Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1191 The army is defeated!

Chapter 1191 Breaking into an army!

Hearing this, Lieyan Shenfeng was taken aback.

"Brother Shenfeng, what's wrong with your sudden surprise?" the Lord of the Beast Realm asked.

"Brother Taotie, it's nothing, nothing." Lie Yanfeng just said, and Tan Yun's unquestionable voice sounded in his mind, "Hurry up and get your monsters from the Blazing Sanctuary to get out of here."

"Otherwise, I will destroy you all later!"

Hearing this, Lieyan Shenfeng looked sideways at the Lord of the Beast Realm, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry Brother Taotie, I suddenly have something important to do, you go first, and after I finish my work, I will lead the beasts in the Blazing Fire Sanctuary. Go to the Heavenly Punishment Mountains to cheer for you!"

"Well, it doesn't matter." The Lord of the Beast Realm nodded his giant head, and said arrogantly: "I will not waste my efforts to destroy a Huangfu Sacred Sect!"

Lie Yan Shenfeng murmured in his heart: "The power to blow ashes? What are you blowing! Oh, Brother Taotie, you can go later with peace of mind."

"If it is allowed, I will collect the corpse for you. There is only so much I can do for you. You can't blame me for not being loyal. If you want to blame, you can blame it. How can you be an enemy of Senior Tan?"

After muttering, Lieyan Shenfeng flew towards the center of the fire sanctuary with the red flame demon lion and the monsters in the fire sanctuary.

On the way, the Scarlet Flame Demon Lion said quietly: "Brother, your decision is correct. Since Senior Tan can seriously injure you in one face-to-face, at most two face-to-face can kill the Lord of the Beast Realm. We can't follow the muddy water!"

Hearing this, Lie Yan Shenfeng said via voice transmission: "Second brother, you don't know something. Senior Tan just sent me a voice transmission. He said that he came here this time to intercept and kill the Lord of the Beast Realm!"

"Second brother, just watch, the Lord of the Beast Realm will die soon!"


At the same time, Tan Yun transmitted the sound to the eleven beasts, and the girls formed a huge arc from the vast sky, and surrounded the oncoming army of monsters at the fastest speed...

Although there are many monsters in the army, in Tan Yun's view, all the females on his side, the Heaven Slaughter Demon Ape, the Golden Dragon God Lion, Mo'er, and the Tianluo Dragon and Bear King all entered the monsters' army, just like a strong man entering and leaving the land of no one. By?

Two hours later.

Taotie in front of the army of thousands of monsters suddenly sensed something, and said sharply: "The whole army stops flying!"

It immediately released its animal consciousness, and found a huge magma-like figure five million miles away in front of it, galloping towards it at a faster speed than itself!

At the same time, in the sky millions of miles away on the left and right sides, eleven giant beasts, and the afterimages of several women who had attained perfection in the Ascension Realm, also surrounded him and the army of monster beasts at a very fast speed!

The speed was so fast that Taotie couldn't see who it was and what kind of beast it was!

Taotie, the lord of the beast realm, stood in the air, as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and said solemnly, "I don't know who is coming? Is it an enemy or a friend?"

After a cup of tea time, the magma-like afterimage suddenly shot out from the sky, and turned into Tan Yun who cast the primordial fire body in front of Taotie.

"An enemy or a friend?" Tan Yun said with a sneer, "I am the one who killed your son, Tan Yun!"

"I've been waiting for you here for a long time, go die now!"

"Su Bing, kill!"

As soon as the words fell, Tan Yun's mountain-like body violently shattered the void, and threw his fist at Taotie's head!

The speed was so fast that he couldn't catch the thunder, and Taotie, who knew he couldn't dodge, roared angrily: "Kill me!"

While roaring furiously, the magic power surging out of its body, raised its huge right front hoof, crushed the void, and slammed into Tan Yun's right fist!


"Crack, click!"

