Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1189 The Holy Flame at the Center of the Earth

Chapter 1189: The Holy Fire at the Center of the Earth

"Lieyan Shenfeng, I didn't come here to enmity with you." Tan Yun stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes were not friendly, "However, you'd better keep your mouth clean for me, otherwise I don't mind killing you , also destroyed your fire sanctuary."

Lie Yan Shenfeng stared at Tan Yun, as if he heard a big joke, "Hehehehe, human beings, you have such a big tone!"

"Do you know who this deity is? I might as well tell you that this deity is the domain master of the Raging Fire Sanctuary."

"With the strength of this deity, I can easily kill hundreds of you monks who are in the Ascension Realm and Great Perfection."

"God has the virtue of good life. I don't want to cause more killings. Also, my fire sanctuary is far away from the place where human beings live in your mainland. Since ancient times, humans and my fire sanctuary have never interfered with each other."

"I don't want to kill you, as long as you kneel down and admit your mistake, I will let you go! Otherwise..."

Without waiting for Lie Huo Shenfeng to speak, Tan Yun waved his hand impatiently and interrupted, "Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense with you."

"I just want to ask you, do you have fire-type fire seeds in your fire sanctuary?"

Hearing this, the fire god Feng laughed furiously, "I understand, you lowly human being, how dare you plan to use the fire in my fire sanctuary!"

"The deity told you that there is indeed, why do you want it?"

Tan Yun squinted at Lieyan Shenfeng, with a cold look in his star eyes, "I told you to keep your mouth clean, how dare you say "humble human beings" and "humble human beings!"

"Damn, I think you won't cry until you see the coffin!"

Tan Yun stopped talking nonsense with Lieyan Shenfeng, and immediately cast the primordial fire body, his body size soared to three hundred feet, like a giant of magma, he took a step suddenly, crossed the void of ten thousand feet, and appeared in front of Lieyan Shenfeng Overhead!

"I don't know what is good or bad!"

With a stern voice, Tan Yun stepped on the void with his huge right foot, stepping on Lie Yan Shenfeng's head!

"I don't know how to live or die!" Lie Yan Shenfeng's tone was domineering and full of contempt, "The lowly human beings will be wiped out!"

Immediately, Lie Yan Shenfeng exploded in the body, and a ball of crimson flames as high as ten feet high swallowed Tan Yun!

In its view, the human being who provokes itself will be burned to ashes in the breath. But what happened next made it terrified!

"Ah...how is this possible! How can you not be afraid of the Phoenix Divine Fire of this deity!"

In the midst of Lie Yan Shenfeng's disbelief, Tan Yun, who descended from the sky, shuttled inside the Phoenix Divine Fire, stomped on Lie Yan Shen Feng's head without any damage!

Lie Yan Shenfeng flipped over in the air, and the huge phoenix claws grabbed Tan Yun's right foot in the air!



Amidst the loud noise, the phoenix claws of Lie Yan Shenfeng were so fragile and pitiful under Tan Yun's feet, and the huge phoenix claws burst into pieces amidst the blood splattering!

"Ah... the deity's chicken claw!"

While the flaming phoenix was screaming, Tan Yun stepped on its phoenix claws and stepped on its burning back in the mid-air!

"Bang!" While the blood was splashing, the back of Lieyan Shenfeng exploded, and the feathers fell off. During the blood splashing, blood gushed out from the giant beak. The mountain-like body, like a huge meteorite, crashed into the sea of ​​flames in the mountains below. .

"Forgive...forgive!" Lie Yan Shenfeng begged for mercy, while struggling to remember, but its internal organs were severely injured, how could it get up?

"Bang!" With a bang, Tan Yun, who was three hundred feet tall, descended from the sky, stood in front of Lieyan Shenfeng, looked down at Lieyan Shenfeng, and said indifferently: "If I really want your life, I just kicked you!" It can easily trample you to death."

"I, Tan Yun, have principles in my work. As you said before, there has never been any enmity between the Raging Fire Sanctuary and the mainland humans, so naturally I will not kill you."

