Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1194 Grand Wedding

Chapter 1194 Grand Wedding

Tan Yun took a deep breath, with a charming smile on the corner of his mouth, his little finger hooked up with Feng Qingcheng's.

"Hee hee, stamp!" Feng Qingcheng said with a laugh.

"Okay!" Tan Yun smiled, and pressed his thumb and Feng Qingcheng's thumb together tightly.

Afterwards, the two, who looked like a couple of gods and gods, sat on the luxuriant grass and chatted...

Time flies, ten days later.


Huangfu Secret Realm, Holy Gate Huangfu Ancient Mountain.

At this moment, the Tiangong Square suspended in the sky above Huangfu Ancient Mountain was filled with banquets.

Outside the Tiangong Square, in the void with a radius of thousands of miles, there are magic treasure jade towers floating one after another.

On these jade towers, there are large wedding banquets, and there are nearly ten billion monks above the Soul Refining Realm in the Heaven's Punishment Continent. These monks are all the army of monks who have returned from the destruction of the Demon Realm, and they are also disciples of the affiliated forces of Huangfu Shengzong!

On the huge Tiangong Square, the high-ranking officials of Huangfu Shengzong in the five great secret realms of Eternity, Huangfu, Shenshun, Wuliang and Qili were seated.

The tens of millions of disciples of Huangfu Shengzong sat on the peak of Huangfu Ancient Mountain below the Tiangong.

At the banquet, there was a dazzling array of delicious food and wine, which was quite sumptuous!

At this moment, directly in front of Tiangong Square, there is another row of upper seats.

On the upper seats were Tan Yun's parents Tan Feng and Feng Jingru; Si Hong Shiyao's parents Si Hong Shengtian and Zhong Wuwan; Tang Mengyu and Xinying's father Huang Tang Yongsheng; Tantai Xianer's father Su Yu and Nangong Yuqin's grandfather.

Feng Jingru looked at the time, and said to Yu Wenfengjun, the law enforcement elder of the Holy Gate of Huangfu Secret Realm beside her, "The hour is here, the wedding can begin!"

"It's the old lady." After Yu Wenfeng took the order respectfully, his loud voice resounded through the sky, "Today is the day of great joy for my old suzerain of Huangfu Shengzong!"

"There are still many of you who don't know the identities of the wives of the seven old suzerains. Please allow me to let you, the Great Elder of Law Enforcement, tell you all!"

"The old suzerain's first wife is Shen Subing, the honorable descendant of my Huangfu Shengzong's line of meritorious service!"

"The second and third places are Tang Mengyan, the eldest princess of Tang Zun's holy dynasty, and Tang Xinying, the tenth princess!"

"The fourth is Nangong Yuqin, the adopted daughter of the Tan family!"

"The fifth place is Tantai Xian'er, the only daughter of Su Yu, the suzerain of Huangfu Shengzong!"

"The sixth place is Si Hong Shiyao, the jewel in the palm of the entire Si Hong family!"

"The seventh is Gongsun Ruoxi, a former disciple of Huangfu Shengzong and a close friend of the old suzerain!"

"In addition, according to the wishes of the old suzerain, the elder of the law enforcement informed the entire Huangfu Continent that the seven wives of the old suzerain are not classified as concubines."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was stunned.

One after another secretly thought that the old suzerain was the first of its kind in Huangfu Continent!

You must know that polygamy is very normal in people's minds, but I have never heard of it, regardless of the distinction between concubines and concubines!

People who have never heard of it have not only heard of it today, but will also witness it soon!

Mr. Yu Wenfeng shouted loudly: "Now with the way we welcome nearly ten billion people, we invite the groom Tan Yun, the bride Shen Subing, Nangong Yuqin, Tang Mengyu, Tang Xinying, Si Hong Shiyao, Tantai Xianer, Gongsun Ruo Xi!"

"Good!" The word "good" from nearly ten billion monks shook the sky.

The next moment, a shocking scene appeared, which was also the most beautiful and beautiful scene since ancient times!

But seeing nearly tens of billions of monks stood up one after another, all holding their swords in unison, pointing the swords at the sky, and cast a spell with colorful sword glows!

