Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1177 Xinying News!

Chapter 1177 Xinying news!

Tan Yun stepped out of the Linglong Holy Pagoda with longing, and after meeting his parents and grandpa with all the girls, he was about to lead Subing, Yuqin, Shiyao, Mengyu, Xian'er, Ruoxi, Ziyan, and set off for the In the Demon Realm, Tuoba Yingying told Tan Yun that Tang Xi, the seventh prince of Tang Zunsheng, had something urgent to see him!

Tang Xi used to be the sixth prince, but after Tang Mengyan became the eldest princess of Tang Zun's dynasty, he became the seventh prince.

"Seventh brother?" Tang Mengyu looked at Tuoba Yingying with a frown and asked, "Where is my seventh brother?"

"Reporting to Madam Tang, the Sixth Prince is in the Hall of Honored Guests." Tuoba Yingying said respectfully.

"Let's go to the VIP Hall." After Tan Yun responded, he and the girls came to the VIP Hall.

Stepping into the VIP hall, Tan Yun saw Tang Xi pacing back and forth in the hall with an anxious expression.

Behind Tang Xi, there is a man and a woman.

The woman is wearing a tight black dress, standing heroically. This woman, Tan Yun knew, was the most powerful person beside Tang Xi: Helian Bing.

Another middle-aged man was tall and burly, wearing a blue robe. Tan Yun was particularly eye-catching because the middle-aged man had purple hair and a pair of breathtaking purple pupils!

After the middle-aged man saw Tan Yun coming in, he was still sitting on the jade chair in a domineering manner. After glancing at Tan Yun with his defiant eyes, his eyes fixed on the girls behind Tan Yun, and he couldn't move his eyes away!

A pair of deep purple pupils revealed a beast-like desire!

Tan Yun squinted at the purple-haired middle-aged man, with a cold light in his starry eyes, and before Tan Yun could speak, the purple-haired middle-aged man spoke first!

As soon as he said it, the anger in Tan Yun's heart was completely ignited!

But seeing the purple-haired middle-aged man, he stretched out a finger, pointed at Shen Subing and the girls and said, "You, you, you and you, this demon general wants them all!"

"You, a mere tenth-level adult purple devil, dare to try to get my hands on Lao Tzu's woman!"

Tan Yun snapped, his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of the purple-haired middle-aged man like lightning, and stretched out his right hand to hold the outstretched finger!


Tan Yun flipped his right hand, and the middle-aged man's fingers were abruptly broken with the clear and terrifying sound of bone cracking!

Immediately, purple and foul-smelling blood spurted out from the severed finger!


The purple-haired middle-aged man suddenly roared like a beast, "Damn human, do you know the identity of this demon general!"

In an instant, the size of the purple-haired middle-aged man soared to a size of hundreds of feet. Immediately, the body surface was covered with long purple hair at an extremely fast speed, turning into a humanoid monster!

He looked down at Tan Yun with a pair of giant pupils, and roared, "Go to hell!"

Immediately, he raised his giant feet covered with purple houses and stomped down on Tan Yun fiercely!

It was as if he wanted to crush Tan Yun to death!


Tan Yun stood with his left hand behind his back and didn't dodge. When his giant foot was about to hit the top of his head, he hit the collapsed sole of his foot hard with a right uppercut!

"Ah... the feet of this demon general!"

The purple demon general screamed strangely, and when he was blown away by Tan Yun's punch, his house-like right foot was blown away!

Before the demon general landed, Tan Yun soared several tens of feet into the air, and stepped on the demon general's chest!



Amidst the dull chiseling sound, the long purple hair on the demon's chest fell off, his flesh and blood exploded, his chest and ribs shattered, and he hit the ground heavily with blood spurting from his mouth, unable to get up again!

"What are you, you dare to set my woman's mind!" Tan Yun rolled over in the air, and stepped on the throat of the demon general with his toes. Suddenly, the bones in his neck creaked!

"Don't... don't kill me... I am the confidant of the Lord of the Demon Realm. If you kill me, my Demon Realm army will definitely destroy the Heaven's Punishment Mountain Range!"