Hearing this, Lie Yan Shenfeng went from the land to the heaven in an instant, and crawled at Tan Yun's feet gratefully, "Thank you for not killing, thank you for not killing!"

"Okay, thank you for that." After Tan Yun finished speaking, his starry eyes were filled with hope, "Tell me, is there any kindling in the fire sanctuary?"

"Yes, yes." Lie Yan Shenfeng hurriedly said: "There is a cave under the volcano eight million miles to the east."

"There is a kind of fire attribute fire in the magma in the cave, which is extremely powerful. The small one has been refined for thirty years, but only one percent of it has been refined."

Tan Yun frowned, "What fire is it?"

Lieyan Shenfeng said truthfully: "According to my grandfather's grandfather, humans called it the Holy Fire in the center of the earth in the Middle Ages."

"Earth's Holy Flame?" Tan Yun suddenly laughed loudly and said, "Okay! Good stuff! This is the mortal plane, and it ranks first among countless fire-attributed fires!"

Tan Yun was quite excited!

Because as long as the primordial flame devours the sacred fire in the center of the earth, one can reach the peak of the tenth step, and instantly burn the real top-grade fairy weapon into nothingness!

How could Tan Yun not be excited?

"Take me there!" Tan Yun said.

"The little one is seriously injured and can't fly! And senior, I dare to ask your name..." Lieyan Shenfeng let out an exclamation before finishing speaking, but it was Tan Yun who grabbed its left phoenix claw with his right hand , carrying it into the sky, and flew towards the eastern sky!

"My name is Tan Yun! Well, you are here to show the way, and stop talking nonsense on the way!"

After being snorted by Tan Yun, Lieyan Shenfeng didn't dare to say much, and began to guide the way in a polite manner.

Two quarters later, Tan Yun carried the flaming phoenix and flew into the air under a volcano that was three million meters high.

There is a deep pool in front of the volcano. It's just that the deep pool is not water, but boiling magma!

In front of the deep pool, a giant lion with a height of five hundred feet and billowing flames exudes the aura of the period of ten kalpas.

This beast is the Scarlet Flame Demon Lion!

The Scarlet Flame Demon Lion glared at Tan Yun and roared like thunder, "Bold madman, how dare you hurt my sworn brother!"

Tan Yun laughed it off, and threw Lie Yan Shenfeng by the pool.

Lieyan Shenfeng hurriedly said: "Second brother, don't be unreasonable. This is Senior Tan, and it was Big Brother who invited him to try to collect the holy fire from the center of the earth."

After saying that, Lie Yan Shenfeng was deeply afraid that the reckless second brother would anger Tan Yun, so she silently said: "Second brother, this human being is too strong, and I was seriously injured just now."

"Don't be impulsive, otherwise, this human will kill you instantly!"

After hearing this, the Scarlet Flame Demon Lion immediately paid a little respect to Tan Yun, and his pair of giant pupils were full of awe, "Senior Tan, the sacred fire in the center of the earth is in the deepest part of the magma, and I will take you down here."

"But Senior Tan, the temperature inside is really high, can you bear it?"

Tan Yun smiled lightly, "You don't need to worry, just lead the way!"

"Junior obey." Saying that, the Scarlet Flame Demon Lion got into the boiling magma.


Tan Yun turned over in the air and plunged headlong into the magma. He closed his eyes and released his spiritual consciousness, and followed the red flame demon lion all the way down to the depths of the magma!

Three hours later.

When Tan Yun followed the red flame demon lion and went deep into the depths of 30 million feet of magma, Tan Yun discovered through his spiritual consciousness that under the galloping magma, there is a huge crack in the center of the earth that is ten thousand feet wide and millions of feet long!

When the scarlet flame demon lion took Tan Yun into the crack of the earth's center for a million feet, it looked up at Tan Yun in the sky above, and respectfully said: "Senior Tan, the sacred fire in the earth's center is right below, and the little one is too weak to be able to do it again." It's getting closer!"

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