yun took a step forward, checked his body, and comforted him: "Shiyao, don't worry, he's just sad and will wake up in a while."

"En." While Zhongwu Shiyao was speaking, Sihong Shengyuan came to Zhongwu Shiyao, took Sihong Shengtian Empress from her arms, and said: "Madam Suzerain, I dare you, please come with me." Second brother, try to recognize your relatives with a drop of blood!"

Zhong Wu Shiyao bit her red lips and nodded her head.

Afterwards, Tan Yun took a drop from the blood that Si Hong Shengtian had just spurted out, and it dropped into the lake water.

"Shiyao, let's start." Tan Yun looked at Zhongwu Shiyao who came to the lake, and said softly.

"En." Zhong Wushiyao flipped her hand, and a flying sword came out of the air, the sharp blade cut through the fingertip of the index finger, and the blood slowly overflowed.


After a drop of blood dripped from Shi Yao's fingertip into the lake water, her blood and Sihong Shengtian's blood began to fuse at a speed visible to the naked eye!

After three breaths, they were completely fused together!

"Granddaughter... old granddaughter!" Si Hongyuan burst into tears, and walked toward Zhong Wu Shiyao, trembling and staggering.

"Grand...Grand..." After Zhong Wu Shiyao tried to call out these two words, tears blurred her vision, she knelt down in front of Si Hongyuan slowly, choked up and said, "Granddaughter Shiyao, have you met Grandpa... "

"Good boy, get up!" After Si Hongyuan wept with joy, Zhong Wu Shiyao supported Zhong Wu Shiyao, and Zhong Wu Shiyao bowed to Si Hong Shengyuan and said, "My niece has seen uncle."

"Okay, okay, it turns out that the second brother has a queen, and this is great news for our Sihong family!" Sihong Shengyuan said excitedly incoherently, and kept saying yes.

First of all, he is sincerely excited that his second brother has descendants.


He knows that Zhong Wu Shiyao's identity is the fiancée of the current Suzerain of Huangfu Shengzong!

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