The muffled sound of gouging and the clear cracking sound of bones were intertwined. Immediately, the blood mist filled the air, and the broken bones splashed, but it was Taotie's right front hoof, and even the entire foreleg bone, which exploded inch by inch!

Taotie uttered a scream, its huge body was blown into the sky by Tan Yun's punch, it roared and appeared on the left side of Tan Yun in a flash, swinging its three hundred feet long tail, towards Tan Yun The waist is swept away!

"Go and reunite with your son in hell!"

Tan Yun snorted coldly, and cast the Primordial Divine Step, and disappeared in a flash from the void. Due to the high speed, it looked like nine Tan Yuns, kicking nine times at Taotie's back, head, and chest at the same time. foot!

"Oh no……"

"Bang bang bang—"

Taotie's terrifying screams suddenly stopped, and its mountain-like body was torn apart!

As soon as the beast soul escaped from the corpse, it was destroyed by Tan Yun's punch!


Tan Yun yelled angrily, and sacrificed the Hongmeng Killing God Sword suspended in the depths of his mind. Holding the God Killing Sword, he violently charged into the army of monsters!


Immediately afterwards, he sacrificed another eleven primordial swords, using them to slaughter demonic beasts...

But at this time, Subing, Yuqin, Mengyu, Shiyao, Xian'er, Ziyan, and the eight clan kings, including Tianshi Moyuan, Jinlong Shenshi, Mo'er, and Tianluo Dragon and Bear King, rushed into the flock like wolves into a flock of sheep. Into the army of monsters and beasts, the massacre started!

In the blink of an eye, thousands of monsters were killed, and they were defeated!

"Our Lord of the Beast Realm is dead, let's run away!"

"Run for your life..."


The monster army fled one after another.

Seeing the monster shrink back, Tan Yun stood up in the air, and the sound of deep drinking echoed through the sky, "The head of the injustice has a debtor, and the master of your beast domain is dead, so I will stop killing!"

"Now listen to all the monsters, and immediately crawl in the void and stop running for your life. I, Tan Yun, will do what I say, and spare your lives!"

"Otherwise... Kill Unforgiven!"

It was said that there were only more than three million monsters, and they stopped running for their lives immediately, and crawled in the void, while the remaining more than six million monsters flew across the sky to escape, cursing Tan Yun at the same time!

Tan Yun was furious immediately, and undoubtedly sent a voice transmission to Lie Yan Shenfeng, who had flown 130 million miles away: "Take your monsters and stop them for me!"

"I want all those fleeing to die!"

How dare Lie Yan Shenfeng not listen?

As soon as it gave an order, the vast holy fire sanctuary immediately boiled, and monster beasts with red bodies gushing out monstrous flames shot up into the sky, madly rushing towards the monsters fleeing towards the fire sanctuary!

"Stay where you are and don't move!" After Tan Yun ordered more than three million monsters crawling in the void, he, the girls, and the eleven beasts traveled through the void at high speed, and once again entered the fleeing monster. In the monster army!

This is unstoppable killing!

It was also a one-sided massacre!

"Plop plop..."

All of a sudden, pieces of huge wreckage of monsters in the sky fell into the fire sanctuary and burned...

The blood stained the void red, as if washed by blood...

The killing continued from noon to dusk, and not a single monster escaped alive!

And the number of monsters that died in the Blazing Sanctuary reached tens of thousands!

The setting sun was like blood, Tan Yun and the girls and eleven beasts were suspended in front of more than three million monsters crawling in the void.

Looking at the monsters, Tan Yun said loudly, "I won't make things difficult for you, you can leave now."

"But remember, after you return to the Beast Realm, tell all the monsters in the Beast Realm not to set foot in the human realm, otherwise, my Huangfu Sacred Sect will definitely destroy your Beast Realm!"

"Do you remember?"

All the monsters trembled, "Remember."

"Well, let's go!" Tan Yun waved his big hand, and all the monsters got up as if they were being pardoned, and disappeared from Tan Yun's sight like a cloud after getting up.

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