Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1152 Escape from the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range!

Chapter 1152 Escape from the Heavenly Punishment Mountains!

After saying that, Tan Yun used the telephoto camera to place the dying Nie Rou firmly among the mountains.

"Okay!" Holding the sword, Shen Subing came to the sky above a peak, and after digging to get rocks, she flew into the Huangfu secret realm with a huge boulder thousands of feet high.

Tan Yun and others followed closely.

After entering the secret realm, Tan Yun, who lost a leg and was seriously injured, immediately sacrificed a thousand flying swords, quickly carved a pattern on the boulder, and began to arrange a defensive formation of twelve dragons and double tripods!

Sweat dripped from Tan Yun's forehead unstoppably, and the girls at the side looked at his man distressedly, a layer of mist appeared in his beautiful eyes...

At the same time, Shangguan Ya turned into a beam of light and shot towards Huangfu's secret realm at top speed.

It was as if a demon was roaring in her heart, "Xue Ziyan, you hurt my daughter's limbs, Tan Yun, you seriously hurt my daughter!"

"My palace lord swears that I will smash your corpses into thousands of pieces!"

When Shangguan Ya was flying towards Huangfu's secret realm, the twenty elders of Ascension Realm from Liutian Xuan Palace who had fled before also started flying towards Huangfu's secret realm...

In the blink of an eye, when two hours were approaching, Shangguanya had already appeared three million miles away from Huangfu Mi!

In the secret territory, Tan Yun manipulated the flying sword with thousands of handles, and was drenched in sweat. At this time, the defensive formation that had been deployed had come to an end!

"Tan Yun, if you treat my daughter like this, I want to kill you, and want to wash Huangfu Shengzong with blood, so that Huangfu Shengzong will not be left behind!"

A moment later, Shangguan Yana's voice of overwhelming hatred came to Tan Yun's ears.

At this moment, the girls couldn't help feeling anxious, because they found that Shangguanya was half a million miles away!

"Don't worry, the timing is just right!" After Tan Yun comforted the girls, in a single thought, "咻咻咻——" Thousands of flying swords poured into his Qiankun Ring!

Withdrawing the sword means that the defensive array of twelve dragons and double tripods has been successfully deployed!


On the gate of the secret realm, twelve giant dragons formed by winding formations seemed to come alive, and began to slowly swim around the two giant tripods in the center of the gate of the secret realm!



Suddenly, the gate of the secret realm vibrated violently, causing eardrums to hurt.

It was Shangguan Ya who sacrificed a ten-foot giant talisman and began to attack the gate of the secret realm frantically.

The giant talisman was as red as blood, and a blood-colored ax on the talisman exuded a majestic and mighty aura, causing the surrounding space to tremble and shatter!

The blood talisman was suspended outside the gate of the secret realm, and the ax on the talisman suddenly turned into a blood shadow of a huge ax of hundreds of meters, slashing and slashing at the gate of the secret realm incessantly!

Every time it was bombarded, the hearts of Tan Yun and the girls trembled!

"Not good, this talisman is a medium-grade fairy talisman that focuses on attacking. With the power of this talisman, the gate of the secret realm will be smashed to pieces in at most an hour and a half!"

Tan Yun looked at the girls solemnly, and said, "Hurry up, let's go through the space-time tunnel to Zhongnan Fairy Mountain and meet up with the disciples!"

Tan Yun could see the power of this talisman at a glance. Of course, he knew that Shangguan Ya didn't use this talisman to attack him because although this talisman was extremely destructive, its speed was not satisfactory. It can also be easily dodged!

"Okay!" Shen Subing looked at Tan Yun distressedly, and urged: "You quickly enter the Linglong Holy Pagoda to recover from your injuries!"

"En." Tan Yun sacrificed the Linglong Holy Pagoda, allowing the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, who had recovered half of his injuries, to enter the first floor from the twelfth floor and recover slowly, while he entered the twelfth floor.

When Shen Subing waved her hand, the Linglong Holy Pagoda rose into the sky, turned into a beam of light, and penetrated into her cuff.

