Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 1197 Heavenly Torrent

Chapter 1197: Torrent of Heaven

Before leaving, Tan Yun returned the top-grade Linglong Holy Pagoda to Su Yu. Because after arriving in the Immortal World, the lowest rank of magic weapon is a low-grade fairy artifact, and this exquisite holy tower is useless.

Because the magic weapon below the fairy weapon is scrap copper and rotten iron in the fairy world, the reason is very simple, there is no aura in the fairy world, so the low-level magic weapon below the fairy weapon cannot be used.

"Master, where are we going now?" Jinlong Shenshi asked.

Everyone also looked at Tan Yun.

Tan Yun said: "Big man, you just need to fly high until you reach the boundary of Huangfu Continent."

"It's the master." After the Golden Dragon Divine Lion took the order, it turned into a huge golden lightning and flew towards the sky over the Heavenly Punishment Mountain Range...

Time flies, eight months later.

The Golden Dragon Divine Lion has already climbed to the bottom of the barrier of the mortal plane of Huangfu Continent.

Tan Yun stood on the lion's head, looked at the people on the lion's back, and said, "Everyone, next I will rush into the barrier of the mortal plane, sneak into the torrent of heaven, and then look for other planes."

"The torrent of heaven is extremely powerful. It can be so strong that it can be crushed easily. It is a real middle-grade fairy weapon."

"At the same time, it can ignore all defenses and directly attack the human body. Even if you have an artifact to protect your body, the torrent of heaven can still wipe it out."

"In short, without a strong physical body, it is impossible to pass through the torrent of heaven, and looking at one billion and eighty million mortal planes, only I can enter the torrent of heaven without dying."

As Tan Yun said, now his strength has reached the level of tearing a top-grade fairy weapon with bare hands, but his physical body is only as hard as a top-grade fairy weapon!

Of course, Tan Yun knew that if he entered the torrent of heaven, he would never be safe and sound!

"Master, why is there a torrent of heaven between the mortal planes?" At this time, Song Huixin asked curiously.

Everyone except Shen Subing and Tuoba Yingying looked at Tan Yun suspiciously.

Tan Yun explained: "The torrent of the Dao of Heaven is just a product derived from the laws of the Dao of Heaven. Its existence has two meanings."

"The first is to maintain the balance of the mortal plane of the universe and prevent the monks in the mortal plane from traveling freely."

"Because among the one billion and eighty million mortal planes, there will always be some extremely large and rich cultivation resources, but some mortal planes must have poor resources."

"If there is no barrier from the torrent of heaven, it is conceivable that the mortal planes with insufficient cultivation resources will definitely form gangs to capture the mortal planes with abundant cultivation resources."

"In this way, it will be a catastrophe for countless billions of human beings in the mortal plane. I don't know how many innocent people will die because of it."

At this time, Xue Ziyan suddenly remembered something, and said with admiration: "Brother-in-law, since you were the Supreme Being of the Primordial Mist in the past, did you set up the law of the Dao that gave rise to the torrent of the Dao of Heaven?"

"Smart." Tan Yun said with a smile: "Yes, it is indeed the law of heaven I set up."

"However, if I want to change the laws of heaven, I must restore my former supreme strength."

Tantai Xian'er asked: "Husband, do you know the plane of Huangfu, which plane is the closest?"

Tan Yun shook his head and said, "All the planes in the mortal world are governed by the Nine Immortal Realms of Hongmeng, and I don't know the names of these mortal planes."

Tantai Xian'er and everyone expressed their understanding.

Tan Yun was like an emperor in the past, but he never knew every corner of his jurisdiction.

"Okay, everyone, take another look at the continent where we were born and raised. We will leave Huangfu Continent in a moment."

After Tan Yun finished speaking, he closed his eyes and said inwardly, "Goodbye to this continent that has made me suffer through all ages."

"One day, I will come again!"

At this time, everyone also closed their eyes without saying a word.

They didn't open their eyes, because they were too far away from the ground below, and they couldn't see it at all, regardless of their eyesight or spiritual sense.

At the same time, they know that Tan Yun's so-called "seeing" is to feel the mainland with his heart, that's all...

In a moment, everyone thought of a lot.

In Si Hong Shiyao's mind, the small mountain village on the outskirts of Tianfu Mountain appeared.

She laughed, laughed and cried, tears broke through the shackles of her eyelids, and fell down her beautiful face, she said gratefully: "Father and mother, thank you for taking care of my daughter."

"You wait quietly for your daughter, she will come back to visit you at the grave."

At this moment, everyone has their own thoughts and thoughts...

A moment later, Tan Yun opened his eyes and sacrificed his Primordial Heart.

"Husband, pay attention to safety." Shen Subing and the Seven Goddesses said worriedly.

"Hmm." Tan Yun gave the Seven Girls a reassuring smile, and then took everyone, the Golden Dragon God Lion, the Sky Slayer Demon Ape, Mo'er, and the Kings of the Eight Great Clans into the heart of Hongmeng.

After everyone entered the Tan mansion in the Hongmeng world, they settled down.

Tan Yun took a deep breath, cast the Primordial Fire Body, and suddenly his body size soared to three hundred feet, soaring into the air, "Boom!" and smashed through the barrier of the mortal plane.

Then disappeared into the space of Huangfu Continent, and the plane barrier healed itself like lightning.

The scene in front of Tan Yun changed, as if he had entered a raging flood, and the dark red, dense torrent of heaven swallowed Tan Yun like a monstrous wave!


Tan Yun, who was strangling the magma giant, his facial features were slightly distorted, his face showed pain, and he felt that his skin would crack at any time!


Tan Yun let out a roar like a wild beast, releasing his spiritual consciousness to the extreme, covering the torrent of the heavens with a radius of 200 million miles. After finding a direction, he shuttled through the torrent of the heavens like a fiery red meteorite...

Three days later, when Tan Yun traveled 900 million miles in the torrent of heaven, his face, neck, and even the skin of his whole body appeared densely packed with cracks like spider webs...

A month later, Tan Yun was torn apart by the torrent of heaven, his whole body was torn apart, and Tan Yun gasped for air in pain.

But he didn't panic, because his injured body had begun to heal slowly!

The speed of healing is almost the same as the speed of physical damage...

In this way, Tan Yun shuttled in the vast torrent of heaven while suffering from Lingchi-like pain.

His pair of giant pupils revealed deep expectations, hoping that he would be lucky and find other mortal plane enchantments as soon as possible.

While searching, Tan Yun entered into meditation and came to the heart of primordial spirit suspended in the center of the spirit pool.

Immediately, an ethereal figure of Tan Yun, like the master of the primordial world, flew down from the void of primordial realm to the Tan Mansion.

Tan Yun's body was suffering severe pain from the outside world, but his phantom faced his wives, still smiling, chatting with them with a smile.

He did this for only one purpose, that is, he did not want his wives to worry about him...

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Tan Yun, drenched in blood, has already flown in the torrent of heaven for sixty years!

It is also a full sixty years!

But at this moment, the barriers of other mortal planes have not been found yet...

Day after day, year after year of suffering, Tan Yun has been flying for another hundred and fifty years!

Tan Yun, who was flying, was a little physically and mentally exhausted. Suddenly, his spiritual sense noticed something, and he laughed loudly: "Hahahaha! I found it, and finally found other mortal planes!"

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