Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1183 Father and Daughter Reunited

Chapter 1183: Father and Daughter Reunited

Hearing this, Tang Xinying looked at Tan Yun with half-belief, "Really...really?"

"Of course it's true." Tan Yun put his arms around Tang Xinying's waist, and said sincerely: "You don't know, your father has been looking for you all these years when you ran away from home, and he lives for you every day. guilt."

"He has been looking for you for many years, but you have never heard of it. Eight years before I learned from Tang Xi that you were trapped in the Demon Realm, your father and I have searched all the human regions on the mainland, but there is still no you." trail."

"So, your father really loves you very much. Although you are not his biological daughter, in his heart, his love for you and Mengbai are the same."

At this time, Tang Mengyan nodded heavily and echoed, "Yes, Xinying, we are all father's daughters, daughters of the Tang clan, and princesses of Tang Zun's holy dynasty."

"Come back with us, father will be very happy if he finds out that you have been found!"

Tang Xinying left Tan Yun's arms, nodded after a little hesitation, "En."

At this time, Tan Yunxing's eyes flickered, and he speculated: "Xin'er, it was the Tang family who carried you in the arms of Mu Fengsheng's mother back then, and swapped you and Mengyao, so she should know your identity."

"Now the Holy Mother of Mu Feng is still locked in the prison of the Tang Zun Dynasty. After we return to the Tang Zun Dynasty, we will go to her and ask about your life experience!"

After listening, Tang Xinying nodded...

On the en route, Tang Xinying, Shen Subing and the others had a happy chat, apparently accepting the fact that Tang Xinying was already Tan Yun's fiancée.

In addition, Shen Subing took Tang Xinying's hand and told Xinying about Tan Yun and her identities.

Xinying was shocked when she found out!

From then on, Tang Xinying no longer called herself her sister, but called herself her sister in front of Shen Subing...

Time flies, and after more than a year, Tan Yun drove the fairy boat across the endless sea of ​​magic and arrived at the infinite palace.

Now the Wuliangyou Palace is in charge of Huangfu Tingfeng and his Taoist companion Ke Xinyi, Tan Yun called the two to him, and ordered: "In my name, you two should immediately inform the monks above the Soul Refining Realm on Huangfu Continent, Today, three years later, gather outside the Boundless Valley!"

"Your subordinates obey!" After the two of them took the order, they began to arrange for a thousand high-level officials from the Wuliang Secret Territory to go to the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range, the Canggu Mountain Range, and the more than 6 million forces on the Huangfu Continent to gather outside the Wuliang Valley on time!

At this time, Tan Yun and the girls returned to the Huangfu Secret Realm after an hour through the teleportation array of the Infinite Nether Palace.

In the VIP Hall of Huangfu Secret Realm, after Tang Xinying saw Tang Xi, the two siblings wept with joy.

To be honest, although Tang Xi and Tang Mengyan are half-siblings, in his heart, the person he loves the most is Xinying!

Afterwards, Tan Yun brought Xinying, Tang Xi and the girls to Tang Zun's imperial city through the teleportation array.

As soon as Tan Yun and the others stepped out of the majestic teleportation hall, all the soldiers of Tang Zun's holy dynasty outside the hall knelt down one after another and said in unison, "I have seen the old suzerain!"

"Meet the old suzerain's wives!"

"Exemption!" After Tan Yun asked everyone to get up, he took them flying in the imperial city, entered the palace with ease, and went straight to Tang Zunluan Hall...

In the hall of Tang Zunluan, Tang Yongsheng was convening civil and military officials to discuss how to benefit the common people. At this time, the chief eunuch ran into the hall excitedly, shouting out of breath:

"Holy Master... good news... great news..."

Tang Yongsheng frowned, "How decent are you to be crazy, what's the happy event?"

The head eunuch hurriedly kowtowed and said, "Report to the Holy Master, the old Suzerain has brought back the ten princesses!"

It was said that it was time for Tang Yongsheng to go crazy this time. His excited old body trembled violently, and he said in a trembling voice, "You...what did you say? Ying'er is back? You didn't lie to the Holy Master?"

When the head eunuch was about to respond, a beautiful female voice came from outside the hall, "Father, my daughter is back."

As she said that, Tang Xinying, who was wearing a black dress, walked into the hall step by step with tears in her eyes. While Tang Yongsheng was dancing happily, she slowly knelt down, "I know I was wrong, I know I have misunderstood!" Father is dead, please forgive me."

Seeing Tang Xinying's return, the courtiers knew that the Holy Master and the Ten Princesses had something to talk about, so they bowed and exited Tang Zunluan's hall tactfully.

Outside the hall, Tan Yun, the girls, and Tang Xi did not enter the hall either.


With a wave of Tan Yun's right arm, the palace door was slowly closed.

In the main hall, Tang Yongsheng came tremblingly in front of Tang Xinying, and muddy tears rolled down his aging cheeks.

After he helped Tang Xinying up, he held Tang Xinying in his arms like a child, and burst into tears, "Daughter... Father's precious daughter, you are back... You are back!"

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, father shouldn't have abolished your spirit pool back then, and broke your heart..."

Tang Xin filled tears and choked up, and said, "It's my daughter who should say I'm sorry. You know that your daughter is not your own flesh and blood, and you also know that your daughter is a child sent by the enemy, yet you still regard her as the apple of your eye since childhood."

"Thank you father, thank you for raising your daughter... really thank you..."

Hearing this, Tang Yongsheng was taken aback, "So you already know, Yun'er told you, right?"

After Tang Yongsheng saw Xinying nodding, he said dotingly: "I won't mention the past, you remember that you are my precious daughter no matter now or in the future."

"And don't you like Yun'er? Daddy agrees now, you marry Yuner, if he doesn't agree, Daddy will find a way to get him to agree."

Tang Xin smiled through tears, her beautiful face was full of happiness and joy, "Father, Tan Yun has already proposed to his daughter, and my daughter has decided to marry him."

"Ah, is it?" Tang Yongsheng laughed hahaha: "Very good, very good!"

At this moment, Tang Xinying seemed to have thought of something, her eyes were full of sadness, "Father, the Holy Mother of Mu Feng is in prison right now?"

Hearing the words "Mother of Mu Feng", Tang Yongsheng was furious, "That's right, she is in the dark prison!"

"Father, my son wants to visit her and ask her who my biological parents are." Tang Xinying's beautiful eyes were full of expectations, and she was full of hatred for the Holy Mother of Mu Feng!

In her heart, if the Holy Mother of Mu Feng hadn't swapped herself with Mengyao, she would not have been separated from her biological parents!

"Okay!" After Tang Yongsheng responded, he and Tang Xinying walked out of the hall.

With Tang Yongsheng's cleverness, he naturally guessed that it was Tan Yun or Mengyu who told Xinying about the bag swap.

After the father and daughter left the main hall, Tang Yongsheng, Tan Yun and others went to the prison together, and learned from Tan Yun that it was the process of rescuing Xinying from the Demon Realm...

Tang Zun's holy dynasty, prison.

At this moment, a middle-aged woman in prison clothes was leaning against a dark corner of the prison, her expression was dull, her eyes were erratic, and she didn't know what to think.

This woman is the Holy Mother of the Mu Feng Dynasty: Liang Feiyue!

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