The demon threatened weakly and terrified.

It's okay not to mention the Demon Realm. Hearing this, Tan Yunxing's eyes revealed a bloodthirsty luster, "I was just about to destroy the Demon Realm, but I didn't expect to meet the demon of the Demon Realm ahead of time."

"I killed the beasts of your Demon Realm!"

After Tan Yun finished speaking, he looked at Tang Xi and said with a smile, "What's the matter? How could it come to Huangfu Secret Realm with you?"

Tang Xi looked at Tan Yun, as if he had found a backbone, and said, "Brother-in-law, I'm here for Ying'er!"

Tang Xi is Tang Mengyao's half-brother, so he is called Tan Yun as brother-in-law.

The Ying'er he was talking about was none other than his former Ninth Emperor Sister Tang Xinying! But now it's ranked tenth, so it's the tenth sister!

"Have you heard from Xinying?" Tan Yun's body trembled with excitement.

"Well, I have! Brother-in-law, look, this is a letter written to me by the ten emperors!" Tang Xi said and immediately gave a letter to Tan Yun.

Tan Yun took the letter in a hurry. After reading the contents of the letter, a ball of anger burned in his chest!

But see it said: "Brother Huang, after Xinying left the court, she lived in a beautiful place on the border."

"One day the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm went out and fell in love with Xinying at first sight, so he invited Xinying into the Demon Realm."

"Xinying and the Demon Lord are in love with each other, so don't worry about marrying the Demon Lord."

"Love your imperial sister: Tang Xinying."

"Also, the royal father who has always loved me in the heart of the imperial sister is dead. I don't want anyone to know about me except you, especially Tang Yongsheng!"

"If you treat me as your younger sister, then you can tell Tang Yongsheng that I am dead. Hehe, of course he won't care about me..."

After reading it, Tan Yun was taken aback for a moment, and then, as if he had discovered something, he said angrily, "No wonder father-in-law Tang has been looking for Xinying for decades and hasn't heard from her!"

"It's no wonder that in the past eight years, I have sent people to search all the human regions in the mainland, but they have not found her footprints. It turns out that after she left Tang Zun's holy dynasty, she was captured by the Lord of the Demon Realm!"

The reason why Tan Yun was sure that Tang Xinying was forced was because the letter paper was quite crumpled!

It's not difficult for Tan Yun to imagine that Tang Xinying must have written the letter while weeping at the time!

At the same time, Tan Yun saw Tang Xinying's deep hatred for Tang Yongsheng from the lines!

Tan Yun was trembling with anger, staring at the demon general with red eyes, and roared: "Say! When did Xinying marry the demon lord?"

"Not yet married." The demon general was terrified and trembling all over.

"Tell me how long is it until we get married?" Tan Yun gritted his teeth.

"It's still a year and a half." The demon general trembled.

Immediately, Tan Yun used his primordial pupils to control the demon general, and slammed a blank jade slip on the demon general's face, "Draw out the map of the demon domain for me!"

"There is also the place where Xinying lives, the place where your demon lord lives, mark it clearly!"

At this moment, Tan Yun didn't ask who is strong in Demon Realm, and how many strong there are, because in his heart, no matter how many there are, he can kill them all by himself!

At this moment, he just wanted to go to the Demon Realm and rescue Tang Xinying after he got the jade slip of the map!

When the demon general drew a map on the jade slip with his magic power, Tan Yun crushed the demon general to death with one kick!

After Tan Yun put away the map jade slips, he looked at Tang Xi firmly, and said loudly, "Don't worry, I will bring Xinying back safe and sound!"

"Don't tell father-in-law Tang about this, lest he get angry."

At this time, Tang Mengyao agreed: "Seventh brother, your brother-in-law and I will rescue Xin Ying!"

Afterwards, Tan Yun flew out of the VIP hall with all the girls, passed through the teleportation array, and took an hour to reach the immeasurable secret realm!

The immeasurable secret realm is located between the endless sea of ​​demons and the demon realm. Starting from Huangfu Shengzong's immeasurable secret realm to resist, it only takes one month for the demon realm to be on the edge!

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