The scene where nearly ten billion people released their sword glows was so shocking. All of a sudden, bunches of bright sword glows shot up into the sky like fireworks!

At this time, Tan Yun, who was wearing a groom's suit, was handsome and striking, and seven brides in bright red bride's suits and red hijabs flew from the void and landed on Tiangong Square.

On this happy day, Tan Yun's handsome face was filled with a happy smile from the depths of his heart.

As for the seven girls under the hijab, each of them is so beautiful that you can only sigh the wonder of the Creator.

The stunning face of the seven girls interprets what happiness is.

Tan Yun and Qi Nu walked side by side on the red carpet between the seats on both sides of Tiangong Square.

Behind the seven girls, Xue Ziyan, Shen Suzhen, Nangong Ruxue, Feng Qingcheng, Murong Shishi, the five bridesmaids are also a beautiful scene.

Among the five bridesmaids, although Xue Ziyan is not as beautiful as the other four, she has a unique temperament that makes her look equally beautiful.

Tan Yun and the seven brides walked on the carpet step by step. Nearly tens of billions of monks within a radius of ten thousand miles were still releasing bright sword lights soaring into the sky, making this wedding extraordinarily magnificent and colorful!

When Tan Yun and the brides came to the front of the table, they stopped.

Mr. Yuwenfeng raised his hand slightly, signaling the tens of billions of monks to stop releasing the sword light.

"Madam, can we start?" Yu Wenfeng asked Feng Jingru who was in the table respectfully.

After Feng Jingru nodded, Yuwenfeng Jun looked serious, and shouted: "The bride and groom are ready!"

Tan Yun and the seven brides turned to face the sky.

"Bow to heaven and earth!" Yu Wenfeng yelled, Tan Yun and Seven Girls knelt down and bowed to heaven and earth.

In the hearts of Tan Yun and Seven Girls, this worship of heaven and earth is not about worshiping the immortals of the fairy world, let alone bowing down to the gods of the gods.

What they kneel down to is the sky that bred all things, and the land that gives human beings selfless devotion!

"Second obeisance to the high hall!"

When Yu Wenfeng's voice sounded full of energy, Tan Yun and the seven girls got up, faced Feng Jingru, Tan Feng, Su Yu, Tang Yongsheng, Si Hong Shengtian, and Zhong Wuwan who were sitting on the table, knelt down and kowtowed .

"Okay, okay, good boy." Feng Jingru and the six people in the table smiled and wept.

That was tears of excitement!

It is also the tears of happiness and reluctance when parents see their daughter getting married!

"Husband and wife bow down!"

In Yuwenfeng Jun's loud voice, after Tan Yun and Qi Nu got up, he faced Qi Nu and knelt down with Qi Nu separated by a hijab.

"The gift is over!" Yu Wenfeng yelled, "From now on, Tan Yun, Shen Subing, Nangong Yuqin, Tang Mengyu, Tang Xinying, Si Hongshiyao, Tantai Xian'er, and Gongsun Ruoxi are officially married!"

"I wish you a long life together and a happy life!"

After a pause, Mr. Yu Wenfeng said again: "The old suzerain has specifically explained that the congratulatory gift will be waived."

"Now let's cheer for the marriage of the old suzerain!"

Immediately, the cheers and blessings of nearly tens of billions of monks gathered together, tearing the cloud and lingering for a long time.

Afterwards, Tan Yun and Qi Nu toasted to the parents at the table respectively.

Feng Jingru looked at the five bridesmaids with a smile, and said, "Zi Yan, send the bride to the bridal chamber of the No. 1 Immortal Valley of Meritorious Sacred Realm!"

"Mother, the place of the bridal chamber, the baby is ready." Tan Yun said with a smile: "Mother, I need to trouble you to arrange it before dark."

Afterwards, Tan Yun sacrificed his Primordial Heart and hovered in front of Feng Jingru. Then, a soft curtain of light enveloped the seven girls, five bridesmaids and Feng Jingru, engulfing everyone in it!

When Feng Jingru came to the world of Hongmeng, she was shocked when she saw a Tan Mansion that was destroyed and the layout of the Moon Sacred City was exactly the same!

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