"Sister Shen..." At this time, Tantai Xian'er's eyes were blurred with tears, "Are we leaving the Huangfu Secret Realm like this?"

If anyone is the most reluctant to escape from Huangfu's secret realm, it must be Tantai Xian'er.

Because she grew up in Huangfu Secret Realm since she was a child, she is now worried that after Shangguanya breaks through the gate of the secret realm, seeing no one in Huangfu Secret Realm, she will vent her anger and destroy the various buildings of the sect in Huangfu Secret Realm!

"Sister Xian'er, sister knows that you don't want to give up." Shen Subing took a step forward, hugged Tantai Xian'er in his arms and comforted him: "In life, one has to learn to choose, because only by giving up can one gain, understand?"

"Well, I understand all this, I just don't want to part with it." Tantai Xian'er smiled through tears, pretending to be relaxed, "Sister Shen, for Xian'er, this is Xian'er's home."

"But it doesn't matter, the house will be rebuilt after it is destroyed!"

"Let's go!"

Afterwards, Shen Subing and his daughters entered the Hall of Time and Space, and opened the time-space tunnel leading to Zhongnan Fairy Mountain with 360 top-grade spirit stones...

At this time, outside Huangfu's secret realm, Shangguanya controlled the talisman and bombarded the gate of the secret realm, while flying down among the mountains, holding his daughter who had lost all limbs and was seriously injured, crying until the sky was dark!

"Daughter, don't be afraid, mother will save you!" Shangguan Ya took out three bottles of pills from the Qiankun ring with pear blossoms on his face, and gave one to Nie Rou each.

With a wave of her right arm, Nie Rou's severed limbs were immediately frozen.

Afterwards, Shangguan Ya ordered to the two elders at the eighth level of Ascension Realm: "You immediately escort the young palace master back to Liutianxuan Palace, and let my husband heal Rou'er!"

"I want to stay here, break through the gate of the secret realm, and raze Huangfu Shengzong to the ground!"

After the two elders took the order, they immediately took Nie Rou, who was in a coma, and flew out of the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range...

An hour later, Shen Subing and others passed through the space-time tunnel and arrived at the peak of Zhongnan Xianshan.

At this moment, Tan Yun's parents, grandfather, Su Yu, Tantai Yu, Tantai Long and others finally breathed a sigh of relief!

Today, Tan Yun, the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, the Golden Dragon God Lion, and the Tianluo Dragon Bear King have recovered from their injuries.

Only Mo'er, who was the most injured, was still recovering from his injuries in the holy tower.

After Tan Yun told everyone not to worry about him, he immediately smashed the teleportation array leading to Huangfu's secret realm.

Tan Yun knew that in this way, after Shangguanya broke through the gate of the secret realm, he would not be able to reach Zhongnan Xianshan through the space-time tunnel!


Tan Yun soared into the sky, and stood proudly on the peak of Zhongnan Xianshan Mountain. Covered by spiritual consciousness, there were more than 40 million disciples scattered on the 18 fairy islands around Zhongnan Xianshan Mountain. He said in a deep voice: "I am Suzerain Tan cloud!"

All the disciples, who were still in shock, knelt down one after another, looked up at the towering Zhongnan Xianshan, and shouted: "Disciples pay homage to the suzerain!"

"Exemption!" Tan Yun's leisurely voice reached the ears of all the disciples.

"It's the suzerain!" After all the disciples got up, Tan Yun's resolute voice came to their ears:

"Before, my suzerain said that among the humans in the Heaven's Punishment Continent, our mortal enemy Liutian Xuangong is very powerful."

"Now we have no choice but to escape from the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range, but remember, this is only temporary!"

"This suzerain promises that one day, sooner or later, the Six Heavens Xuan Palace will be destroyed!"

"But lead you back to the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range!"

"During this period, you can cultivate with peace of mind on the fairy island. As for the high-level people, you can just practice on the Zhongnan fairy mountain, understand?"

Hearing this, all the disciples and high-level officials said in unison, "Subordinates and disciples understand!"

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